View Full Version : [RANT/News]Lawmakers Attack Violent Video Games
2004-07-06, 12:26 PM
Blah, blah, blah, boring hippie shit, as to not offend anyone or ANYthing at ALL, let's all move onto a hill and only eat tofu and animal excrement, video games kill children, video games caused Columbine, some faked quotes from military members that magically don't tell you who it came from that seem to suggest that Grand Theft Auto is LIKE the battles in Operation Iraqi Freedom, more boring "experts" who admit that they don't play video games, in summary let's ban violent video games.
Note: For the sake of expediency, the example kid is a "he." Sorry to all the women.
You know what really pisses me off? This crap. Gasp, I'm now a sociopathic killer who will explode in a burst of violence at any given moment. Please. THIS is the real problem:
The family unit has been fragmented to hell, to the point where a significant amount of kids have just one parent, or, in the more frequent case, parents who listen to the "experts" tell them how to run their kids: Don't HIT him, it might hurt him.
You HIT a kid to SHOW him that something is WRONG. You're damn right it damages him, but kids aren't crystal vases about to fall over a tabletop. If you don't hit him, he'll never learn, and if you just don't at all, he ends up a drug dealer or something. We can't PUNISH the kid by not letting him see the fireworks YOU got him on the Fourth, it might hamper emotional development or something like that.
I love my parents, who will still hit me if I do something wrong, will still hand out serious punishments (as in not "Go to your room and play Game Boy for the rest of the afternoon", more like "Hand me your mouse and keyboard, no computer for the month.") But, have I been absent for a month? No...I LEARNED and behave WELL. I'm not a hate-filled kid ready to go off against ****, gays, and Insert Other Minority Here's, I'm not a depressed-as-hell emo kid who cries when he knocks over a glass, I'm *gasp* normal. And I play videogames, shoot guns, and other stereotypical *risk factors*.
Choo, choo! The clue train is almost at its destination! Now, what if your kid is generally screwing up in school, hanging around with other Trenchcoat Mafia types (and doom on you if you don't know who he's hanging around with, then you are sucking at being a parent), and other hate-filled things like that: THEN you need to get OFF your ass and impose some restrictions.
These restrictions should not have to be done by a Congress, which then bans all Video Games/Guns/Violent Movies, which ends up hurting the majority.
It's the parent's job to make sure these kids don't end up killers.
"But what about adult killers?" Adult killers are grown-up teenage killers who fall into the wrong groups (like that shooting where a Neo-Nazi went into a Jewish Daycare and unloaded an Uzi), or mentally unstable people (a.k.a "Going Postal").
Let's take a quote from the article:
"There's a culpability here that should be shared by those who are training kids to kill," Thompson said.
Training kids to kill. Gasp, that sounds serious. Video games make this country unsafe, doesn't it?
Therefore, how come kids in Afghanistan, during both wars, have been seen fighting, yes, killing? There aren't video games there.
After all, clicking a mouse teaches you to kill, like it wasn't already blatantly obvious that to kill someone, you aim the weapon at them and pull the trigger. The fact of the matter is: Killing over the ages has gotten simpler for a reason. First, you had to use a bladed or dull weapon, slashing at your opponent, while blocking attacks coming at you. Killing was an art. Bows needed lots of training to perfect one's markmanship to the point where he became deadly.
About since the invention of the crossbow, where you had to aim and pull a trigger, killing is simple to the point where teaching someone to kill is as easy as possible, to quicken training to make quick reinforcements possible. And it's very easy, to the point where just a glance gives you a good idea of how to work it.
Now, a good parent would make clear that what is on the screen is fiction, and that people don't "respawn", and that you should NEVER do that in real life. Even better parents would actually go shooting with their kids, which teaches them gun safety. A kid without gun safety, with a gun is dangerous. Most people think a gun is unloaded when the clip is empty, but there can be a round in the chamber.
A good parent would cut off the video games if she saw the kid was becoming dangerous. But I guess most parents just can't see that.
Now, the clue train has reached its destination: Video games, especially violent ones, make people angry. Gasp. It's called "Putting on a game face." It's not easy to go through an abandoned building, killing zombies, or to be in a deathmatch tournament, and this is reflected in the games. People get pumped up about it. But, let's assume...that it IS genuine anger.
We'd also have to ban the following activities for causing "anger".
-Violence in movies, music, etc.. Well, that one gets blamed a lot...
-Professional Sports. Have you seen what rival fans DO to each other? Haven't you seen the RIOTS when someone loses a championship? CLEARLY this is an antisocial activity.
-Meat. Butchering animals is too similar to butchering humans, and teaches butchers to become violent kilers.
-Vegetables, fruits, and others. Some vegetables have to be violently cut, which makes them too similar to the cutting of a human. Peanuts are RIPPED out of the ground, making it too similar to ripping out someone's hair, ear, or head.
-Surgeons. They ALREADY know how to kill, and they have the TOOLS to do it. Hell, they're more of a threat than video games!
-Automobiles and driving. Road rage kills! After all, aren't cars "Vehicluar Manslaughter waiting to happen", because guns and video games are "Murder waiting to happen?"
All these activities are ridiculous, yes. But the SAME arguments are made against video games, what's the difference?
Oh, I forgot: Here's the article:
2004-07-06, 12:28 PM
I love when people blame video games for violence, when the real obvious problem is parenting.
2004-07-06, 12:30 PM
It is rediculous
The only ones that kill becasue of vidoe games are ones that are realy messed up already.
2004-07-06, 01:01 PM
Someone who has a bratty, spoiled, violent asshole of a kid is going to blame every last person and cause on Earth before they take the time and introspection to realise that they, and only they, are to blame.
Martyr's mom's a teacher, I've heard tons of stories from her about the parents of these asshole dimwits who blame the school's lack of "professionalism" and the teacher's lack of dedication (this woman calls people at home just to ensure the kid is understanding everything alright and takes her kids on trips) - when in reality, the parent is working 12 hour workdays, is never home, doesn't know shit about their own kid, and thinks their child is the most wonderful, innocent creature in the world. All the while the kid's rolling a doobie talking about how retarded their parent is.
Gimme a break. Don't have kids if you're an idiot.
2004-07-06, 01:05 PM
You know, most of the shootings that happen are really parents fault. Like the kids that shot up the high school, with AK's and under their bed? NOT THE PARENTS FAULT!
Parents buy kids M rated video game, kid gets violent (even though he was before) kids blame video game video game gets sued parents get $$$$$
Thats how it works right now.
Dude, I totally hung out with the trenchcoat mafia at my school.
But, we really didnt do anything hateful. We played DnD(SATAN!!! OHNOES) and LAN-ed.
A Mafia of geeks. w00t.
2004-07-06, 01:34 PM
Note: For the sake of expediency, the example kid is a "he." Sorry to all the women.
You know what really pisses me off? This crap. Gasp, I'm now a sociopathic killer who will explode in a burst of violence at any given moment. Please. THIS is the real problem:
The family unit has been fragmented to hell, to the point where a significant amount of kids have just one parent, or, in the more frequent case, parents who listen to the "experts" tell them how to run their kids: Don't HIT him, it might hurt him.
You HIT a kid to SHOW him that something is WRONG. You're damn right it damages him, but kids aren't crystal vases about to fall over a tabletop. If you don't hit him, he'll never learn, and if you just don't at all, he ends up a drug dealer or something. We can't PUNISH the kid by not letting him see the fireworks YOU got him on the Fourth, it might hamper emotional development or something like that.
I love my parents, who will still hit me if I do something wrong, will still hand out serious punishments (as in not "Go to your room and play Game Boy for the rest of the afternoon", more like "Hand me your mouse and keyboard, no computer for the month.") But, have I been absent for a month? No...I LEARNED and behave WELL. I'm not a hate-filled kid ready to go off against ****, gays, and Insert Other Minority Here's, I'm not a depressed-as-hell emo kid who cries when he knocks over a glass, I'm *gasp* normal. And I play videogames, shoot guns, and other stereotypical *risk factors*.
Choo, choo! The clue train is almost at its destination! Now, what if your kid is generally screwing up in school, hanging around with other Trenchcoat Mafia types (and doom on you if you don't know who he's hanging around with, then you are sucking at being a parent), and other hate-filled things like that: THEN you need to get OFF your ass and impose some restrictions.
These restrictions should not have to be done by a Congress, which then bans all Video Games/Guns/Violent Movies, which ends up hurting the majority.
It's the parent's job to make sure these kids don't end up killers.
"But what about adult killers?" Adult killers are grown-up teenage killers who fall into the wrong groups (like that shooting where a Neo-Nazi went into a Jewish Daycare and unloaded an Uzi), or mentally unstable people (a.k.a "Going Postal").
Let's take a quote from the article:
Training kids to kill. Gasp, that sounds serious. Video games make this country unsafe, doesn't it?
Therefore, how come kids in Afghanistan, during both wars, have been seen fighting, yes, killing? There aren't video games there.
After all, clicking a mouse teaches you to kill, like it wasn't already blatantly obvious that to kill someone, you aim the weapon at them and pull the trigger. The fact of the matter is: Killing over the ages has gotten simpler for a reason. First, you had to use a bladed or dull weapon, slashing at your opponent, while blocking attacks coming at you. Killing was an art. Bows needed lots of training to perfect one's markmanship to the point where he became deadly.
About since the invention of the crossbow, where you had to aim and pull a trigger, killing is simple to the point where teaching someone to kill is as easy as possible, to quicken training to make quick reinforcements possible. And it's very easy, to the point where just a glance gives you a good idea of how to work it.
Now, a good parent would make clear that what is on the screen is fiction, and that people don't "respawn", and that you should NEVER do that in real life. Even better parents would actually go shooting with their kids, which teaches them gun safety. A kid without gun safety, with a gun is dangerous. Most people think a gun is unloaded when the clip is empty, but there can be a round in the chamber.
A good parent would cut off the video games if she saw the kid was becoming dangerous. But I guess most parents just can't see that.
Now, the clue train has reached its destination: Video games, especially violent ones, make people angry. Gasp. It's called "Putting on a game face." It's not easy to go through an abandoned building, killing zombies, or to be in a deathmatch tournament, and this is reflected in the games. People get pumped up about it. But, let's assume...that it IS genuine anger.
We'd also have to ban the following activities for causing "anger".
-Violence in movies, music, etc.. Well, that one gets blamed a lot...
-Professional Sports. Have you seen what rival fans DO to each other? Haven't you seen the RIOTS when someone loses a championship? CLEARLY this is an antisocial activity.
-Meat. Butchering animals is too similar to butchering humans, and teaches butchers to become violent kilers.
-Vegetables, fruits, and others. Some vegetables have to be violently cut, which makes them too similar to the cutting of a human. Peanuts are RIPPED out of the ground, making it too similar to ripping out someone's hair, ear, or head.
-Surgeons. They ALREADY know how to kill, and they have the TOOLS to do it. Hell, they're more of a threat than video games!
-Automobiles and driving. Road rage kills! After all, aren't cars "Vehicluar Manslaughter waiting to happen", because guns and video games are "Murder waiting to happen?"
All these activities are ridiculous, yes. But the SAME arguments are made against video games, what's the difference?
Oh, I forgot: Here's the article:
Wow, that was one of the greatest, most thought out posts i have ever seen.
2004-07-06, 01:47 PM
See, I'm old enough to have just missed this trend but I see what you're saying. We have a generation of kids who have been pawned off. Whether Mom and Dad (assuming both were somehow around) sat Junior in front of the TV to placate him or whether they dropped him off at the daycare, either way they weren't involved. If you don't want to spend time with your kids, don't have them. It's a really simple concept. My Mom stayed at home until I was off to first grade. After she went to work my folks still took an interest (very much to the point of annoyance on my part) in who I was with/what I was doing/where I would be. Now I've got kids. My wife and I made the decision that she would stay home with them. I'll tell you the truth, sometimes it blows hardcore. I make a pretty good living, but it's still a single income family. There's still corners to be cut, things I can't get, trips I can't take that seem to pop up all the time. Them's the breaks, though. I decided to have kids and want them to have the best opportunity possible. I believe that my wife staying home gives them that. I believe that my coming home from work and spending time from the minute I walk in the door to the minute they go to bed gives them that. I believe spending time together as a family on the weekends gives them that. I don't think my answer is the answer for everybody, but I guarantee if people would act like they wanted the kids they have things would be a whole lot different.
2004-07-06, 02:06 PM
I love when people blame video games for violence, when the real obvious problem is parenting.
absolutely. I hate those parents that say "My son was selling drugs and robbed over a dozen 7/11s. Its grand theft auto I tell you!!"
2004-07-06, 04:40 PM
I love when people blame video games for violence, when the real obvious problem is parenting.Indeed. I really have little sympathy for children who imitate media (of any kind) and get themselves killed. It's called keeping stupidity out of humanity's genetic pool.
2004-07-06, 06:31 PM
this is ridiculous. I just want to point one thing out. All of the figureheads who were opposing video games were democrats who believe that the government should fix evreything and make life idiot-proof. The problem is, people(some) will always be stupid. And you cannot fix this. So the solution is to charge the parents of these kids who go postal with neglect (if they are minors). Nothing more than that. It's their own damn fault for being inadequat and its the kids own damn fault for being a retard. Not the medias fault. I'm telling ya, some people just need to be removed from the gene pool to prevent more idiots from being born.
2004-07-06, 06:38 PM
Dude, I totally hung out with the trenchcoat mafia at my school.
But, we really didnt do anything hateful. We played DnD(SATAN!!! OHNOES) and LAN-ed.
A Mafia of geeks. w00t.
A mafia of geeks and ignorant racists. And you just associated yourself with them(at the school, I know you're not bad :hug: )
2004-07-06, 07:11 PM
Pfft. My parents have never hit me, and I'm perfectly fine. They give me GTA3 and Vice City, and I've never killed anything larger than a tissue box. They let me build spudguns, and the glue fumes didn't hurt me much.
Both sides are wrong on some points.
Pfft. My parents have never hit me, and I'm perfectly fine. They give me GTA3 and Vice City, and I've never killed anything larger than a tissue box. They let me build spudguns, and the glue fumes didn't hurt me much.
Both sides are wrong on some points.
Same. My parents never hit me to punish me. And i ain't selling drugs, robbing places, etc. Although i got into a few drugs a while ago, it wasn't my thing, and i was able to realize that for myself, and not just follow along with my "friends."
I've also played GTA3 and GTA:VC, and some of the most violent games you could think of. Who hasn't...? :shrug:
2004-07-06, 08:30 PM
If Video Games were the cause of violence in the world then that would mean that there wouldn't be any violence before 19??. MMMMmm no, it isn't anywhere close because there were Genocides, wars and murders way before any video games/movies existed. <---- that point right there in the 1st post I found was the best indication that proves everybody who thought video games caused violence were wrong.
Now, the clue train has reached its destination: Video games, especially violent ones, make people angry. Gasp. It's called "Putting on a game face." It's not easy to go through an abandoned building, killing zombies, or to be in a deathmatch tournament, and this is reflected in the games. People get pumped up about it. But, let's assume...that it IS genuine anger.
Also one of my friends was talking about this. He told me that when he was playing some game that he would get all angery and slam his controller down and just pick it back up and start playing again, but his mom would walk in and say something like "If it makes you mad then you should stop playing it". My friend said "Well yeah it makes me mad, thats the point I like getting mad over video games it just makes it fun, kinda like a challenge.
2004-07-06, 08:39 PM
America needs to move farther to the right. If parents started raising their kids with morals, values, and a firm diciplinary hand - we wouldn't have these problems. Allowing teachers to wack the worst kids w rulers wouldn't hurt either.
2004-07-06, 09:07 PM
Pfft. My parents have never hit me, and I'm perfectly fine. They give me GTA3 and Vice City, and I've never killed anything larger than a tissue box. They let me build spudguns, and the glue fumes didn't hurt me much.
Both sides are wrong on some points.
Fair enough, revision. He won't necessarily fall into drug dealing, but it is much more likely to happen. Some parents are reluctant to hit their kids, but some kids, thankfully, don't fall. However, a lot do.
2004-07-06, 09:09 PM
Pfft. My parents have never hit me, and I'm perfectly fine. They give me GTA3 and Vice City, and I've never killed anything larger than a tissue box. They let me build spudguns, and the glue fumes didn't hurt me much.
Both sides are wrong on some points.
arent kittens about the size of tissue boxes?
A mafia of geeks and ignorant racists. And you just associated yourself with them(at the school, I know you're not bad :hug: )
...Sicne when are we racist? By "trenchcoat mafia" I meant a bunch of kids who watched a lil too much Matrix and liked the long flowy trenchcoat thinger.
And, as it turns out, The trenchcoat isnt veyr practical. The weather in Michigan is either really fuggin' hot, or really fuggin' cold. The temperature to wear a trench is 50-60. Not 110, or -12.
2004-07-06, 09:25 PM
I would wear a duster, but ppl keep trying to sell me trenchcoats...ignorant metrosexuals...
I would wear a duster, but ppl keep trying to sell me trenchcoats...ignorant metrosexuals...
S'what I wear, a Duster.
Happy lil Elf
2004-07-06, 10:01 PM
...Sicne when are we racist? By "trenchcoat mafia" I meant a bunch of kids who watched a lil too much Matrix and liked the long flowy trenchcoat thinger.
And, as it turns out, The trenchcoat isnt veyr practical. The weather in Michigan is either really fuggin' hot, or really fuggin' cold. The temperature to wear a trench is 50-60. Not 110, or -12.
Completely depends on the trenchcoat, and of course what you choose to wear under it ;) Mine works very from -30 to about 35 or 40. After 40 you don't need a coat /shrug
2004-07-06, 10:06 PM
The reason for corruption in todays TRENCHCOATS!
2004-07-06, 11:19 PM
Meh, video games are actually a good release... instead of using a shotgun on real people I'm shooting some made up dude.
2004-07-07, 03:21 AM
"Hand me your mouse and keyboard, no computer for the month.") But, have I been absent for a month? No...I LEARNED and behave WELL.
I'd just keep a spare set around.
Edit: Y'all should see Bowling for Columbine
2004-07-07, 06:19 AM
...Sicne when are we racist? By "trenchcoat mafia" I meant a bunch of kids who watched a lil too much Matrix and liked the long flowy trenchcoat thinger.
And, as it turns out, The trenchcoat isnt veyr practical. The weather in Michigan is either really fuggin' hot, or really fuggin' cold. The temperature to wear a trench is 50-60. Not 110, or -12.
The trench coat mafia was made famous by the columbine shootings(that's what they called themselves) and that same thing caused it to become larger.
Tek, if the US moves any further right it will become fundamentalism
2004-07-07, 06:35 AM
Bowling for Bullshit if you ask me. That movie is so full of shit that if it were a person, there would be shit coming out of his ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and dick. And he'd be a fat bastard like Michael Moore.
2004-07-07, 07:05 AM
Bowling for Columbine? Never heard of it. Is it good?
2004-07-07, 09:08 AM
Bowling for Bullshit if you ask me. That movie is so full of shit that if it were a person, there would be shit coming out of his ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and dick. And he'd be a fat bastard like Michael Moore.
*tsks* what exactly do you think is such bullshit in that movie? From what I see all the news headlines are is <insert somthing frightining here> and how to protect you and your family from yada yada yada...the country as a whole is afraid
yes, Bowling for Colombine is a great movie, i suggest everyone see it
now back on subject: for the most part it is the parents fault for almost all of these things kids have done which the media and others have blamed on video games. Wether it's just because they don't care or they work too hard to put food on the table to pay attention, the kids need attention from their parent(s). many of the kids i know that grow up in this atmosphere are the trouble makers, they're not bad people but they do make trouble for everyone
I on the other hand have grown up with video games (violent and non alike), my parents spanked me till i was about 4, and now the new punishment is grounding/no computer. why? because they love me
I love my compy so i dont do bad things, its that simple. my school record has one blemish on it, a fight i got into in 6th grade (i'm going into 9th)
The problem is kids are not raised with enough dicipline, not duke nukem blowing up evil alien pigs
EDIT: forgive me if i don't make ends meet in the above post, iv'e been really scatter brained lately
2004-07-07, 09:35 AM
in bowling for columbine, michael moore was just trying to get acroos his anti-second amendment views. He used a tragedy to say, "See! Guns are bad! They kill people! Oh NO! The public shouldn't be aloud to have them! We should all be defensless bastards! Yipee! Let's be whiny babies and hate America!!". I'm sorry, but this guy is an idiot. He's using a sad event, making a movie just to press his views of anti-guns. He is a jackass and is out of line. The same with Farenheit 9/11. He is using a tragedy to push his liberal, political views. I have absolutely no respect for him.
I have grown up playing violent video games and my folks spanked me when I was a kid (up to about 10, but very rarely). You learn pretty damn fast that when you do something violent/bad to another person, especially girls (I have an older sister, and not hitting girls was really stressed)(I agree w/ not hitting girls)(my sister, my brother and I always got in fights, which is why it was stressed so much), and get spanked for it, to not do it. I'm fine, my sister's fine, my brother's fine. So this bs that its the medias fault is just another excuse to sue. These crappy-ass parents need to step up and actually care about their kids before they 1. go postal or 2. get killed.
my 2 cents.
2004-07-07, 09:40 AM
Here's a few parts of the movie that are bullshit:
Mike at the bank-
Staged scene
Deletion of the long series of background checks that go on
Bank requires a 3 year CD of at least 5,000, a bad way to start up a robbery
Bank doesn't even provide ammo to rob with
Guns in the scene are models, you can't fire them, as they are made of plastic
That's a big one, then there's lots of mixing quotes together to make a completely different statement, lying about where a legitimate speech was done, lying about what it was talking about, tying the NRA to the KKK, despite the NRA's favorable record on black rights, claiming that Chuck Heston is a racist, despite the fact that he led one of the groups that marched on Washington with MLK, lying about the Lockheed Martin factory in Littleton, which actually just makes rockets to launch TV sats, using bullshit psychology that having a nuke factory in the town (if one even existed) caused columbine, and then presenting it as fact... I could go on for quite a while, but you get the picture. takes apart each scene and tells you how it's bullshit. Read it, and you'll see that the whole movie is a bunch of crap once you dig a little deeper than what you see.
2004-07-07, 10:30 AM
alright then, i'm going to finish reading all of it then start a little research of my own how's that?
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