View Full Version : Never, ever use Verizon DSL

2004-07-30, 01:13 PM
After returning from daytona late monday night, my modem greeted me with a friendly blink blink blink meaning that it couldnt synch. After trying numerous things, I realized that the only problems could be

a. the modem
b. the line

So, After a 10 minute wait, I got through to "tech support" who told me to turn off the modem and restart the computer.

So, after doing so, even though I already had done that out of spite, she said she diddnt know what my problem was, and proceeded to keep me on the line for 10 minutes filling out some damn form, and said someone would call me the next day.

Fast forward one day. I finally get a call 2 hours late, and then he tells me to turn off the modem again..
So, after he realized that that diddnt work, he put me on hold for 10 minutes filling out a field tech form. He said that the tech would be at my house no later than 7pm.

7pm came
and 8pm

I used the "call back" number. To get a friendly recording saying "Please be patient, the average wait time is 18 minutes"


So after listening to 80's music for almost 25 minutes, the guy finally comes back on and I ask him.

He puts me on hold for 8 minutes to "check" it only to tell me that the tech guys screwed up and wouldnt be here till morning.

I got up early, he came, he stuck something in the wall, and said "its the phone like. They will send you a new modem"

So, here I am in a gaming center typing this up, waiting for a new damn modem to come, early next week.

I checked on switching, of course I need my password that never worked and internet access to do so, and then the brighthouse cable guys wouldnt have been able to come till tuesday at the earlyest.

Oh, and if you diddnt need any more reasons not to use verizion, every time someone picks up the phone, my connection resets.

Verizon DSL = lose. I miss my MCG.

2004-07-30, 01:17 PM
That sucks. Hope it's fixed soon :\

2004-07-30, 01:36 PM
I have Brighthouse cable. I'm typing this from home. :D

2004-07-30, 01:52 PM
That blows.

I'm mad at you for coming to Daytona and not coming to say hi to Martyr and I :)

2004-07-30, 02:06 PM
CAble ownzors yuo!

Though lately we have had a couple of problems about once a week our connection goes out for a few minutes, very annoying

2004-07-30, 02:09 PM
And it took you that incident to realize they suck?

I used to have one of their cells... Never buying anything from them ever again... the only way I could get a signal would be to stand next to an antenna do a *** and dance naked and then again I'd get static.

Verizon sucks and should be burned to the ground!

Edit: Yes cable owns.

2004-07-30, 02:44 PM
And it took you that incident to realize they suck?.

negative, ive been trying to conivince my mom to switch to brighthouse for a while now.

in fact, from day one.

:activation date arrives

dosent work

*calls up people

"ah, your activation date is in 2 days"

"erm...the paper that I have here says today"..

2 days later.

SAME DAMN THING. 2 days after that they *finally* activate it.

Oh, and sorry trig :/

Had no interweb there, and diddnt have a phone #. Ill meet you soon enough :p

2004-07-30, 03:10 PM
wow my dad loves verzion, he gets a uber signal on his cell and he says it's the best he's ever had (hes at AT&T and sprint and all that crap)

2004-07-30, 03:11 PM

2004-07-30, 03:11 PM
Yes, but does he use their interweb?

2004-07-30, 03:16 PM
Verizon Wireless and their phone company is good.

I tend to keep things that are alike together. Like cable and the internet. Both together. Cellphone and home phone? Together. Keeps things very neat and agreeable with each other.

Also, the fact that I live in the city of Albany and can't get DSL. Yeah, I live here and I can't get DSL. Go figure! Thank Buddy Christ for Cable!

2004-07-30, 03:17 PM
we have brighthouse cable too... but we buy it from earthlink.

2004-07-30, 03:59 PM
actually gohan he does, He uses the Sierra Aircard 555 to have mobile intarweb in his cab so he can watch his stocks and crap.

2004-07-30, 04:05 PM
I got Verizon DSL and have never had a problem with it.

2004-07-30, 04:10 PM
actually gohan he does, He uses the Sierra Aircard 555 to have mobile intarweb in his cab so he can watch his stocks and crap.


I got Verizon DSL and have never had a problem with it.

double hisss

2004-07-30, 05:12 PM
I had Verizon DSl for far too long, overpriced for crummy connections.

Although I still get pwned by my shitty wireless router 465783465786347659347 times a day, but when it works..


2004-07-30, 05:25 PM

2004-08-03, 12:53 PM

I called it 3 days ahead of time.

Tech guy said he would call them and have them send me a modem, be here in 2 days. Day 3. No modem. I call them up, and of course, they havent even *sent* it yet.

So, im getting brighthouse cable on saturday. Too far away....

Someone needs to go blow them the fuck up.

2004-08-03, 03:16 PM
I have comcast cable and its not bad at all... sure they have a just as usless tech support group, sure they are the baine of my existance... but I do get very good speed... now I just need a new router...

2004-08-03, 04:28 PM
i have Verizon DSL. i'm actually pretty happy with it, apart from setting it up (faulty modem) i have had no problems with it other than the "schedueled (sp?) mantinence" that they have every few months. it's true their tech support suckzors to teh max but if you dont have any problems you dont need it then

i do wish it was faster but since i'm loosing cable soon i cant change that :(

home phone, long distance, cell phone, internet all on one bill is nice and easy

my 2 cents
