View Full Version : Your PlanetSide name!
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-08, 05:08 PM
Ok, I know most people chose their names for planetside for a reason. Only a few people actually chose it at random. So here's your chance to tell us why you picked that name, and what it means.
I'll start: The Cauldron Borne are Irish mythological creatures. To put it simply they are zombies that rise from cauldrons on All Hallows Eve. They are said to be unstoppable. I chose that name because I wanted to instill fear and make the statement that I, too, was unstoppable.
I have three alts that are named from the three brothers that braved the firey furnace in the Bible tale: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Ok, so your turn. Tell us why you picked yer name and what it means. Was it just to be funny? Does it have a hidden meaning? Were you near drunk and couldn't think of anything else except an alchohol euphamism, but the letters got garbbled while you typed?
2004-07-08, 05:16 PM
DeadTeddy, always is, always will be, everywhere.
why? simply cause me and a friend destroyed a teddy when I was 14, and a month later he told me to come to a chat room with a nick who would know is me. it stuck simply because it's original, always free, and easy to remmember.
2004-07-08, 05:29 PM
hope their arent many blood angel fans on planetside. im going to go with Sanguinius(Primarch of the Blood Angels, something any wh40k player should know), Volucris (name of one of my warhammer 40k characters, meaning winged, or flying.)
and Adumbro, latin for unreal, shadowy.
2004-07-08, 05:33 PM
My only E-name I've had since I was 11 has been Tree Sap. It's to the point where I don't even recognize it as "tree sap" anymore, as it is more of a name than a thing to me now. Even worse than that, people sometimes call me TS but mostly they call me "Tree," and since the implications of in-game voice-chat I now sometimes pick out the word "tree" with the party effect: having your attention grabbed by someone uttering your name in a crowded room full of people speaking.
The actual orgin of it came from me getting bored trying to come up with a name and I ultimately ended typing my real name with my fists on the keyboard (that's what frustrated 11 year old n00b gamers do, remember?) and came out with something that resembled Tree Sap, so I went with it.
As for the DT, the suffix changes sometimes. I use Tree Sap whenever possible, but in a game I will sometimes add an X at the end. In this case, I added DT (Dark Tide) cause that is my own thing I came up with. It's kind of an ultra secret club with only one ultra secret member... damn, I am gonna have to kill you all now for knowing that.
P.S. Kharne Bloodthirster 4 ever!!!!!!!
2004-07-08, 06:30 PM
mine is well my name i dont have a nick, no one has ever giveing me one and i cant make one for myself, my old PS name was flyboy6 but that was stuiped so i quickly changed it back to Cass and so i just use my name know.
2004-07-08, 06:46 PM
I chose 0verlord because i thought that it suited the whole Planetside realm well, and who can forget that D-day at Normandy during WW2 was code-named Operation Overlord.
2004-07-08, 06:54 PM
Anybody whos familiar with Metal Gear Solid 2 will know why I chose my name, the actual character is known as Revolver Ocelot but his Russian comrades dubbed him Shalashaska, he's a great villian. Im not right sure what it means but it looks quite unique and rolls of the tongue (and keyboard when you type it) quite nicely ;)
2004-07-08, 06:58 PM
Was listening to Audioslave's "Show me how to live". :p
2004-07-08, 07:12 PM
I ended up deleting my character "MrCovertMan", which i chose at random
Now i go for spoof names like "Thatguyoverthere" "AnotherZergling" "SoThatsTheTriggerButton" or "OnlyHadAFewBeersOfficer"
2004-07-08, 07:35 PM
I wanted an original E-name. So I made up T.O.I.M.U. which stands for The One I Made Up. I've used it for about 7 years now.
2004-07-08, 08:00 PM
my first ps char's name is ElmersGlueAll...named simply because i couldnt think of much else to use (I didnt want to use StrangeFellow yet for some reason) then i saw a bottle of Elmers Glue All, you can do the math
StrangeFellow came from my day's playing Starcraft on bnet (Battle.Net for those of you Blizzard depribed people)...what it means is well, i'm strange to some people, as simple as that
2004-07-08, 09:53 PM
Chewy has always been my nickname for forums and games, I received it from a summer camp a long time ago. LSB holds a special meaning to me, though.
2004-07-08, 10:16 PM
Read about the character Meursault in Albert Camus' The Stranger. Great book, loved the main character. It just switched the word "cool" in my mind.
2004-07-08, 10:22 PM
Well I like the name Lazarus, I got it from Diablo if I remember right. Its the Only e-name i've ever used that stuck...
I found this on a Christian game review site, which I found with google about a week ago. I do like the way it sounds, but I'm not religious at all...
"It explains the spawn mechanics of the game but cannot replace the power of Christ and the Lord God as the only power able to raise the dead, as He did with Lazarous."
No offense to anyone, but the last part of the review where they compared the game to religious beliefs just makes me laugh =)
Heres the link to the page for those interested...
2004-07-09, 07:31 AM
well, i usually use the name hex222, which derives fom the brand name Headworx, which i first used as i was wearing a jumper with it on, and it sounds quite cool, once i've got my new PC and made my char i'll tell you all my letters only name, as i dont want anyone stealing it...
MY family names our dogs after kings, we had this one dog I loved named Ivan after the Russian czar, Terrible Ivan. He killed like 15 wives because they never gave birth to a son for him.
2004-07-09, 08:59 AM
mines odd... i was in a fight and got hit in the eye preaty bad. i sarted to bleed behind my eye and soon a build up on blood was pressing on my eyes, so the docs had to cut a slit on the side of my eye and saidly the blood poored out, and about that time i looked into a peace of glass and it looked like i was crying blood.... my crimson tears seemed bad ass to me, not simple like a pwn-age007 but meaningfull
2004-07-09, 12:05 PM
Got mine from ut2k3, wen u killed som1 it says Name Fatally Enlightened Name well my first char was FatalEnlightenment, i got into othr stuff (ps was my first online game) and FatalEnlightenment was too long so i shortened it to FatalLight, I like it because it reminds me more of an OS :D
2004-07-09, 12:10 PM
Rob 'cuase its my name Hunter comes from a Trial of Bloodname as they call it for a MW4 Clan(we were a clan not some stupid Inner Sphere wenie, i think the gaming "clan" started becsaue of the MW game) basicaly the Last name gives you higher standing in the clan, becasue good people get the namesand bad ones don't and There are several names within the clan that compete for the good people quite fun realy.
Rbstr428 is my aim name and it is shortened to Rbstr everywere else i like it better becasue it seems less like a real name
Vis Armata
2004-07-09, 12:23 PM
vis armata, Latin - "armed force". Seemed fitting for games where I was using weapons.
Sony, though, nerfed my name after beta for some at least for now I'm going by VisEsq (Esq for my chosen profession).
2004-07-09, 12:43 PM
hmm i should make one.
cool names.
2004-07-09, 12:44 PM
My name Nalar comes from the Riftwar Series of novels by Raymond E. Feist. Nalar was "the Mad God", he was the god that brought chaos and destruction to the universe.
2004-07-09, 01:59 PM
alter ego
n : a very close and trusted friend who seems almost a part of
Since I knew I would be playing PS alot, my character (that I needed to build up at the time) would be my other half, if I aint out, I'm in on PS. He was my AltaEgo.
Silly but I like it.
2004-07-09, 02:55 PM
Chainfall...not sure why...
ActiveX...its a cool name to kill ppl with...
Sobekeus... :)
2004-07-09, 04:26 PM
Because someone took onizuka already.
since i was quite angry i put demon on the end in the case i met that person and show im more evil then he was. :lol:
I used this for about 4 years, it just stuck with me after watching GTO.
I could name myself something else but i keep forgetting the names, so i just kept this one.
The GTO at the end came on only recently because quite a number of people use the name "Onizuka" as well, and usually get to it first ....
*glare at Onizuka*
2004-07-09, 05:32 PM
My Character name on Emerald is Dogsbody . Its my tribute to a British WWII ace by the name of Douglas Bader. His call sign when he was a squadron Leader was based on his initials � DB � Dogs Body. The interesting thing about BD was � he had no legs. No, I am not Kidding. He lost them in an air crash, one below the knee and the other above. But he talked his way back into the British Air Force when they really needed pilots, and went on to become an Ace, and a Squadron Leader. Was shot down, captured, and gave the Germans so much trouble as a prisoner, that he was eventually sent to Kolditz.
2004-07-09, 06:06 PM
ha, i forgot all about that, cool, can we do that in PS???
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-09, 06:13 PM
What? have your character's leg's amputated? :confused:
Explain yourself before you say something that makes no sence, you foolish little boy :p (j/k).
In the meantime, check out my Siggy!
WOW I didn't think so may would respond to this. Cool. So.....Hamma, wanna explain yourself? How bout the rest of the PSU/PS staff.....
What? have your character's leg's amputated? :confused:
Explain yourself before you say something that makes no sence, you foolish little boy :p (j/k).
In the meantime, check out my Siggy!
WOW I didn't think so may would respond to this. Cool. So.....Hamma, wanna explain yourself? How bout the rest of the PSU/PS staff.....
:rofl: Monty Python Spam skit = teh classic.
There is one of these type of threads in the Lounge like once a month it seems... :lol: I think I might be able to find a link to it. That way you can see those that posted in that one and not this one yet. Most not all use their PS name for PSU.
2004-07-10, 01:34 AM
Cryptica is actually a shortened version of CrypticalLogic, actually I don't remember how I got it other than I remember thinking I was being all uber-mysterious when I was like, 11. Other names I used include Mizeraaze, because when playing a game of Disciples (an old TBS strat game) one of the units said something that sounded like it. It's pronounced "miz-er-aa-zay." Another name I use is Torlanan, which was the name for my bestest D&D character when I was young, and also I use ChickenWing because that's my nickname in college.
Terran Sniper
2004-07-11, 12:52 PM
I dont have PS yet, put I have one name that I use for everything. Breisleach is Irish Gaelic for "nightmare" and like Cauldron, i figgered it would "smite my foes with fear" i believe is wut i said at the time. If that is taken, then i'd get CHEEZIEBRED, cuz i like cheesy bread.
P.S.: Caudron Borne, did you read those Lloyd Alexander books? With Taran, Prince gwydion, and all them?
2004-07-11, 07:12 PM
I used Sock in PSO v. 1&2 because I wanted something unique and easy to remember. Then I got PlanetSide, and needed a name, so I just used Sock.
EDIT: Forgot to put this in, but I got Sock from my Morrowind character Skah. But I got tired of that name, and Sock sounded something like it so I used Sock from there on
2004-07-11, 09:16 PM
my email and my schools mascot, plus i buy trojans all the time :brow: :D
2004-07-12, 05:46 AM
Now, about the different language names. Now, these names you pick, that are not english, are supposed to smite fear into yoru opponent who is most likely at or below the High School grade, which means that most likely that they can hardly understand English, and you want them to understand what ever language you picked?
Edit: now if it was Spanish, maybe French then that could be acceptable.
2004-07-12, 10:43 AM
Ill say this for the 12th time, :D
My dad got "xmodum" from an old Ohio-state band, small band, not famus, and he used it for his email, then he used it for games like "AirWarriors", and then in "WW2Online". PS came out, could'nt think of a name, then it hit me, DUH DUMBASS
2004-07-12, 11:02 AM
Ok, so your turn. Tell us why you picked yer name and what it means. Was it just to be funny? Does it have a hidden meaning? Were you near drunk and couldn't think of anything else except an alchohol euphamism, but the letters got garbbled while you typed?
Hey, I grouped with you this weekend :p I had made a TR character this weekend to get a feel for how your forces are operating these days and to see if your CR5s were better or worse than the VS. I now realize 90% of all empires CR5s really just pick targets at random so they can contradict each other most efficiently.
The character you met was 'Owyltsoas'. Which when I didn't feel like thinking up a name for someone, who I figured would essentially be a blowoff character, stood for "Or Would You Like To Swing On A Star" :doh: (Hudson Hawk was on, what can I say)
My main character is of course 'Majik'. Which essentially is what you get when you pronounce my initials M.J.K.
Real Mulambo
2004-07-12, 11:27 AM
Mulambo is portuguese for a vagabond rebel.
Also the title of a Soulfly song.
Try it. You may like it.
I like to think of it as my theme tune and if I ever do make up a movie that will be the title track.
It sounds mean enough for a good soundtrack.
2004-07-12, 04:47 PM
Papagiorgio comes from Vegas Vacation, when Rusty Griswold needed to get a fake ID and assume the alias of "Nick Pappagiorgio" to do anything fun.
I had to take off one "P" to fit the name into Diablo II's 11 character name limit, and it's stuck. :D
2004-07-12, 05:38 PM
I got serveral that i always use, and basicly got so noone else could get em.
BUGGER, its my main one, it came from the book series Enders Game. If someone already took it, i add sGHOST to the end.
*******, my upper arm has lotta bumps that are read when i sweat, got the name while playing basketball.
Bigfootz, i got the biggest feet in my class, i added the z at the end to add some...sparkle to the name.
LtChevys, its a character i made up in my stories. I like to keep him NC character only and i plan to keep it that way.
A name that i do want to make (which is my true nick in real life) is KB, my first and last name initals. My history teacher called me that in basketball(he was coach) instead of *******, which i liked alot. It was our friendship since we both kinda go the same haircut and i'm the only one who he can treat me equaly.
2004-07-12, 06:02 PM
Ill say this for the 12th time, :D
My dad got "xmodum" from an old Ohio-state band, small band, not famus, and he used it for his email, then he used it for games like "AirWarriors", and then in "WW2Online". PS came out, could'nt think of a name, then it hit me, DUH DUMBASS
2004-07-13, 07:46 AM
err i made Sploogey up a few years ago when i started playin CS and D2
doesnt mean any thing i was just sat at home playin D2 and a friend made a spelling mistake that looked something like Sploogey (something like sxploodey, lol he meant to say explode) and it stuck
its always been very unique and am well known for the name in alot of games because if u take the y off it means sper...ill stop there (btw i had no idea it meant that, i was 11 at the time, practically just learned what masturbation meant)
2004-07-13, 03:49 PM
Cause Strak is the name I used when I played Trade Wars 2002 long long ago. Why did I use it then? Well cause I needed a name and picked it out of the blue back then!
Hmmm been ages since I have played, probably not a co-leader anymore, if we even exist. Guess I will have to change that one day.
2004-07-15, 06:46 AM
deadasdillinger because me and a friend of mine always used to refer to people who were stuffed that they were as dead as dillinger. Dont know who dillinger is.
Therefore it has always been my handle for online shooters since UT.
Any alt chars just have silly names like thebrownstreak etc.
The only other handle I have used was in asherons call sometime back and that was spelunker which was the name of an old japanese arcade game, i think it means an adventurer of sorts.
2004-07-15, 10:29 AM
Emerald: Caduceus - The Staff of Hermes. I am the conductor of the dead and I am also an advanced medic. Caduceus is the symbol you see on Ambulences and at hospitals. Caduceus (
Markov: PhoenixInfernus - The Phoenix "A mythological bird that never dies, the phoenix flies far ahead to the front, always scanning the landscape and distant space. It represents our capacity for vision, for collecting sensory information about our environment and the events unfoldign within it. The phoenix, with its great beauty, creates intese excitement and deathless inspiration". The bird of Arabian and Greek myth that died by the flame and was born from the ash. Phoenix (
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-16, 12:36 AM
kool. HAMMA! Tell us your secrets!
As for Majik: Did you like hangin with us? We try not to listen to CR5's.
And Hudson Hawk : Duh Shit. I like that movie.
2004-07-16, 11:36 AM
i play for a paintball team called the clan and i am the youngest hence clankid
2004-07-16, 03:11 PM
Destroyeron, beause I'm destroyeron everywhere, and I mean everywhere.
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