View Full Version : BFRs
2004-07-18, 03:09 AM
I read this in a magazine. Apparently it hasn't been announced so I've taken the liberty of posting a snapshot of it. If the link dies don't be surprised as I've placed a bandwidth cap on it.
2004-07-18, 03:17 AM
What the hell? Fake?
Edit: No, not fake. Remember the one-year ask the devs? The vehicles that were "unlike anything we've seen before"? This must be it. Wow. :eek:
2004-07-18, 03:19 AM
It was published in the September issue of Computer Gaming World which I just received in the mail this afternoon. If it's fake I'm sure SOE will be rolling some heads...
2004-07-18, 03:21 AM
Yeah, I believe you. This is incredible.
/me watches Core Combat sales soar in August. :lol:
2004-07-18, 03:26 AM
seriously those are from front mission 4 or something similar methinks, but hell those look rape.
2004-07-18, 03:30 AM
I like the VS one a lot... looks like it has wings on it's back or something. Does definitely look Macrossy, I agree.
2004-07-18, 03:33 AM
I like the sound of the TR one best, I always like when the clusters of dozens of missles launch in the animes.
The customization thing sounds sick. A bunch of questions come to mind. Where do you get one? how do other players board it? How will video lag be prevented? Can they walk inside of base walls?
2004-07-18, 03:36 AM
Maybe finally a reason to buy Core Combat? Ah, probably not... :)
*actually likes CC but thought he'd say it before someone else does*
2004-07-18, 04:02 AM
Translation from Image:
Amerish, Emerald Server -Earlier today giant robots were sighted all over Auraxis. "as oon as that, that thing came up over the hill near Kyoi, I knew that we were in a world of trouble. We hadn't gone up against anything like this before." said one member of the Terran Republic whho wished to remain anonymous.
For more than a year now, the war-torn world has been rocked by three factions -the New Conglomerate, Terran Republic, and Vanu Sovreignty- vying for control in that time, the arms race has escalated with new ground and air vehicles (through regular content updates). the discovery of alien technology (in the Core Combat expansion), and now three different types of BFRs (battleframes or, we assume, Big F -king Robots) entering the fight
This next stage of the war is a logical one, according to David Georgeson, lead designer of Planetside. "I've worked on a bunch of these giant robot games (such as Activision's Heavy Gear) Here we went with smaller scale robots that are like heavy tanks -only better."
Standing about 20 meters tall, these BFRs will be able to turn the tide in battles and, according to Georgeson, "will finally help the game feel even more like sci-fi than some near-future combat game." Each faction gets a unique chassis that can be customized. Attach the immolation cannon and then drive while a gunner makes with the devastation. Yank out the gunner's seat and you've got yourself a nimble fighter with jump jets. All told, there will be five pilot-controlled weapons, two to three gunner-controlled heavy weapons, and a slew of upcoming enhancement pods. Each chassis is yours to tweak as you see fit, and you can save different loadouts for different combat occasions. For instance, there are NTU siphons, and we hear that a cloaking device is in development.
The New conglomerate Peregrine model will resemble, as Georgeson calls it, a chicken walker. (For all you nerds out there, think AT-ST from Star Wars). These mechs sport plenty of firepower.
True to the Terran Republic credo, their Colossus BFR is a squat terror. Among its heavy weapons will be rocket pods that behave like those you see in anime movies, with dozen of rockets sprouting out and spiraling toward targets.
The Vanu's Aphelion battleframe is the only one that looks humanoid -and it might remind you of Macross robots. Relying on the plasma immolation cannon and a contiuous beam laser, this is probably the one to watch out for.
One think that all the robots will have in common is shielding. That's right, these monstrosities are nearly unstoppable. The generators on their backs mean they can sustain multible blows without a scratch. But get this -the shields can't repel small-weapons fire. Which means that while these things are imposing, a well-aimed sniper shot can take down a battleframe's shields
What's it gonna take to play? well, you'll need three certification points for the skill and a copy of Core Combat. "We wanted to give the players who invest in the expansion a feeling like they are really getting their money's worth," says Georgeson. The only snag is one we cited when reviewing Core Combat the first time around: You need to pay extra money to be able to use this new gear. But you can still be on the recieving end of a BFR attack even if you don't pay for the expansion. So be on the lookout for these iron giants this August.
Okay here's my one and a half cents. One. My eyes hurt now, so after this post I'm going to rest my eyes.
Can we get another scan froms omeone to confirm this? I just wans some confirmation that this really is legit and not a doctored photo (no offense to the poster intended).
But wow, if there is going to be giant mechs, I take back what I said about mechs in a previous post. Apparently Sony has found a way to balance it.
Yeknow to be honest, I have my doubts that this will work. Think about it, all we need is a platoon of these babies, send em off to a continent, and watch the enemy fall. THe damage put out by these mechs would be far great than the damage they would take in.
BFRs would make having TS a must.
I can't wait to see how the Vanu BFR will get across mountains.
Why does a magezine know about this before its own fanbase?
How will lag be prevented?
Tell me about customization.
How fast will they go?
How susecptible will they be to enemy fire once the shield goes down?
Will I have to wait for answers till August?
I can't wait to see armies of these babies engage each other in a mech on mech battle royal!
2004-07-18, 04:03 AM
Wait, the SEPTEMBER issue?
2004-07-18, 04:24 AM
It's not odd for people to recieve their magezine subscriptions one, maybe even two months in advance.
2004-07-18, 04:34 AM
Holy poo! ^-^
Better me getting CC too...
2004-07-18, 04:52 AM
so core combat wasnt a waste of 30 bucks :P
2004-07-18, 05:04 AM
umm... ok i guess aslong as one random grunt can take out the sheilds and then itll have like asmuch armor as a lightning or something. IE. shoot generator thingy in the back with two or three (gauss/cycler/pulsar/punisher) rnds then after sheild drops two reaver rocket pods or 4 decis can take it down. just my 1.5 cents. It would allow it to be useful in combat aslong as it has infantry support so it dosnt go down like a rock.
2004-07-18, 08:39 AM
urm I need a diaper change
2004-07-18, 08:49 AM
I read this in a magazine. Apparently it hasn't been announced so I've taken the liberty of posting a snapshot of it. If the link dies don't be surprised as I've placed a bandwidth cap on it.
2004-07-18, 09:16 AM
ok so I read the article now and it says the VS one "is probably the one to watch out for." so my next question is when do the terrans get a respectable buff?
2004-07-18, 09:25 AM
Why Devs? WHY!?
Battlemechs in Planetside is just an awful idea :tear:
2004-07-18, 10:26 AM
I was opposed to the ideas of mechs originally, but those just look cool, and like the belong in PS
omg, teh rox, I'll be splooging in a corner now
2004-07-18, 10:33 AM
Yay more hell for infantry... more people for me to revive... one step closer to vehicleside...
"That was a great base cap wasn't it?"
"Yes it was!"
*step outside*
*Die instantly*
"Well... I was gonna say that the Vanu counter assault was weak..."
2004-07-18, 10:38 AM
If you re read the artical, the mechs should be scared of infantry weapons (striker, ap rounds, deci, ect)
Instead of other vehicles.
2004-07-18, 10:40 AM
Yeah as far as I can tell, these BFR's are gonna be anti vehicle, which is great.
2004-07-18, 10:44 AM
If you re read the artical, the mechs should be scared of infantry weapons (striker, ap rounds, deci, ect)
Instead of other vehicles.
But how many shots to take down Infantry? That it doesn't say...
We still don't know a lot about them... I need dev answers before I can get a true opinion on them...
2004-07-18, 10:58 AM
Hrmm, remember my Advanced Mechanized Assault post? This sounds awfully familiar.
2004-07-18, 11:19 AM
Its just like another vehicle. At 20 meters high, you obviously cant get them at an equipment term.
I doubt they will even come from a tech plant, My guess is they are spawned at sanc, posssibly with outfit points.
2004-07-18, 11:29 AM
Wait, the SEPTEMBER issue?
I knew this would come up. :) I know this is odd, but CGW's issues are always dated TWO months ahead of when they hit the news stand. I have *NO* clue as to why and have often wondered this myself. I mean, it's not unusual for them to be one month ahead, but two months?
Anyway, I can take more pictures if needed but if someone else can track it down that would probably be a better confirmation. The cover is of "F.E.A.R." and depicts some kind of futuristic delta force/special forces guy. Also mentions Theif 3 being reviewed and a preview of Prince of Persia 2 in ugly orange lettering.
No one believes me on the official forums either but it's only a matter of time before someone else steps forward with the issue.
2004-07-18, 11:30 AM
I knew this would come up. :) I know this is odd, but CGW's issues are always dated TWO months ahead of when they hit the news stand. I have *NO* clue as to why and have often wondered this myself. I mean, it's not unusual for them to be one month ahead, but two months?
Anyway, I can take more pictures if needed but if someone else can track it down that would probably be a better confirmation. The cover is of "F.E.A.R." and depicts some kind of futuristic delta force/special forces guy. Also mentions Theif 3 being reviewed and a preview of Prince of Persia 2 in ugly orange lettering.
No one believes me on the official forums either but it's only a matter of time before someone else steps forward with the issue.
I just wanna hear SOMETHING from the devs... We need more clarification... this can be really really cool or really really bad...
2004-07-18, 11:48 AM
I'm still opposed. These things have enough power to completely wipe out an attacking force. It will become "Kill the big fucking robot" as opposed to "Take the base." If anything, this is the death of squads working together and an extension of the zergs: "The Zerg taking Gunkuku is getting nailed, let's just send a BFR."
2004-07-18, 11:50 AM
"Each faction gets a unique chassis that can be customized. Attach the immolation cannon and then drive while the gunner makes with devastation. Yank out the gunners seat and you've got yourself a nimble fighter with jump jets. All told, there will be five pilot-controlled weapons, two or three gunner controlled heavy weapons, and a slew of upcomming enhancment pods. Each chassis is yours to tweak as you see fit, and you can save different loadouts for different combat occasions. For instance, there are NTU siphons that drain energy from enemy outposts, and we hear that a cloaking device is in development."
Sounds a hell of alot like some sort of outfit merit commendation, as for what you use to purchase the pods, im guessing personal outfit points, and maybe the outfit leader purchases the BFR, and you can customize it with your outfit points, and spawn one from a vehicle pad every hour or so. Thus making this 100% outfit oriented, you won't see any lone rangers with this thing, as it will require teamwork, and an outfit to acquire.
2004-07-18, 11:51 AM
I'm still opposed. These things have enough power to completely wipe out an attacking force. It will become "Kill the big fucking robot" as opposed to "Take the base." If anything, this is the death of squads working together and an extension of the zergs: "The Zerg taking Gunkuku is getting nailed, let's just send a BFR."
Thats what would make them really bad... they can also be really good if they are just big Tank Stompers...
2004-07-18, 11:51 AM
shoooooooooooooooooom shoooooooooooom beep beep beep BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
kekeekekekekekekeke ^____________________________________^
Just thing of em as a big customizable tank.
2004-07-18, 11:57 AM
It says in the article that ONE sniper shot can take out the shield generator, so that's like 3 or 4 MA shots, I don't think it's that bad. Of course, taht doesn't answer how much armor the thing will have.
I believe it'll be like this...
Infantry take out the shield generator
Vehicles take out the armor.
The BFR is best suited for anti vehicle, though.
2004-07-18, 11:59 AM
Uhoh, TR footzerglings won't be able to kill it :D :P
2004-07-18, 12:09 PM
BTW, here's that cover...
(one behind it is August since people on the official forums were questioning why September would be out already...)
2004-07-18, 12:18 PM
I doubt it'll just be "3-4 MA shots", if it was, that'd be way too easy, remember, it's not 1v1 here, it's gonna be more around 30-40v1, so it should take atleast a few full AP clips to take the shields down, then an insane amount of armor, which is taken down by the tanks.
It said they have cloaking.
If so...
Then my wet dream of sneaking up the wall of a base, then uncloaking, and watching infantry run in ph33r shall be realized.
d00d, Im so getting Planetside again.
2004-07-18, 12:40 PM
I Will Own J00 Bitches!!!!!!
2004-07-18, 12:58 PM
haha, I don't even want to think about the grief that thing could generate.
could get weapon lock in just one shot :) ROFL
but frankly, I think it's a hoax, nicely done but fake.
2004-07-18, 12:59 PM
Thank you. Smoke said he'd tell us more tomorrow or maybe today, but he didn't deny it.
2004-07-18, 01:03 PM
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
:D :D :D happy happy joy joy
i have wanted mech in game since release THANK YOU DEVS!!!
I Will Own J00 Bitches!!!!!!
You stopped playing Mad. You better come back. Or I'll bleed you, real slow.
2004-07-18, 01:04 PM
It said they have cloaking.
If so...
Then my wet dream of sneaking up the wall of a base, then uncloaking, and watching infantry run in ph33r shall be realized.
d00d, Im so getting Planetside again.
I'm sure if you custimized it so that it could cloak it wouldn't be able to carry as much firepower
2004-07-18, 01:17 PM
And infantry takes another blow to the head =/
2004-07-18, 01:25 PM
That's the first I've seen of that article. We'll get you an answer first thing on Monday (or sooner, possibly). But Monday for sure.
Dave Georgeson
Creative Director, SOE
My thoughts:
They've hinted at it in the past (T_Ray's 'top secret' post)
I suspect he may have never seen the final article before it went to print.
He can't talk due to the exclusive deal they undoubtly have with CGW over this. So until he gets the OK to talk he can't say much of anything.
Not denying it outright in this case as a fake is as good as confirming it's real.
I can't wait.
2004-07-18, 01:25 PM
I think that they should only let outfits use these, after it gets destroyed you have to wait about 2 or 3 hours before you can get another one, and you also have to buy them with outfit points. So they won't be super uber I'd say make them slow like about the speed of a running soldier.
2004-07-18, 01:28 PM
hahahahaha mechs in PS!
boy am i glad im no longer a subscriber.
watch the OS scream nerf! you can hear them now!!
2004-07-18, 01:33 PM
Wow. This is worth resubscribing and upgrading my pc.
/me splooges
You know, something else to consider, Battle Islands, an addition that was supposivley near completion this time last month, has taken an ungodly amount of time to go live. Perhaps it's because there's more in development.
2004-07-18, 02:13 PM
If these things require outfit points to get then i know the 666th will completely own the battlefield. They got about a billion outfit points. I can see it now in a POTD the 666th has about 10 BFR in the back ground with reavers flying overhead and vanguards at the feet of the BFR wiht all the infantry crouching infront of the tanks. Thats going to be a black day planetside.
FYI: My character is on Markov on the side of the NC. :groovy:
2004-07-18, 02:26 PM
:nono: Oh dear god, what have they done. On the official forums SmokeJumper didn't deny it, so something has to be going on, otherwise they definately denied it. This is a dark day for me. I just got PS, and was drawn towards it because it was futuristic but not outlandish. Sure some things are no way near normal, like lashers and magriders (though you could say these are like hovercraft), but they are still kinda gritty and don't dominate the battlefield. Giant Mechs though, why, just why. :tear:
2004-07-18, 02:29 PM
Actually, we broke the leaderboard at 10 millions OP but we have more than that :)
If these things require outfit points to get then i know the 666th will completely own the battlefield. They got about a billion outfit points. I can see it now in a POTD the 666th has about 10 BFR in the back ground with reavers flying overhead and vanguards at the feet of the BFR wiht all the infantry crouching infront of the tanks. Thats going to be a black day planetside.
FYI: My character is on Markov on the side of the NC. :groovy:
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-18, 02:29 PM
Mechwarrior! Woohoooooooo!!!!!!!
2004-07-18, 02:33 PM
That's the first I've seen of that article. We'll get you an answer first thing on Monday (or sooner, possibly). But Monday for sure.
Ok We all know that Smoke is Dave Georgeson... now please enlighten me... how would he not know about an article he's quoted in?
2004-07-18, 02:42 PM
I don't like them, why do they add somethign like that instead of refining the game?
2004-07-18, 02:43 PM
I don't get why people would be so negative about this new addition to Planetside. Frankly, any addition that would mix things up, change up the gameplay is greatly welcomed by me and probably many other people.
Change is good, change means that everyone is on the same level again. The old killers will try to cling to their old tactics, the new fresh ones will adopt the new game as they adopt the rest of the game. It is almost like a revolution.
He probably does know about the article, but he does not want to confirm or deny anything at the moment. They are decide on how to break the news to us at the moment, and a confirmation by Smoke would just give everything away.
Yea, I absolutely fear what the 666th is going to do with these BFRs. We on Markov may be screwed for awhile.
Refining the game takes time. Refining the game will still eventually mean that they have to add new stuff. All Counter-Strike did was refine gameplay (until Condition Zero) and it began to become a dying game. Then CZ came and tried to bring life to the game, but that flumped, and now the only thing that keeps CZ alive is the thought of HL2.
Refining will only take you so far, at which point you'll have to start adding.
2004-07-18, 03:32 PM
Refining will only take you so far, at which point you'll have to start adding.
OK, you're right there, but I just wish the addition could be something that revolutionises the game and that would fit in with the current game environment. Something along the lines of naval and/ or space combat. Mechs really don't seem to fit in with PS's Universe, it seems to brash and would probably fit something like Tribes, not the gritty world of Planetside. However, while I do not particularly want people running around in giant mechs on the battlefield, if it genuinly adds to the tactical choices available in the game (and is not a gimmick as I suspect it may be), then I would welcome it. I really hope the addition of mechs (and Infernus, at this stage if SmokeJumper knew it was false, he wouldn't waste time denying it, and IMHO his delay in a proper response is as good as a confirmation) won't turn PS into an action game that tries to have it all, Mechs, Vehicles, Big Guns and so on, and fails.
2004-07-18, 03:39 PM
You guys know how the devs like to keep things secret untill a few weeks till its actually live. Spork probly told CGW about the BFRs, but didnt know that some people would actually recieve the issue this early and information of the BFRs would get leaked. Now he is probobly thinking of how 2 deal with his situation.
Heres the options he has 2 do:
1. Say it was all fake, but 2-4 months later the BFRs are released but SLIGHTLY different from CGWs description.
2. Say it was true, and BFRs are coming in the near future ( but we know it wouldnt be near). BUT he doesnt give us any info AT ALL besides that in CGW. And thus it continues 2 be hyped up and CC sales go higher.
3. Spills all of the beans, we know all about what is planned for BFRs, we fall asleep easily. But some negative and positive thoughts go with it and some people will change theyre mind about re-subscribing and/or getting CC.
4. Say it was a hoax and actually was but considers BFRs and renames them cuz they may have 2 pay some nerd for coming up with it.
5. (my fav 1) It was a hoax but REVEALS the real new vehs (acident or on purpose) And every1 gets even more hyped up cuz its real and "YAY".
anyway... theres my 2 cents :D
2004-07-18, 03:51 PM
I feel horrible about turning the official forums into even more of a stupid fest than it usually is... :(
2004-07-18, 03:58 PM
if the mechs are real they will probly change the design of them some because look at the force domes, they were gonna go on all of the bases but they decided to put hem on the new capitals instead
2004-07-18, 04:14 PM
Two Words.
Bad Idea.
2004-07-18, 06:09 PM
I believe this is not real. If it is, then it is a hyperbole.
CGW and PCGamer are both known for putting full page parodies in their magazines from time to time. Most of them are really lame and usually target an esoteric game(and at 50,000 subs, PS is considered esoteric). The rest of the PC Gaming world has either never heard of PS, or totally dismissed it once they heard "subscription fee" or "$13/month."
I don't doubt mech units will be coming soon; I just don't think they will be like they are in the magazine.
I expect them to be only about 6 meters tall, which is enough to look over a base wall and give a healthy dose of death from that position to the courtyard.
But this article is still good news. For good or bad, it gives PlanetSide more exposure to people outside of word of mouth and fileplanet ads.
2004-07-18, 06:16 PM
It could be a hoax put on by the magazine but if so I don't get why they would target an, as you call it, esoteric game. Who is going to get the joke? What purpose does it serve? Most readers obviously don't play Planetside so to put out such an easy to swallow hoax with no hints of falsehood would have most readers just believing it outright... that enters more into "lie" territory than joke territory and I wouldn't think SOE would be happy about it. It would seem far "funnier" to spread a hoax about a big game, like Battlefield or Counterstrike or something. A lot more people would get a clue. Actually, if it is a hoax, it would seem far "funnier" if it was actually funny. :/
2004-07-18, 06:39 PM
Not many readers of CGW play PS? I dont think theres a way of knowing that unless U did a poll or sumin. Anyway, I play PS and subscribe to PC gamer and CGW. Sadly Iam not lucky like some people and get the magazine 2 months early. :(
2004-07-18, 06:40 PM
Well, remember, they CAN make this thing work. If they make it REQUIRED to have all the gunners in there, ect...
But my sniper rifle will RIP.
2004-07-18, 06:56 PM
Spork just confirmed it around 0400 hours, he is speaking with PR reps now and we should be hearing total confirmation by tomorrow, news from official forums.
2004-07-18, 07:00 PM
This is fucking bullshit, fix the fucking defensive bases before adding more fucking vehicles.
2004-07-18, 07:00 PM
2004-07-18, 07:07 PM
Hot off the press, courtesy of the official Planetside forums....
2004-07-18, 07:15 PM
As just said in mirc:
<SporkfirePS> As I said over in the launchpad chat, the BFR's are real. But Smoke and I have to get with PR to decide what to say further.
2004-07-18, 07:16 PM
Spork said they were real in IRC.
2004-07-18, 07:19 PM
I just smell poorly executed and far off down the pipe hype all over this, call my a cynic but theres a definite pattern here.
2004-07-18, 07:27 PM
Ah yes, confirmation of BFRs finally.
It leaves the question: What other sort of goodies do the Devs have planned for Planetside?
Yeknow, I just thought about it, and these BFRs are going to make me feel like I'm a Power Ranger huh.
So happy I bought Core Combat for 10 dollars now, All I have to do now is renew my subscription around August.
2004-07-18, 07:39 PM
one of the reasons spork said they were so hush hush was because of all the physics work they had to do. They are all walkers.
2004-07-18, 08:02 PM
Oh poo. I was wrong. Oh well. I'm used to it. Har har.
*shoots you all with a sweeper, but you are all standing next to a wall, so it does no damage.*
Edit: This brings an important question. Can you step on people? If so, would it be vehicle mowing 2.0? I would think you will not be able to instantly kill someone by stepping on them, even if it doesn't make sense.
2004-07-18, 08:23 PM
I can imagine someone getting stepped on and then the BFR falling over.
2004-07-18, 08:38 PM
I can imagine someone getting stepped on and then the BFR falling over.
:lol: :lol:
2004-07-18, 08:40 PM
I personally just dont like the idea :(
They seem too large and unless teh pictures and descriptions in the article are over exagerated i think it would spoil the game....
there just too big and i personally feel the potential to greif i just too great for one person to wield ( that is if there guns can take out courtyards of people at a time)
they would also break up those fun running skirmishes or battles and could send one side reeling onto the defensive.
A.K.A this would suck :ugh:
2004-07-18, 09:01 PM
The VS one seems to be the height of a watch tower, that's not that big. Since the VS one is the only one upright, the others must be shorter.
BFRs are like the heavy assault tanks that are designed to take on enemy heavy vehicles. They are still vulnerable to infantry fire (as the article states) and because of their size, they would be limited to paved roads, and places where the terrain isn't too demanding. With that, they would be vulnerable to mines and such. Forests would also be untraversable by these lumbering giants.
I'm curious about the handling of the BFRs, will they handle like a tank? Or maybe an even less maneuverable tank. Can't wait to try them out in VR.
Perhaps these BFRs are coming along with the new bases we've been hinted at.
Like I asked, BFRs alone won't attract the masses to Planetside, it must be a combination of new things. *crosses fingers for Space Combat*
I don't know about you, but I didn't buy the game for its realism. I bought it because it would be a new experience for me, this is just part of the deal I get. I don't know any first person shooter that has included mechs.
My only concern is that Planetside tries to be so many things, a first person shooter, a combat flight simulator, a tank commander, and now a MechWarrior copy, that the game will have a bit of everything, but will not be proficient in any of them. Sort of like ocket PCs. THey can do a wide variety of things, but they can't do them well. Oh, or like cell phones.
2004-07-18, 09:11 PM
with a slight ammount of team work it would be a back bone of any armor column.
1 Sky guard (allways in a good column)
2-4 Lightnings 2 provide AI support.
1 Mech 2 finish it off 2 provide any AV U will need.
Well, thats TR tactics. U NC and VS try 2 come up with sumin, but it might be about the same :rolleyes:
Anyway, I wouldnt judge them till they get in testing.
Oh wait a SEC!! can the strafe?? just imagine lil shorty TR mech strafing! oh goody goody! :groovy:
2004-07-18, 09:19 PM
If you go against a zerg though, the lightnings will be destroyed (cause a lot of people have AV), with the lightings dead, the Skygaurd wouldn't have enough protection so they would be destroyed too, then the zerg would destroy the shield generator on the mech's back, leaving it vulnerable to air and heavy ground assaults.
You will still need the infantry to support your armor cause infantry are the best anti-infantry units. Snipers to pick off enemy snipers and AV users. HA and SA against HA and SA. Blah blah blah blah blah, you get the picture.
2004-07-18, 09:24 PM
My TR character on markov will have to hide in underground bunkers because of the 666th's onslaught with these new mechs.....
For who knows how long.....blargh!
2004-07-18, 09:34 PM
Look on the bright side, it's new content and it's something that people (not myself) have wanted.
Other than that, we gotta wait for more details to make accusations about balance problems or the like. And don't start with the "fs the devs suck at balancing" bull :P~
2004-07-18, 09:54 PM
Their just promising a pipe dream in a horrible attempt to drum up media attention.
2004-07-18, 10:04 PM
Their just promising a pipe dream in a horrible attempt to drum up media attention.
Actually they never promised this at all, it was a top secret project already in development for some time whose info was released sooner than they planned. This doesn't sound like an 'attempt' or even a scramble for new content, it was already in the works.
2004-07-18, 10:06 PM
I second that, oh by the way it's They're
2004-07-18, 10:22 PM
I think they look cool. just a question, how will they get into courtyard. still.
2004-07-18, 10:29 PM
I was wondering that myself. Along with how you'll get in and out, and if you even can without heading to their gantry or whatever.
I'd be willing to bet that they can't enter courtyards. The customization thing sounds rediclious.
2004-07-18, 10:30 PM
I think they look cool. just a question, how will they get into courtyard. still.
A. they won't be able to
B. they are redesigning bases
2004-07-18, 10:32 PM
Sounds like fun. And for you that automatically assume that these will be uber powerful and the be-all and end-all of combat, i ask you:
Where do you get this?
From this BS news article spoof in this gaming magazine?
The only real information contained within the article is that the BFR's have shields vulnerable mainly to small arms fire and that they will be customizable. From this we can assume that they will be able to fill a variety of roles but ultimately will fear the random grunt that manages to sneak his way behind you (*grin*). So most likely these will be uber tank hunters and the like that require support to not get their ass handed to them.
Which begs the question; what role will these BFR's play? most likely they will be part of the almighty zerg where they can actually get enough ground cover to not get butt raped.
The weaponry however will be a big factor in the balance issues. If AI weaponry is too effective then yes balance may be an issue but if limited to main weapons that lock onto only vehicles and weapons similar to the VS lancer then i could easily see one of these shredding a tank then running from a squad of grunts if unsupported (double *grin*).
Change is good. Change is fun. How many of us would still be playing counter-strike without the WC3 mod. And who doesnt want to be that one random grunt ;).
2004-07-18, 10:43 PM
Mixed feelings.
I think this would be really cool, assuming they got the balance right, which I think they will because it's such a huge undertaking and is a huge magnet for criticism.
That said, I would have prefered to see Idealab-esq stuff go in first. I don't want more, I want deeper.
2004-07-18, 10:44 PM
Mixed feelings.
I think this would be really cool, assuming they got the balance right, which I think they will because it's such a huge undertaking and is a huge magnet for criticism.
That said, I would have prefered to see Idealab-esq stuff go in first. I don't want more, I want deeper.
I agree. balance will be the biggest challege. especcially with such collosal weaponry.
Easy thing to fix, balance-wise.
1 BFR = 70% NTU drain.
Rolling out multiple BFR's from one base would require massive teamwork for the obtaining of NTU's, and open the base to attack on grounds of attrition.
2004-07-18, 10:59 PM
I've said it before and it bears repeating, i whould rather they had redesigned bases to be more defensable, but that whouldnt generate press.
2004-07-19, 12:02 AM
Who wants to bet that the tr mech will be like this?
2004-07-19, 12:27 AM
Dude it hast to be redneck like, with a garbge can around its torso.
How the hell do they come out of the vehicle station?
How wide?
How will they sustane water damage?
And the biggest question, how the hell do the driver/gunners get into their damn spots?
I didn't read the whole thread, did the dev's comment in this thread? Has anyone mentioned it to the OF?
My only fear about this is it'll be really over protected. For anyone who's played shifter mod and used the herc, thats is what i fear.
2004-07-19, 01:00 AM
The devs are trying to figure out what they are allowed to say, and are writing up some info.
lolol. I absolutely love how no one give a shit about the tr fixes now.
2004-07-19, 01:22 AM
Someone in the OF posted what they are more then likely gonna do.
Mod (maybe mulitple mods.. You need all the mods?) in order to spawn them.
I Hate Pants
2004-07-19, 01:26 AM
Im going to delay my subsrciption for Planetside until I see how these turn out on the battlefield. I have a bad feeling about the balancing issues with these.
The last thing I wanna see is every fucking soldier armed with a Rocket weapon.
THIS IS THE DEATH OF MA WEAPONS FOLKS!!! Not to mention Transport vehicles will be used less.
2004-07-19, 01:27 AM
never have i expelled so much spermatazoa over a video game upgrade...
i feel like i lost ten pounds.
2004-07-19, 01:31 AM
Im going to delay my subsrciption for Planetside until I see how these turn out on the battlefield. I have a bad feeling about the balancing issues with these.
The last thing I wanna see is every fucking soldier armed with a Rocket weapon.
THIS IS THE DEATH OF MA WEAPONS FOLKS!!! Not to mention Transport vehicles will be used less.
destroy their medical facilities.
I personally think that this upgrade, along with some kind of towable artillery and deployable manned Anti-armor and anti-infantry weaponry would make it so that transports and MA would be just as useful..
fact is, not everyone can drive one of those puppies, and also, you get enough infantry you can really take 'em down. BUT, you need infantry to defend 'em as well. MA goes apeshit. 1337 squad warfare and Midrange combat.
Also, the deployables mean more locations around the map that need assaulted/destroyed/overtaken. I don't know if they'll include that with this Mech upgrade as well, but they should. It's the only true way to balance the new PS secenario out. IMO
2004-07-19, 01:32 AM
yes, that's a double post, and this here's a triple post.
if anyone says anything then they're automatically a loser face doofus head. :nod:
2004-07-19, 01:43 AM
With all of these comments about "MA weapons are gonna be dead" and "infantry will be useless". I ask you how do you capture a facility in planetside? You have to hack it dont you? Who hacks it? Infantry, thats right infantry. So infantry are really gonna be useless arnt they? Will the weapons status change? Outside they may, but not inside. At this point you really cant say anything about something you havent recieved official conformation on by the devs.
2004-07-19, 02:05 AM
Possibly one of the most, interesting PSU threads I have read about Planetside.
As soon as those things come out I'm resubscribing!
90% Im gonna join CDL....Only active Clan I really know people from.
And Ill probably stay over a month this time, guys! :D!
2004-07-19, 02:25 AM
OMG start teh presses. Anyways i think that people are taken back, so thats why they don't care. This is a PR's dream if you think about it. People taken up and totally ignore the blemishes of other things.
2004-07-19, 02:49 AM
All I can say is I hope they damn well better balance the thing.
It still doesn't seem like it would belong in the game.
I Hate Pants
2004-07-19, 03:39 AM
destroy their medical facilities.
I personally think that this upgrade, along with some kind of towable artillery and deployable manned Anti-armor and anti-infantry weaponry would make it so that transports and MA would be just as useful..
fact is, not everyone can drive one of those puppies, and also, you get enough infantry you can really take 'em down. BUT, you need infantry to defend 'em as well. MA goes apeshit. 1337 squad warfare and Midrange combat.
Also, the deployables mean more locations around the map that need assaulted/destroyed/overtaken. I don't know if they'll include that with this Mech upgrade as well, but they should. It's the only true way to balance the new PS secenario out. IMO
Riiiiight, and people said Loadstars would be handy and useful when the devs put them in game. Now look at how many people actually use them :doh:.
All I can say is I hope they damn well better balance the thing.
It still doesn't seem like it would belong in the game.
Well, Planetside is technically a sci-fi based shooter. I'd imagine the devs'll find a way to make it fit.
2004-07-19, 04:34 AM
MA will not become useless. Remember Counter-Strike? The Mac-10? The UMP? The TMP? The Scout (okay, maybe not a good example as it really is a widely used weapon). The Sig552? The G3? In CS, everyone basically kept to the AK, Colt, AUG, Sig550, Awp, and Deagle.
Think of those more commonly used weapons as the HA weapons of Counter Strike. They were great for killing, they were easy to use, easy to understand, basically it was a newbie's dream.
The Mac10, the TMP, the UMP and so forth are like the MA weapons of Counter-Strike. Those weapons take time, and skill to master. But when they are mastered, they become bringers of death. Learn the tools that you are given, and ultimately you will be rewarded. MA in the right person's hands will become a deadly weapon. Any weapon in the right hands will be a deadly weapon. Even a REK :)
The Lodester is different from the BFRs and to compare the two would not give the BFRs justice. BFRs are walking peices of destruction. They are made to destroy. The Lode is not. It is a transport vehicle, and naturally transport certs are not widely carried by people. Generally, people only pick up these certs at higher BR levels because they no longer have the need to gain BEP. The Lode has two flaws, one dramatic, the other not so much.
1. Lode has no weapons (meh)
2. Lode can only carry ONE vehicle regardless of size (!!!!)
3. The Lode is THE slowest air vehicle ever (hey wow, it's a third I just thought of)
With the information gathered from the article, BFRs are built to decimate the enemy. It will strike fear in its opponents.
The BFR is an assault vehicle.
The Lode is a TRANSPORT vehicle (not a good one at that)
Let the devs worry about balancing the BFRs before the launch, then we shall complain, rant and rave, blah de blah blah, until we get our way. And then we will rant and rave about how it should be changed back, and then there will be more despair, blah blah blah.
2004-07-19, 04:37 AM
Lame you have to pay for it though, CC owners get the robots, but what, have to pay another $13 a month to use these things? :huh:
2004-07-19, 07:05 AM
i personally think planetside should stick to what its good at, a very cool in depth fps with rpg elements. they should add more areas and spaces for combat (battle islands was such a cool idea) not throw in totally random waalking deathh bots that will in my opinion unbalance the sides i mean imagine if one side had one and the other didnt :scared:
the only way i think it could work is by making them not so good very hard to aquire and that people make sure that there brought down quickly, go infantry :)
2004-07-19, 07:14 AM
I can see it now:
The TR Mech will require 43 and a half troops to man, all of them getting a 2-shot bow and arrow that fires real fast. But if you have less than the 43 and a half troops, your damage degradation is considerable.
The NC Mech will require 2 troops to man and will insta-gib whole squads.
The VS Mech will require 2 troops to man and will shoot from one continent to another accurately and will insta-gib whole squads.
2004-07-19, 07:51 AM
ph34r the uber bow and arrow :D
2004-07-19, 08:50 AM
no way way, this has to be a hoax
I can't with a sane mind, believe that the developers have been wasting so much time making GIANT FUCKING ROBOTS for a game that is so unbalanced/buggy/broken.
and then I thought...
damn, I hafta get me one of these :cool:
2004-07-19, 09:14 AM
I'd imagine if they were to turn Planetside into a FPS mech game it would be a lot of battletech/mechwarrior/robotech/*insert giant robot anime or video game name here* lover's dream game. A mech game where the infantry is actually on the ground and useful, with a lot of other vehicles and a lot more going on than just other mechs. Yeah, I'm sure the focus wouldn't shift that much, but if it did it could be a smart thing for SOE to do financially. When's the last time there was a good mech game for PC? It's been a few years hasn't it? Xbox has stuff like Mech Assault and Steel Battalion, and PS has a few franchises too, but Mech Warrior 4 came out in... What, 2001? Just a random thought... But SOE surely knows it can't let Planetside stagnate. The fact that it's still around probably means that someone high up is pushing for it to do better which is good news for us Planetside fans who don't fear change.
2004-07-19, 09:41 AM
Lame you have to pay for it though, CC owners get the robots, but what, have to pay another $13 a month to use these things? :huh:
You don't have to pay extra money per month with core combat.
2004-07-19, 10:22 AM
Riiiiight, and people said Loadstars would be handy and useful when the devs put them in game. Now look at how many people actually use them :doh:.
I see quite a few being used actually... yesterday on Amerish one dropped a sunderer in front of me... and I saw atleast 4 or 5 more...
As to the mechs... well... they can keep this in testing for a year to make sure it is PERFECT or just scrap it all together... if it is not balanced (and I mean truely balanced none of that 'Damage over time' crap) then the project needs to be thrown out... this has the potential to make or break the game and sadly SOEs track record with balancing leans towards the latter...
2004-07-19, 11:14 AM
Y'all are getting to worked up. Its a vertical tank. It cant go inside.
*rips the roof off of the amp station* RAWR
2004-07-19, 11:20 AM
To Fragmatic: He means $13 for the subcription of one month, not the game Core Combat itself (which I got for $10 Mwahahhaa)
It would be very difficult for Sony to scrap the BFRs after development. It's like putting all your hard work into making a chair, only to have a fat person come in, sit on it, and break it.
But indeed, it is a possible action for Sony, though one I doubt they would take.
Yea I do admit one think about the BFRs that bug me is the nature of them. A lot of people like anime (god I loathe it so much) and I feel mechs in Planetside would be unnatural. It wouldn't fit, it wouldn't add up. I hope their designs are too far fetched (I don't want tp ouke all over myself).
Manitou: LOL
2004-07-19, 11:27 AM
Planetside is supposed to be like in the year 4000 or something. It dosent feel that futureistic aside from vanu weapons.
2004-07-19, 12:12 PM
Well this sucks...
I have wanted to get planetside since the day it came out but with my 16.8 kb internet connection it wasn't even humanly possible. After more than a year a form of high speed actually becomes available to me in the shape of a wireless connection which has a minimum speed of 6 meg's (6000Kb). I liked the though of planetside because it was futuristic weapons and vehicles using modern tactics on a planetwide scale. So now thier goin to add some Big F**cking Robot's to the game. Am i the only one who sees many problems with this? Unless their like 20 cert points everyone will have one and it will turn a good planetwide warfare simulation into a game of mechwarrior with unrealistic damage moddelling and 3 mechs (which by the way you only have access to one of. The SOE team needs to work on making the game work better with teams and more tactically. They need to fork out some better balancing already and now their throwing some huge robots into the fray? Some things that might make these robots less unbalancing would be if you could only spawn them out at Sanctuary or that each side could only have 10 active in the field at one time. Or pherhaps if they were just a wee bit smaller and had less destructive weapons. :D
I never got the point of a mech. Aside from looking really cool they should in reality be sooooo weak. I mean if you shoot a vehicle in the tracks it can still shoot and in some cases still move. If you shoot a mech in the legs it falls over and blows up. And why of all places would they put a shield generator on the back where it can be shot at why not inside???!!!!! :huh:
Ah i'm done ranting now and I feel much better... thank you for your time.
{edit}: These BFR's could work if they were smaller and less powerful but had very high speeds. Because the only point of having a weapons platform on legs intead of on treads or wheels ( a tank ) is mobility maybe the BFR could go through really dense terrain that a vehicle could not. And besides 60 meters is like a 5 story building.
I'm going to look really stupid if this is all a hoax...
2004-07-19, 12:32 PM
There are checks in place to keep what you said from happening. The specifics have not been elaborated on by Sony, but needless to say, they are there. The devs have thought about balancing issues and have probably adjusted the BFRs accordingly. No one wants a MechWarrior copy. Plus it may infringe on some copyrights.
At the moment, we know squat. We only know that they exist, they are vulnerable to infantry, and they are big weapon platforms.
Mechs are giant weapon platforms that are designed to be more traversable than your average tank.
Think about it, if you load a tank up with all you wanted, you'd have this giant rectangular peice of metal that would be far to difficult to manage, to move into location, and generally it'd be a stationary turret with various weapons mounted on it.
Mechs, weapon platforms. Naturally, those at higher ground have an advantage over those on lower ground because of the angles and stuff, blah blah. With this in mind, Mechs gain an edge over your average tanks. Then there is weapon fire, it basically sports weapons of a tank on steroids. Why? Because it's designed to destroy tanks.
Yea, I do have some beefs with the height, but it's good in the respect that it makes it an even bigger target for everything.
I believe the only one with legs is the Vanu one, but I can be mistaken since I havn't actually gotten a close look at the other two.
Planetside does not use hitboxes, so a hit to the legs will cause the same damage as a hit to the head.
Why the shield generator on the back and not inside? This is probably a functional issue. If it were inside the mech, it'd be near impossible for anyone to destroy the mech, making it way imbalanced.
Don't worry though, if this is a hoax, I'll be the stupidest of all.
Edit: Btw, any information for the devs yet on the BFRs, they said they would release some info today...
Edit2: I looked in the Planetside Forums, there are so many different threads concerning BFRs, why can't they just have one like us?
2004-07-19, 01:42 PM
At the risk of getting people annoyed by discussing the technology of mechs, there is no way that a mech would have manouverability advantages over tanks. Something that walks is going to need much more complex system to deal with its movement. It may be able to be more verstaile, but stepping up slopes would require a lot of calculations to balance its weight, and so on. Just because it is easy for us, doesn't mean that it would be easy for a machine. You may have seen that Sony robot that dances and stuff, and if it took all these years to build something that is about 4 feet high, imagine something about 60 or whatever feet. It would also be incredibly fragile, so a tank that has a wheel or tread shot out can still move and be somewhat effective, a mech with one leg would be able to do nothing. In short, humanoid mech technology would be impossible to implement in any battlefield situation, and it would be pretty unrealistic even in Planetside.
Wow, I've ranted a lot about this. :rant:
2004-07-19, 01:46 PM
Me, I say Bring on the BFR cause as soon as one comes into range of my Phoenix I will pwn that damn thing and bring it to its knees. Besides if one of those things come into sight every soldier with a pistol will bring there guns to bare on the BFR. Besides theres nothing that a OS can't cure. :D
I say those things will have a average battlefield life expectience of about 10 to 5 mins at least.
Edit: even tho my average Battlefield life expectience is about 5 to 2 mins :confused:
2004-07-19, 02:59 PM
Well this sucks...
I have wanted to get planetside since the day it came out but with my 16.8 kb internet connection it wasn't even humanly possible. After more than a year a form of high speed actually becomes available to me in the shape of a wireless connection which has a minimum speed of 6 meg's (6000Kb). I liked the though of planetside because it was futuristic weapons and vehicles using modern tactics on a planetwide scale. So now thier goin to add some Big F**cking Robot's to the game. Am i the only one who sees many problems with this? Unless their like 20 cert points everyone will have one and it will turn a good planetwide warfare simulation into a game of mechwarrior with unrealistic damage moddelling and 3 mechs (which by the way you only have access to one of. The SOE team needs to work on making the game work better with teams and more tactically. They need to fork out some better balancing already and now their throwing some huge robots into the fray? Some things that might make these robots less unbalancing would be if you could only spawn them out at Sanctuary or that each side could only have 10 active in the field at one time. Or pherhaps if they were just a wee bit smaller and had less destructive weapons. :D
I never got the point of a mech. Aside from looking really cool they should in reality be sooooo weak. I mean if you shoot a vehicle in the tracks it can still shoot and in some cases still move. If you shoot a mech in the legs it falls over and blows up. And why of all places would they put a shield generator on the back where it can be shot at why not inside???!!!!! :huh:
Ah i'm done ranting now and I feel much better... thank you for your time.
{edit}: These BFR's could work if they were smaller and less powerful but had very high speeds. Because the only point of having a weapons platform on legs intead of on treads or wheels ( a tank ) is mobility maybe the BFR could go through really dense terrain that a vehicle could not. And besides 60 meters is like a 5 story building.
I'm going to look really stupid if this is all a hoax...
Silence! And they are 20 meters!
Vis Armata
2004-07-19, 03:06 PM
20m in-game, by the way, is about the distance from the base of an air tower to the balcony (not the top). So they'll look pretty damn big to the average infantryman.
Of course, at this stage of PS most ground vehicles don't last that long as it is, and once a BFRs shields go down I'm willing to bet that they are sitting ducks.
2004-07-19, 03:07 PM
I believe the only one with legs is the Vanu one, but I can be mistaken since I havn't actually gotten a close look at the other two.
Why the shield generator on the back and not inside? This is probably a functional issue. If it were inside the mech, it'd be near impossible for anyone to destroy the mech, making it way imbalanced.
The NC one os a giant chicken (It will be the pwnest of all!) And the TR one looks like some sort of Guntank look-alike (Those of you who like MS Gundam will know)
(Being the nerd I am) If the shield gen was internal, it might create too much heat. Having it on the back provides more airflow to the component.
2004-07-19, 03:09 PM
20m in-game, by the way, is about the distance from the base of an air tower to the balcony (not the top).
20m in-game is about from the gate of a bio lab (The one nearest the front door) to the front door.
2004-07-19, 03:16 PM
why would you want to put a mech in a courtyard anyways, it can just simpily look over the wall and shoot anything in the courtyard
I can see my self in a mech right now...
"Big O, Showtime!!
2004-07-19, 03:39 PM
Hopefully not straying too far into off topic land (hey, it's my thread!) in defense of "mechs" in general I always thought the idea of giant robots was kind of pointless myself but in one of the most inspirational old animes, Macross (AKA the first 3rd of Robotech) the reason they have giant humanoid robots is because the enemy aliens are giant humans so their mechs were constructed to be able to fight them hand to hand and interact with their technology. Sort of makes sense... in this single case. :)
2004-07-19, 03:45 PM
Planetside is supposed to be like in the year 4000 or something. It dosent feel that futureistic aside from vanu weapons.
So dyeing and respawning hundreds of times as the same person isnt very futuristic?
2004-07-19, 03:46 PM
So Trencher, are you saying that the people that were on Auraxis B4 the expedition team sent by the Terren Republic from earth was twenty meters tall and that the Devs created a 20 foot robot to battle the orginal inhabitants of Auraxis? :confused:
2004-07-19, 04:00 PM
Slytiger, the dying and respawning technology is simply an extension of technology that can be made possible, ie. cloning which has happened to animals in the past few years.
2004-07-19, 04:06 PM
So Trencher, are you saying that the people that were on Auraxis B4 the expedition team sent by the Terren Republic from earth was twenty meters tall and that the Devs created a 20 foot robot to battle the orginal inhabitants of Auraxis? :confused:
No. I'm saying in the most general non-planetside related sense that the show I mentioned was one of the most inspirtional big robot shows and that was it's justification for having "big robots" rather than MAX style suits or big tanks, or what have you. It was in response the earlier posts on the subject...
Although your post does give me a few ideas... hmm :D
2004-07-19, 04:10 PM
I've got two words for you all... (if this isn't a hoax)
King Kong
Here's an image for ya....BFR on top of a Biolab's dome....holding an infantryWOman, with mossys flying all around shooting at it......hehe
2004-07-19, 04:45 PM
Although your post does give me a few ideas... hmm :D
Your Welcome :groovy:
2004-07-19, 05:00 PM
Thats all I can add really :)
I'm geeked! Can't wait. :eek:
2004-07-19, 05:20 PM
so when are the devs gonna yap about the BFR's?, I keep hearing tonight or tomarrow morning or tomarrow night
2004-07-19, 05:42 PM
so when are the devs gonna yap about the BFR's?, I keep hearing tonight or tomarrow morning or tomarrow night
Well, Spork just posted on the OF confirming the article as legit (not a hoax), but he didn't give any new info yet.
edit: HOLY CRAP but they just posted a ton of other stuff!
Nice, even have backstory to go with it.
Edit: And here's the NC one.
2004-07-19, 06:20 PM
We've enjoyed a substantial technology advantage recently, which we've ruthlessly exploited to great gain.WHAT?! Where?! In what game?!
Yet again, they got the gold mine, and we got the shaft.
2004-07-19, 08:06 PM
Remember when the Devs used to post concept art?
Like they did with the Liberator and Skyguard when they came out? Yeah... old schoolers nod your heads...
Yar, wonder what happened?
2004-07-19, 08:12 PM
All I can say is I hope they damn well better balance the thing.
It still doesn't seem like it would belong in the game.
Actually, that's where you're wrong.
The US Military is CURRENTLY examining how to design, create, field, and use soldier-operated exosuits. That would be at the very least, a frame that a soldier puts on, somewhat like in Aliens where Ripley fought that beast in her yellow construction robo-frame.
Add to that the immense boost to a soldier's strength and endurance, the possibility of being able to run at average speeds of 30mph (not kph like in-game), the ability to strap on and functionally use heavy weapons such as fifty caliber machine guns one on each arm, and the ability to run and jump large distances or jump from a certain height (like 30 feet) without becoming a splatter...
Then factor in protection methods such as putting a soldier in a cockpit rather than wearing a suit of partial-plate armor...
... And add 3k years.
And you've got a MAX. Still, I could see a Mech coming out of that program.
2004-07-19, 10:28 PM
Holy moses, I leave for the Tech Museum for a day and all this happens while I'm away. Gadzooks.
Well the chances that this is a hoax is close to bubcus, a company such as Sony would not play tricks with its loyal customers (unless it's April fools).
Wow, it's good to know that MAX suits are getting the buffs they deserve. It's also good to know that the vehicles are getting upgrades as well. But this thread is on BFRs! Give me info on BFRs! *roar*
Mechs can be more maneuverable than tanks. Their size allows them to conquer mountans (but maybe not mountain ranges). At the moment though, that's about all we know. No other information has been given concerning running speed, jumping ability, or really anything else to determine the maneurverability of the BFR. I was just making an assumption.
Man, I think I'll be recerting unimax again after the patch goes through. The buffs might make the gameplay more fun.
You think this is an attempt by Sony to get our minds off of the BFRs and onto something more immediate?
2004-07-19, 11:02 PM
never have i expelled so much spermatazoa over a video game upgrade...
i feel like i lost ten pounds.
PSU: I've lost 30 pounds playing Planetside!!
Ha, i made that......and its the truth, i was 240 and went down to 210, i'm going up again tho...
2004-07-19, 11:10 PM
20m in-game, by the way, is about the distance from the base of an air tower to the balcony (not the top). So they'll look pretty damn big to the average infantryman.
Of course, at this stage of PS most ground vehicles don't last that long as it is, and once a BFRs shields go down I'm willing to bet that they are sitting ducks.
Im a little concerned that the article mentioned it would take several flail shots to even scratch the shield which is a little insane if you ask me. Id like to see what the devs come up with on this one, especcially how you aquire these tthings, and how you keep them from becoming so abundant.
2004-07-20, 12:04 AM
Doesn't it also say in the article that small arms fire could go through the shield, and a couple bolt driver shots could take the shield generator out?
Man, I'd like to be that flail that takes down the BFR's armor, think of the massive XP you would get *drool* :scared:
2004-07-20, 12:04 AM
Well someone suggested massive NTU drain, and i like that idea. Also in the car i was thinking if they had a 30 min timer or something to that effect. If someone lost one, it wouldnt be immediatelly back up.
I think people shoud wait a while until they release more actual info abou tthem before throwing themselves into hateing them utterly and completely. This is why devs attempt to keep secrets.
On another note, and also refencing some Warhammer 40K info:
Titans: Big uber tough killing machines that have shields and are almost impervious to small arms fire.
Perhaps to counter titans, you would need titan killing tanks?
Enter the heavy or super heavy tanks to PS. Currently the Van, Mag and Prowler are listed as medium tanks. Sooooo basically this coulod usher in new tanks down the road. In 40K 2 superheavy tanks have a great chance of killing an equal pointed titan. They have thick ass armour and hard core guns. Im thinking some massive med/heavy tank/Air/Walker fights may be seen soon.
Just my opinions on the matters.
2004-07-20, 01:01 AM
Im a little concerned that the article mentioned it would take several flail shots to even scratch the shield which is a little insane if you ask me. Id like to see what the devs come up with on this one, especcially how you aquire these tthings, and how you keep them from becoming so abundant.
It also says that one sniper shot can take down the shields. That's the whole reasoning behind it. This thing is an anti-vehicular platform, not an anti-infantry one.
2004-07-20, 01:11 AM
It also says that one sniper shot can take down the shields. That's the whole reasoning behind it. This thing is an anti-vehicular platform, not an anti-infantry one.
It's gonna be more than 1.
2004-07-20, 01:17 AM
Well, at the moment we have no information concerning how much damage the shield generator will be able to take.
According to the article though it says a well aimed sniper shot will be able to take down the shield.
I Hate Pants
2004-07-20, 01:20 AM
Well, at the moment we have no information concerning how much damage the shield generator will be able to take.
According to the article though it says a well aimed sniper shot will be able to take down the shield.hopefully it will encourage more players to equip MA weapons.
I hate how the article says a well placed sniper shot can bring the shield down. The last thing we need are more snipers in the game.
2004-07-20, 01:20 AM
According to the article though it says a well aimed sniper shot will be able to take down the shield.
Let's not forget that PS can't have too much location damage, so when it says "well-aimed" it means "anywhere on the generator".
2004-07-20, 01:30 AM
I didn't even know locational damage existed in PS!
But yea, they probably do mean just hitting anywhere on the generator.
More snipers = more counter sniping = pwnage for me :doh:
Generally, the MA rifles and the Sniper cert will be the most effective means to bring the generator down. But that's just my assumption.
Actually, with enough support, a BFR can become an AntiInfantry platform regardless of the weakness of its shielding because remember that after the shield goes down, there is still the armor that troops have to deal with.
It's not uncommong to see Prowlers, Mags, and Vans used in anti infantry roles. Roll in, wreck some havoc in the enemy zerg, roll out, patch up, roll back in, wash rince repeat.
2004-07-20, 06:41 AM
Actually, with enough support, a BFR can become an AntiInfantry platform regardless of the weakness of its shielding because remember that after the shield goes down, there is still the armor that troops have to deal with.
Would depend on the infantry damage of the weapons.
2004-07-20, 10:45 AM
Actually, with enough support, a BFR can become an AntiInfantry platform regardless of the weakness of its shielding because remember that after the shield goes down, there is still the armor that troops have to deal with.
I think it's a given that BFRs will fall to even a squad of infantry properly equipped. They're very large and probably not very fast. They won't be able to use cover like tanks can (one of the reasons a mech vehicle is so impractical in the first place) so it'll be pretty difficult for them to evade AV weapons apart from the Decimator. Also, assuming they don't go to fast, that raises the question of whether they can crush infantry in a manner akin to vehicles running infantry down.
Just to contribute to the main topic though, I am very pleased with the addition of BFRs to Planetside. It always has been a sort of futuristic but not futuristic game, so it's nice to see more sci-fi stuff like BFRs getting added. I also hope they eat tanks for lunch, and aren't really something for infantry to worry about. As I've advocated in previous threads, there needs to be a vehicle designed to kill tanks and yet not extremely effective against infantry. Right now, tanks are so ubiquitous because they blow away absolutely anything on the ground. Once tanks are no longer to unrivaled kings of the vehicle foodchain, perhaps we can finally start to see the other vehicles come into their own, rather than being the "if I can't get a tank" or "if I want to travel somewhere fast" vehicles.
2004-07-20, 01:12 PM
Hopefully the spot that disables the sheilds will be *really* small.
2004-07-20, 01:49 PM
I wouldnt consider BFRs infrantry fodder just yet. The guns on the thing will probobly be insta-gib so infrantry need 2 sneak around 2 its back or they just gonna get mowed down. If the driver or guner has audio AMP, a soldier cant get around 2 the back easily. There is 2 effective ways 2 take it down, a cloaker with sensor shield, or a all out zerg and due 2 limited targeting on it atleast 1 will get by and take it down. Then they gotta deal with armor. So during that time the BFR got 10+ kills against that zerg and 1 with the cloaker.
This brings to mind how they will get the shield back up. Lets gossip about thast, shall we? :)
2004-07-20, 03:57 PM
Maybe it's something that you charge up, yeknow like the vehicle shields.
Autorepair over time?
Maybe you have to actually get someone to repair the mech?
It utilizes the great power of Zeus to recharge its shields.
Actually, it wouldn't be too difficult to take the shields down. A sniper on a ridge can do the job quite nicely.
2004-07-20, 04:46 PM
Maybe require amp station or massive NTU drain?
I think it would be cool to bring ANT's back into the forefront. Make them much more needed, and make some new things cost NTU's.
Vis Armata
2004-07-20, 05:07 PM
Once tanks are no longer to unrivaled kings of the vehicle foodchain, perhaps we can finally start to see the other vehicles come into their own, rather than being the "if I can't get a tank" or "if I want to travel somewhere fast" vehicles.
I agree with you. Even though I have a tank in my sig, I'd love for assault buggies, the light tanks, even ATVs to come back in some form.
2004-07-20, 05:29 PM
How does having a bigger meaner vehicle out there then even tanks increase the survivability of other vehicles? If anything this will have the oppoiste effect.
2004-07-20, 07:52 PM
I agree with Doppler.
Although if buggies could pack more punch against these gits than a tank shell that would be cool :)
2004-07-20, 08:45 PM
Maybe require amp station or massive NTU drain?
I think it would be cool to bring ANT's back into the forefront. Make them much more needed, and make some new things cost NTU's.
I think I remeber some1 saying thats "ANTs were nessasary 2 take down force domes" but that was B4 they was released. Or that might have been some old gossip, cuz I also think they said it needed flails. So I think the devs might be trying to get ANTs more usefull with all there attempts (tower NTU, and foce domes)
2004-07-20, 08:56 PM
It was the cooler bigger force domes to give defenders better chance, but it was deemed not useable as of yet. They had to be hit with flails and mult ants to suck off the energy to drop them, and then it was only for a limited time they would stay down. Alot of mixed feelings from alot of people on this one.
2004-07-20, 10:59 PM
But it never went in 2 testing did it? :confused: and totally dumped out never 2 return unless a nostalgia (possible typo) reminds some 1. anyway with the BFRs and balance patch, I dont remember the community being so (I cant find the word Iam looking 4, BAH!) so.... confused/angry/happy/B1tchy/whiny/need-2-know-more
CAHBWN (sounds like a CD-key I had once) :chill: ( if I was a smoker, id so be puffin ATM)
2004-07-23, 06:02 PM
yeah this looks cool as long as the mechs don't just kill everything and everyone where everybody has to use them. Jacking other mechs would be pretty cool too and the customizable feature also will have a sense of personal enjoyment.
2004-07-24, 07:09 PM
Just great. If I wanted to drive around mech warriors....I'd go play mechwarrior...yeah this is just what PS needs....
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-24, 11:40 PM
MECHWARRIOR PWNZ J00! WARHAWKS! (if any heathen calls is a Masakari ONE more time, i'll murder 'em) ARR!
2004-07-25, 12:11 PM
What I find immensely funny is that a *MASAKARI* (haha cauldron) can be loaded with more missile systems than, say, a stripped-down Kodiak - which has an extra ten tons of weight allowance - and thus it can fire more rounds per salvo.
Getting on track, I hope that the TR variant isn't as gimped as our MAXes and tank. Meaning, pray to the gods that the Developers use a little common sense or cash in on their Clue-pon and make the TR Colossus not-sucky. So let's pray that the rockets are not like Reaver rockets (in other words, ironic that a Magscatter can kill with fewer rounds than a Reaver). Oh, and lock-on would be good, even if it's not fire-and-forget. Firing a barrage of cannons or microwaving the crunchies with a perma-beam laser is far above firing a salvo of dumbfire rockets.
2004-07-25, 01:10 PM
Getting on track, I hope that the TR variant isn't as gimped as our MAXes and tank.
Soon that will no longer be a problem :rock:
2004-07-25, 03:21 PM
All i can say is please dont make TR require more gunners than other empires, and dont give other empires insta kill crap like the deliverers. Grunts have it hard enough as is considering tr always tend to footzerg, so maybe we wont have to worry about bfr's since were practically mostly infantry anyways. A few questions, what kind of aa will they have and will armor chainguns damage through sheilds? IE harasser, mossies.....
Will they release official screens of these? i've seen the blurry mag scan and want to know more detail how tr and nc look. my scrip on cg ran out last month and im waiting for renewal to go through so im not buying mag twice :ncsucks:
2004-07-26, 07:36 PM
The Chicken Walker Will Rule You Allllll!!!!!!!!.......
Cauldron Borne
2004-08-01, 11:53 AM
Firefly will pay for his transgressions....My 4 PPC varient has never lost a 1v1, 1v2, 1v3 OR 2v6 match.
Back on track: HOPEFULLY the TR BFR will kick more ass than the other BFR's. Or at least make them about even. If the TR BFR kicks more ass, but requires one more gunner, i'm fine with that. If it requires more gunners to reach the same potential as the other Empire's vehicles, I'll get a wee bit pissed.
2004-08-01, 03:21 PM
Something tells me that it will take one more gunner for it to be as effective as the other BFRs.....But maybe not.
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