View Full Version : To blow the gen or not to blow the gen? That is the question

2004-07-28, 06:18 PM
This thread is to discuss whether to blow nmy gens while storming there bases.

I am all for blowing there gens but have been killed several times by freindlys defending them :mad: This seemed prety stupid when there's enemy MAX's coming up the stairs :eek: or we were in a hacked enemy capitol about to have its surrounding bases resecured, (I have seen freindlys defending enemy gens in both situations)

[B]So blow the danm gen's!!B]

2004-07-28, 06:28 PM
Yes i heartily agree, the gens are one of the things meant to be blown in an enemy base especially if you have bben through 30 or 40 minutes or even an hour fighting bitterly down stairs and round corners to try to get to a vital part in a base and if you get to the gen you should blow it it will give the enemy a huge disadvantage and means that instead of facing MAX's holding youll be facing people in Standard armour with supressors :lol:
there is however an exception, if there are like 2 people holding a base aginst you then you should just run to the CC and take the base but otherwise always blow the gen!!!!! :rant:

2004-07-28, 06:30 PM
only problem is what if you are at a base that is on the other side of a cont from a friendly base that you can get vehicles from, vehicles are an essential part of holding a hacked base and if you can't keep them in the cy to hold off enemy infantry and vehicles you are screwed so if at all possible leave the gens up and go for the spawns an organized squad can take them by surprise take and hold down the spawns while everyone else rushes the cc that way people can hack out vehicles and equipment, oh yeah and if 3 of the surrounding sub-caps don't have sufficient defenses then maybe that is where you should be instead of at the capital

2004-07-28, 06:58 PM
youre better off blowing spawns.... then they cant spawn, and leave the terms so u can hack them, then u can sustain urselves in the base, and u have less reparin to do when the base comes up but have a CE sittin there wiv boomers so if they are about to resecure he blows the gen.

Avoid blowing the gen. only blow it is easier to get to than spawns (eg in a bio lab) and you arnt goin to make it down as far as the spawns.

2004-07-28, 07:09 PM
For the most part I understand why people would want to keep the gens up. It allows for juicier XP on the base cap so if I can I leave them up. However I will definately blow the gens under the following circumstances:
1) The enemy vastly outnumbers attackers
2) the enemy can not be contained in the spawnroom and are pushing closer to the cc for a resecure
3) The battle is taking too long and needs to be finished quickly (for example: a yellow alert popped up at another base and we need to redistribute soldiers for defense)

2004-07-28, 08:18 PM
blowing the gen is ok only if you have been fighting at a certain base for a long time, out numbered, or if you want to make a quick base cap to deal with a bigger problem/base sooner.

i dont know how mnay times i have killed friendlies that were shooting then gen when the base is secure and tubes are down, Then i get a tell going " wtf was that for dipshit noob fuckhead why did you kill me." its annoying.

2004-07-28, 08:51 PM
Other than the need for vehicles or to conserve NTUs, who cares if the gen is blown? If you have a vehicle supply and the NTUs aren't low, then keeping the gen up or down is of no consequence. If it is easier to blow the gen than cap the tubes, blow it. If other's don't like it, tough sh*t. However, do be prepared with your glue gun to ensure it get's back online after the cap. Otherwise, your just causing a problem and not solving anything.

2004-07-28, 10:38 PM
This is how it should be, IMO:

Blow the gen IF:

- Enemies that are spawning in a base that you've hacked are giving you a problem
- The spawn tubes are up and you can't reach the tubes, but you can reach the gen

Don't blow the gen IF:

- The spawn tubes are down
- The base is neutral

It really irritates me when someone blows the gen when the spawns are down...

2004-07-28, 11:02 PM
Blowing the spawn tubes isn't foolproof. And unless you're NC, your stay in the base is not foolproof (unless you have a wall-locker full of CQB Jackhammers).

Blowing the generators disables the enemy's ability to sneak in and then get a MAX. Blowing the generator disables their ability to get vehicles. Blowing a generator is a failsafe in case the spawns mysteriously come back up. Blowing a generator ensures you have a bit of leeway if the hack is resecured.

Not only do I blow generators, but I also blow every terminal in the joint, to further reduce their response time if they manage to get critical facilities back up.

Bottom line - I blow generators when it's appropriate, and that's usually a majority of the time. I also blow them in such a fashion that you don't have a warning, so don't bother coming to TK me.

2004-07-28, 11:23 PM

If you're potentially going to hit resistance from another base, in addition to the facility in question, drop them. If you can't push to the tubes, drop them. If it's the only enemy Techplant on the continent, and a hack isn't imminent, drop them.

Other then those specifics, Chewy's got it.

2004-07-29, 03:01 AM
early always has to say things all smart like and make me feel dumb

2004-07-29, 03:35 AM

2004-07-29, 08:41 AM
I personally have always been a fan of the "scorched earth" policy. When I am ops lead or squad lead, you will see liberal use of total destruction with extreme prejudice. This picture sums up my philosophy as far as the enemy is concerned:


2004-07-29, 08:59 AM
i agree, the times that the gen should not be blown are if you substatially outnumber the enemy and this is quite rare in my experience this is why in my opinon 90% of the time the gens SHOULD be blown i also totally agree with the scortched earth policy :lol:

2004-07-29, 09:23 AM
Nuclear arsenal hax! :D

2004-07-29, 09:56 AM
I agree that there are time's when the gen shoudent be blown, the only problem is that the people defending the gen arnt aware of whats going on outside untill thay can actualy see enemy MAX's storming the gen room.:domotwak:

2004-07-29, 12:54 PM
I try not to blow it if I can avoid it, but I will if I have to...along with any idiots that think I shouldnt.

People are under the mistaken impression that blowing the gen messes up your cap XP. The base going neutral or a resecure are all that will mess up your XP.

2004-07-29, 01:39 PM
IMO, blowing the gen should be a last resort. Nothing worse than fighting the good fight and finally getting the hack. The CC is well guarded, and a couple squads are pushing hard to the tubes, cleaning up what's left of the die-hard alamo-teers, then a couple mindless zerglings start attacking the gen.

"the facilities generator is under attack."
"the facilities generator is under attack."

God I hate that. The way I see it, the gen is like the Queen, in chess. Once either is out of the picture, the battle is more or less over, but leaving them alone makes for a more difficult, yet more entertaining battle.

2004-07-29, 01:42 PM
BTW, it's nice to see a game / tactic discussion thread without anyone being whored or flamed, just everyone honestly expressing their opinions.

2004-07-29, 01:43 PM
BTW, it's nice to see a game / tactic discussion thread without anyone being whored or flamed, just everyone honestly expressing their opinions.


:love: :D

2004-07-29, 02:02 PM
ahhhhh, that's dirty :D

2004-07-29, 05:09 PM
One thing that does piss me off, is when a squad blows the generator, with absolutely no intention to fix it. For example, during a zerg, I saw a squad of an outfit (I forget which outfit it was) completely destroy a generator in a base we had hacked and with the spawn tubes down, with people actively getting vehicles out of the base. (The NTU Silo was also almost full) Then, bam, the base is ours, do they fix it? No! Does anyone fix it? No! So I have to fix it...

2004-07-29, 05:22 PM
I try not to blow it if I can avoid it, but I will if I have to...along with any idiots that think I shouldnt.

People are under the mistaken impression that blowing the gen messes up your cap XP. The base going neutral or a resecure are all that will mess up your XP.

Not exactly true. If the battle has been raging for a while, then yes that's correct. If the battle is fairly new and you blow the gen, however, you're lowering the cap xp because fighting didn't fill up enough time increments before the hack. There are times when you have a very large force that it's worth it to hack and hold the CC and not blow the gen or the tubes for a while.

2004-07-29, 05:44 PM
I'd rather win the fucking fight in a quick-like fashion, and thus ultimately progress the continental dominance as far as possible... than farm-whore XP and CEP so some little snotnosed pubescent idiot can get his CR5. I don't feel that spending five hours trying to knock the enemy out of four bases is worth my time, especially when they can backhack a majority of the turf I spent all day fighting for.

2004-07-29, 09:50 PM
I'd rather win the fucking fight in a quick-like fashion, and thus ultimately progress the continental dominance as far as possible... than farm-whore XP and CEP so some little snotnosed pubescent idiot can get his CR5. I don't feel that spending five hours trying to knock the enemy out of four bases is worth my time, especially when they can backhack a majority of the turf I spent all day fighting for.

Firefly has it right. Blowing the gen at key bases is the key though. Cutting off tech benefits/base benefits/cavern links and actively camping them. Our efforts last night were wasted on Forseral when the TR, at one time having almost a 2-1 advantage over the NC, could not hack a single base. Both Bel and Eadon were clearly hackable, yet the TR were focused somewhere else.

But you can't control every single soldier on the continent. You can only control what you do.

2004-07-30, 05:56 AM
Not exactly true. If the battle has been raging for a while, then yes that's correct. If the battle is fairly new and you blow the gen, however, you're lowering the cap xp because fighting didn't fill up enough time increments before the hack. There are times when you have a very large force that it's worth it to hack and hold the CC and not blow the gen or the tubes for a while.

You only get cap XP for the first time you are in the SOI at the same time as the enemy for their first death. This occurs from 15 mins before to 10 mins after the hack starts. If you havent killed all the defenders by the time 10 mins after the cc is secured...dont quit EQ :P

Basically if TR Billy is in the SOI when TR Sammy kills NC Bobby, TR Billy AND TR Sammy get their cap XP modifier for NC Bobby's death, provided the base is hacked within 25 minutes. After that NC Bobby can die 1000 times and TR Billy nore TR Sammy will get anymore cap XP.

It is a myth that long battles give more cap. Also there is a power modifier that is applied based on players in the SOI for all the empires. But that is easier to figure out. 1 TR beating 10 VS will get more cap than 10 VS beating 1 TR.

2004-07-30, 07:40 AM
Nalar hit it right on the head. Blowing the gen is also ideal for special ops operations missions. an organized sqaud can hold well in a base defending the blown gen. usually these are ops in place to hold a tactical base like tech plant so the enemy can't get tanks/reavers ect.

2004-07-31, 04:18 AM
To me: destroying a generator is simply useless when your empire is haking a base. It's all benefit to you if you have the generator up except... The only problem is the spawn room because the enemy is still coming from it. And if you want to get rid of the enemy: destroy the spawn tubes... but not the generator.

BTW, it is more important to have a generator running then the spawn tubes!

2004-07-31, 06:24 AM
Well no if you blow the generator they can't spawn, nor can they use any terminals in the base. Two things which they can still do even after you've hacked the base (provided a spawning player has advanced hacking).

2004-07-31, 03:50 PM
To me: destroying a generator is simply useless when your empire is haking a base. It's all benefit to you if you have the generator up except... The only problem is the spawn room because the enemy is still coming from it. And if you want to get rid of the enemy: destroy the spawn tubes... but not the generator.

BTW, it is more important to have a generator running then the spawn tubes!
Yes, because we all know that blowing the spawn tubes prevents them from hacking the vehicle terminal, hacking an equipment terminal and then getting into a MAX suit and wiping your spawn-camp team out, or resecuring (stealthily or brute-ily) and instantly having the turrets start ripping apart your remaining assets.

Yes, let's all leave the generator up so we can shoot ourselves in the fucking foot when they slip past the pissant anti-spawn team. At least with both the gens and spawns down, they have two objectives to secure and repair before you get a counter-attack.

And people wonder why they lose.

2004-07-31, 04:34 PM
Yeah, remember, if you have the base, you have the tower, and an AMS in the CY, so the "equipment" problem is n/a, since MAXes have to run for 5 seconds to get to the base. Need vehicles? Not a problem, since you own the base next to it.

Unless there's like 3 guys defending the base, kill the gen.

2004-07-31, 04:56 PM
Yeah, remember, if you have the base, you have the tower, and an AMS in the CY, so the "equipment" problem is n/a, since MAXes have to run for 5 seconds to get to the base. Need vehicles? Not a problem, since you own the base next to it.
Exactly. Or just simply not die, and/or have advanced medics and engineers ready for support.

Terran Sniper
2004-08-01, 01:18 AM
with no gen, the auto turrets dont work right? if thats true, then blow it if there's a fierce battle outside the walls. it'd probably help a lot. otherwise, fuck it

2004-08-01, 06:06 AM
Phalanx don't fire when the base is hacked either.

2004-08-01, 11:02 AM
Gen blowing or not, do or die?

There are of course seceral different scenarios in which either option should be chosen.

At a base with heavy fighting, main fight on cont

Reasons for not blowing:
-if u own the CY/Veh room u have a steady flow of vehicles(especially if the next base is far away), AMS`s
-u already own CC and tubes, also called base secured.

Blowing gens if:
-there is a stalement and it is not forseeable to hack the base anytime soon.
-u know that u can kick them out in next 10-15 minutes if u continue BUT at same time 3rd party attacks u. than u dont have time to waste and get this done.
- u enter new cont, have a quick rising pop and the enemy responds to it. they are coming in quickly big time,. u just need a 1st base to start and don`t have time to waste(Werner Nc assault solsar, yesterday)

But all u genblowing lovers, it is often more important to kill a key gen on a cont (e.g. only tech/cavelink) and actually HOLD/DEFEND this in at least a squad size strength

Fear the Primates

2004-08-01, 02:21 PM
Phalanx don't fire when the base is hacked either.
Right - that's why when the enemy resecures and the generators are still up because some ignorant dolt said not to, and some outfit does a resecure...

... every vehicle in the courtyard gets chewed up. All aircraft overhead take fire, usually resulting in severely damaged air cover or simply being obliterated. The resecuring team gets a serious boost to their mop-up effort.

Now, had the generators been down, not only are their spawn tubes twice as ineffective (as opposed to some shmoe going down and repairing them quickly), but their terminals are all offline and their turrets are down and more than likely, their base is down a few NTUs. Meaning you have yet another means of jacking the base [lattice link or no lattice link] if they don't refill it.

2004-08-01, 02:58 PM
Hey I'm not arguing either way, I was just pointing it out to Terran Sniper.

2004-08-01, 04:36 PM
I know. I was using your comment to further jackhammer home my point to the clueless masses.

2004-08-01, 04:46 PM
the gen is like the Queen, in chess. Once either is out of the picture, the battle is more or less over, but leaving them alone makes for a more difficult, yet more entertaining battle.
if that is the way you truely feel...you truely suck at chess. the real strength is having the ability to play WITHOUT your queen. when that happens the queen becomes about as trivial as the rooks imo.

sorry, couldn't resist commenting on that.

2004-08-01, 05:53 PM
If the base is yours or is as close to being yours as possible, then dont blow gens. If its a zerg fest, blow the damn gen whether in hack or not. You may be able to hack a terminal or too, but remember, so can the enemy.

2004-08-01, 06:06 PM

Erm.....No nudity allowed on PSU g-money.

2004-08-01, 06:35 PM
I know. I was using your comment to further jackhammer home my point to the clueless masses.

Ah, fair enough :)

2004-08-01, 07:21 PM
Erm.....No nudity allowed on PSU g-money.
Good thing I got a copy of it before it was removed.

HAHA booty.

2004-08-02, 06:21 PM
Good thing I got a copy of it before it was removed.

HAHA booty.