View Full Version : Post your Doom 3 Checklist!
2004-07-20, 04:23 PM Extra Pair
2004-07-20, 04:25 PM
2004-07-20, 04:26 PM
Pants? Who needs clothes?
2004-07-20, 08:08 PM
2004-07-20, 08:16 PM
feck doom
2004-07-20, 08:17 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2004-07-20, 08:22 PM
feck doom
That reminds me of a good game I played back in MARCH.
Doom sucks.
2004-07-20, 08:53 PM
Fuck Doom 3, even with all that shit you cant run it.
2004-07-20, 08:54 PM
Eff Doom 3 in it's stupid A
2004-07-20, 08:57 PM
Why all the hate for Doom III?
2004-07-20, 09:09 PM
Guys wtf. I'll enjoy it all without you
2004-07-20, 09:28 PM check check ( check check check check check check and check
i'm ready
2004-07-20, 09:34 PM
Hamma, in PC Gamers Tech Section PC Gamer did benchmarks for a good looking/frame rate you need at least. P4 2.4 GHz or AMD Equivilent, Radeon 9600 Class Card, 512mb of RAM. You should be able to run it fine.
2004-07-20, 09:51 PM
you guys suck. Doom 3 is the greatest graphical achievement in gaming. ever. o yea, AND its a great game.
2004-07-20, 10:11 PM
you guys suck. Doom 3 is the greatest graphical achievement in gaming. ever. o yea, AND its a great game.
well no shite
2004-07-20, 10:31 PM
Flux Capacitor: Check!
2004-07-20, 10:33 PM
Flux Capacitor: Check!
omfg :BacktotheFuture:
why would you need that for Doom 3?
2004-07-20, 10:36 PM
A: In case it sucks
B: 400 frames per second!
2004-07-20, 10:37 PM
All i need is my new system, my room redone, and an airconditioner...
All I need:
Bathroom plunger
Duct tape
MS Sidewinder "joy"stick
5 large hens (9-11lbs)
2004-07-20, 11:24 PM
All I need:
Bathroom plunger
Duct tape
MS Sidewinder "joy"stick
5 large hens (9-11lbs)
ok now i'm scared
2004-07-21, 12:34 AM
screw it..i want halo2 and hl2
I like how pople hate Doom 3 and love half life two, and orgasm at Halo 2, When theyre all the same goddamn game.
Doom 3: I R PURDY!
Wanna know what? I loathe, and probably will not play any of those games. Why? Because 1, I loathe Fanboys, and 2, I loathe games whose claim to fame is looking pretty. Big fucking deal.
Edit: Silent Hill is scary. BUT ITS NOT AS PRETTI AS D00M@211!1
Red Faction was great on a console, and the only reason halo received any acclaim is because Xbox fanboys didnt have anything to latch onto at the time. Pretyt much the only ones anticipating it is People who suck and liked the PC version, and Xbox sluts.
Half Life 2 has a plot. Whopee. Congrats, sierra! Youve found out what every other game on the planet has managed to accomplish thus far! You get an award!
2004-07-21, 12:43 AM
The claim to fame for a vid game is being fun. I hella things those games will be fun.
The claim to fame for a vid game is being fun. I hella things those games will be fun.
Unfortunatly, you cant generate hype and a decent self-perpetuating fanboy-based PR machine by saying something is fun. Youve gotta have cutting edge graphics, so cutting-edge the technology isnt even available for purchase yet, which is so stupid it boggles the mind. It insults the fan's intelligence, and assumes that we have the mentality of 5 year olds.
Sierra: Hey, look! its more running around and shooting things! BUT ITS SHINEY! OOOH, SO SHINEY! YOU WANT THE SHINEY?! ILL GIVE YOU THE SHINEY FOR 60$ AND AN ETERNITY OF WAITING!
2004-07-21, 12:58 AM
Far Cry was a silent hit
2004-07-21, 01:03 AM
Unfortunatly, you cant generate hype and a decent self-perpetuating fanboy-based PR machine by saying something is fun. Youve gotta have cutting edge graphics, so cutting-edge the technology isnt even available for purchase yet, which is so stupid it boggles the mind. It insults the fan's intelligence, and assumes that we have the mentality of 5 year olds.
Sierra: Hey, look! its more running around and shooting things! BUT ITS SHINEY! OOOH, SO SHINEY! YOU WANT THE SHINEY?! ILL GIVE YOU THE SHINEY FOR 60$ AND AN ETERNITY OF WAITING!
So if they decide to give an already awesome game some really awesome graphics, they're all of a sudden assholes who insult our intelligence? Games are always evolving with technology, give it a year, and ALL games are going to look like that. Will that ALSO be insulting our intelligence, just because it looks good?
So if they decide to give an already awesome game some really awesome graphics, they're all of a sudden assholes who insult our intelligence?
So, you've played the game?
As per the edited commentary, No. Its all relative. if games A-through-Y have the same type of graphical quality, than Game Z has graphics that kick the living shit out of anything ever seen before, and, they kick it around as Sierra has done with HL2, regarding features, then yes, that makes them an asshole.
If you can make a game thats ugly as fucking sin, but still fun as hell to play, Ill give you a gold star. If you have to divert a customers attention with shiney graphics, rendering them drooling while they blast things, before they are able to come to a fair and honest conclusion right off the bat, thats assholery.
You should be able to play through the game and say "Hey, that was fun" without the graphics skewing your point of view. NWN is a prime example of "Horrendously shitty graphics, incredibly fun to play"
Also, if you use graphics for the sake of something MORE than graphics, I am completely for it. An engine that allows mutable physiology depending on your punishment is excellent, and I applaud it. HL2, Halo 2, and Doom 3 all are pretty, for the sake of being pretty.
2004-07-21, 01:09 AM
And you have?
2004-07-21, 01:10 AM
So, you've played the game?
a portion of it, was indeed fun
2004-07-21, 01:11 AM
And you have?
And you have?
I never said the game was fun or not. I have simply stated that I dislike them dangling graphics in front of us as if we were children.
2004-07-21, 01:14 AM
16 bit graphics for the win.
2004-07-21, 01:21 AM
The reason they do that, is because people like pretty things. Image is a large portion of everything we do in life. If people diddnt give a shit about how they looked then we would all have greasy hair and hobo clothes.
Grafics are pretty to be pretty because new things allow it to be pretty. If you can do something to make a game better, why not do it because *you* dont like it?
If they perfected totally immersive VR, and hard wired it right into my brain so it was the pinnacle of real/perfect graphics. I still wouldn't play a game called "SMASH YOUR PEN0R WITH A HAMMER 3".
I don't buy games for the graphics, I buy them for thier playability/fun. Good graphics is just a bonus. I'm playing Icewind Dale 2 right now, and it's fun as fuck, and its over 2 years old.
2004-07-21, 01:37 AM
If they perfected totally immersive VR, and hard wired it right into my brain so it was the pinnacle of real/perfect graphics. I still wouldn't play a game called "SMASH YOUR PEN0R WITH A HAMMER 3".
HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHH HA :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I am laughing *so* hard right now
The reason they do that, is because people like pretty things. Image is a large portion of everything we do in life. If people diddnt give a shit about how they looked then we would all have greasy hair and hobo clothes.
Grafics are pretty to be pretty because new things allow it to be pretty. If you can do something to make a game better, why not do it because *you* dont like it?
BY all means, they can go ahead and do as they please. They have far more money and far more political/industrial power than I could ever hope to have. Doesnt mean Ill buy the product, though. This is all just my opinion on the matter.
And SDM, exactly. I love older games, and I fully endorse games who have a purpose for having a buttfucking nuts graphics engine/physics engine, like Fable. Ive mastered the art of MGS, and have Memorized what to do in FF7. FF6 still is high on my list.
The reason I dislike these games, is cause there really isnt an incentive to play them. Im not being told a story that I couldnt have imagined on my own, and Im just being subjected to the run of the mill blast-a-thon and governmental conspiracy.
Then again, Im an RPG bitch.
2004-07-21, 01:48 AM
Eh, its an fps, what are you gonna do.
FPS = shoot things with as good graphics as you can get.
2004-07-21, 02:04 AM
I never said the game was fun or not. I have simply stated that I dislike them dangling graphics in front of us as if we were children.How else are they gonna sell the game? Assure you the gameplay is enjoyable? :rofl:
2004-07-21, 02:32 AM
If you can make a game thats ugly as fucking sin, but still fun as hell to play, Ill give you a gold star.
Then give squaresoft one for xenogears. RPG's dont get better den dis (playing it right now...again). Its also ugly as sin....especially in todays standards. Excellent game though.
2004-07-21, 11:37 AM
BY all means, they can go ahead and do as they please. They have far more money and far more political/industrial power than I could ever hope to have. Doesnt mean Ill buy the product, though. This is all just my opinion on the matter.
And SDM, exactly. I love older games, and I fully endorse games who have a purpose for having a buttfucking nuts graphics engine/physics engine, like Fable. Ive mastered the art of MGS, and have Memorized what to do in FF7. FF6 still is high on my list.
The reason I dislike these games, is cause there really isnt an incentive to play them. Im not being told a story that I couldnt have imagined on my own, and Im just being subjected to the run of the mill blast-a-thon and governmental conspiracy.
Then again, Im an RPG bitch.
You just don't get it, those graphics are now the standard for games coming out, just like 8-16 bit were 15 years ago.
By your same logic, one could say "The LOTR movies sucked, because they used really good specially effects as a medium to tell their story" :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: '
Why should you make a game look like shit when you have the ability to make it look better? Shouldn't they be trying to make it look as good and play as good as possible?
Sorry Spee, but your logic sucks.
By your same logic, one could say "The LOTR movies sucked, because they used really good specially effects as a medium to tell their story" :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: '
Incorrect. I said that I dont mind games who have a reason for a good graphics engine, not to just be pretty for pretty's sake. LOTR had a lot of stuff incapable/far too expensive to be made as a prop.
And Dhark, making a game that looks like shit and a game that almost mandates a 200+ dollar upgrade to your computer to enjoy a "Feature" the game was tagged with are two entirely separate things.
This is the Console player in me talking. The graphics are a gimmick. Would you all probably be just as excited as you all are for this game if it had, oh, I dunno, the MP2 Engine running it? Probably, but it wouldnt change the gameplay, or the way you played the game. Its just unecessary.
And Dhark, even if my logic does suck, Im not about to change it. Im a stubborn, if stupid, bastard :p
2004-07-21, 11:50 AM
Im not a fanboy ive played and liked the Doom game alot of people have. Secondly, Fanboys or not Doom III is still a good game. As long as the gameplay is good, graphics dont make a game fun.
2004-07-21, 11:52 AM
The graphics aren't really just a gimmick in Doom 3. With such fancy visuals they can convey a stronger sense of fear and desperation than something not so great-looking. I don't think I'll be getting the game but that's because I freak out easy. :rolleyes:
2004-07-21, 11:54 AM
Why dont you like games that are pretty for pretties sake? You know that gameplay and graphics are mutually exclusive, right? Is FF9 worse than FF10, just because it's graphics are better? Just because a game doesnt need to have good graphics doesnt mean that it's worse because it has.
2004-07-21, 11:55 AM
Incorrect. I said that I dont mind games who have a reason for a good graphics engine, not to just be pretty for pretty's sake. LOTR had a lot of stuff incapable/far too expensive to be made as a prop.
And Dhark, making a game that looks like shit and a game that almost mandates a 200+ dollar upgrade to your computer to enjoy a "Feature" the game was tagged with are two entirely separate things.
This is the Console player in me talking. The graphics are a gimmick. Would you all probably be just as excited as you all are for this game if it had, oh, I dunno, the MP2 Engine running it? Probably, but it wouldnt change the gameplay, or the way you played the game. Its just unecessary.
And Dhark, even if my logic does suck, Im not about to change it. Im a stubborn, if stupid, bastard :p
You don't make any fucking sense. They're the next generation of games, after Doom 3, all games are gonna look like that. ALL OF THEM. It's just that DOom 3, Halo 2, and Half life 2 have done it first.
Why dont you like games that are pretty for pretties sake? You know that gameplay and graphics are mutually exclusive, right? Is FF9 worse than FF10, just because it's graphics are better? Just because a game doesnt need to have good graphics doesnt mean that it's worse because it has.
Both FF9 and FFX sucked enormous amounts of donkeywang, IMO.
And Dhark, I said, this is simply my opinion. Doesnt particularly need to make sense.
2004-07-21, 01:13 PM
Well then why are you trying to force it into people?
2004-07-21, 08:01 PM
I'd rather have this:
2004-07-21, 08:23 PM
I'd rather have this: HUGE IMAGE
For 9 bucks at Walmart you can get all 3 Doom Games and developer interviews.
2004-07-21, 09:10 PM
feck doom
i agree, FC is teh best
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