View Full Version : geting battal rabks fast how ??
2004-07-28, 07:31 PM
i hav herd some of u gyes have got to batel rank 11 and so on in like 1-2 dayes i would realy apreshate it if any one could give me tips on how to get my br up fast :doh:
2004-07-28, 07:42 PM
learning to spell
2004-07-28, 07:51 PM
learning to spell
Correct. You shouldn't spell stuff wrong in the thread title.
2004-07-28, 08:02 PM
Damn, give the kid a break - at least wait to find out if he's dyslexic or handicapped before assuming he has some sort of illiteracy thing going on.
So, what they MEANT to say was, if you play a lot, you can get your BR up in a short amount of time. You can either squad if you're not good right off the bat, or you can go solo and keep all the XP to yourself- be warned though, if you do that and you don't do so hot (like most people when they start something new), you won't get very much XP. So my recommendation is that you squad up with people. Just don't spam Sanctuary going "LFS!" five times a second.
Or, join an outfit where there are plenty of people to squad with at virtually any time. I recommend you go Terran Republic on Emerald and join Black Widow Company ( ;)
(yes, click the name).
2004-07-28, 08:12 PM
Lack of detail to spelling whould prove lack of detail in shooting, not sure if i'd want him in my squad but thats just me.
2004-07-28, 08:12 PM
yea firefly said it all. Soloing will get a lot of XP if you can kill stuff. but if your not so hot then no Xp for you.
you can also just do ant runs to everty base on every cont and get xp.
2004-07-28, 09:04 PM
i start my new chars by sniping solo..lots of xp
2004-07-28, 09:22 PM
play during primetime and zerg
2004-07-29, 03:58 AM
Hey, Doppler, before you talk about spelling, you spelt would wrong, it's not 'whould' as you put it. He asked a simple question, people understood him, so there was no point in criticizing him. This is a forum about Planetside, and Planetside requires skill and teamwork, not grammatical correctness and and correct spellings.
2004-07-29, 04:32 AM
So phats you further compounding my error, (not that i see it as one) by then pointing out a spelling error makes you what? I mean hey maybe it fucking bothers me that kids today are so spastic they cant even type one sentence without butchering it. But hey if it lets you get your jollies by coming down on me for a fairly glaring problem, go for it. As for me pardon me for giving a shit, now go away.
Edit for content that wohuld have gotten deleted anyway.
2004-07-29, 04:41 AM
"Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if you win your still retarded"
This post is not ment to cause offence to ay handicapped people or special olympics winnners it is mearly ment to show the tards who are aruging about grammer that they should shut the f*ck up ;)
2004-07-29, 06:16 AM
Doppler, I was just pointing out you made a mistake that didn't affect the sentence's meaning, and that you were pointing out mistakes in another person's post. No offence intended, just that you shouldn't come down on people for making spelling mistakes, this is an internet forum, and as such, you can't expect every post to be written in good English.
2004-07-29, 07:04 AM
Damn, give the kid a break - at least wait to find out if he's dyslexic or handicapped before assuming he has some sort of illiteracy thing going on.
What he said :mad:
2004-07-29, 07:46 AM
This was about battle rank? 0.o for some twisted reason I thought it was about battle robots 0.o
2004-07-29, 08:41 AM
sorry about the spelling my spelling is poor just a problem i have and about the heding that was stuped i was in a rush i pout batal rank and then disided to pout br an fucked it up no need to be a twats over it.
2004-07-29, 09:25 AM
2004-07-29, 10:08 AM
What? :evil: :mad:
2004-07-29, 10:24 AM
Even though school is out doesn't mean you can throw out all you learned. Use periods to separate sentences and not have one big run on. and if you have problems like these, type up posts in MS word. All misspellings and gramical errors can be fixed easily.
2004-07-29, 10:25 AM
Even though school is out doesn't mean you can throw out all you learned. Use periods to separate sentences and not have one big run on. and if you have problems like these, type up posts in MS word. All misspellings and gramical errors can be fixed easily.
He could have a spelling dissabilty like firefly said. fuck off and leave the guy alone
2004-07-29, 12:28 PM
Me too my friend..Me too
2004-07-29, 01:58 PM
whadya know, a simple question turned into a flamefest. Way to go guys.
Anyways, honestly colorpilot, start simple. Go with sniping for very decent solo XP, or REXO / Heavy Assault and get in the mix. I recommend, though, if you go with REXO / HA, don't plunge headfirst downstairs into on-comming traffic. Get in a decent sized squad (7-8 people), shouldn't be hard to find, and stay on the outskirts of the battle taking on straglers. While taking advantage of your squadmates greater knowledge of the game, and getting plenty of XP, you yourself are honing your skills and getting a better feel for the controls and weapons of the game. Just try everything and find what you like best.
P.S. A little hint, if you're playing NC, go with unimax. The scattercannon has AWESOME firepower and the 650 armor and shield generator will keep you alive long enough to get a few kills before you die.....over, and over, and over :)
2004-07-29, 04:11 PM
Best quick xp that I've found? Grab the Starfire if you're VS (actually do Uni-Max, but concentrate on Starfire). It won't take you long to figure out flight paths, or areas prone to dogfights in big battles. Blast the hell out of everything in the sky. Blowing up aircraft is HUGE xp (xp for the craft and for the pilot, as well as extra for any passengers/gunners). Even better, Reaver pilots get so bent out of shape that you're shooting them down that they'll come after you again and again trying to get revenge. With jump jets you can normally destroy ten or so aircraft before you're in any real danger, unless you get ganged up on. I like to use run mode to get away from firefights and find a nice spot to just pick on aircraft.
2004-07-29, 04:25 PM
revaer/ MA out of sanc, rocketspam until you can get HA, then kill until you can get engy, keep rocketspamming/ agile-pshield HA whoring until you can get medical and AV and you are set for life.
Oh and don't bother attacking, just defend all the time and towercamp people and farm them for hours.
2004-07-30, 01:49 PM
So phats you further compounding my error, (not that i see it as one) by then pointing out a spelling error makes you what? I mean hey maybe it fucking bothers me that kids today are so spastic they cant even type one sentence without butchering it. But hey if it lets you get your jollies by coming down on me for a fairly glaring problem, go for it. As for me pardon me for giving a shit, now go away.
Edit for content that wohuld have gotten deleted anyway.
Excuse me, I do believe that I can get a single sentence out without butchering it. I am 13 years old. Age does not the spastic LOLer make, or the hyper WTFer. What makes it is maturity. Please, do not slander those of us who happen to be young, at least not without some semblance of reason. Thank you.
2004-07-30, 02:24 PM
He admitted himself he was simply in a rush, and made those spelling errors. This doesn't excuse him, however.
I've talked to people on forums where English wasn't there first language. I've talked to people with spelling disorders. I don't have any problems with those types of people. However, when someone butchers every word in a sentence because they're "in a rush", I don't have any sympathy.
2004-07-30, 02:46 PM
for me, reading this thread was like walking to the range with a benelli and finding that they'd replaced all the paper targets with pumpkins.
i can't really express how dissappointing it is to find myself too reserved to really make a mess here. i will say that i'm sorry for both sides.
2004-07-30, 02:54 PM
Sorry. I don't speak retardese, because it's vastly too complex for me. Can you get someone to translate into a series of grunts and vegetable-like drooling before you post, please, so me understand? Your post is a literary masterpiece, and an offense to me.
2004-07-30, 09:33 PM
Incidentaly phats, i believe its spelled, see this is what we call diminishing returns.
2004-07-30, 10:22 PM
Please stop bitching about the whole grammer issue. He could just be very young.
Typing up posts in Microsoft Word is a good idea. That way you can spell check it. Also, go over the post before posting it. It never hurts to spend just that little bit of extra time smoothing out any errors.
2004-07-31, 04:30 AM
any way go to the freekin Virtual Training u get to BR 4 fast
ppl sorta exagerate when they say br 11
first day with my NC char got 40k xp and i got to br 8
though if u get AA MAX the xp should be rolling in
PS omg my 9ry old cousin can spell better than u and he is dyslexic
2004-07-31, 06:20 AM
Please stop bitching about the whole grammer issue.
Must......resist......temptation..... :ugh:
2004-07-31, 08:28 AM
anyway go to the freaking Virtual Training you get to BR 4 fast
people sorta exaggerate when they say br 11
first day with my NC char got 40k xp and i got to br 8
though if u get AA MAX the xp should be rolling in
PS omg my 9ry old cousin can spell better than you and he is dyslexic
Don't complain about spelling when you can't do it yourself. I find it funny that you managed to spell the most complicated word in that post (dyslexic) correctly.
2004-07-31, 11:28 AM
That is simply hilarious. I can't believe that people are still going on about this. Perhaps people should spell-check their posts but I do not care either way.
To the people who think that the youth of today are illiterate and brain-dead, I have to say that's a very narrow-minded view. I'm 15 and I read many books and plenty of people my age do too.
On a side-note, maybe you spell 'would' with an 'h' in the States, but that is not the case in the UK.
2004-07-31, 12:46 PM
Ey Frag I found it strange too. Dyslexic is correct, but instead of 'you,' there is 'u.'
2004-07-31, 01:27 PM
/me quotes meself
Nerf the "u" key.
2004-07-31, 01:32 PM
what a great forum this is, you get gaming advice and spelling lessons! :groovy:
2004-07-31, 03:47 PM
On a side-note, maybe you spell 'would' with an 'h' in the States, but that is not the case in the UK.
And maybe we don't. Unless you're a fucking retard. Or an illiterate ass. Or both.
2004-08-01, 03:07 AM
Ey Frag I found it strange too. Dyslexic is correct, but instead of 'you,' there is 'u.'
He prolly googled it.
2004-08-01, 04:02 AM
errr i dont bother with punctuation i do different sentances on different lines
and if u read carefully i didnt complain about grammar i was talkin about how everything is phonetically spelt
and i didnt miss spell anything i just used abbreviations like U instead of you
u noe the stuff u learn when u discover the thing called instant messangers
2004-08-01, 04:12 AM
This is neither the time nor the place to be debating about punctuation, spelling, and/or grammar.
IM is the curse of the english language. But I still love it. *hug*
2004-08-01, 04:23 AM
Firefly, Doppler is the one who spelt 'would' with an 'h'.
2004-08-01, 03:32 PM
Yea, phatboys just the one with the stick up his ***.
2004-08-01, 03:58 PM
any way go to the freekin Virtual Training u get to BR 4 fast
ppl sorta exagerate when they say br 11
first day with my NC char got 40k xp and i got to br 8
though if u get AA MAX the xp should be rolling in
PS omg my 9ry old cousin can spell better than u and he is dyslexic
EDIT: I see there is alot of hate in this thread. Please guys, stop bitching.
Phat and Doppler, take it to PMs.
2004-08-01, 04:35 PM
Firefly, Doppler is the one who spelt 'would' with an 'h'.
I know. Thanks for pointing that out. My reply was a tag-along to your post, not a counter-point.
2004-08-02, 03:27 AM
yah i noe i made a typographical error on unbearable
and thats just a personal way of spelling freekin
so exactly drop it
2004-08-02, 03:30 PM
This thread would have half the posts it does now if you would use punctuation and spellcheck. and most of them would be on topic. if you want more replies related to the topic, start spellchecking your posts. spending a few seconds adding puncutation and not using IM speak, and it will save you hours of waiting talking like that, no offence, makes you sound like a three year old.
you will get no respect here talking like you're on AIM. unless its by people that dont care. or nice people like Eldanesh.
grammar ;)
2004-08-02, 03:50 PM
wanna level up alot? play alot.
also, Ive played for over a year, and Im still BR19. I dont get alot of xp.
2004-08-02, 04:53 PM
errr i dont bother with punctuation i do different sentances on different lines
and if u read carefully i didnt complain about grammar i was talkin about how everything is phonetically spelt
and i didnt miss spell anything i just used abbreviations like U instead of you
u noe the stuff u learn when u discover the thing called instant messangers
Since it's obvious that you're not mentally retarded or have a problem with Dyslexia, then that means you're just lazy. Or ignorant, one or the other. Both are curable malfunctions.
Believe it or not, people DO judge you on what you say, how you say it, how you talk, or in the case of the internet, how you type. A typo here and there is permissable, not everyone is perfect or knows what Spellcheck is. But to be blatantly intentional in spelling like you're 12 and a first-timer on AOL IM... that's just a pain in the ass, everyone presumes (correctly, no assumptions) that you're some jackass 1337-5p33k wannabe, and they dismiss anything you say or go out of their way to single you out and make fun of you.
I highly recommend you invest time in learning and properly using the English language. Your life will be so much better.
2004-08-02, 04:58 PM
Since it's obvious that you're not mentally retarded or have a problem with Dyslexia, then that means you're just lazy. Or ignorant, one or the other. Both are curable malfunctions.
Believe it or not, people DO judge you on what you say, how you say it, how you talk, or in the case of the internet, how you type. A typo here and there is permissable, not everyone is perfect or knows what Spellcheck is. But to be blatantly intentional in spelling like you're 12 and a first-timer on AOL IM... that's just a pain in the ass, everyone presumes (correctly, no assumptions) that you're some jackass 1337-5p33k wannabe, and they dismiss anything you say or go out of their way to single you out and make fun of you.
I highly recommend you invest time in learning and properly using the English language. Your life will be so much better.
Why are you quoting him and then saying that? All he did wrong was miss out a couple of capitalisations...
2004-08-02, 05:00 PM
He's talking about the thread in general
2004-08-02, 05:04 PM
Still don't see why he was quoted. Am I dum?
2004-08-02, 07:48 PM
Still don't see why he was quoted. Am I dum?
Actually that would be me. I quoted the wrong post. I meant to quote the author's post, not Sanguinius.
2004-08-03, 03:22 AM
yah im lazy so fine ill start typing proper english (btw im writing a book, not to brag but to point out that im not english illiterate)
sorry if my post caused trouble but i was serious my cousin does have dsylexia and cant spell but im not sure if its better or worse than that
and to further my point i AM dyslexic sicne i cant do alot of division or multiplication in my head though im perfectly fine with all the other aspects of math
2004-08-03, 05:03 AM
Please let this thread die alread
2004-08-03, 10:15 AM
Please stop bitching about the whole grammer issue. He could just be very young.
Typing up posts in Microsoft Word is a good idea. That way you can spell check it. Also, go over the post before posting it. It never hurts to spend just that little bit of extra time smoothing out any errors.
So thats why I can undertsand your limey-speak...
2004-08-03, 11:16 AM
color, listen to Eldanesh on this subject. He knows the ins and outs of leveling up quickly.
2004-08-03, 02:00 PM
color, listen to Eldanesh on this subject. He knows the ins and outs of leveling up quickly.
He's a *cough* Maelstrom whore *cough*. But we wub him anyway :).
2004-08-03, 06:47 PM
Lack of detail to spelling whould prove lack of detail in shooting, not sure if i'd want him in my squad but thats just me.
Even im not that big of an asshole when I spam...
For a quick level up I make my char a zergling something with firepower that way I dont have to leach xp from a squad too much. Dont even get vech certs just join a squad and use team mates for a means of transportation.
I dont remember how many certs I had when I first started (think it was 3) and after training its br4 (6 certs) you should either get rexo medium assult and later on anti-vech after squading or just medium assult and heavy weapons and then rexo after squading.
2004-08-03, 06:53 PM
Nnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
*pounds A Stake Through The Heart Of This Thread*
2004-08-03, 06:56 PM
Nnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
*pounds A Stake Through The Heart Of This Thread*
You spelled "nyeargh!" wrong. The "e" was unnecessary, you illiterate clod. Go back to grammar school, you mentally-deficient poltroon!
2004-08-03, 07:12 PM
I was spelling it the classical way you myopic eunich.
2004-08-03, 07:22 PM
I was spelling it the classical way you myopic eunich.
That's "eunuch", you neolithic trodlodyte. Spare me your pablum-spewing degenerate juvenile meanderings. ;)
2004-08-03, 07:29 PM
I think Doppler should change his name to SpellingNazi
2004-08-03, 07:47 PM
I think disconnecting need to drink a tall frosty glass of the STHU brand cola.
2004-08-03, 08:00 PM
I think disconnecting need to drink a tall frosty glass of the STHU brand cola.
"Disconnecting", "needs" and "STHU-brand".
Have a nice day. ;)
2004-08-03, 08:41 PM
See, even Firefly understands how much you care about spelling. Come on just make a new account called SpellingNazi
2004-08-03, 08:52 PM
But then people might confuse me for a newb like you.
2004-08-03, 08:58 PM
But then people might confuse me for a newb like you.
2004-08-03, 10:10 PM
newb is a n00b term for newbie. Newb is a kinder way of saying F-N-G, whereas n00b is an insult, unless your name is TeN00b/TheN00b
2004-08-04, 02:09 AM
Wow....I've seen Lego sets capable of better sentences.
Anyway, if you want cheap kills, get Lightning. It's the most bang for the buck. Then just beat the crap out of infantry. Just avoid tanks.
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