View Full Version : Possible or Not?
2003-02-06, 11:11 AM
Ok here's a scenario.. and I wonder if some people would do this.... every empire has a common enemy...
The Terran hate the NC
The Vanu hate the NC
The NC hate the Terran
The Vanu hate the Terran
The Terran hate the Vanu
The NC hate the Vanu
With this said.... say there is a battle going on... and the NC have a very strategical position. It could mean trouble for both the Terran and the Vanu. Would each empire be willing to work together in that spot to try and take the NC out?
This will happen alot more then people think. Xteaming is very common in DAoC and some FPS's.
2003-02-06, 11:14 AM
its empire against empire against empire. It is possible but i ghigly doubt it it.
2003-02-06, 11:17 AM
I wouldn't mind fighting beside the NC (our freedom loving, if misguided, brothers-in-arms) against the tyrannical TR, at least while our goals are the same. :D
2003-02-06, 11:17 AM
I would team up with another empire to reach a common goal.... and for all you NC members out there... this is not an attack against you.. I just used you as an example...
2003-02-06, 11:18 AM
Could be tricky. Especially with the knowledge that once you had achived that common goal they would turn against you and you'd be back to square one, competing for the strategical position.
2003-02-06, 11:20 AM
true... but that would be fun,
2003-02-06, 11:26 AM
2003-02-06, 11:47 AM
I would not be inclined to go along with a cooperative operation with another empire. However, I would probably pass up shots of opportunity on a specific empire if the other is dominating and I'm on my way to an objective.
2003-02-06, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Yuyi
This will happen alot more then people think. Xteaming is very common in DAoC and some FPS's.
2003-02-06, 12:01 PM
oh ya, there will be times where 2 small groups are back into a corner by a large army from the 3rd parts, and decide to have a cease fire till they dig their way out again. Say a small NC group and a small terrain group were besieged by a large vanu group, I would have no problem saving my rounds for the vanu. Once the vanu were taken care of, then sure, go after the TR group once we declare the cease fire to be off. I can see this happening a lot between vet outfits. Less with the wonders of noobness but yes, I do see this happening at least enough to well.... be almost common!
The enemy of your enemy is my friend!
Don�t worry, we NC take it as a complement, we know that it will take a combined effort to have a chance of taking us down ;) ;)
:p :p
2003-02-06, 12:36 PM
I would not actively help another side, but a 30 minute or so cease-fire with one empire (cough...NC...cough) would be in order in some situations. Although I will not do this much as I HATE constant double-teaming.
2003-02-06, 12:42 PM
Possible, yes, will it happen? Probably.
However it wont be possible via in game methods. Such pacts would need to be made outside the game.
2003-02-06, 12:50 PM
hmm, i think this will definatly happen once in a while, but it would be hard cus as far as i know theres no way to talk to let the enimy know theres a cease fire. I for one, would be pissed off if i came around a corner and saw supposed "friends" durring a cease fire, and didn't fire, just to have them blow my head off
2003-02-06, 12:52 PM
I agree with airlift
2003-02-06, 12:55 PM
Whichever faction holds the most territory will have the most vulnerability and largest front, while the factions with less territory will have a greater concentration of it's soldiers.
Subsequently, both of the "losing" factions will find more success attacking the faction with most of the territory.
Now as far as trying to take the same bases at the same time, the defending faction will have the advantage. Fighting is bound to break out between the two attacking factions, outside of the base.
I know I don't want an enemy of mine responsable for covering my back.
2003-02-06, 01:52 PM
There should be a way to talk to the whole map (people within a certain radius of you) and a way to talk to just your empire... sorta like CS
2003-02-06, 02:03 PM
I personally am glad that there is no way to talk to the enemy. Double-teaming should not be encouraged, otherwise there is no point in having a third empire at all. Not to mention the fact that it makes it more difficult to be a traitor if they can't use in-game communication to betray.
2003-02-06, 02:19 PM
I think it adds another interesting angle to the game. But I also think this is very unlikely to happen. If two empires were able to make a pact outside of the game, it would probably last about 2 hrs. until someone joins the game unaware of the pact and kills a few of the other empire. It would also be impossible to get every player to go along with it.
I could see working with the NC against the Vanu. But I would much rather it stay the way it is.
2003-02-06, 02:46 PM
Ironically, i was already thinking up an idea for double teamming the TR. Me being a Vanu i was thinking about getting together with the NC, letting them kill 20 soldiers for 30 minutes (with an AMS there to respawn the 20 soldiers) in exchange for the NC making a raid on certain facilities (i.e. using the Vanguard tanks to siege a facility and distract some TR's out of their base why we go in and hack it and take control, allowing the NC to kill the distracted TR and get BEPs :)
Or same situation, but instead of the NC using Vanguards, they give up the Drop Ship Facility or something like that, or give us known positions of TR forces placed across a continent, or give us briefings on their recon missions. there are so many ways to give us help.
Of course in order to accomplish this, i will need to find a group of NC soldiers who are willing to do this.
:vsrocks: :ncrocks: :trsucks:+:trrocks: :P~
I would not work together with one of the other empires, because we are all in this for one thing, basically, power. With this said, backstabbing would DEFINATELY occur if one were to team up with some1 from another side and thus the casualties due to this backstab might be greater than those that would have been lost if you weren't teamed up with them from the 3rd empire.
Secondly, IRL I have played the game called Risk a few times and whenever two people ally and the others don't, those who aren't allied are at a great disadvantage and I think that this would take away from the balance of the game.
Although I would like to crush my enemies, I don't think it would be fair, and to me, fairness of the empire you choose in the beginning (everyone having equal opportunity to succeed) is more important than winning some battles.
2003-02-06, 04:06 PM
Well as much as I don't like comparing games, especialy DAoC to planetside, I did notice one thing. On my DAoC server the albion realm outnumbers BOTH of the other 2 realms, we can't talk to each other in game but it was only like 1 week after RvR started picking up that people would just use IRC while playing, and I've seen so many dual attacks.:) Again though, planetside seems like it will be much different, mainly in the fact that in DAoC, you need numbers because its dice rolling, but in planetside, if your a good shot you can take 4 or 5 guys with you to the grave.:)
DAoC is slowlyign dying for me, planetside is like that hawaii brouchure you just stare at. Wish I was there.
i dont see this happening.
scenario 1) TR is about to achieve a continental lock, with 2 bases left to go. one is held by NC, one by VS. there is no way that the NC and VS people could coordinate in-game, so it wont happen. it's not like they'll all happen to be all idling in the same irc channel where they can discuss this. this isn't to say that selective targeting(target prioritizing) wont happen, but it wont be a discussed plan. what i mean by that is the NC have 2 choices on who to fight. the single base held by the VS, or the horde of TR attacking the base they hold. the choice is pretty simple.
result: TR may or may not achieve the lock, but due only to the skill of the soldiers, not the unspoken "agreement" to kill TR.
scenario 2) NC and VS outfit leaders meet on irc and agree to form a pact. so now they have about 60 people combined under them. out of the 1880 people left of the 2 empires that could give less than a shit about what those 2 meaningless outfit leaders "decided" upon.
result: useless. outfit leaders probably get laughed at and TK'd :D
2003-02-06, 05:27 PM
You probably don't need to communicate. A group of NC soldiers, in the heat of battle, may get the picture if a TR group that outnumbers/outguns them is annihilated by streaks of purple that stop coming when the TR group is crater.
2003-02-06, 05:55 PM
I think that you might see cordinated attacks at the same time by 2 empires against one, thats the only way i'd help another empire out
2003-02-06, 07:10 PM
In DAoC there was only 1 perpetual alliance in any of the servers, the Lancelot Hibgaurd alliance. This alliance was formed because both side were being demolished by the outnumbereing Albs.
However, many smaller, non-aggression pacts formed in the battlegrounds if neither force could break control of the fort from the 3rd force. Other times if a pair from diferent realms met, but didnt realy feal like fighting each-other, they would just hang out and roam looking for victims from the 3rd empire. Useualy this pairs had no purpose except to just hang out a little.
Planetside will likely only feature the alliances and temporary pacts to take a very important objectives. People will have too much of the "shoot-first, ask questions latter" attitue to allow friendly 4-10 people hang-out groups to form.
2003-02-06, 10:21 PM
^very true
2003-02-06, 10:36 PM
Well the problem is that it would have to be spontaneous, and let's say, I happened to be standing beside a terran that for some reason I hadn't shot yet, and I happened to spell out in bullets on the wall that we should work together, I would wait for his squad to move up, and then blow the shit out of them with every ounce of ordinance I had. Don't trust me, I'm after the bxp. I'm not the only one....
2003-02-06, 10:57 PM
When 2 armies team up some newb bastards will open fire and piss of the other ally, and then all hell will break lose. But they will be useful for short term solutions.:)
2003-02-07, 01:29 AM
Victoy is in the eyes of the beholder, just becuz your out numbered doesn't mean u can't blast your way through the enemy. Some ppl r just stupid and could get over confident. This game is gonna be more about skill than dice rolling, so being outnumbered may not make a whole lot of difference, unless its completely ridikulous numbers against a small grp.
2003-02-07, 09:05 AM
It never has to be long term. Not to mention if 2 outfits of opposing empires team up for a common goal... it would most likely last as long as the battle they arranged to work together with. And if a newb came and started blasting the other team... then I would hope they realized that that newb didn't belong to the outfit or squad... I dunno...
2003-02-07, 03:48 PM
Communicating between different empires can be easy...
Morse Code! of course it will take a hell of a long time to spell a sentence, but it works doesn't it?
:p :D
2003-02-07, 04:15 PM
If there was any empire cooperation, I would see it working against the little guys...the reasoning would probably be "well, if we attack the empire that holds most of the continent we get rocked, but if we go after the one that only has one base left we're pretty much guaranteed victory."
2003-02-07, 04:21 PM
sorry anyone who saw that, a friend of mine thought it would be funny.
I can see a temporary cease fire between outfits. As far as i know you cant comunicate ingame, but over Teamspeak or something maybe. I wouldnt mind not shooting vanu or tr if we were really outnumbered, but i have a feeling someone wouldnt get the idea and start shooting everyone. Ever been in CS when someone starts teamkilling? yea, that but with like 50 people.
2003-02-08, 02:47 AM
anyone playing right now? I want to play with someone i 'know' in a server
2003-02-08, 02:54 AM
Yeah, but you don't 'know' anyone here either do ya? :D
I don't have CS and it's waaay too late but otherwise I'd join ya.
2003-02-08, 02:28 PM
I would be like ok guys ill help u vanu then when they start running id shoot them all in the backs and get massive xp:D
2003-02-08, 02:29 PM
and btw what does Daoc stand for?
2003-02-09, 10:19 PM
I have no clue
2003-02-09, 10:24 PM
It was done in Dark Ages of Camelot.
It will be done here.
2003-02-09, 10:26 PM
DAoC = dark age of camelot
some sort of MMORPG or somethin like dat
2003-02-09, 10:27 PM
never would i ally with another empire for a common goal. all our common goals are to destroy the other to empires we're fighting.
2003-02-09, 10:48 PM
You have to keep in mind how unbalanced a three sided war can become. One of the three Empires can become huge enough to hold off both forces, and still gain ground. Sometimes sacrafices are made to push that one side back, but in the end, it all goes back to normal.
2003-02-12, 11:10 AM
Someone give me some good CS servers....
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