View Full Version : Double Holster = me actually killing
2004-07-22, 10:17 PM
They (the devs) said that there will be an award as a cloaker where you will get 2 holsters. Im just wondering. Does this mean dual wielding? I would actually kill people! two spikers/repeaters = limbs a flyin'! I cant wait for it. Half the time to kill, insta kills, thwap thwap thwap Kill. Im hyped. If this comes out i would love it. What do you guys think? dual wielding? what other awards should there be? i want there to be something cool, like , i dont know. What do you guys think they will put in?
2004-07-22, 10:19 PM
They (the devs) said that there will be an award as a cloaker where you will get 2 holsters. Im just wondering. Does this mean dual wielding? I would actually kill people! two spikers/repeaters = limbs a flyin'! I cant wait for it. Half the time to kill, insta kills, thwap thwap thwap Kill. Im hyped. If this comes out i would love it. What do you guys think? dual wielding? what other awards should there be? i want there to be something cool, like , i dont know. What do you guys think they will put in?
no, dual wielding would make all HA weapons useless. :rolleyes:
its just so you can switch between ACEs and REKs easier.
2004-07-22, 10:22 PM
Don't forget unrealistic :P
2004-07-22, 10:49 PM
Don't forget unrealistic :P
Let's presume he means two holsters that permits the use of two weapons at the same time. Shooting two pistols simultaneously is not unrealistic. Unless they're massive hand-cannons with serious recoil.
Shooting two pistols ACCURATELY with each round, that's a bit unrealistic if you're blazing away (unless you're Delta Force). This could be done, and it could be done properly - make the COF fairly large, especially if you're moving. Although... since the only people that use pistols are cloakers (or infantry guys out of ammo), that would mean you'd have to be fairly close to the target unless you're carrying a Repeater or Spiker.
2004-07-22, 10:50 PM
I think akimbo pistols would be cool if they required an implant and gave you ass accuracy. I mean, we will have watch-tower sized Battleframes in-game relatively soon, I don't think some kind of nanotechnology-based stabilizer or arm enhancement is that hard to buy.
Reason against this argument:
Dual MAGscatters.
That is all.
2004-07-22, 11:08 PM
In real life, even if you did have just one pistol holster, couldn't you have one pistol out and the other in the holster and switch between the 2? This could only with the cloakers. if a rexo could have 3 rifles, that would be bad. And if they all their holsters full and a rifle out, what would happen if they wanted to use a pistol? I think they should put in something like this for infantrators so they can be planting boomers, but if found, switch to defend themselves
2004-07-23, 12:08 AM
meh 2 slots, i dont think it is dual pistols or anything like that just 1 more slot for faster switching of things like weapons and REKs and such
2004-07-23, 12:09 AM
Though as much as I hope you would be granted the ability to use both at the same time, I highly doubt it.
How embarrasing would it be if you have a Beamer in one hand and a REK in the other hand, with a giant cone of fire.
2004-07-23, 12:18 AM
There's a reason why the most realistic games never have dual wielding (Operation: Flashpoint, for example), because it ISN'T realistic. The only people who believe they can dual wield pistols are people who actually believe movies.
When you dual wield pistols, you're only supporting the gun with one hand. A normal pistol's recoil is great enough that you need BOTH HANDS to steady it. With only one hand steadying the pistol, you will get absolutely terrible accuracy.
2004-07-23, 12:54 AM
There's a reason why the most realistic games never have dual wielding (Operation: Flashpoint, for example), because it ISN'T realistic. The only people who believe they can dual wield pistols are people who actually believe movies.
When you dual wield pistols, you're only supporting the gun with one hand. A normal pistol's recoil is great enough that you need BOTH HANDS to steady it. With only one hand steadying the pistol, you will get absolutely terrible accuracy.
Remember that cloakers can pretty much only attack at point blank range anyways.
2 magscatters would fuck people up though, so I don't want duel wielding.
Remember that cloakers can pretty much only attack at point blank range anyways.
2 magscatters would fuck people up though, so I don't want duel wielding.
The TTK would be CLOSE to the JH's. Which is stupid. I hate the JH to begin with, i dont wanna be instagibbed by a cloaker, unless its by a cleverly placed boomer.
2004-07-23, 06:13 AM
Remember that cloakers can pretty much only attack at point blank range anyways.
ph34r the spiker and repeater.... I suppose the beamer too :)
2004-07-23, 08:33 AM
I'd be for dual wielding if you didn't fire shots simultaneously, but instead a round from each gun at a time. That way, it's more of a clip doubling thing and a cosmetic addition rather than something to double your damage output over a short period of time.
Oh, and no AMP dual wielding, as AMPs are actually fairly prowerful, and wouldn't work at all with the above limitation.
2004-07-23, 09:01 AM
I think the idea of a second holster is more of an inventory increase/quick weapon switch thing than any plans for dual wielding pistols, it's not very soldier like.
2004-07-23, 10:56 AM
Yeah... i doubt they'll do it. What Type of Special skill do you guys think they will award seasoned pilots? like me?
2004-07-23, 10:58 AM
Barrel Rolls and such.
2004-07-23, 11:30 AM
Being an NC cloaker on the side that doesn't have Adv Hacking or CE, I use the Magscatter. If there was duel weilding and each gun fired one shot at a time from each gun, 2 Magscatters would get a better ROF, meaning that your death comes even quicker then usual. And theres no fun in cloaking if you're not being challenged.
2004-07-23, 12:47 PM
Just because you get another pistol slot you think there adding dual weapons? :lol:
2004-07-23, 06:08 PM
Barrel Rolls and such.
lol barrel rolls will be fun.... they wont do much though. Maybe we'll get Force powers and be able to choke our enemies to death with our hands. (star wars) like dark vader did.
2004-07-23, 06:23 PM
dual wielding =bad
2nd pistol holster for infils = good!
infils get killed enough as it is. lets give them something in return for all their misery.
2004-07-23, 07:16 PM
There's a reason why the most realistic games never have dual wielding (Operation: Flashpoint, for example), because it ISN'T realistic. The only people who believe they can dual wield pistols are people who actually believe movies.
When you dual wield pistols, you're only supporting the gun with one hand. A normal pistol's recoil is great enough that you need BOTH HANDS to steady it. With only one hand steadying the pistol, you will get absolutely terrible accuracy.
Umm... no. And that, my little friend, comes from personal experience. What do you think they use in movies? Certainly not a plastic watergun. Those are weapons that fire black powder rounds or blanks - which are not as powerful as real rounds, granted, but they are close enough.
So, chronic masturbation hasn't given you the grip of a wealthy miser? I highly recommend that you buy some of the coil-grip hand strength builders, first of all. Then get a cheap set of work-out weights from Wal-Mart like you see joggers carrying around. They start at 2 pounds and go upwards... you should be able to comfortably develop a routine with two 5-lb weights within two weeks. Hey- given time, you might even be able to heft a ten-pounder in each hand and not break a sweat!!
I fire pistols one-handed all the time. What I *DON'T* do is fire enormously massive hand-cannons like I said the first friggin' time. You can comfortably wield a 9-mil one-handed. At the NSA's pre-deployment pistol certification course, you fire with both your dominant hand and your off-hand, because you never know what you're going to be doing. After the range is over for the day, if there's spare ammo, the federal cops let you burn ammo so they don't have to turn it in (thus meaning they don't get as much next time, meaning budget cuts). I take that opportunity to fire two pistols. That's actually par for the course at some pre-business trip check-outs for another agency nearby.
Loading is a serious bitch, though.
Have a nice day.
2004-07-23, 07:37 PM
Would be interesting to fire dual magscatters though :)
2004-07-23, 10:02 PM
I suppose a light 9mm wouldn't really be a big problem. I guess I more mean people who think that you can dual SMG's and such, or deagles...
2004-07-24, 08:25 AM
devs have specifically stated that they will NOT be implementing dual-wielding into PS.
2004-07-24, 08:48 AM
I've heard they said that about mechs too... but I didn't hear that myself.
2004-07-24, 10:40 AM
Melee booster + the knife. Who needs a gun? Knife takes more skill, and you get more hate tells when you pull it off. I went knife crazy last night, and had a total blast. Circle strafe a lasher user that knows you're there and drop them with your knife, hell of a lot bigger feeling of accomplishment than anything else I've found in the game.
2004-07-24, 12:01 PM
Barrel Rolls and such.
a n00b i was gunning for in a lib spent 5 mins trying to barrel roll and wouldnt listen to a word i said about how it aint freekin BF1942 and u cant barrel roll and suddenly im the n00b when a reaver guns him down when he was trying to land on a tree and i didnt shoot it down
i just stayed for the entertainment b4 i bailed out watched him die then like clock work got missile spammed by 16 rockets in my ever so dangerous AA agile with pulsar (sense the sarcasm)
2004-07-24, 03:58 PM
I suppose a light 9mm wouldn't really be a big problem. I guess I more mean people who think that you can dual SMG's and such, or deagles...
Yeah, there are a lot of movie-prone bullshit items I see. I think this discussion was had in a gun thread in the Lounge forum.
Another one is wielding certain SMGs with one hand. Like the Mac-10 and a majority of that family of weapons, to include mini-Uzis and micro-Uzis. The Mac-10 can fire a 30-round MAGAZINE (not clip) in about half a second. The recoil stacks - and thus the barrel climbs. Even with a silencer, even if that silencer is a foot long, the recoil will cause the weapon to jump and climb. It can, and has, climbed to such a degree that the weapon ended up doing a 180 and shooting apart the right side of the shooter's head.
2004-07-24, 05:56 PM
devs have specifically stated that they will NOT be implementing dual-wielding into PS.
Just like they were "NOT" going to implement bombers and artillery, right?
Dual wielding is a stupid idea though.
2004-07-25, 06:46 AM
Just like they were "NOT" going to implement bombers and artillery, right?
2004-07-25, 01:16 PM
Dual Weilding is a bad idea, cloakers are desinged so that you l33t ninja skills to use them. However, dual pistol slots is not a bad idea, I mean, realisticly, if you can have a gun on the right hip, why not on on the left?
2004-07-26, 09:40 AM
Dual wielding is realistic for small calibures. Unbalanced though. So lets not impliment it. Also will Agile get an additional pistol slot?
2004-07-26, 10:03 AM
Do they need another holster?
2004-07-26, 10:56 AM
Do they need another holster?
Yes. I'm a little tired of running around doing ninja things, and then stopping, opening up Inventory, right-clicking out something to use, then switching back to my weapon.
Life would be a lot easier if I had two slots, so that I could keep a weapon in one (as it should be) and a REK or CUD in another.
2004-07-26, 11:08 AM
I meant agile :)
The only possible weapon dual-weidling would be possible with is the beamer. Repeater description lists it as a large-caliber round, which makes sense, considering everyone and their mom is heavily armored. Dual Magscatter would be suicide, and I dont really know if the beamer really *has* a recoil, in the truest sense of the word (recoil != CoF)
2004-07-26, 01:50 PM
Yes. I'm a little tired of running around doing ninja things, and then stopping, opening up Inventory, right-clicking out something to use, then switching back to my weapon.
Life would be a lot easier if I had two slots, so that I could keep a weapon in one (as it should be) and a REK or CUD in another.
Amen. I can't tell you how many times I would've lived through a confrontation if I had a jammer nade ready, or my repeater out, but I had a REK and got shot in the face.
2004-07-26, 03:12 PM
So that's most of the time Dhark? :D
2004-07-26, 03:53 PM
Dual wielding... maybe dual wielding would be available to cloakers only who are crouched?
And dont you guys know the P-90? jesus. That thing can be easily handled with one in each hand.
2004-07-26, 04:14 PM
Yeah, but people in planetside don't use the p90 :p
2004-07-26, 04:23 PM
I can handle a lot of pistols one in each hand, i can also palm catch a basketball. I can single hand shoot a desert eagle, but my accuracy goes to shit when i do, this is why dual pistols are a dumb idea. I'm not opposed to cloakers getting a seocnd slot thought.
2004-07-27, 10:26 AM
Repeater description lists it as a large-caliber round, which makes sense, considering everyone and their mom is heavily armored.
Methinks you were looking at Planetside Universe weapons descriptions ( and saw AMP, then Beamer, and then Bolt Driver but followed the logical weapons progression to Repeater (which is what I did at first, teehee!)
The Repeater takes the same round as every automatic rifle and MCG in the game. Considering that the Suppressor, Punisher, Cycler, Gauss rifle, AMP, and MCG all fire a 9mm, then the Repeater is a 9mm if you use Doctor Spock's Theorum & Treatise on Logic and the Human Mind to put two and two together. Multiply it, add it, it still comes out to four.
Or you can cheat like I did (I suck at math) and see Repeater, and its description. ;)
Dual Repeaters 4 t3h w1n!!11!!one
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