View Full Version : Most Wanted Features
2004-07-09, 12:32 PM
Right, this is just to see what types of things people want to see in PS. I think the CR5s should get an overhead real-time map of battles and hotspots that shows the actual troops in combat or just their positions representing them as icons. It probably would help them actually plan base attacks instead of just seeing the balance of power on a continent.
I'd like to see what other people would like, so post people, post! :)
I want surge should come back (the real surge) so that not everyone would use personal shield and rexo.
2004-07-09, 01:07 PM
harder gameplay. not a things like a bigger COF, things that need skill instead of luck and numbers.
2004-07-09, 02:06 PM
This one has been mentioned before, but Capitol bases with better defense systems, real tough ones. So it takes ages to get in, and it requires a proper mission and special forces to deal in shutting down each section of the defense system one by one, before the zerg can wipe out the enemy indoors.
That would take skill, for a short period until it becomes a simple routine. :-( Which sucks. But hey so is typical base hacking. We need something to liven it up a little. Like an addon to the Capitol Buildings.
2004-07-09, 03:42 PM
Help for defenders of any sort whould be apreciated, but i've ranted this to death and gone before.
2004-07-09, 04:43 PM
Splinter cell-like infiltration for infiltrators
Hell or just the ability to incapacitate enemies without having to kill them and bring attention to urself via kill message and hotspot
2004-07-09, 04:45 PM
I want surge should come back (the real surge) so that not everyone would use personal shield and rexo.
so you'd rather have Agiles with surge and ps shield so they warp to you turn it on, kill you and warp away?
Now that people know the power of shield they'll keep it. But realy what you want is good 'ol surgile back don't try to hide it.
2004-07-09, 05:53 PM
player made structures, one day i'll get round to explaining it...
but in short, at a certain CR you can build tents, then make stuff like generators, vehicle and weapons terminals, medical centres, places to put AMS's and routers and ofcourse, the all important CC...
these 'camps' can be used for squads, platoons and even outfits to meet and prepare...
you can use these just to power a turret or to keep control of an important area, and you can defend them with automated and manual turrets, small walls, mines or other similiar objects, all of which powered by an underground chain of cables for both power and data, which would cost something, at the moment im not sure what, but possibally in the future we would use money for each metre...
2004-07-09, 06:50 PM
Revamping of the way you get CEP.
Or at least revamping of CR5, so every single damn person on the planet dosent have global/conitinental chat.
I stick to my idea that you should have to submit an essay about your leadership skills to SOE to approve, and have an (account) background check before they grant you the abillity to spam to 1/3 of a games population.
If you are not literate, then you dont deserve to lead.
2004-07-09, 08:12 PM
I agree with gohan, the feature I would most like to see in the game is a complete rehaul of the command structure. I would like to see CR5 spaces be limited so we dont have a top heavy command structure and only those who actually can and are willing to lead can be CR5 (even if this means that cr5s stay in a building in sanc or capital and can only look at a real time map and not have to worry about fighting with the grunts).
It annoys me to no end when I see a CR5 try to take command and give a tactically good command like: "abandon cont xxx and leave it to the other empires or we will get caught in a three way stalemate" only to be quickly followed by "ignore him/her, s/he is a moron, fight where ever (do whatever) you want". If the second CR5 isnt willing to lead then dont say anything, or better yet, you shouldnt even be a commander.
2004-07-09, 08:20 PM
Two words - Naval Expansion
2004-07-09, 08:23 PM
Player constructed buildings
2004-07-09, 09:02 PM
make a requirement to be cr5 something involving votes from other players....
2004-07-09, 09:08 PM
Player votes are dangerous. Mainly because your average player may not know who budding CR5 is and therefore cannot make a decision on whether they'd make a good CR5 or not.
2004-07-09, 09:28 PM
exactly... so limit it. possibly to the one year players, or some such.
2004-07-09, 09:46 PM
Tons of newbs have played for a year. Not good enough.
2004-07-09, 10:23 PM
I dont think player votes would solve anything. The reason we have so many CR5s is because we have huge outfits that pick players to advance to CR5 as fast as possible through zerg tactics and exp whoring. If we make it player votes, these same outfits will obviously just vote for the person they want to be CR5 thus solving nothing if not making it easier to advance their own players through the command ranks.
2004-07-09, 10:28 PM
Which is why you should have an SAT score of 1200 as a minimum to lead.
2004-07-10, 01:46 AM
I seriously think that the only way to solve the command issue is to do two things:
1) Limit the number of spaces available to higher rank CR's. Like....unlimited CR1's, say, 1,000 CR2's, 500 CR3's, 250 CR4's, and 100 CR5's. Random numbers, but you get the idea.
2) Require more than just CEP to achieve a command rank. I don't know what it would be, maybe as someone mentioned SoE would have to approve them, but that would be too much interference and ppl would bitch. I honestly have no idea what could be done...I'm not smart enough to think of the answer, but I am smart enough to know there's a problem.
Maybe you have to be over 18 in real life to be CR5, or something. All I know is I'm sick of stupid-ass 14 year old morons who can't even spell the word "abandon" correctly trying to tell me what to do. CR5's now have a major problem: nobody respects them. They have no power because no one listens to them. This game, unfourtunately, is run like a democracy. If you don't want to listen to a superior officer, you don't have to, and you suffer no consequences. I know, I know it's a game and we're supposed to have fun, but it's sad that the majority of the players are still too stupid and immature to realize that by working together and being smart and using tactics it makes the game MORE FUN!! Hey, go figure....
*sigh* I didn't want to rant but I got carried away....sorry.
2004-07-10, 06:54 AM
noooooooooooooooo, stop talking about the boring CR5 stuff, just take the best of the CR5's and make them CR6's, then each one could be put toward a base and they would have to defend or attack that base, someone needs to govern the CR5's...
how about CR6's look after bases, CR7's after continents, then CR8's can govern the whole world...
and there wouldn't be a player voting thing just the same old system of being promoted when youre CEP goes up enough, but you only get a promotion if there is noone allready on the job or if they fall down to be worse than you....
now look at my post plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
2004-07-10, 06:58 AM
I have been told on numerous occasions that getting to CR5 (from people who aren't using dodgy tactics) is a long and arduous task. If you completely shake up Command Rank, how are you going to compensate those people who spent a lot of time getting to CR5? (I'm only CR1 so it wouldn't bother me but I can see it being a little unfair).
2004-07-10, 07:40 AM
Hex222, I think you're right, it would be good to have temporary camps to regroup and such, but introducing money would kind of change the balance of the game. I can't really answer how it could be implemented but it sounds good.
Firefly, hell yeah! We really could use naval weapons. Maybe a floating battleship with an aircraft creation terminal, spawn tubes and so on. How to move around would be a problem though, maybe water-based warpgates, but that might not work.
MrCovertMan, it would be good to see infiltrators put to better use because it's hardly stealthy killing someone and then see a hotspot pop up alerting every enemy on the global map.
Now the CR5 problem, maybe when they advance to CR5 they have 2 choices:
1) They can be locked into a command building, with global chat, broadcast on continents and live overhead battlefield maps, waypoints for all troops, and communication to any outfit, platoon, squad etc.
2) Doing what they do now, without global chat.
This means those that are truly willing to lead would choose option one but those that decide to be on the battlefield don't get all the privileges that they do now. The options would not be permanent and they switch at any time if they wanted though. Still my system is far from perfect so carry on posting.
2004-07-10, 09:56 AM
watch out people, i'm about to bombard you with all the ideas i've ever thought of...
some other ideas:
grapples, each empire has a gun which fire some sort of projectile which either stays attached to the gun by a rope like thingy or the rope like thingy falls to the ground...
the ability to take control of those things where you get the fuel, you can build a camp, a depo and with lots of money you could transfer energy to a sattalite and back to a base... other empires would need to invade the base...
the ability to be a feild nano surgeon and boost peoples abilities on the field, this would require either an advanced medic or engineering cert...
the ability to be a real hacker and hack from a distance, you would need infils to plant bugs for you to use to control security systems, or do other stuff like turn all the lights off, or open a door from the inside...
more sniper rifles, advanced sniping allowing you to use one of 3 rifles, and offensive one, a defensive one , or a silienced one. empire specific sniping gets you an NC gause sniper rifle, with a single shot anti-matter and a 3 shot anti-personel mode; a TR 12 shot rifle, with 3 shot bursts as an option; and a VS energy rifle, with pinpoint acuracy for 6 shots or a lasher style orb for two shots(to catch out unsuspecting enemies)
a strenth bar which depletes as you use dual guns, or lift up hevy stuff, like crates of ammo, bombs or chainguns... you can use heavier equipment for longer if you do this alot...
a karma bar, which lowers when you kill and raise when you help by healing allies and stuff, when maxed up you can go into slo-mo and can see where your enemies are easier, when it hits 0 you go into a rage and kill anything you get close to automatically, which can be dangerous as well as powerful...
a religous cert, which gives you special powers and a staff, Preists can heal a persons karma to 50%, create EMP's similiarto using a CUD, can defend a team with a barrier or use their power to kill enemies...
the ability to modify vehicles and weapons and store them...
pets, upto 7 without using any special certs, each animal has a limit to how many you can have, you can have dogs as a companion to watch your back, or to defend a base, birds to scout for you, parets can set off an alarm or distracts enemies with their human like voice, rodents to scout, or to spy, horses can be used as automatic travel, being able to dodge trees and jump automatically they can take the best rout to your destination and can be faster than most vehicles in wooded areas; all animals last til their armor runs out then get transported back to the sanc to wait in a comp til you need them again...
robots, similiar to pets, but better at fighting, and less automated, some can be remote controlled...
a 'breach weapons' cert which allows you to use the sweeper 2, supressor 2, or an empire specific shotgun/SMG
a close range weapons cert for swords, sticks, 2X knives, throwing knives, discus', spears...
navy warfare
space warfare
access to the moons, one odinary white rock(our moon), one ice and snow...
6 moons to the moons, an urban one, a wooded one, a desert one, a volcanic one, one temperate and another meditaranian.
6 empires, the origonals and a green one: which relies on nature to survive, a black one: which is made of the criminals of auraxis, which rely on both weapons of mass destruction and stealth, and a white one.
the ability to knock out or paralise an enemy so that they can't tell on you if your an infil, when this happens to relive you of boredom you get a bit of training, or to see whats happening, a knocked out person cannot chat atall...
seperate experience for medics/drivers/hackers/etc...
of course my last post would be in here aswell, and it would get a defence barrier which limits how many projectiles get through, explosives just blow up when they hit it, the barrier does not stop anyone and takes up power...
about the money thing, money could be earned along with BEP, if you kill an enemy you earn money, if you take a base then you get more money, if your a CR6and you take the base your going for then you get money, if your CR7 you'll earn money every time your empire gets a base in your continent and lots of money when you take the whole cont... money makes games open ended, and allows players more options and imerses them in the game more...
and i havn't even played the game yet...
2004-07-10, 12:00 PM
We can tell :)
2004-07-10, 12:15 PM
Which is why you should have an SAT score of 1200 as a minimum to lead.
I like that idea.
2004-07-10, 12:58 PM
Maybe you have to be over 18 in real life to be CR5, or something. All I know is I'm sick of stupid-ass 14 year old morons who can't even spell the word "abandon" correctly trying to tell me what to do.
hey i take offence to that but you do have a point there are alot of stuiped players that should not be CR1 let alone CR5.
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-10, 01:48 PM
Here we go:
Set every CR5 back to CR4. Take away the CR5 OS (The cr4 os can take out AMS', too. The CR5 OS is just a kills spam weapon anyway.)
This way only the people who WANT to lead will be willing to put forth the effort to regain cr5. All the stupid people will be contnet to just use their spam kill weapon.
Sure we'd be without CR5's for a while, but whose complaining?
2004-07-10, 02:18 PM
I wouldn't mind underwater combat. That'd be kinda kinky. Or underground. There was a cross section diagram on here absolutly ages ago of what a base could look like. Another thing that'd I'd like to have is empire specific shotguns. You would have to move the jackhammer to the NC specific and give them a new heavy weapon, and then add the TR shotguns and VS shotguns. That would level the indoor battlefield.
2004-07-10, 02:24 PM
that or just make the JH common pool
2004-07-10, 02:44 PM
hey i take offence to that but you do have a point there are alot of stuiped players that should not be CR1 let alone CR5.
same here
Another thing that'd I'd like to have is empire specific shotguns. You would have to move the jackhammer to the NC specific and give them a new heavy weapon, and then add the TR shotguns and VS shotguns. That would level the indoor battlefield.
yup, NC with the JH, TR with a large clip and, i dunno about the VS...
the NC could get a gause cannon for HW...
and another thing on my list, the ability for infils to steal stuff from peoples inventories, take apart mines, hack, plant bugs, and strangle enemies all with one cert, one weapon and minimal noise... it'd cost about 5 cert points though...
We can tell
haha, i've been racking these up for the last 5 months, i've been so addicted to this game recently, IT lessons just become 'find a new PS site that they havent banned yet' lessons...
2004-07-10, 03:13 PM
Well if they ban PSU, tell Hamma and he'll... erm.... I dunno, ban em back? :D
2004-07-10, 03:15 PM
yup, NC with the JH, TR with a large clip and, i dunno about the VS..
VS shotgun would perhaps be more accurate.
2004-07-10, 03:20 PM
isn't the point of a shotgun not to be accurate???
we've been searching for proxy servers recently, found one, then, to no fault of my own, it got banned because people weren't erasing their history or t5aking the long route instead of typing uin the URL... you know, i can get expelled for this...
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-10, 04:11 PM
I know there is a way to re-route those things. My Geo-Trig teacher taught us all that stuff. He encouraged us to hack the system. I once connected to (been banned from my school for about a year), by masking my trail through four other computers and making it look like the principal was visiting the site...
School computers = the easiest way to learn how to be a hacker...
2004-07-10, 05:01 PM
hahaha, on Monday i'm gonna go mad, damn, i havn't got it on monday, i got PE instead...
i have IT 25 out of 100 hrs yet i cant have a lesson every day!!!
2004-07-10, 05:13 PM
2004-07-10, 06:29 PM
melee with all weapons
fist fighting
2004-07-10, 07:34 PM
Naval aspects would be a welcome addition in my eyes.
2004-07-10, 07:47 PM
i would give tr an autoshotgun that fires VERY fast. nc should be somewhat like the 12 gauge is in cs. the vs should have an energy shotgun, of course. give it a longer range, mabee DoT, and it should have low recoil.
i have thought, since i first saw the NC, that all their weapons should be high power but hard to aim, as there arent a large volume of shots. a should mounted gauss cannon with 2 modes of fire.... yummy....
2004-07-10, 08:17 PM
ok heres my ideas,
1.) A hiking/mountain climbing cert, its a cert that helps you climb mountains. the look would be a boots with spikes on the bottom and a Pick like object to help climb up wards. If you use the Pick your Defenseless so anyone can attack you.the reason why cause i hate it when theres hills and cliffs you cant climb, cause a cuple of days ago i was trying to get to a outpost tower in ish. and i couldnt get there on foot cause it was on a hill/montain. plus it gives snipers extra places to snipe.
2.) A pistol that infotators can use to defend them selfs and use to hack/disarm things like mines. cause evryone hates having to got to your invetory box to change your weapons/devices.
3.) A Turrent that you can place on the ground(like a M-60). it shots in a 180 degree angle.
4.) A Camouflage suits for snipers. so its harder to find them.
5.) Any kind of navy boats. :D
i got alot of ideas but those are my best ones, Incase you didnt notice Im a sniper and a cloaker :D tell me what you think
2004-07-10, 08:23 PM
1) Makes sense, better as an elite ability than a cert
2) That's the point. You have a pistol to defend yourself with, a REK to hack with and jammer grenades to disable mines with. Having all those rolled into one weapons would be slightly unbalanced.
3) Yeah I guess. But I'd like the idea of such a weapon requiring 2 people to set it up, as has been suggested in other threads and last CN iirc.
4) Don't really like the idea of invisible snipers. Used to, don't now.
2004-07-10, 08:32 PM
1) Makes sense, better as an elite ability than a cert
2) That's the point. You have a pistol to defend yourself with, a REK to hack with and jammer grenades to disable mines with. Having all those rolled into one weapons would be slightly unbalanced.
3) Spitfire? Judging by how damage is scaled in all weapons, a spitfire probably does as much damage as an M60
4) Don't really like the idea of invisible snipers. Used to, don't now.
1) whatever i would like to climb those moutains
2) my point is that the cloker only has one pistol and i know thats the point so is harder to do your job. cause when your hacking and you get shot or see some one coming as your hacking you can only defend your self with a knive cause you dont have time to switch to a pistol but that means you have to come in close but by that time your dead . the pistol would only have like 5 shots.
3)sry forgot to add its a turrent that you man yourself.
4) there not completely invisable unless there farther back. its so that its harder to find them
2004-07-10, 08:43 PM
1) Sounds good for an elite ability, but it may be hard to implement.
2) No.
3) It's called an AI MAX
4) No.
2004-07-10, 08:57 PM
Nah, TR MAXs can't turn 180 degrees when anchored :)
Sorry trojan I was a little retarded when I read your post and only got what you meant by the turret on the re-read, hence I edited it :)
As for the whole cloaker weapon thing, the way I see it is your best weapon is stealth, and while I grant you're more likely to be seen hacking than not (although sometimes I'm suprised how blind people are running up tower stairs :)) you're pretty much dead if you get found hacking. Either way being able to have a pistol right there and then really isn't going to help you much in that situation.
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-10, 09:08 PM
CLOAKER TIP! you can hack from a distance.... OK NO MORE CLOAKER TIPS!
2004-07-11, 08:46 AM
tut, trojanman i allready said those things
we SHOULD have an M60 style machine gun, but it should slow you down alot and is only accurate while prone...
climbing can be done with empre specific grappling guns, they have lethal and unlethal modes, the lethal mode atacthes to earth and the unlethal mode is used to shoot over walls so you can climb up them...
the gun which does all that stuff for infils, i said that, what if it could be used as a close range weapon istead of a gun, like fibre wire, then you could use it to disable mines, one by one, steal stuff from enemies back packs...
no invisible snipers, unless if they use an AMS to cloak them or something...
also, 3 new grenades:
flashbang: you all know what they do
smoke: creates a cloud of black smoke, people in agile, standard or infil armor can die of suffocation if they hang around for too long...
force: creates a shockwave used to blow up mines or blast enemies accross a room, can kill if it explodes close enough to someone
and a breach explosive, for getting through doors easily...
2004-07-11, 10:34 AM
we SHOULD have an M60 style machine gun, but it should slow you down alot and is only accurate while prone
Prone? We playing the same game here :P~
And when cloaked by an AMS you can't see anything outside te cloak bubble (unless you use darklight I think).
Real Mulambo
2004-07-12, 11:52 AM
True Day & Night Cycle
2004-07-12, 01:00 PM
most have these have been said
-Naval Bases/vessels/battles/veh/whatever
-New bases
-A way to climb mountains/walls
-Day and Night cycle
-camo for sniper(i no its not fair but i most definetly want it :))
-prone would be kool, but they wont put it in
-an infil that can actually do somtin
-Heavy Assault Tanks
-Empire specific Light Assault Tanks
-Better defense capabilities in bases
-Empire specific Air(pick one idc which so long as its not the lodestar lol)
-Urban Areas, Outfit Barracks, check this out==> if u dont want to read it all(it is 20 some pages) read like the last 3 pages or so to see what im talkin about.
-Cert Tree(ill have to start a thread on this)<==THIS IS A MUST
-Revamp the Command Rank System. somtin must be done bout this!
-Advanced Piloting/driving modes<==another thread
-anything i missed :)
2004-07-12, 01:34 PM
-Naval Bases/vessels/battles/veh/whatever
Hinted as coming
-New bases
On its way
-prone would be kool, but they wont put it in
Not likely to happen (any time soon)
-Heavy Assault Tanks
Hinted at
-an infil that can actually do somtin
Possibly links in with new bases.
-Better defense capabilities in bases
Same again
2004-07-14, 07:20 PM
instead of a grapple or sumthin like bout a super jump implant weeee
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-16, 12:28 AM
Super Jump Implant = Return of the Jumping Surgiles of Doom. (all the old school guys know what I mean. the secret to NC success).
2004-07-16, 01:36 AM
Super Jump Implant = Return of the Jumping Surgiles of Doom. (all the old school guys know what I mean. the secret to NC success).
That was NOT a bug, it was a secret ancient NC skill.
2004-07-16, 01:44 AM
I'd like to see a better command structure a la the IdeaLab, or a true day-night cycle with flashlights, flares, NVGs, functional headlights, nearly undetectable infiltrators..
Oh yeah, and as mentioned, some tactically useful grenades would be spiffy. Flashbangs, and maybe concussion, teargas, or those flashbangs they fill with the rubber ball bearings, kinda like a tossable rubber bullet cluster bomb.
[Edit: Oh oh, and more man-portable stuff. the aformentioned M60 is a good anology, as would be man-portable mortars]
But realy what you want is good 'ol surgile back don't try to hide it.
That's what I said I'm not trying to hide it.
2004-07-16, 03:38 AM
Get rid of the damn ugly orange visor for VS and replace it with the clear ones. (I might be bugged with this, not entirely sure yet)
I would kill for a sniping specialized suit, but balancing would be hell.
Empire specific SA
Empire specific sniper rifles
Cooler player models
An improved ability to customize characters (apart from gender and face) More voices too
The ability to rename favorites
The ability to have multiple implant slots, some implants that take up multiple slots, other implants that are specified for a certification
The ability to bind the turning off and on of multiple implants at once
I like the heavy assault tank idea
Better command structure is a must, more CR levels. Make getting CR (higher levels of cr5) like getting to become a Jedi in Star Wars Galaxies (extremely difficult and time consuming)
A common pool HA weapon (other than maelstrom)
The ability for a character to evolve. For instance the longer you run across terrain, you will get faster and faster until you reach standard armor footspeed. Or the more kills you get in a day, the smaller your cone of fire, or the longer you drive the better your handling of the vehicle is.
The more times repair your vehicle, the more armor it can have. Or maybe the more times you repair your vehicle the less armor your vehicle has.
A command database in planetside that is easy to use. (Sorta like the Steam system for those of you who have played games on Steam)
A cr5 backpack that actually holds extra stuff.
Sea vehicles. Maybe like HART where u board a ship, but the ship's location is pre-destined. Between continents you can be attacked or what have you. Also the ability to fly to other continents would be nice
Space battles! (Good idea for an expansion pack) In which case, you get empire specifc space fighters that you can get when you cert up for reaver and mossie. And also common pool space transport ships for air support that transport troopers to an orbital station. The station is built like a station, with everything from mess halls, to officer quarters, to a bridge, an engineering (I sound like a trekkie huh). The winer will be granted the ability to os anything on any continent for 3:00 minutes at which point the orbita station has to "recharge" for 30 minutes where any other empire can take the orbital station.
Garages so you can store the Enforcer or Prowler that you steal.
Bigger lockers
New different buldings (a given)
A city half the size of a sanctuary continent
More responsive terrain (you can use a flail to make trenches for instance)
trench warfare!
The ability to infect people (for ppl with med cert) like in TFC!
The added ability to cure like in TFC!
An option to turn off the fog, or to turn off the thing that allows you to only see a cetain distance and then everything disappears. I think it's a video optimization patch or something.
Tracker tags, tags where you can shoot at someone and will track them all over the continent.
Damage tags, tags that will constantly cause damage until removed by an engineer
The giving of XP to medics and engineers for repairing/healing/reviving someone/something
The increased ability to hot drop in more locations around an SOI than the ones already present.
The nullification of Broadcast warpgates
The ability to drop in an enemy held sanc
3 Equally balanced empires
Okay, that was a long post. Now I'm tired *yawn*
2004-07-16, 04:14 AM
Yeah, space combat. I would like that to have jetpacks, and space-fighters with the ability to roll and be properly manoeverable, and being able to properly fly to space so you could be shot down on the way there, making it challenging. I would like to see the ability to hijack the orbital strike stations so you can stop enemy commanders on the ground from firing an OS. Deployable recon satellites would be cool, taking snapshots of enemy movement below.
Real Mulambo
2004-07-16, 07:15 AM
More outfit decals or customisable ones.
2004-07-16, 07:58 AM
The idea of a fixed and controllable turret is a great idea. A CE is limited to 10 spitfires so the limit for a fixed heavy machine gun would probably much less.
I'd also like to see Spits one can deploy in a sphere of influence, perhaps less lethal than a regular spit.
A second version of the ACE would be probably be needed for balance. But a medical terminal with a similar graphic as the Router pad would be nice aswell.
2004-07-19, 12:47 PM
I would like to see different looking bases or even towns its getting alittle old going into the same bases the same towers. bases and towers should be different on each continent. The defenses should be stronger. the cannons should be harder to destroy than they are now. You should be able to put mines and spitfires inside of the buildings There also should be mini chainguns or machine guns or laser that you can put along the top walls or in the court yards that can ba manned when you base is under attack. This should be a addition to the engineer to build. Where there are crossroads towns should be built up so not only do oyu have to take bases but also towns and the building should be able to be destroyed then rebuilt when it has been taken over by the opposing force I like the idea that someone wrote about the navy you have alot of ocean and river why not put on coastal or river patrol boats with surface to surface missiles and maybe put carriers so that the reavers, mosquitos, etc can take off from.
2004-07-19, 12:55 PM
You should be able to blow walls down.
A C4 equivalent should be invented for these walls.
If you blow up a base (as in reduce it to rubble) the base should be a pile of rubble and unusable for a day. Like if you set 2 C4 equivalents on a tower, the tower will tip over, crash, killing everyone in the upper levels, but those underground will be trapped, and wouth have to shoot the rubble to get free.
If you snipe someone in the head, their head should explode.
Limbs should be detachable (Oh god think of the big tower battles!)
Trees that can be destroyed.
2004-07-19, 08:23 PM
You should be able to blow walls down.
A C4 equivalent should be invented for these walls.
If you blow up a base (as in reduce it to rubble) the base should be a pile of rubble and unusable for a day. Like if you set 2 C4 equivalents on a tower, the tower will tip over, crash, killing everyone in the upper levels, but those underground will be trapped, and wouth have to shoot the rubble to get free.
If you snipe someone in the head, their head should explode.
Limbs should be detachable (Oh god think of the big tower battles!)
Trees that can be destroyed.
(Oh god think of the bigger lag battles!)
2004-07-19, 10:32 PM
Mwahaha, my T3 connection, My ATI Radeon 9800, P4 3.0 ghz will give me the advantage! (if ever these changes were made, which they probably won't be)
I'd like to see these in Planetside 2 =D
2004-07-19, 11:00 PM
naval combat, destructable bases, new bases, urban enviroments, deployable machineguns, huge super bases, outfit cruisers, trenches, night/day cycles, empire specific sancturaries, new CE shit (see hayoo's thread), and thats it I guess.
2004-07-20, 12:17 AM
Two words:
Real physics!
2004-07-20, 04:56 AM
After the announcements made by Sporkfire about the TR MAX and how it's getting buffed, I saw an idea on the OFs that I thought would make the TR MAX's special ability level with the others, without changing it much.
When the TR MAX enters anchored mode, instead of the weapons carrying only a certain number of ammo in its clip, the weapons would clip directly into its ammo supply, like the APUs in the Matrix, so the ammo would be fed on a belt. This means that there's no reload time as it would fire in one continuous stream until it reaches the end of its entire ammo reserves.
This wasn't my idea, though I wish it was, but it's pretty kickass.
2004-07-20, 10:06 AM
like someone said before me, have trenches, and navel bases, maybe a type of suit for under water combat and for the navel battles, destroyers, battleships, and submarines, and on the battleships they should have 5 turrets on each side and the driver can man a big cannon mounted on top of the ship. and the submarines are a 1 person craft that fire out missle like torpedos to hit ships from under water.
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