View Full Version : King Arthur
2004-07-08, 11:43 AM
I really like the whole story of Arthur and Camelot.. so we went to check out the movie last night. I wasnt impressed at all, it wasnt the story I am used to. I was more interested in arthur as a king, not as a knight and warrior.
In short: didnt like it.
Anyone else see it yet?
2004-07-08, 11:46 AM
Nope. The action scenes look good though.
2004-07-08, 11:46 AM
Sounds like the stuff I'd think "I'm not gonna like this" Then I end up liking it. No I haven't seen it.
2004-07-08, 11:47 AM
I'm thinking of seeing it... I don't know...
2004-07-08, 11:47 AM
Let us not go to Camelot, tis a silly place!
2004-07-08, 11:48 AM
I wanna see it, but the nearest movie theatre is in the next town over and thats an hour drive, if theres no state poe on the road.
keira knightley is really fucking hot too
2004-07-08, 11:49 AM
Let us not go to Camelot, tis a silly place!
/me breaks into song...
"we're knight of the round table... we dance when'er were able..."
2004-07-08, 11:50 AM
/me breaks into song...
"we're knight of the round table... we dance when'er were able..."
Click me, foo! (
2004-07-08, 11:53 AM
Bah.... I went through all the trouble of finding the lego on and you posted before I could edit...
2004-07-08, 11:55 AM
Bah.... I went through all the trouble of finding the lego on and you posted before I could edit...
:( :love:
2004-07-08, 11:58 AM
HAHAHAHAHA... I just fell out of my chair laughing ... I was playing it, and I have my sound off (or so I think) then suddenly blaring through the office you hear "We eat ham, and jam, and spam a lot!" People are peking out of their offices... and now the song is stuck in my boss's head...
2004-07-08, 11:59 AM
HAHAHAHAHA... I just fell out of my chair laughing ... I was playing it, and I have my sound off (or so I think) then suddenly blaring through the office you hear "We eat ham, and jam, and spam a lot!" People are peking out of their offices... and now the song is stuck in my boss's head...
:eek: :rofl:
2004-07-08, 11:59 AM
Frag did his job then
2004-07-08, 12:01 PM
Frag did his job then
:fro: damn right.
2004-07-08, 12:04 PM
MY three problems with Arthur (Spoilers may be included)
1) The True Story Bull Shit. Looks to me like the writer decided to go with a combination of the Roman leader with the title 'Arturius,' which loosely means Arthur, and the legend of the part-Roman part-Celt Ambrosius Aurelianus. Ambrosius fought at Badon Hill according to Gildas the Wise and The Venerable Bede. In that sense, they have done something unique, since that story has never been told. The problem with that is that Ambrosius is but a small blurb in The Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede, so there isn't much to work with. It is, however, a good sign that Ambrosius got into Bede's book, since Bede's work is very biased against the Celts. In other words this must have been a powerful legend for Bede to mention it. One more reason that I think Ambrosius is the main source for Arthur.
2) Why Are Guin and Arthur Having sex? Outside of the anatomical compatability is there any good reason for this? It's like two people meeting at a night club and deciding to fuck... very romantic!
3) Stirrups. For FUCKS SAKE!!!! The Stirrup was not introduced in the west (and certainly not as a military enhancment) until The Franks fought the Aribs around 700ad... 200 years after this story. It's such a minor thing, that any nimwit shoulda done but the fact they didn't just pisses me off.
If you're going to make "true Stories" then at least know a little history.
2004-07-08, 12:16 PM
I concur, for a change Jerry Brukhiemer (sp?) fucked up.
2004-07-08, 12:21 PM
only thing is that in all the arthur stories I've heard or read, Guinivere (sp?) doesnt do much more than sit around and look pretty.
2004-07-08, 12:36 PM
That's because those stories are based on legend. King Arthur attempts to be a truer account of the legend and from what I read in an article it's pretty close. Haven't seen the film myself but we'll see.
As for the love stuff.... well it's gonna happen isn't it :)
And, stirrups... how difficult is it to ride a horse without stirrups?
2004-07-08, 12:37 PM
And, stirrups... how difficult is it to ride a horse without stirrups?
2004-07-08, 12:44 PM
I really like the whole story of Arthur and Camelot.. so we went to check out the movie last night. I wasnt impressed at all, it wasnt the story I am used to. I was more interested in arthur as a king, not as a knight and warrior.
In short: didnt like it.
Anyone else see it yet?
Ban it was action packed and just plain good ...I will add it to our Dvd collection :D I disagree with Hamma ... This story is open to diffrent version this one was one of the better ones :P~
here is the test of compromise, hamma.
2004-07-08, 12:52 PM
Arthur: "And the lady of the lake, born from the bussom of the water, gave unto me Excaliber, signifying that 'twas my devine right to be king..."
Denis: "Watery tarts lying in ponds, distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."
2004-07-08, 12:53 PM
Ban it was action packed and just plain good ...I will add it to our Dvd collection :D I disagree with Hamma ... This story is open to diffrent version this one was one of the better ones :P~
argh, next she'll be talking about city of angels and saying it was the best film ever :p
Seriously though, I haven't seen King Arthur or whatever it's called yet, but as it stands, most films based on things are really poor, butchered by directors. Ok, I know it's not based on a story or anything, but since they did the wall running/bullet time/any other effect in the matrix, how many times have we seen that since, practically every damn action film, downright pisses me off!
2004-07-08, 12:53 PM
Arthur: "And the lady of the lake, born from the bussom of the water, gave unto me Excaliber, signifying that 'twas my devine right to be king..."
Denis: "Watery tarts lying in ponds, distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."
:lol: :rofl:
2004-07-08, 12:58 PM
The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch still remains at the top of the Monty Python sacreligious artifacts list...
2004-07-08, 02:19 PM
Keira Knightley.
2004-07-08, 02:40 PM
not interested in it. its PG 13. how good of a battle sequence can it have?
2004-07-08, 02:45 PM
not interested in it. its PG 13. how good of a battle sequence can it have?
The Lord of the Rings movies were PG-13... Damn, you're right, they sure had shitty battles... ;)
2004-07-08, 05:18 PM
Lies :p
And Jerry Bruckheimer isn't all that bad a producer when it comes to realism (Black Hawk Down for example) :)
2004-07-08, 05:25 PM
Dux Bellorum Lucius Artorius Castus
The man really did exist. Was he the man who inspired the tales of King aurthor? Some scholars think so, the case is rather compelling.
Give this a read:
2004-07-08, 06:48 PM
"To mideeeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiil Tiiiiiiiiimes!"
Neon Apocalypse
2004-07-09, 08:26 AM
I think it looks really ghey.
The only reason I would go is to see keira knightley because shes so fucking hot.
2004-07-09, 08:34 AM
2) Why Are Guin and Arthur Having sex? Outside of the anatomical compatability is there any good reason for this? It's like two people meeting at a night club and deciding to fuck... very romantic!
If they show a clip of that in a preview it will attract people like Neon to the theaters to see it, hence more money.
I liked the movie.
2004-07-09, 08:35 AM
They aren't married in the movie?
2004-07-09, 08:36 AM
Come on people try not to spoil anything.
2004-07-09, 09:20 AM
movie looks kickass to me.And Keira is really freakin hot.
2004-07-09, 10:25 AM
If they aren't married in the movie and there's no point going to see it, because it's bs anyway.
2004-07-09, 10:26 AM
So if they arent married its BS? How do you know?How did you know in the real story they got married? Mabey they never did you dont know.
2004-07-09, 10:36 AM
you dont know.
That's true for all of us, about what supposedly really happened. As for this IT'S A DAMN MOVIE.
2004-07-09, 10:44 AM
Il let you know next week about KA
Action sceens looked good, and Im all for swords - hell, id love to see swords in Planetside - think like the Japanese officers in WW2.. vibroblades and claymores..that would rock!
2004-07-09, 01:45 PM
Im seeing it today. Napolean Dynamite isnt playing near me yet. :(
2004-07-09, 07:53 PM
King Arthur now holds the dubious distinction of the first movie i've ever walked out of.
It was absolute shit.
Pilgrim, For FUCKS SAKE!!! The worst you could come up with was the fucking stirrups?!?! Stirrups can be excused, they probably couldn't keep those pathetic excuses for actors on the horses without them, and truthfully, I barely noticed them while they were busy butchering medival tactics and basic common sense.
2004-07-09, 08:17 PM
Anyone here besides me like.... oh i dunno, read history?
I havent seen the movie yet, but i gotta say, If you think the movie is BS because its not knights in shining armor in a Medival period;, but instead insinuates that the man behind the myth was a roman..... read up on it. I thoguht it was pure hollywood hype, so i I read up on it, and found out otherwise. I posted a link earlier, go read it if you think its BS
>>busy butchering medival tactics
But its not the medival period, how can the butcher those tactics? Now if they butcher tactics of the period they depict.. thats another matter. Then i'll be tearing the movie up too :D
I do believe that if Arthur was a real man he would of been roman. I didn't read that link you posted but I've read other site/books and watched other shows that centered around that idea.
I haven't seen the movie, but just cause they use that idea doesn't mean the movie doesn't suck. :lol: It does look stupid to me. I'd wait till it comes to my local cheap theater. It's only 2.50 to see a movie there. Or I'd wait to rent it.
2004-07-09, 08:27 PM
bastard, you know what I meant :(
and i have read up on it to a decent extent, enough to know they completely fucked up nearly every aspect of the saxon invasion except the costumes.
2004-07-09, 08:27 PM
A better idea for a movie: King Hamma and his anal avengers
Starring Hamma, Marsman(who is not an anal avenger), Squeeky, Sputty, Dharkbayne, SDM, Smaug, Ivan, Hezzy and Frag
Mars is the narrator. When someone is about to say their lines after he narrates, he says, �Go ahead sir.� ;) :D
2004-07-09, 09:03 PM
"Drop it... and take a look" :D
Seriously though, yeah he is a Roman in the film, so technically they wouldn't be using medieval tactics :)
2004-07-10, 12:45 AM
Anyone else see it yet?
What i thought:
2004-07-10, 12:46 AM
I saw anchorman instead. pretty funny.
2004-07-10, 12:53 AM
I saw anchorman instead. pretty funny.
That movie was fuckin horrible.
2004-07-10, 12:58 AM
I liked the commercials
whats that? We diddnt beat spiderman? We havent opened yet?
2004-07-10, 05:33 AM
When i want historical accuracy, i watch the history channel. When i want good action scenes and stuff like that, i watch a film. If they can do the two things in one, all the better, but i wont dislike it just because it isn't true to history - thats not why i'm watching it. I havent seen it yet, so i cant tell you if the movie is anygood.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-07-10, 10:31 AM
my parents saw it last night they loved it
2004-07-10, 11:25 AM
When i want good action scenes and stuff like that, i watch a film. If they can do the two things in one, all the better, but i wont dislike it just because it isn't true to history - thats not why i'm watching it.Flaw in the plan, the battle scenes were horrible. Even my little sister thought so, during the second battle scene she leaned over and says to me "are these people supposed to be retarded or something?" So i used the wrong word earlier, big fucking deal, I understand what the period was supposed to be like enough to know they didn't know shit. Now if someone would like to stop with the semantics garbage and tell me what you thought was correct about the tactics i'll gladly debate it with you. Maybe use the Saxons in the lake battle scene?
2004-07-10, 02:10 PM
Flaw in the plan, the battle scenes were horrible. Even my little sister thought so, during the second battle scene she leaned over and says to me "are these people supposed to be retarded or something?" So i used the wrong word earlier, big fucking deal, I understand what the period was supposed to be like enough to know they didn't know shit. Now if someone would like to stop with the semantics garbage and tell me what you thought was correct about the tactics i'll gladly debate it with you. Maybe use the Saxons in the lake battle scene?
Flaw? I didnt really have a plan, If the film is bad thats fine, say that, all i was saying is that i personally dont count 'historical innacuracy' as real critism, since thats not why i watch films. For others that do, then that is perfectly good critism, but i personally dont.
2004-07-10, 03:06 PM
If they weren't gonna be true to history, then they shouldn't have called it the "True story"
2004-07-10, 03:16 PM
The "history" is pretty hazy to start off with Dhark.... hDrakbynea :D
At least it's trying to stay closer to the story than the legend.
2004-07-10, 03:33 PM
Now if someone would like to stop with the semantics garbage and tell me what you thought was correct about the tactics i'll gladly debate it with you. Maybe use the Saxons in the lake battle scene?
I'm not argueing but curious, what was would have really happened according to you?
2004-07-10, 04:13 PM
In the movie
200 saxons vs 7 dismounted samation knights and Kiera Knightly fighting on a frozen lake. The Saxons archers/crossbowmen were outranged by a 90 pound woman who was just pulled out of a dungeon (and had to have several of her fingers resocketted.) They cluster together on cracking ice which seems too thin to support there weight, fail to establish a solid shield barrier, advance at a slow walking pace and every ranged troopers get shot as soon as he brings his weapon to bear. The ones that do get a shot off can't hit anything, because there bad guys. Then one of the knights rushes forward and starts pounding on the ice with his axe, presumably to break it, and of course the Saxons can't hit him because he's a main character. Then the ice breaks and a bunch of saxons fall in and then the archers hit the ice/axe idiot, and they have a touching moment and the battles over.
Same situation (even though at the start of the saxon invasion you would almost never run into 200 saxons at once, more like raiding parties of maybe 40 guys.)
Saxons form a solid shied line, advance into range, take a few casualties and there archers cut down the 8 people, standing in the middle of an icy lake, with no cover, and no shields. Or if you took away there ranged weapons, they would either cluster together in a tight formation with a coherent shield wall and advanced at a fast walk, or if they were worried about the ice they would have dispersed and advanced at a run, and probably would have taken heavier casualties, but either way they would have killed them all easily.
Terran Sniper
2004-07-11, 12:06 AM
pilgrim, you watched The Quest for King Arthur on the History Channel, didnt you?
Neon Apocalypse
2004-07-11, 12:08 AM
Omfg Terran Sniper Sighting
omfg Hi2u Terran Snipar!!!!1111eleven1111one Uno
Terran Sniper
2004-07-11, 12:10 AM
uhh. do I know you?
2004-07-11, 10:39 AM
uhh. do I know you?
2004-07-11, 11:21 AM
Nope I should though.
I have been fascinated with the Arthur legend sense childhood.
Oh yeah, and speaking of horrible things,
I just remembered the Crossbows.
Anyone else know when the Crossbow started being used... anyone... (hint it was not around 500ad)
2004-07-11, 11:22 AM
Article on Crossbows (
The earliest representations we have of the crossbow date from 400 BCE, in China.
2004-07-11, 02:57 PM
Good article
Here I'll continue it
The first pictorial evidence of European hand-held wooden crossbows, like the one shown here, dates to about 1200 CE. Introduced from the East during the Crusades, they were initially outlawed by religious leaders who considered them to be inappropriate for Christian warfare, but their effectiveness in battle soon prevailed over theological concerns. Crossbows, used in war until the 17th century, are still usedfor sport today
So what are crossbows doing in 500AD in England?
2004-07-11, 03:15 PM
What dumbasses, they could've atleast done a LITTLE research
Terran Sniper
2004-07-17, 03:42 PM
hey, its Hollywood. what do you expect? ever see the movie Air Marshalls? (if you haven't, dont) Apparently, there were TWO decks on a 707
Neon Apocalypse
2004-07-17, 04:02 PM
the funny thing is they actually did research
i watched some thing on E! showing how they made it
"yEAH we haD like 4 guys doing research to make the movie accurate"
2004-07-17, 04:05 PM
the funny thing is they actually did research
i watched some thing on E! showing how they made it
"yEAH we haD like 4 guys doing research to make the movie accurate"
Silly... it was 3 guys...
2004-07-17, 06:50 PM
if they made it R instead of PG-13 and made it alot more bloody and gorey, Im sure I wouldve enjoyed it alot more. especially when the Saxon leader is on his knees in front of arthur, just waiting for his head to be chopped off.
Terran Sniper
2004-07-17, 11:03 PM
maybe a nude scene w/ kiera knightley (sp?) :drools:
2004-07-17, 11:05 PM
I was uspposed to see it last night... ...didn't happen as well as I had planned tho...
2004-07-17, 11:24 PM
I saw the movie a few nights ago. I enjoyed it. The action was really sweet, expecially the iced over lake scene. I liked the characters, except for the badguy, he sucked, but Arthur and Tristan were badass. oh and whats-her-name, who played Guenivere, is fucking hoT.
2004-07-17, 11:39 PM
I saw the movie a few nights ago. I enjoyed it. The action was really sweet, expecially the iced over lake scene. I liked the characters, except for the badguy, he sucked, but Arthur and Tristan were badass. oh and whats-her-name, who played Guenivere, is fucking hoT.
natalie portman. shes posed nude before. :brow:
I dont think the knights were as loyal as they should be. I was expecting Lancelot to be like "I will follow you to the death Arthur!" not "What the fuck we have a dumb mission the Romans were too lazy to do? Fuck you Arthur I wanna go home!"
2004-07-17, 11:40 PM
No noob it wasnt Portman, get your hot actressess right.
Terran Sniper
2004-07-18, 12:52 AM
yeah, jet, that was kiera knightley, or however it's spelled. the chick from pirates of the carribean
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