View Full Version : Help for a newbie! =)

2004-07-25, 10:06 AM
Hey, im currently downloading the 30day special price trial.
I dont really know much about PS at all,,,,,,yet. I wonder if you guys could help me out abit with what team and class i should be?
I like scouting around and picking off people, so obviously sniper is a choice, but also the cloaker guy seems cool. what weapons does the cloaker guy get?
Also do you get experience points to get better weapons etc?


2004-07-25, 10:34 AM
erm in answer to the questions:

Basic Empire traits:
Terran Republic: High rate of fire, multiple weapons.
New Conglomerate: Powerful and/or up close weapons.
Vanu Sovereignty: Hover vehicles and lasers.

Cloakers can use things which fit in a pistol slot.

A few things are tiered, so you need medium assault to get sniping, heavy assault or special assault and hacking before you get advanced hacking. The general trait is that the more certification points (which you get through battle experience) the more versatile your character becomes.

2004-07-25, 10:35 AM
The cloaker gets any pistol he wants.
- TR: Repeator, is a semi accurate pistol good for short to medium killings for the cloaker.
- VS: Beamer, is less accurate than the Repeator but it does have the ability to switch from normal "bullets" to AP (armour percieing) without switching ammo.
- NC: MagPistol, basicly a very short barreled shotgun, so only good for increadibly close range.
- Common Pool: AMP, is the all around gun, medium accuracy while packing a high ROF (rate of fire) which makes it good for close to very close killing.

Now the equipment.
- Combat Engineering: Adaptive Constructive Equitment (ACE for short (I may be wrong with the last word)) is good if you find snipers on a hill as when you make a boomer (remote bomb) you can kill them without every knowing it. Before the latest patch (the one with the MAX buff) you could kill them with 1 mine, so now its pointless to attack MAX's with a mine, unless you have a teammate a bit back packing heat. The motion sensor and spitfire are very good for defending a base, they can't hold a base from attack but they do slow them down.
- Engineering: Nano Dispenser and BANK, the nano dispenser heals every type of structure out there and vehicles while the BANK is for healing the armour of troops and MAX's.
- Adv Medical: When you get this cert you can completely revive soldiers that have been killed in the line of combat.
- Medical: Medical Applicator, lets you heal troops and MAX's health back up to 100 (or more depending on the pop and if a healing mod is at the base).
- Adv Hacking: Lets you hack any terminal and jack enemy vechicles (theres nothing more rewording that killing the enemy with their own vechile). It also reduces the time to hack stuff greatly.
- Hacking: Lets you hack most terminals and reduces the time to hack stuff.

And to answer your other question, the exp depends on how long the person has been alive and weather your in a SOI or not. Guns only help you kill them.

2004-07-25, 11:09 AM
You forgot the spiker, but I guess he's not going to get Core Combat any time soon :)

2004-07-25, 11:12 AM
thanks for replys guys.
so i am right in saying that basically you chose your equiptment before you go in for the fight? or do you jus have to pick stuff up and that? i think im gonna go with sniper.


2004-07-25, 11:24 AM
Both. You suit up at an equipment terminal and if you want to you can pick up (loot) weapons from people's backpacks after they've died.

Sniping in Planetside takes practice and patience. You have been warned :)

2004-07-25, 12:01 PM
why does it? i know theres obviously some skill involved. i dont really know much bout the other classes, whats pilot like?


2004-07-25, 12:11 PM
From a jaded, and terribly bitter Infantryman's POV -

Don't be a cloaker. Bugs riddle the class, and youll be killed fast like, repeatedly. Even if you learn the sneaky-ninja way to do things, youll still die a whole lot. But, there is nothing like that feeling of accomplishing causing mayhem in a crowded enemy base.

Pilot's are an overly powerful class. Reaver can kill just about anything, but then proceeds to get promptly chewed up, because everyone and their mother has AV.

Yeah. Cloaker is one of the most dangerous, yet wholly fufilling classes in the game.

2004-07-25, 12:55 PM
humm, i dunno, spose ill jus have to try some out, thanks for all the replys guys, only 2 hours left till download finished! cya soon!


2004-07-25, 01:06 PM
I don't mean any offense by this, because it's not your fault that you're new to the game, but do your empire (and yourself) a favor and don't pick up sniping right away. There are far too many newbie snipers as is, and sniping will be much easier if you wait a bit and learn the basics of the game first.

I personally picked up sniping right when I started, then I got frusterated because I couldn't hit anything except friendly cloakers. I dropped the cert and thought I would never get it again, but my friend convinced me to try it once more, about a month or two after I dropped it, and I loved it.

Just a little first-hand experience story for you.

2004-07-25, 01:34 PM
thanks man, maybe i will not try sniper straight away then.
So whats a cert? is it a clan? or one of the nation thingys?


2004-07-25, 01:40 PM
A cert (short for certification) point is basically a point that you get for spending on abilities. You get a cert point every time you go up by 1 Battle Rank (not to be confused with Command Rank). You can 'buy' new abilities by spending cert points. The abilities are called certs.
The clans in the game are called outfits.

2004-07-25, 01:42 PM
ok thanks, so what class and weapon is best for a newb?

thanks alot guys! 1hour left!


2004-07-25, 01:46 PM
That's really a matter of personal choice. I only started 3 weeks ago and I certed in Medium Assault, then Heavy Assault and then Anti-Vehicular. Those certs get you quite a few kills, and people say Air Cavalry is good as you get plenty of kills with that, but I'm not a very good pilot. It also depends if you just want kills or if there's anything specific you want to do.

2004-07-25, 02:04 PM
well i want to actually be useful to my team, not jus kill stuff for em, i want to help them achieve their objectives and provide them with info, thats why sniper appealed to me...i dunno, any other ideas?also what nation what ever its called would be best for me to join?



2004-07-25, 02:06 PM
Here's what to do:

Create a character. Cert him in Medium assault, start equipping weapons and looking at terminals until you advance to BR2. Then cert in Reinforced armour. This is your infantry guy. As you progress in the ranks, you can add more infantry based certs.

Create another character. Cert him in Air cavalry. This will be your Pilot. As you progress in the ranks, you can add more vehicle based certs.

Create another character. Cert him in the Infiltration suit. Equip a few weapons and look at terminals. Maybe consider going to the VR sim and equipping more weapons. Cert him in hacking. This will be your stealthy guy.

That's basically all the classes in Planetside. There's also a support type of guy. I.e Med and Engineer, but I like to get other people to do that for me. You should also consider visiting the VR training room on each of the characters to get a higher BR. It could take some time, but it's quicker than sitting around waiting for a hack.

2004-07-25, 03:26 PM
just be sure you go into VR training and use everything. it will get you to br 4 i think. thats 3 more cert points to use meaning one more learned cert and you haven't stepped outside into combat

2004-07-25, 03:45 PM
What i found, having recently started myself, is that sniper is the absolute best cert to start out with (after MA and rexo of course). Yes snipers kinda suck in planetside because of the complete inability to track a target (ie the COF gets big real quick if you move your mouse) but I, personally, attained 12000 BEP in an hour and a half of solo sniping (which is pretty damn high for a noob BR 7 or anyone else for that matter) on only my third day of playing.

Now i know what your says, "Great another newbie sniper, thatz soloing and not helping out the empire." but honestly at BR7 you dont have the certs to do much but get chewed up by jackhammers while you try to storm a base with your MA.

Id say that you shouldnt really worry about squad play until BR10 when you have enough certs to bring something to the table or to keep your own ass occupied :P.

ps. AI MAXs are the shit too. You can snipe outside while you empire tries to push into a base the switch to MAX to help out inside (then you can turf the rexo)