View Full Version : One year award.
2004-07-06, 02:40 PM
There ya go:
2004-07-06, 02:54 PM
Niftay! Nice find, Death!
2004-07-06, 03:55 PM
so that is the one year award. i got that too.
2004-07-06, 04:49 PM
I really have beef with this.
I started my time in Retail planetside as NC. I got tired of the outfits, the weapons, and having my outfit fall apart because of untrustworthy outfit officers, so I saw the Dragonwolves. I had since finally picked up a mic, so a TS based outfit appealed to me. On top of this, TR didn't have a high population (although the imbalance wasn't as big as today), so I went TR and joined CDL.
So basically, despite migrating to an underdog, to many population-based headaches with absolutely no incentives, the devs are telling me that my money, spent on over a year of play, isn't worth as much as everyone else's.
Highly suggest that this be made a general "veteran" account medal, and then implement a seperate one for empire loyalty.
Yeah I'm not getting one either because my character isn't 1 year though my account is :(.
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-06, 05:49 PM
That kind of sucks. No wait, that REALLY sucks.
2004-07-06, 05:55 PM
yeah i don't think i'm getting the 1year right away, i switched from Emerals to markov becasue the lag was too bad there(back when i had 56k)
2004-07-06, 06:53 PM
I think longevity medals are about the most useless and meaningless thing I've ever heard of for a video game. Not getting bored and leaving for over a year is not an �achievement�.
I�ll only worry about and respect medals that actually represent an achievement.
Things that should get medals:
1. Even battle kills such as: MAX to MAX, Air to Air, Infantry to Infantry (sans standard kills), or Tank to Tank, etc. Your total kill count can still display your earned kills and your slaughter kills (spawn camping, Flail tower camping, Reaver pedestrian kills, etc.), but the medals should reflect actual achievements that have meaning other than pure kill whoring.
2. AMS destructions/deconstructs
3. Total base caps
4. Total base resecures
Things like this should be rewarded. In this way medals would actually mean something and encourage better game play. This is an opportunity for SOE to reward teamwork and good goal achievements rather than simply glorifying kill whores (Wow! I have 75k kills because I just Reaver infantry, Flail crowded base CY, and spawn camp) and CEP whores (Wow! CR0 to CR5 in 8 weeks because I was a jerk about always demanding to be SL and spammed invites all the time while mindlessly following the Zerg).
2004-07-06, 07:36 PM
Yeah, dont worry about it, I have a one year medal too but I dont really think the medal is an accomplishment. As soon as I get a medal that I can replace it with, I will keep the one year medal in my locker.
2004-07-06, 08:07 PM
where did you find that?
2004-07-06, 09:42 PM
Maybe it's supposed to award those "dedicated" to their empire or some other crap like that. I didn't get one, a lot of people didn't get one, everyone knows this award isn't a real achievement.
A real achievement is getting 10000 bolt driver kills.
or getting 1000 vehicle kills.
Yeknow, stuff like that.
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-06, 11:35 PM
Hell getting 1k BD kills is good. If you can get that, you can get 10k. Most people aren't dedicated enough to the Sniper's Art to earn even that. It shows accomplishment that you made so many kills with that weapon of weapons.
But yeah, they should have accomplishment medals, not killwhore medals. Any idiot can spam camp infantry with a flail or reaver. How many people can drop 27 generators in the space of two hours? (ME :D) (I think i got on a KoS list that night, there seemed to be an aweful lot of Vanu hunting me and sending me nasty tells.)
2004-07-06, 11:39 PM
But yeah, they should have accomplishment medals, not killwhore medals. Any idiot can spam camp infantry with a flail or reaver. How many people can drop 27 generators in the space of two hours? (ME :D) (I think i got on a KoS list that night, there seemed to be an aweful lot of Vanu hunting me and sending me nasty tells.)I think that'd be super cool, crazy tactical achievement medals.
2004-07-07, 12:24 AM
Well I'm pretty sure people will recieve medals for Flail or Reaver, but you will probably have to kill a lot more people to get the medals.
Perhaps medals isn't the right word, but I can't think of one at the moment
2004-07-07, 12:40 AM
dont your stats restart (total kills dont) but if u already had 1000 BD kills wouldnt u have to do it over to get the merit now that they r in place?
2004-07-07, 01:00 AM
yay i got it
2004-07-07, 01:47 AM
WTH?? That year of service medal is only for the characters? That is so dumb... I wonder if it will still work for a character i deleted but I had reinstated?
2004-07-07, 08:01 AM
To me, it isn't about the number of Congs or Barnies I can pile up on my MCG. If itisn't furthering my empire, who cares?
An achievement, defined here:
The act of accomplishing or finishing.
Something accomplished successfully, especially by means of exertion, skill, practice, or perseverance.
This means that it can cover sticking it out in one empire from the beginning with the same account or character. Killing thousands and thousands of enemy troops is not an achievement, its your duty. If you do it well, you will be rewarded with a medal based on that merit alone.
I would hate for this game to become a "stat-whore's delight" and we begin to see people more concerned with killing for the sake of getting a medal for it than helping their empire win the day.
Don't get me wrong. I think the merit stuff is cool, but I hope it doesn't create more cowbays running around soloing all the time and partitioning up what little cooperative manpower we have. The TR, for one, cannot afford that.
2004-07-07, 09:53 AM
Nice :D
2004-07-07, 09:58 AM
It's a freebie medal, if you have it great, if you don't it's not that important.
2004-07-07, 12:42 PM
I read somewhere on the OF that right now they are only tracking kills (total and by type). Like Manitou said, everyone has to kill people in the game. I hope in future patches they start tracking things like being part of base resecures or bring tubes and generators back online.
As an engineer its amazing to me how many people dont care (notice?) that one of our gens are offline or how many people love blowing the tubes and gens (and everything in the base) and wait for the cap to go through then just abandon the base. I would personally like to get an award for being one of the very few to actually stick around and repair a base then bring in an ant to fill it.
2004-07-07, 01:36 PM
To me, it isn't about the number of Congs or Barnies I can pile up on my MCG. If itisn't furthering my empire, who cares?
An achievement, defined here:
The act of accomplishing or finishing.
Something accomplished successfully, especially by means of exertion, skill, practice, or perseverance.
This means that it can cover sticking it out in one empire from the beginning with the same account or character. Killing thousands and thousands of enemy troops is not an achievement, its your duty. If you do it well, you will be rewarded with a medal based on that merit alone.
I would hate for this game to become a "stat-whore's delight" and we begin to see people more concerned with killing for the sake of getting a medal for it than helping their empire win the day.
Don't get me wrong. I think the merit stuff is cool, but I hope it doesn't create more cowbays running around soloing all the time and partitioning up what little cooperative manpower we have. The TR, for one, cannot afford that.
This is pretty much my point... but I have more of a "control" twist...
My theory being there are several different types of PS players. The two most common are those that play for fun and enjoy teamwork and those who are driven to be the best for competative reasons or simply the recognition.
If you give recognition and glory incentives to team oriented game play you will encourage that. So in effect you can encourage the solo/stat hounds/glory seekers to be more of team players if there was a structured statistical recognition system that rewarded that type of play.
What if Squad Members got recognition or reward? Currently the only effect of being in a Squad is you get less BEP and no CEP. What incentive is that to stat seekers?
What if our story line took a turn along these lines...
Each empire uses two primary types of troops. These are the Armed Forces and Freelance Mercinaries. The army issues "medals" for their soldiers who accomplish things on the battlefield. Freelancers get no such recognition.
Thus only your statistics for earning medals would only tally up while you are in a Squad or Platoon as a Squad Member and serving the organized Military structure. Solo players would be considered Freelancers.
Squad Leaders earn CEP rewards and get the powers and recognition (uniform upgrades) from advancing in CR.
Squad Members earn Medals and get the recognition from that (medals on your uniform)
Solo Players earn more BEP and OP (if in an outfit) and quickly earn BR and get the recognition from advancing much more quickly.
This system would reward the unsung hero of PS, the Squad Member.
2004-07-08, 08:34 AM
As long as it encourages Outfit or squad oriented play, I am all for it. Sure, you always have the guys who like to solo now and then, but the whole point of this game is to work as a team. The solo guys should be exceptions to the rule, rather than the rule itself.
If they make it more lucrative to play as a squad/Outfit, I say rock my world. :)
2004-07-08, 10:10 AM
Something I dont get, If you play Planetside for 12 months you get a Campaign Ribbon, if you play SWG for 6 months you get a huge fucking luxury starship.
2004-07-08, 10:28 AM
I don't see how earning medals would detract from squad and outfit participation. I also don't see why, within the context of the storyline, you'd have freelance mercs with no economy and no real reason to get payed.. I mean, AFAIK, based on the story, everyone is either a scientist/technician, or Military. Even if mercs made a ton of money on the war, where could you go to spend it safely? :lol:
2004-07-08, 06:36 PM
The 1 year award, isn't it suppose to be a shoulderpad display? Or will they put that in when all the other merit medals? Or are they not even doing that?
Oh and i got it.
2004-07-08, 09:40 PM
You will be able to display it on your shoulderpad when they implement it.
2004-07-09, 02:08 PM
I got a 1 Year Award thingy. Rather pointless at present.
2004-07-09, 02:37 PM
Shit, my current character is maybe a month old. Damn.
2004-07-09, 03:43 PM
I'm gonna buck the trend of opinion here and say that the 1 year service award, acutally means alot.
If you play TR, and have been on the shitty end of the stick for a year, your dedication, deligence, tenacity, and intergrity to stick with your empire should be recognized.
This ribbon visually seperates you as a veteran of your empire. I just resubbed this morning. I have never switched empires, i would and have cancled before that would happen. If i have this award (as my toons fairly old) when i login tonight, ill be pretty happy about it.
2004-07-09, 08:59 PM
Woot my main character has one of these babies :)
2004-07-09, 10:04 PM
This ribbon visually seperates you as a veteran of your empire. I just resubbed this morning. I have never switched empires, i would and have cancled before that would happen. .
Blah blah blah. Ive always said that. I was vanu. I had cr4.5, br20. I am currently tr now, playing as a dragonwolf.
What it comes down to, is having fun with your friends. A "side", on a game, on some server somewhere in CA means absolutley nothing.
Now, granted, it seems as if this medal fits in place as a one year of empire service. When it was originally mentioned, it did not seem implyed as such. They just said "one year award" which got many game vetran's hopes up for a little something extra. They did not have it labled as they do currently ingame, as empire loyalty.
I feel kind of left out because I switched sides after all of my friends quit planetside. I feel slightly ripped off for wanting to have fun with a group of friends, instead of focusing on some bullshit story that has been crapped on so many times its not funny. But, I can still see where this award comes from
Therefore I think that there should be some "game loyalty" awards on top of empire loyalty. A beta medal maybe.
I think that us people who have input money for a year should be rewarded for sticking with this game for its ups and downs.
But, once again, its not like there are tons of new players coming in. SOE has done such a pisspoor job of marketing planetside, its rediculious. EQ2 is their new baby, and now soe dosnt care about us. When a game is no longer carried by major gaming chains, I think there is a problem.
I guess thats all I have to say. Man, I took way too much time and went on 6 different tangents. Oh well.
2004-07-09, 10:39 PM
I see your point, but if your characters been around for a year. Well, ya that makes sense.
But it doesnt make any sense for a BR0 freshly rolled toon to come out of the spawn tube for the first time with a 1 year longevity award.
They should rename the ribbon to what its intention is and maybe this debate will go away... or one would hope. lol.
As for switching empires to be with friends.. ya sure thats fine but theres another side to that coin. My old outfit had not one, but THREE people defect to the NC to "be with their friends"... nevermind the rest of outfit who helped them make the BR, and in once case CR5. nevermind that we squaded and been a team since the game went live. Do they deserve a 1 year service award too? I say, Hell no.
2004-07-09, 10:43 PM
I was the last one. It made me sad. Everyone quit ps because they cant take bs.
Also, I agree with you, I think they should refer to it as the annual term of service award, or abbreviate it or something, I do think that the conterversy will end if they refer to it as such.
2004-07-09, 10:51 PM
Loyalty until cancellation :D
Ive been fighting and hating the NC, and its playerbae for far too long to ever switch empires. I'll quit the game first. I think this will be my 4th time resubing as of today. I wonder how long i'll last... lol. 1 month.. 2 months tops is my bet, who knows, maybe ill end up being 6 months this stretch.
2004-07-09, 10:59 PM
Exactly what I did.
*comes back a month later*
<me> well, at least now I have a chance to tk hamma...
everyone is too damn emotionally attatched to a so called "team" that is so far away from being a team
2004-07-09, 11:12 PM
Honestly, i could give less than a shit about the TR on Markov. I stopped caring a long time ago. For a few nasty reasons that are unique to my server (IE, Infighting, theres acutally two TR factions on markov, there is no singular TR empire last i played)
My priorities were with my outfit. But thats gone for me now.
I'll stay TR out of principle, out of Integrity. Picking a side, and seeing it through.
Cause the way i see it, ya it sucks losing all the time, but at the end of the day, nothing tangible is gained or lost by any battle outcome. What we win, we'll lose in an hour hence, and vice versa. So you lose the base.. big deal. So you win a base.. again.. big deal. It will change hands like it always has, and always ill. It doesnt matter. But this much im sure of, i highly doubt i'll be in the company of spineless sunshine patriot's; and i'll never be short of targets.
2004-07-09, 11:30 PM
wtf cant display it!!1 :mad:
2004-07-10, 12:43 AM
that features not in yet. on your character it looked like a pack of brightly colored ciggerates. they are redoing it.
2004-07-10, 01:14 AM
The devs originally said the merits would be showing up in 2.9, no such luck. Gah.
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-10, 02:14 AM
I've played TR since release. I will continue to play TR. Sure I have alts on different empires. Even different servers. But my main is TR. I am never short of targets and never truly bored (frustrated, yes. but not bored). I have an entire outfit that thinks the same. We ain't leaving. Even if we're the LAST TR on Emerald. We AIN'T leaving. I, personally, am DETERMINED to be the biggest pain in the ass the NC/VS have ever seen. I am also determined to break my personal record of 27 gen drops in 2 hours.
MARK MY WORDS, EMERALD VS/NC! You will know my name and you will learn to HATE ME! :evil:
2004-07-10, 06:53 AM
I guess the reason is that stats are tracked by individual characters, all other medals will involve what that specific character has achieved, why should the year of service medal be any different?
Real Mulambo
2004-07-12, 12:04 PM
I have over 1200 REAVER kills.
I think that should get a medal!
2004-07-12, 01:35 PM
That all? :p
2004-07-12, 04:30 PM
Jeez whiners, it's just a one year character medal.
Wait til your character is one year old, and you'll get it. :D
I'm also one of the only Advanced Medics on Markov, so hopefully I'll get a medic medal too. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2004-07-12, 05:30 PM
I NEVER gave up my reaver cert, i deserve a merit for longest cert kept.
Oh, and i play on aol wtih dialup (for a year), that deserves a most devoted and retarded player.
2004-07-14, 04:46 AM
But yeah, they should have accomplishment medals, not killwhore medals. Any idiot can spam camp infantry with a flail or reaver. How many people can drop 27 generators in the space of two hours? (ME :D) (I think i got on a KoS list that night, there seemed to be an aweful lot of Vanu hunting me and sending me nasty tells.)
but the killwhores need some lovin too....other than leaderboards,XP,Cep,total kills,massive killspam, and actual recognition from your peers =(
2004-07-14, 06:56 PM
Honestly, i could give less than a shit about the TR on Markov. I stopped caring a long time ago. For a few nasty reasons that are unique to my server (IE, Infighting, theres acutally two TR factions on markov, there is no singular TR empire last i played)
You obviously havent played for a long time then. Losing all the time? We conquered every continent twice since I been on, (Maybe more in total) both times I have battled to hold it. I have a years award of service, and continue to do my time in red. I'm proud of TR Markov, even if you guys arnt.
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