View Full Version : Legal music downloading
2004-07-27, 12:12 PM
Hey, what is a good program that is like a monthly payment that i can download music with. kinda like a itunes but a set monthly payment or w/e that gives me unlimited songs per month. The risk of getting caught for piracy is too great for me.
2004-07-27, 12:14 PM
Dont share your songs and you wont get caught.Hardly anyone gets caught they just want to make it sound like there is.Use kazaa lite and turn off sharing then they cant sue you.Plus unless you have like 5k songs they wont really care enough to try to sue anyways.
2004-07-27, 12:18 PM
2004-07-27, 12:19 PM
Firecracker's right: you can only get in trouble if you actively share and distribute your music collection.
2004-07-27, 12:29 PM
Would you like to convince my parents of that?
2004-07-27, 12:31 PM
Eh dont tell your parents.I dont tell my parents i dl music illegally on the internet.
2004-07-27, 12:33 PM
People who pay for music suck. I say we slowly strangle the RIAA and never pay for another song again.
2004-07-27, 12:35 PM
Yeah im totally against the RIAA.Screw them,if only I knew where the hq was id send em anthrax and bombs!
2004-07-27, 12:37 PM
I still download. Its just that my parents want to download music and are afraid to download for free, its not for me, its for them.
2004-07-27, 12:39 PM
Your soul is redeemed. Now go kill your parents. ;)
2004-07-27, 12:39 PM
Ah ok.Ye try coke music or something then.
2004-07-27, 12:46 PM
Oh yeah! Let's not pay the artist's! I mean, they don't need money! They only make a living off of the music that they make, and if everyone bootlegged their music, they couldn't make music anymore!
Oh... wait...
2004-07-27, 12:48 PM
shut up, my logic is invulnerable
2004-07-27, 12:56 PM
Yes, but coke is still pay per song. They want MONTHLY payments, like 15.99$ and unlimited songs a month.
2004-07-27, 12:58 PM
I use Real Rhapsody ( is 9.99 a month or something for unlimited downloading, and a few cents per song to burn a CD. They have a ton of music as well.
2004-07-27, 01:00 PM
Oh yeah! Let's not pay the artist's! I mean, they don't need money! They only make a living off of the music that they make, and if everyone bootlegged their music, they couldn't make music anymore!
Oh... wait...
Actually the recording agencies and shit take most of the money, they only get a few cents per CD iirc, and the way they make a bunch of money is endorsement deals/merchandice(sp)
2004-07-27, 01:04 PM
Dhark, arent you like HALF of the community?
2004-07-27, 01:11 PM
Dhark, arent you like HALF of the community?
Also, do you have Charter?
Im not sure if it was nation-wide, or just this particular area, but yeah, Verizon(who pwns charter) said "Hey! RIAA! You can suck my big fat donkeycock!" And the RIAA couldnt do anything about it.
So, if oyu have Charter as an ISP, you cant get busted. Period.
2004-07-27, 02:17 PM
Oh yeah! Let's not pay the artist's! I mean, they don't need money! They only make a living off of the music that they make, and if everyone bootlegged their music, they couldn't make music anymore!
Oh... wait...
You know this post changed my mind.Your right,artists need more money!I love paying for there $10 million dollar houses,there 60 cars,there hookers and ice cream.Artists make enough money without having to bankrupt me.I have close to 900 songs dled.If i were to have bought all those id have only $600 left in my saving account for a car.Im not going poor just so these artists can get a little bit more money.The only way I buy music is if i know for a fact I like the artist and most there songs,I bought Nirvanas,Limp Bizkits and Emenims.Other then that,I think i keep saving myself my money
2004-07-27, 02:31 PM
You know this post changed my mind.Your right,artists need more money!I love paying for there $10 million dollar houses,there 60 cars,there hookers and ice cream.Artists make enough money without having to bankrupt me.I have close to 900 songs dled.If i were to have bought all those id have only $600 left in my saving account for a car.Im not going poor just so these artists can get a little bit more money.The only way I buy music is if i know for a fact I like the artist and most there songs,I bought Nirvanas,Limp Bizkits and Emenims.Other then that,I think i keep saving myself my money
Funniest logic ever. You admit you have the money to pay for it, but that you aren't willing to do without a non-essential item in order to buy it. Basically, you would have to make a choice and sacrifice some comfort to be legit. At least be up front, say you're cheap and think your money is more important than the artists money and be done with it. I can't respect people trying to quantify their reasoning with faulty logic.
2004-07-27, 03:38 PM
Im not paying money unless I really am a fan of that particular person, then I will buy his shirts, music, etc.
FIrecracker's right.
2004-07-27, 03:50 PM
OMG, you people have hijacked this thread, GIVE ME A LINK MUTHAFUCKA'S!
2004-07-27, 03:59 PM
See, they like to go overboard. so itunes will give em a 70$ bill
Vis Armata
2004-07-27, 04:00 PM
Also, do you have Charter?
Im not sure if it was nation-wide, or just this particular area, but yeah, Verizon(who pwns charter) said "Hey! RIAA! You can suck my big fat donkeycock!" And the RIAA couldnt do anything about it.
So, if oyu have Charter as an ISP, you cant get busted. Period.
Basically, if an ISP (like Verizon) is only acting as a conduit for sending information from one individual user to another they cannot be compelled (through a subpoena issued under the DMCA) to give out names and addresses.
Of course, that doesn't mean that ISPs won't cooperate - they might find cooperation cheaper than dealing with the RIAA. So it's probably better to just buy your music online. I hear Rhapsody is nice for streaming in home PC systems, and iTunes has a pretty good licensing scheme.
2004-07-27, 04:06 PM
Regarding pirated music, for CD prices to go down, it's one of those "everyone has to do it, or it won't work". One person isn't going to make a difference because of file sharing whores that don't want to spend a penny on music (me).
The thing is, the big money makers, the pimps and players of the music industry are all about image, not music...therefor, if people only "steal" their music, and like it, they can still get commercials etc. There is a load of money.
My real concern is the real musician. Luckily games aren't pirated on the massive level music is, it is more of an underground thing, and people like me, buy most of their games. This gives game composers a job.
In the end, the music most downloaded is of course, music by extremely popular artists which can make enough money other ways.
2004-07-27, 04:53 PM
its called move to canada and dl all the music you want and spit in the music industries face,
2004-07-27, 05:09 PM
Yup Yup, Exactly what I do.
Suck it riaa.
2004-07-27, 06:42 PM
Like it or not, music is not free. Downloading copywrited music is indeed illegal, you can make every argument you want against it. But in the end, its still illegal.
2004-07-27, 06:44 PM
That's subjective. iTunes can do it legally. I guess what you mean is "free music downloading is illegal".
I've always maintained my opinion that the majority of the money dosen't go to the artists (who I appreciate) anyway. Were the RIAA to put a larger cut towards the artists, and generally lower costs to the public, I would probably buy more and pirate less.
That said, this is the future. Someone will always find a way, be it by pulling an iTunes and making you play small amounts, or by putting the servers in other countries to potentially avoid the legality. The RIAA charges rediclious amounts per CD, it's almost humorous to see them scream and sob when they lose billions a year because some people found practical, relatively legal ways around their extortion.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
2004-07-27, 06:47 PM
Thats what I meant, places like iTunes pay into licensing fee's. Downloading music off places like kazza etc, is illegal. Just as illegal as downloading Windows XP and not paying a dime.
2004-07-27, 06:50 PM
Thats what I meant, places like iTunes pay into licensing fee's. Downloading music off places like kazza etc, is illegal. Just as illegal as downloading Windows XP and not paying a dime.Actually, my understanding was that you're only breaking the law by distributing, not necessarily downloading. I'll look into the legality some more.
You also have to figure... what can the RIAA do? Sue everybody? It's not going to stop. Or the prosecute so many that they disgust their customer base. Regardless of the morality of music piracy, you can't expect people to pay (unecessarily huge) prices when they can get something for free. Adapt your pricing, marketing, and general market attitude or be rendered obsolete.
2004-07-27, 06:51 PM
Well, on this whole thing, most services are pay per song. A few are monthly. GOOGLE.
On the subject of the music industry losing money on downloads...
First off the RIAA was formed because the music industry missed thier chance at huge profits and are trying to recoop. Also, its been proven that downloading music HARDLY IF AT ALL impacts sales, and that the music industries profits have been on teh decline for years.
All that still doesnt make it legal, unless the labels allow you to download songs, or provide mp3s for free, or independent artist that release thier songs to mp3s.
I personally don't listen to most "mainstream" music, Im not trying to sound elistist or cool, but I just don't. I download MP3s for bands I want to hear, and if I like them, I buy the record, see them live, and buy thier merch. I don't buy cds, I only buy VINYL, yes it still exists. If the music industry had follwed that basic mindset, they'd be rolling in even more dough.
My fitty cent.
2004-07-27, 07:52 PM
i give my money to bands i really like. i go see concerts, i buy their CD's. the main reason i download is to have the MP3's. i can't find a good track ripper for free and i'm not spending money on one because i'm just not. so blah. but, i do pony up the money to bands who i think deserve it.
2004-07-28, 12:03 AM
You have friends right?
Steal their cd, copy it to the compter, give it back. Simple as is.
Downloading stuff off of kazaa is and will always be illegal. But how can you stop it? To make a case about it is impossible. There will and always will be a dumbass who will think they can d/l whatever tehy want. But what can you do?
And even if that stops, there is still burning cd's from friends cds. you cant stop that, hell you dont even know when its happening. That illegal isn't it?
If it isn't, then why is d/ling?
There will always be problems, but it will never end. Might as well d/l stuff for free. its not that bad, its just like stealing a candy bar.
2004-07-28, 12:07 AM
But if we all steal thousands of candy bars, thats a fuckin lot of candy bars.
Send your mp3s to india.
2004-07-28, 12:23 AM
But if we all steal thousands of candy bars, thats a fuckin lot of candy bars.
Well damn i didn't mean steal the whole damnd snickers truck.
2004-07-28, 12:33 AM
It's the same thing though. What if everyone thought "Oh well, everyone else will pay for candy bars, I don't have to...", bam, a whole bunch of candy bars are stolen.
2004-07-28, 12:38 AM
Well hell, can you stop it? Thats my point, if its done everywhere, how can you stop it? Yes its illegal, but the thing is, can you stop it?
You can try, you'll save a few bucks, but the majority will get free music/candybars.
Its your choice whether you want to or not, i'm not saying go do it. I choose to continue to do it, but only for songs i want to listen to over and over and over again.
I just turn to a radio station if i want to listen to music, i dont give really.
2004-07-28, 02:28 AM
Just because you cant stop something thats bad dosen't mean you shouldn't try. Say a murderer comes into your house and kills a family member and dosen't look like hes going to stop. You sure as hell are going to try to stop him, even if that means asulting an armed man with toothpicks.
I still am for illegal music dloading. I just wanted to make that point.
2004-07-28, 06:22 PM
Funniest logic ever. You admit you have the money to pay for it, but that you aren't willing to do without a non-essential item in order to buy it. Basically, you would have to make a choice and sacrifice some comfort to be legit. At least be up front, say you're cheap and think your money is more important than the artists money and be done with it. I can't respect people trying to quantify their reasoning with faulty logic.
Im not considered cheap.Its called not being stupid.I worked hard to get my money and im not gonna have it go to the greedy bastards at the RIAA.Were not all rich and can pay for these things and yet im not gonna go without music.As for you respecting me.Honestly i wont lose sleep over it.Im not rich,artists and record people are,so they dont need more money.They make more money in a year that i will make in my life so i dont think they will miss my money.Plus like everyone else said,I go to concerts and stuff of the good bands.
2004-07-28, 06:57 PM
The RIAA is facing obsolescence and rather than stop it by using new technology, lowering prices to affordable levels or alter marketing they're fighting by attacking the consumers. Basically, they're being retarded and short sighted which shouldn't come as a surprise.
You may say "look at itunes" but the RIAA is basically charging a huge amount to apple per sale and have a huge amount of conditions to go along with it, as well as only allow playing music on an ipod or with iTunes. The other pay sites don't allow for true downloading either, making it far easier to get it off kazaa and wait for a spot to download so you can burn it on a cd, put it on your mp3 players, etc.
2004-07-28, 07:34 PM
Also, do you have Charter?
Im not sure if it was nation-wide, or just this particular area, but yeah, Verizon(who pwns charter) said "Hey! RIAA! You can suck my big fat donkeycock!" And the RIAA couldnt do anything about it.
So, if you have Charter as an ISP, you cant get busted. Period.
As far as I know, that's Michigan/Great Lakes-only.
2004-07-28, 10:43 PM
lowering prices to affordable levels
Do you know what drove up the prices in the first place? Downloading! It's supply and demand. Because less people are buying CD's and are downloading the songs instead, the demand is high, but the supply is also. This will naturally raise the prices of the CD's so the seller's are still making money.
2004-07-28, 11:36 PM
Uh no music prices have always been high.Even b 4 dling music,it was always 12-17 dollars
2004-07-28, 11:42 PM
The RIAA is facing obsolescence and rather than stop it by using new technology, lowering prices to affordable levels or alter marketing they're fighting by attacking the consumers. Basically, they're being retarded and short sighted which shouldn't come as a surprise.
You may say "look at itunes" but the RIAA is basically charging a huge amount to apple per sale and have a huge amount of conditions to go along with it, as well as only allow playing music on an ipod or with iTunes. The other pay sites don't allow for true downloading either, making it far easier to get it off kazaa and wait for a spot to download so you can burn it on a cd, put it on your mp3 players, etc.Summed up my thoughts exactly. The problem here is that the RIAA can't grasp the concept that you can't expect people to pay for what they can get for free.
Instead of keeping with technology and offering reasonable alternatives, they're screaming and crying, further alienating any potential customerbase.
2004-07-29, 09:54 AM
Alright, looked this up... try the alt.binaries thingy from usernet.... ah.... via
It's a monthly subscription that Charter uses but doesn't own.... go for the 3 Gig a month download subscription, it's 6 bucks... you'll access it by outlook express (or at least that's how we do it), go choose the newsgroups you want (mp3s are in alt.binaries.sounds.mp3. area), and you have a screen like this:
you have to select all the files for that one song, right click, and select 'Combine and Decode'. press OK and you're done.
That is all for today's class. Next lesson we'll cover yEnc.
That's not my e-mail! Really! Stop looking at it that way....
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