View Full Version : Big Decision (Not ADD Friendly)
2004-07-15, 09:01 PM
Ok, you guys all know about how I like to let you guys make a bunch of decesions in my life for me, but sadly this isnt the case. For today's situation Im just gathering opinions collectively from both PSUsers and non-PSUsers alike.
Let the flames of dilemma proceed!
Ok, this september Im going into 11th grade. last year I didnt have the most academically successful school year (a few B's and C's and 1 D) and I just wasnt happy with my school. this school shall be referred to as "School A." However, I do have alot of good friends there, and I was looking forward to next year because since all the seniors are losers (its a small school, <300), me, and my friends, would basically own the place. I'm also getting my drivers license around september/october, and if I get good grades my parents are gonna help me buy a nice car (my dads loaded, and he doesnt want me driving a shit bucket in front of his house, fathers these days :p ).
Now back to the dilemma. From 1st to 10th Grade, I've gone to about 6 or 7 different schools, which was annoying because I always had to start over. Since I did poorly at School A, my parents want to send me to a boarding school in connecticut, School B. At first I thought it was completely out of the question. But in late June I went to visit, met the a bunch of the staff, and I must say, I kinda liked it. This school is VERY small, less then 100 kids in all, from 7th to 12th grade. and its only their 2nd year, so theyre really reaching out for people.
I took an IQ test a few times, and according to my parents and various education professionals, I did remarkably well (which I still dont believe to this day, because sometimes I feel like a total moron). One of the 4 people who started School B, said that my education profile fits their typical student. Which is good, apparently. Anyway, this school has a schedule that Im very happy with. 5 week terms, with a 2 week vacation at the end of each term, plus mucho vacation days (11 days off for thanksgiving alone). There also isnt any homework, and from what I saw, they pretty much nailed what every kid wants a school day to be like. I talked to the principal about what I want to do after high school. I mentioned I wanted to go to NYU. Let me show you how the college advisor wouldve responded, at School B, and hypothetically at school A.
School B:
"Well, we can suggest to you what classes you would have to take and activities you would have to do to get into such a school.
School A: "Pff...Yea right, kid. seriously, where do you want to go? CCRI? Dean college?" (you see, no one has really gone to any prestigious school at School A)
Now the negatives on School B. I havent met any of the kids there, not a single one. Especially since I'd have to essentially start over in terms of friends, Im not sure if I'll even like any of the kids there (especcially since its such a small school). Also, Ill have to live away from home for the first time since I was born. This is quite an adjustment. especially for my cat Russ, who cries outside my room every night so he can sleep in my bed. he also gets really upset when I go away for more then a day. This would also be a problem with my friends from my town, who go to the public high school. Especcially for my friend amanda, who in my opinion is flawless.
Well, there you have it. I'm sure I left out something, and if I did I'll add it in later.
edit: sorry, paragraphs got messed up. :ugh:
2004-07-15, 09:05 PM
stay with your friends... its not the school that matters... for example my school sucks but I get letters from big college's (biggest being Yale) cause I did great on PSAT... stay with your friends dude, and try to get your work done right... a great environment is a big bonus and friends make a great environment...
2004-07-15, 09:05 PM
Wow, tough call.
For the sake of your academic/career future, I say go to school B. Nowadays we intarweb to connect us to people who are far away, and you've got a phone that you can use to keep in touch with your buddies from School A.
But staying at School A would provide you with some fun stories. But in the end, I say to go boarding school. You'll miss your cat and your family, but then you'll probably loooove being away like that.
Good luck!!
2004-07-15, 09:28 PM
stick with your friends and go to school A
acidemicly (sp?) you would want school B but IMHO your friends are more important
2004-07-15, 09:43 PM
School B, you could always talk to your old friends and make new ones.
I have a question though, I thought you were older how did you get all that stuff? Alienware, etc?
2004-07-15, 09:51 PM
2004-07-15, 09:52 PM
School B, you could always talk to your old friends and make new ones.
I have a question though, I thought you were older how did you get all that stuff? Alienware, etc?
I got the alienware from my various jobs(Gamestop, Providence Indoor Paintball). made alot of cash, which went to paintball and my compy.
btw, you suck zodiac. :D
2004-07-15, 09:55 PM
School B. Your future is more important then friends who probably wouldn't be so close after Highschool anyway. Answer honestly: are your elementary / middle school friends still your *close* friends? Mine aren't.
2004-07-15, 09:58 PM
School B, chances are, when you get older, you wont have the same friends anyway.
Why should I care.
2004-07-15, 10:03 PM
School B, at the end of the day, you're probably not going to go to the same college as your friends, so you're going to lose them anyways. Your academics are much more important in the long run. When you apply for a job, what's more important, that you stuck with your highschool friends all four years, or better grades and a better college?
Go with plan B, unless your friends are going to support you the rest of your life financially. :)
2004-07-15, 10:56 PM
school B. friends come and go, GOOD friends never leave no matter what happens or how far you move apart. go for the school that will offer you the best chance at success.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-07-15, 11:12 PM
well i would have to say school b
from what it seems you'd have an easier time there, and you would have more free time to spend time with friends you know, and you could make new ones, plus it makes your parents happy
you may not be able to be with your old friends at school, but if they're really good to you and like you then they would spend time with you outside of school, plus you would make new friends
the more friends the better
holy shit you worked at providence indoor?
do you know a Zack Johnson or Mike Boyer?
2004-07-15, 11:25 PM
yea I know Zack Johnson. not very well, but I remember he fixed my brother's Shocker a couple weeks back.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-07-15, 11:37 PM
whoa cool
2004-07-15, 11:45 PM
B, sounds like a r33t school
2004-07-15, 11:51 PM
dont ask me what to do, do what you think is best, duh, there are no wrong choices in life boy-o, only bad ones.
2004-07-16, 12:08 AM
This school have a website?
2004-07-16, 12:13 AM
school bravo. unless it doesn't have a website.
2004-07-16, 12:17 AM
*sigh* it depends on what you want out of school.. a good time with your friends, or the POSSIBILITY of a stronger chance of making a better future for your wallet. i say go with the friends, and make up for it in college. because, in college, you can always party... always... and when there's no party, the books will be there. in high school, you can't always party. why? because parents stilll pwn.
2004-07-16, 12:40 AM
No homework, do you REALLY have to ask?
2004-07-16, 12:54 AM
Friends. A prestigious school isn't important, there's a quarter billion people in this country, and you're likely a cut above almost all of them as is. Don't laze off, but remember, high school and college are a part of your life, too. Do you want them and your work years to be like my mom's, mostly just slaving away over and over, where "good times" means a little less of the bad times? The trick is to strike a sweet spot between success and happiness. You can be mildly-highly successful and be very happy with how your life is, like my dad is. Or be highly succesful like my mom is, making business trips all of the time, but she has to sit down the night before a trip to my grandma's and think of topics to discuss with her own mother. She has fun, but overall, she doesn't seem to be as happy as my dad is. She comes home and plugs away on the laptop 'til midnight or 2 am, goes to sleep until 6, wakes up tired, goes back to work and plugs away all over again. My parents are going to be well-off in their old age because of her, but they won't be as mobile at 56 (when they're planning on retiring at the moment) as they were earlier, when she could have taken a slight cut in pay and had a far less stressful job, had more time to enjoy the rest of her life.
Ask yourself how you wanna live, being above average and living a good life, or having a chance at making it huge, and constantly burning yourself out. You have to find your balance.
2004-07-16, 01:02 AM
i thought you left...
2004-07-16, 01:04 AM
2004-07-16, 01:25 AM
[01:11] * Corr_iso is now known as TekDragon
[01:11] <Infernus> does it involve penis?
[01:11] <TekDragon> I CONTROL ALL!! REPORT YOU!
[01:11] * Infernus is now known as Vitter
[01:11] <TekDragon> you no agree with me? REPORT UOI!
[01:11] <Vitter> OMG TEKDRAGON!
[01:11] * oddfish is now known as Mr1337Duck
[01:11] <Vitter> I AM J00
[01:12] <TekDragon> I REPORT ALL!
[01:12] <Mr1337Duck> Hmm..
[01:12] <Vitter> I agree with tekdragon
[01:12] <PSU-martyr|drawring> what happened :( you people used to like seeing my beta copies
[01:12] <Mr1337Duck> i sure love Tek/Vitter
[01:12] * Mr1337Duck is now known as oddfish
2004-07-16, 01:29 AM
This school have a website?
I think so. its not Planetside Universe though. :D
I did well on my PACT, And the biggest college to have contacted me, was DePauw, a college that I could never, ever hope to afford, even with scholarships.
Unless that scholarpship was full-ride. But, Im probably going to MSU.
Yes, I am upset with the fact, because I am a U of M child. ph33r teh Gold/Blue.
2004-07-16, 03:28 AM
Try to get a healthy balance of both.
2004-07-16, 08:33 AM
I'd go B.
I did well on my PACT, And the biggest college to have contacted me, was DePauw, a college that I could never, ever hope to afford, even with scholarships.
Unless that scholarpship was full-ride. But, Im probably going to MSU.
Yes, I am upset with the fact, because I am a U of M child. ph33r teh Gold/Blue.
U of M > MSU
2004-07-16, 09:17 AM
I did well on my PACT, And the biggest college to have contacted me, was DePauw, a college that I could never, ever hope to afford, even with scholarships.
Unless that scholarpship was full-ride. But, Im probably going to MSU.
Yes, I am upset with the fact, because I am a U of M child. ph33r teh Gold/Blue.
whats a PACT? IS it like a SAT?
2004-07-16, 07:13 PM
I think so. its not Planetside Universe though. :D
If you find it send it to me asap. School sounds interesting; sort of in a situation like yours except, my school is actually being divided in half. One town decided to pullout taking most of my friends with it, not particularly looking forward to next year. :doh:
2004-07-16, 07:22 PM
Friends and memories > success. And usually, it's not the school that really matters, it's how you do, even if school B may help your chances. It's bad enough being in a small school as it is, but going to an even smaller school would blow even more.
Oddfish, can't party in high school? Oh you've been deprived :(...
2004-07-16, 07:23 PM
Keep in contact wiht your old mates. You'll have an easier life if you go to school b.
just think this: friends that you prolly wont talk to after graduation, or education that will last you all your life, or until you get amnesia from someting.
2004-07-16, 11:55 PM
Seriously, Highschool doesn't matter in the whole scheme of things. Just get yourself into a decent 4 year college nad if you can , finish in 4 years. College is where I met almost all the people I talk to now, yeah my HS wasn't the best academically, but I went to a really good college (Rutgers U.) and life has been great since. It's the people I remember from HS and the experiences not the grades, infact I sucked in HS was only like 55th out of 175 and still managed to land a good college. So do well enough to get your self to that next level and stay where you will keep the memories.
2004-07-17, 10:05 AM
Eh stay with friends.Without my friends in school id prolly already have blown my school up.Private schools just suck,too strict and religious and shit.
2004-07-17, 10:09 AM
DHITB. Then kill yourself. I'm too lazy to type the quote. You know the rest.
2004-07-17, 10:10 AM
DHITB. Then kill yourself. I'm too lazy to type the quote. You know the rest.
Eat more cake and masturbate?
2004-07-17, 10:12 AM
Eat more cake and masturbate?
Hell yes.
2004-07-17, 10:16 AM
In that order, if you do it in the opposite order that's just nasty....
"You sure that's icing?"
2004-07-17, 12:03 PM
Ok So your dilemma is between having a good future no homework, big vacations vs. Friends and shitty future?
I don't know about you but friends won't be there for the rest of your life. They come and go chances are after high school you won't even speak to them anymore.
My tip: Go for school B, fuck your friends and make new ones.
2004-07-17, 12:08 PM
Seriously, Highschool doesn't matter in the whole scheme of things. Just get yourself into a decent 4 year college nad if you can , finish in 4 years. College is where I met almost all the people I talk to now, yeah my HS wasn't the best academically, but I went to a really good college (Rutgers U.) and life has been great since. It's the people I remember from HS and the experiences not the grades, infact I sucked in HS was only like 55th out of 175 and still managed to land a good college. So do well enough to get your self to that next level and stay where you will keep the memories.
Ok wtf?
I'm sorry but you won't do 75k a year with a mediocre college if his chances are higher with school B to get in schools such as Yale, Harvard etc. He should go to it. Community college never made anyone rich, you sir will end up miserable at old age because of lack of cash gj!
2004-07-17, 12:14 PM
Actually I wanna change that... I'd say school B...hell take the opertunity while its there, and be glad that you have parent's that actually care if you get into a good college...
2004-07-17, 12:20 PM
Ultimately its up to you.Dont let this board decide for you,if your into having and education and shit then goto school b or whatever.Me,im all about parties,fun and making my teahcers lives living hell,so i wouldnt want to goto a private school.I was sent to one once and it was horrible.Some catholic shit cause my parents were pissed and sent me to a private school.Lasted lil more then a month b 4 I got kicked out for arguing Jesus is fake and is just some stupid mexican,then i told em im not gonna worship and pray to a mexican named Jesus so they kicked me out.See im all about living life now and having fun not grades.You might want grades and college in which case private schools your deal.
2004-07-17, 01:09 PM
Ok wtf?
I'm sorry but you won't do 75k a year with a mediocre college if his chances are higher with school B to get in schools such as Yale, Harvard etc. He should go to it. Community college never made anyone rich, you sir will end up miserable at old age because of lack of cash gj!
I call bullshit
2004-07-17, 01:14 PM
well...i moved a state away had to change schools, it was hard at first, then i started to make friends...but then yet again another go to the highschool that all my new friends were going to...or go to a better school that had alot of technical based classes....left for the tech school, still talk to all my friends from the past 2 schools, enjoy the new school, so all in all, think of ur future, go to school b
2004-07-17, 05:40 PM
As i see it, going to school b is the easy way out of it(and you get little rewards with it). You got bad grades, your fault, you shoudl be more self disaplined to learn and do your homework. You go to Boarding school, no homework, no way to make up that mistake. School A will give you a heads up in life and let you choose you way, schoolB will keep you in a closet until your done with it.
Your education after the public school can be top quality if you work for it. Dont take the easy way out.
2004-07-17, 05:55 PM
I call bullshit
Bullshit on what?
It's been proven that alot of high paying job have favoritism for higher ranked schools like Yale etc. I mean it common sense that the better the school is the more likely you will be recruited in say... a law firm... or hell just about any job wich you have a major in. Who would you be more likely to hire as the CEO of a company? Some 4.0 from a allabama community college or a 4.0 from Princeton?
Wether you like it or not your school reflects on everything in your life to come. Hell now people are fighting for slots in pre-schools for their child because it's gonna give them an edge. I had the choice between 4 programs in school and I do think I should of gone the harder way (International program instead of regular). Maybe I would of done more in my life then going to apply for military and doing prep courses at the local college to get over with most classes I'll be needing to do otherwise in my squad leader program. I could of been something else but the way I chose is what gave me this my way of life... it's either you act now or you deal with the consequences later on in life.
2004-07-18, 12:40 AM
Ok wtf?
I'm sorry but you won't do 75k a year with a mediocre college if his chances are higher with school B to get in schools such as Yale, Harvard etc. He should go to it. Community college never made anyone rich, you sir will end up miserable at old age because of lack of cash gj!
????? Did you even read what I said??? Obviously not! I said a 4 year college, I completely agree County College is about the biggest waste of money there is as far as education. But who needs Yale and Harvard, I don't think our freind asking for the help here is of that Pedigree and should go where he's comfortable not where society says thou shall go.
To you I say, read and digest a post before you comment @sshole.
2004-07-18, 01:34 AM
It's your choice, though I'd go with School B, because you can always keep in contact with your friends and make new ones also.
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