View Full Version : AvP Movie PG-13?!
2004-07-15, 01:55 AM
I was looking around for any new AvP info, and while I havn't found a media souce for this rumor yet, I'll post one if I find one.
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2004-07-15, 01:56 AM
2004-07-15, 02:02 AM
it better stay a rumor.
2004-07-15, 02:56 AM
2004-07-15, 03:38 AM
It's heresay, but the not yet rated buggs me the more I think about it. I would think that there would be no indecission this close to release about the rateing. It should have been R at least 3 months before release.
2004-07-15, 06:09 AM
It better be fucking R
Any less in a movie with aliens would be like watching the Care Bears.
2004-07-15, 10:22 AM
It better be fucking R
Any less in a movie with aliens would be like watching the Care Bears.
2004-07-15, 10:31 AM
This movie's gonna suck dick anyways.. It'll be PG-13 because they want all the kiddies who bought the toys and played the game to go see the movie.
It's not Alien, it's not Predator.
It's Alien vs. Predator.
It might as well be Street Fighter or Mario Brothers for christ's sake.
This movie is gonna eat balls.
2004-07-15, 10:35 AM
This movie's gonna suck dick anyways.. It'll be PG-13 because they want all the kiddies who bought the toys and played the game to go see the movie.
2004-07-15, 10:39 AM
Plus, the director is the same dildo munch that made Resident Evil. And that movie was the shittiest thing ever. The only cool part was the laser room. Oh, and when Milla Jovovich jumped real hight to kick the dog and we got the shot of her great legs. Hooray. Now you can stop making movies forever cackbiterskthx.
2004-07-15, 10:40 AM
Might as well go an buy the Aliens DVD box set, every one knows Aliens is cooler than Predator.
2004-07-15, 10:43 AM
Might as well go an buy the Aliens DVD box set, every one knows Aliens is cooler than Predator.
Indeed it is, cause my mom is afraid of the alien...
2004-07-15, 10:43 AM
This summer's movie lineup is thin in the area of Action.
I, Robot is iffy. It may be all show.
The Bourne Supremecy will be awesome because The Bourne Identity was badass.
AvP is going to just plain suck.
And any other cash absorbing "LOOK AT ME" movies out there will do the same.
*sigh* it's too bad that movies have become: Look what I can do with my COMPUTER!!!!!11111111one
2004-07-15, 10:46 AM
This summer's movie lineup is thin in the area of Action.
I, Robot is iffy. It may be all show.
The Bourne Supremecy will be awesome because The Bourne Identity was badass.
AvP is going to just plain suck.
And any other cash absorbing "LOOK AT ME" movies out there will do the same.
Asimov is rolling in his grave... some books should remain books...
2004-07-15, 10:48 AM
Asimov is rolling in his grave... some books should remain books...
*COUGH* starship troopers *COUGH*
2004-07-15, 10:51 AM
Starship Troopers 2....
2004-07-15, 10:52 AM
Starship Troopers 2....
No Starship Troopers in general was much better in written form...
EDIT: Although I will admit the first movie was better then the second...
2004-07-15, 10:53 AM
No Starship Troopers in general was much better in written form...
Destroy their medical facilities!
Well met.
2004-07-15, 11:35 AM
Might as well go an buy the Aliens DVD box set, every one knows Aliens is cooler than Predator.
No way.Aliens are teh suck.I hated Alien movies,it was so stupid that girl got like impregnated by one then she died then they made a clone it was freaking retarded.Predators are the shit!Number 2 wasnt very good but 1 was one of the best action films evAr.
2004-07-15, 11:38 AM
i thought this was a thread about AGP...
2004-07-15, 01:19 PM
The Bourne Supremecy will be awesome because The Bourne Identity was badass.
Indeed, that movie had so many "Wow, that was pretty damn cool" moments.
I Hate Pants
2004-07-15, 01:28 PM
I like both Alien and predator. Although Aliens was da shiznit and so was Predator 1.
I don't care about the rating for this film. Im still gonna go see it. Yeah, it'll probably suck. But ive been waiting for this film for too long to not go and see it.
And why have there been soo many rumours for this movie? This film is getting alot of hype.
Oh yeah! A good movie coming out this summer is Collateral. That looks tense!
2004-07-15, 01:55 PM
Collateral looks good.
I really liked Bourne Identity. The idea of filming actions speeds speeded up rather than in slo-mo form is damn cool, and looks great. My favorite scenes were the scene were he fights the sniper, and when he fights the assasin with the AK and boot-knife.
2004-07-15, 02:17 PM
Both Alien and Predator were great movies with the exception of Alien Resurection, which was an insult to the Alien series. Aliens is one of my favorate movies of all time.
Colateral looks good, and I need to see the Bourne Identity before I the Supremacy.
2004-07-15, 02:22 PM
Yeah, I don't like the idea of watching AvP and have the camera cut to a "shadow scene" every time a Predator rips someone's head off or a facehugger jumps on them.
2004-07-15, 02:35 PM
Jesus oddifsh you PMS'in or somethin? Nothing but hate. I think AvP won't be too bad, even though some of you may think Resident Evil sucked it was a succesful movie, not much you can do about that. Considering no Alien or Predator movies have been out recently AvP will most likely be succesfull as well. But everybody has their own opinion.
2004-07-15, 02:38 PM
Jesus oddifsh you PMS'in or somethin? Nothing but hate. I think AvP won't be too bad, even though some of you may think Resident Evil sucked it was a succesful movie, not much you can do about that. Considering no Alien or Predator movies have been out recently AvP will most likely be succesfull as well. But everybody has their own opinion.:nod:
2004-07-15, 02:40 PM
Jesus oddifsh you PMS'in or somethin? Nothing but hate. I think AvP won't be too bad, even though some of you may think Resident Evil sucked it was a succesful movie, not much you can do about that. Considering no Alien or Predator movies have been out recently AvP will most likely be succesfull as well. But everybody has their own opinion.
The reason, and only reason, it was successfull, was because everyone and his friend has played Resident Evil. If it didn't have that gigantic franchise behind it, it would've made about 3 dollars.
2004-07-15, 02:46 PM
The reason, and only reason, it was successfull, was because everyone and his friend has played Resident Evil. If it didn't have that gigantic franchise behind it, it would've made about 3 dollars.
:lol: you do have a point. Although I never heard bad comments from critics. Even though what critics say I usualy disagree with. Does anybody not see a movie if a critic says it's bad?
2004-07-15, 02:54 PM
Im not really a fan of excessive gore anyways.
2004-07-15, 03:13 PM
I'll accept nothing less than gun ho marines kicking arse with pulse rifles, if it doesn't have that it sucks.
2004-07-15, 03:18 PM
Yeah, I don't like the idea of watching AvP and have the camera cut to a "shadow scene" every time a Predator rips someone's head off or a facehugger jumps on them.
On the other hand implied gore and brutality, often has a stronger effect than actually showing it. Watch Jeepers Creepers and you'll see what I mean.
Collateral looks good.
I really liked Bourne Identity. The idea of filming actions speeds speeded up rather than in slo-mo form is damn cool, and looks great. My favorite scenes were the scene were he fights the sniper, and when he fights the assasin with the AK and boot-knife.
I havnt seen the flcik, but are you talking camera speeds, or perception?
Slow Camera Speed = Faster, choppier looking action (watch "Gladiator"'s battle scenes for a good example)
Fast Camera Speed = Slower (Scene where Morpheus is running out opf the building to the chopper, was something at like 5000 frames/second
On another note, has ANYONE noticed Hollywood's FLAGRANT abuse of the Static filter for films, lately?
2004-07-15, 03:22 PM
I mean perception, but your description is odd, because the fighting in BI is anything but choppy. It's just incredibly fast martial arts/pen-fighting. For those who don't know, the main dude fights an assassin with a boot-knife using a pen. Kewl b34ns.
I mean perception, but your description is odd, because the fighting in BI is anything but choppy. It's just incredibly fast martial arts/pen-fighting. For those who don't know, the main dude fights an assassin with a boot-knife using a pen. Kewl b34ns.
perhaps youre misinterpreting what I mean by "Choppy"
Im not speaking of "Choppy" as in 1/2 frames a second, where an arm is one place, then, in the next frame, another place. Thats icky.
what i meant was they run it at about 20 FPS, maybe 15, instead of the normal/smooth 30 FPS. What results is "faster" feeling action.
Yay for a Theatre Major.
Edit: Generally, when this tactic is being used, the cameraman is not on a lifter or anything, hes on his feet, and sways the camera around a bit, helping adding to the chaotic feel of the action.
2004-07-15, 03:42 PM
perhaps youre misinterpreting what I mean by "Choppy"
Im not speaking of "Choppy" as in 1/2 frames a second, where an arm is one place, then, in the next frame, another place. Thats icky.
what i meant was they run it at about 20 FPS, maybe 15, instead of the normal/smooth 30 FPS. What results is "faster" feeling action.
Yay for a Theatre Major.
Edit: Generally, when this tactic is being used, the cameraman is not on a lifter or anything, hes on his feet, and sways the camera around a bit, helping adding to the chaotic feel of the action.
Yeah, 's'like that. Is Theatre a good major (As in fun, good for career, etc...)?
Im in theatre, right now, and, as per career, if you're thinking of going into theatre for a living, god help you.
90% of theatre people never make livings for themselves, and turn into starving artists. The other 10% manage to make millions upon millions doing musicals for broadway and whatnot.
Im in it, just so I can get roadcasting experience. I intend to be a journalist, and while I dont intend on broadcasting, I want the flexibility to do so.
Edit: Its great fun.
2004-07-15, 04:41 PM
now, you all say books dont turn into good movies, which is true, ever see Battlefield Earth? now the book was good, the movie, omgsux
at least Starship Troopers the book and movie ended on a similar note, Battlefield Earth the movie ends half way through the book.
2004-07-15, 05:02 PM
Jesus oddifsh you PMS'in or somethin? Nothing but hate. I think AvP won't be too bad, even though some of you may think Resident Evil sucked it was a succesful movie, not much you can do about that. Considering no Alien or Predator movies have been out recently AvP will most likely be succesfull as well. But everybody has their own opinion.
Lonehunter.. you're just a poopy doopy head.
Anyways. I am PMSing, which sucks because i'm a guy and i didn't see this coming so there's blood all over my pants and i'm cramming Brawny paper towels in a hole i never knew i had.
In the erstwhile.
AvP will be a BAD movie.
It's going to be a: Look what I can do with my COMPUTER!!! kind of movie.
I don't give two shits about gore. What i give two shits about is that it's going to suck because it's just going to suck.
Now, if it comes out and it's the greatest thing since statutory panda rape, welllllll, i'll admit i was wrong and shell out money to go see it.
otherwise, it's going to suck, and i'm going to go watch that panda rape that 14 year old boy again. man, that shit's gotta hurt. who'd have thought such a calm animal could be so ravenous and violent.... ? *shrug*
2004-07-15, 05:08 PM
Lonehunter.. you're just a poopy doopy head.
That's possible
Anyways. I am PMSing, which sucks because i'm a guy and i didn't see this coming so there's blood all over my pants and i'm cramming Brawny paper towels in a hole i never knew i had.
AvP will be a BAD movie.
It's going to be a: Look what I can do with my COMPUTER!!! kind of movie.
I don't give two shits about gore. What i give two shits about is that it's going to suck because it's just going to suck.
See I wish you would give more reasoning as to why you think it will suck
2004-07-15, 05:12 PM
See I wish you would give more reasoning as to why you think it will suck
what more reason do you need than that the story, acting, script, and concept is retarded and the people working on it are going to try to doll up a shit movie with visuals just so that it's a viable big budget shit extravaganza?
if you need any more reason than that, then you clearly like shit movies. i bet you watch caddyshack 2 a lot, don't you...
2004-07-16, 03:43 AM
actualy, a lot of the effects of the Aliens and Predators are done with hydrolics and electronics. Check some of the featurs on the home site. They have a fully hydrolic alien that takes a dozen+people to operate.
2004-07-16, 04:21 AM
Indeed it is, cause my mom is afraid of the alien...
Yeah, that suit can be menacing when seen in real life, the guy needs someone to direct him like he's blind. SCARY :p
The CONCEPT of AVP isn't retarded. See the games. Hell, in Predator 2 there's a cameo of an alien skull. The concept isn't the problem
If they can fill the dumb parts with GOOD action then the movie could be funny and good(in a godzilla way[the original and the godzilla vs. whatever moves. NOT SON OF GODZILLA! THAT MOVIE WAS THE WORST POS EVER and of course not the american one, and Godzilla 2000 wasn't that good either])
2004-07-16, 03:09 PM
It's heresay, but the not yet rated buggs me the more I think about it. I would think that there would be no indecission this close to release about the rateing. It should have been R at least 3 months before release.
Farenheit 9/11 didn't have a rating until it came out.
2004-07-16, 03:48 PM
Farenheit 9/11 didn't have a rating until it came out.
that's because the MPAA didn't know what to do with that piece of shit.
2004-07-16, 03:53 PM
I haven't seen it. Is it really bad?
I Hate Pants
2004-07-16, 05:09 PM
Was Resident Evil rated R? Because if it was than most likely AvP will be R.
2004-07-17, 06:21 PM
Indeed it is, cause my mom is afraid of the alien...
I watched the first Predator movie when I was about 5. Not much sleep after that...
2004-07-17, 06:29 PM
I watched the first Predator movie when I was about 5. Not much sleep after that...
2004-07-17, 06:54 PM
Just because I was 5 and I couldn't handle movies like it? Just because my brother and his friend happened to be watching it and I wanted to see what it was about? You seriously need to get a life.
2004-07-17, 07:02 PM
Just because I was 5 and I couldn't handle movies like it? Just because my brother and his friend happened to be watching it and I wanted to see what it was about? You seriously need to get a life.
Jesus, people need to get a sense of humor.
Just because I was 5 and I couldn't handle movies like it? Just because my brother and his friend happened to be watching it and I wanted to see what it was about? You seriously need to get a life.
2004-07-17, 07:11 PM
you guys need to grow up.
AvP looks stupid as fuck. I will, however, see Resident Evil - Apocolypse
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