View Full Version : Your most pathetic moment in game.
2004-07-31, 04:53 AM
Whats the worst moment you have ever had in game. The time when you got owned... hard.
Just a few hours ago I was driving my AMS cross country. I get stuck in a ditch and while I so so a enemy in agile with a lasher walks up. He circles around my AMS for 30 sec while I try to get enough speed in the ditch to run him over. He sends me a tell me a tell asking for a knife fight. I accept fully intending to cheat for an easy kill :evil:. I get out and aproach him. When I get close I pull out my JH and proced to triple shot him (or at least where he was a half second earlier.) He stabs me once. I back up and hit the parked AMS. He stabs me again for the win.... JH vs knife at close range. I loose. Thats what I get for cheating. :(
Whats your story?
2004-07-31, 05:04 AM
i was driving my lightning along happy everything going good then i see an enemy drop pod land in the middle of the road
i try and run him over but as the drop pod is deconstructing my lightning hits it and FLIPS OVER so im sat there in this upside down lightning lookin up at this guy through the ground knifing my lightning then i get out and by that time a squad mate has killed him
then i look at my lightning and wonder how the hell im gonna get it back upright since i was in the middle of no where
i kept gettin in and getting out which didnt work (and pleasently found out i could shoot through the ground :P)
i then stood behind it, about to give it up and make the long walk back when another NC drop pod landed on top of this
my friends slaughtered him like the first one and brought a mag to ram it over that worked after a while leaving me with 1/4 life
then i got out and repaired and as it was almost done a surgile came sprinting up next to me and before i could get back in it he pulled out his JH and tripple shotted me
then i spawned at a tower near by and sprinted past the Sparrow MAX guarding the tubes
when i got back it was hacked and got run over by a van guard
sorry bad quality
couldnt find an image hosting site that wouldnt take like 30 mins to upload a 1 meg picture so this one insanely reduced the resolution to make it 250 KB
2004-07-31, 09:25 AM
Sneaking to the CC of a NC Tech plant, guy flips on Darklight and pulls out his Jackhammer. I proceed to attempt to kill him with my REK of leetness.
2004-07-31, 11:14 AM
Oh, where do I start, I have had so many pathetic moments in-game :lol:.
2004-07-31, 11:57 AM
Oh, where do I start, I have had so many pathetic moments in-game :lol:.
unfortunatly the same holds true to me :(
2004-07-31, 12:07 PM
Infiltrated an enemy base in agile with nothing but 3 plasma nades, a REK, and a bolt driver, got by a cloaker,killed a lasher REXO, (Rexo was AFK, :p) and snuck by a HA with a maelstrom in the lobby room, got to the CC.
I start hacking, the cloaker throws a jammer nade and appears by the door, then the other, and back and forth, I get out my BD, and time his movements, he appears, door opens, BOOM!
I kill him, I start hacking, I manage to hack it, I get out and to the LLU before he manages to respawn, and on my way out, I step on a mine and die. :|
(I was damaged because when I saw the Rexo with lasher, I freaked out and threw 2 plasma nades, but I was in the blast radius of one, and it hurt me pretty bad)
2004-07-31, 01:42 PM
I have been playing 5 days now as u can probably tell by my number of kills etc.
On my 2nd day i was in a full up gal and we were gonna drop on this tower and cap it. we all hot dropped out of the gal onto the roof except i landed on the railing, and fell off. i knew i wouldnt die but lose abit of armour/health, but unfortunately i landed ontop of a mine outside the door.BANG.dead. there was an adv. medic near so i waited till tower was captured and he came n healed me. i said my thanks, ran round the corner to proceed to next target....BANG. there was another mine around the corner, aswell as 2 spitfire turrets and adv. medic had gone... :lol:
INstant action to a tower outside base with no tubes. Rexo up, and sneak towards the vehicle bay entrance. On the way there, I manage to ninjastealth by a reaver and a mossie circling overhead, and pwn a cloaker with a shotgun at point blank. As Im running for the entrance, A magrider starts shelling me. Narrowly miss both of the shots, and run down the vehicle bay.
As Im going down, I notice a red dot behind me, pull out my sweeper, turn around, and wait. He comes running in with a knife. 3 shots from sweeper. Go up the vehicle bay catwalk into the corridor, and see a Quasar MAX turning around, just in time ot see me. Holster Shotgun, run down the corridor, into the vehicle bay, to the far right door that no one uses, go in, go into the staircase, and go up. Quasar max loses at tracking.
Shotgun out, I make every attempt to be stealthy, looking around corners, as Im soloing here. Final staircase up, I look around the corner, and see nothing. Start going up, and the door to the air pad room opens, 3 guys with lashers start firing from a crouched position. Turn around to run into the CC, see another 3 guys with lashers. I die.
All that stealth and rambo-ing for nothing :(
2004-07-31, 02:13 PM
ok, heres mine. about 4 months ago, i was flying the third galaxy in a 4 (each was fully loaded) galaxy drop on searhus. i decided to look away to see what was on the tv. now this wouldnt have been so bad if i hadnt leaned my elbow on the spacebar. i ended up ABing into the galaxy in front of me, which pushed it off course and sent it slamming into one of the crater walls in searhus. this caused the pilot of that galaxy to try to land for repairs. sadly he was a noob, and he ended up landing in the wrong place, which sent him flying at [insert large number here] kph sideways into a tree.
we finally won the base when another outfit did a 15+ lightning crash, cleared the cy and let an ams deploy.
2004-07-31, 02:38 PM
Back when I was a cloaker, I went into an NC base (on my vanu character), and I saw Obnoxious Frog. He was switching into agile so that he could get into a base. I follow him into the base, dodge a mine by the front door, and follow him to the equipoment terminal. As he's leaving, I started shooting him with my amp. I was winning, but he turns around, and whips out his knife. Then, I run over the mine that I dodged on the way in, leaving me with little health. We killed each other at the same time.
2004-07-31, 02:50 PM
Yeknow at sanctuary, those implant terminals? Yeknow the closes one to the wall? Yeknow that little gap? I got myself stuck in there somehow and I didn't know how to get out. And no, I wasn't in a MAX suit.
Drove an entire squad (in Sunderer) into a ditch.
Kamikazed my Reaver into a heavily damaged tank only to blow up myself, and to have HIM get the kill.
Snuck my way into an enemy base only to find out I didn't have a REK.
Found various Vans, Prowlers, Enforcers, and Maurauders sitting out in the open at various occasions, only to find out that I didn't have a REK on me.
Fought my way to the backdoor only to find three Scatter MAXes on the other side of the door waiting for me.
HARTed into a group of Vans.
So many stories, so little interest.
2004-07-31, 03:55 PM
My "favorite"I landed a Galaxy on an embankment next to a river and slid into the water. It was a rare full Galaxy, including a Marauder (three people, cuz we're TR and we're manpower intensive) and two MAXes. Everyone died.
Respawn, new bird, apologies, swear it won't happen again. So this time I set my Galaxy controls to Alt-R and throttle-locked the bird, went to go take a piss, and came back to find that I'd flown the entire bird into the side of a hill (we were on Searhus) and the thing took damage and exploded.
2004-07-31, 04:03 PM
sorry bad quality
couldnt find an image hosting site that wouldnt take like 30 mins to upload a 1 meg picture so this one insanely reduced the resolution to make it 250 KB
You could just have made them Jpeg and kept the original resolution, and still kept them at about 120kb or so. :P
2004-07-31, 04:18 PM
Open MS Paint under Start > Program Files > Accessories
Open the file by clicking File, Open...
Click File again, select Save As...
Change the file type from Bitmap to JPG/JPEG
Cauldron Borne
2004-07-31, 05:33 PM
I spend ten minutes sneaking into an NC base in my cloaker suit. I made usre not to kill anyone (though i had plenty of sweet targets) so i wouldn't be detected while i made the hack. I get the hack through and proceed to crawl to the Spawn Rooms to wreck havoc. When I am in that little lobby behind the spawn room i notice about twenty NC just standing a circle....around me.... The all wave in unison and I proceed to get owned.....ouch
2004-07-31, 08:06 PM
whenever my FPS drops to .001.. for example. I was getting shot down in my mossie... so I dropped out. Then.. 5 minutes later... I was standing in front of a guy with a surpressor.. with my JH... and.. I got 1 shot off. the screen froze... I heard me dying.. then.. yes... I was dead.
2004-07-31, 11:00 PM
Running around in a MAX armor, got shot by a vangaurd.
Base running low on NTU, went on a run. Got shot by the same vagaurd. Same time in a row.
Then i decide to defend a base (opposite from the base wtih low NTU). The guy that was gunning the vangaurd comes right through the door with jackhammer and kills me.
3 times in a row i got killed by the same guy.
2004-07-31, 11:45 PM
Ewww. bitmaps... :sick:
2004-08-01, 12:16 AM
hmm, so many times, I haven't played this game in months, but about 3 months before I quit, I went on emerald and finally trash talked dreamer enough that he decided he would "own my newbie ass" it was all in good fun for me, so we met, prepared to duel, at the main room in a bio base...mcg at ready, surge on...oh yeah, Ima kill dreamer I think, run in, *BOOM* I forget his name...but one of his infil friends blew my ass away with a boomer as I walked inside, man I felt foolish :)
2004-08-01, 01:59 AM
Ewww. bitmaps... :sick:
2004-08-01, 02:52 PM
auto running in a max right into the heart of a massive minefield
jumping with my jump jets to try and clear the minefield
running outta jump right in the middle of the minefield.....
2004-08-01, 03:20 PM
In a ScatMAx caught in the open, Striker/Lancer owned
Came in too fast for a reaver spamming, and ran over my target, and got owned by a minefield.
Getting killed by a surpressor, on any occassion.
2004-08-02, 04:00 PM
Riding in the back of a Galaxy on a hotdrop on some craphole on Oshur. We were packing 2 full Gal's and a small compliment of Skeets and Reavers. A half dozen or more Burster MAX anchored on the wall (so much for recon) drop the 1st Gal and 1 or two of the escorts. Meanwhile the crew in my gal just start dropping out where ever, most of us end up outside the wall.
All of us were killed in under 30 secs by well placed spits and a few accurate thumper wielders. The entire raid went to crap in about 45 secs. That had to be some great experience for the TR on emerald.
good times. :rolleyes:
2004-08-02, 04:35 PM
Having a full gal on the test server, taking off, gaining altitude. Massive amounts of beeping and "WARNING! MISSILE LOCK ON" ensued.
Cue 35+ AA maxes shooting at me with about 400+ projectiles flying toward me.
2004-08-02, 05:20 PM
On saturday I was flying my outfit squad around in my gal. It's the first time I've been on since I reformatted, so I hadn't changed my keymap yet. Well, we're cruising around Ceryshen and I go to auto-level at 400, well, instead of hitting 'alt + R' I hit 'alt + G'. So ya, I bail out, leaving a gal full of outfit mates diving towards the ground. Half bail out in time only to get owned by mags, threshers and such, the rest died in the crash.
2004-08-02, 05:59 PM
Making friends werent we Toneball? :D
2004-08-02, 06:16 PM
Probably every time I've ever flown into a tree. :bang:
2004-08-02, 06:30 PM
At least it wasn't a lake lartnev.
2004-08-02, 07:04 PM
Nah I tend to do that deliberately :D
2004-08-02, 07:26 PM
I just realized that most of you probably diddnt get that lake joke. Who here besides sputty and hamma can remember where that joke came from?
2004-08-02, 07:30 PM
Yup. Someone landed a galaxy in beta and it slid into a lake due to a bug.
2004-08-02, 07:47 PM
Yup. Someone landed a galaxy in beta and it slid into a lake due to a bug.
that still happens sometimes. if you land on an inclining landscape near a body of water, you can slide into it. :rolleyes:
2004-08-02, 10:03 PM
Can't forget about about yesterday foot zerging to a tower from a nearby AMS. I'm getting about 3-4 kills per death (pretty good for me). So I spawn, grab my loadout and start shooting. Take out two with Gauss rifles, one JH and I see a scat MAX with about 3/4 life and no armor take cover behind a rock. I instinctually take out my deci and give chase, well, by the time I got there an engi had him almost repaired and when I fired, I hit the engi, not the MAX. Being as low on health and armor as I was, ended up killing myself and no one else.
I suck.
2004-08-03, 08:51 PM
Yup. Someone landed a galaxy in beta and it slid into a lake due to a bug.
:lol: nope thats not it. It was from beta, but thats not it. Back during colosed beta Hamma became famous for crashing a skeeter into a lake. God I feel old now lol.
2004-08-03, 09:10 PM
This just happend last night on Desolation.
I was getting owned my a mosquito, but thanks to PShield and a healthpack, I managed to survive the attack, a Quasar was on the wall of the base, so I had to seek shelter behind a giant rock to repair myself. I stop for a minute to gain some stamina. I begin healing myself, and as I start to repair my armor, I get tripleshotted from behind at point blank by an NC. He was with 3 squadmates and they were all behind me for at least a minute or two.... :(
2004-08-03, 10:27 PM
This happened today for me.
We were capping Orisha on Cyssor. Not a lot of action at the time. Ao another base is hacked (I forget which) and I people in my squad (who are not guarding the hack) to get to that base and resecure. So I get in my Thresher that I have on reserve for one of my squadmates. I'm in a platoon so someone from another squad gets in. I kick her out and say I'm sorry and explain that the seat is reserved for someone else. My gunner comes up and we drive out of the courtyard.
Not 5 seconds later, we run into a mine and blow up.
The person who I kicked sure was lucky.
Another moment was when I was guarding a CC. I was talking to the other squad leaders in the platoon on who to hit next. A minute later, a Scatter MAX comes in blowing me away.
2004-08-04, 01:56 AM
This happened today for me.
We were capping Orisha on Cyssor. Not a lot of action at the time. Ao another base is hacked (I forget which) and I people in my squad (who are not guarding the hack) to get to that base and resecure. So I get in my Thresher that I have on reserve for one of my squadmates. I'm in a platoon so someone from another squad gets in. I kick her out and say I'm sorry and explain that the seat is reserved for someone else. My gunner comes up and we drive out of the courtyard.
Not 5 seconds later, we run into a mine and blow up.
The person who I kicked sure was lucky.
Yea, THe most pathetic thing Ive ever seen was a bunch of people pinned down by 3 or 4 spitfires, shooting at mines with gauss rifles, hoping to clear the courtyard entrance up a little. I watched in amusement for a few minutes, they looks like they had been there for about 10 minutes, clearing mines in the SOI with gauss rifles. so I pulled out my Command uplink and EMPed the place. probably saved them about an hour of dirty work.
2004-08-04, 02:04 AM
This goes for all the Black Hawks:
I'm driving a Vanguard ahead of another one on a bridge. I stop, but the dumbass behind me (wink wink Infernus) keeps going. He wedges over me and off the side of the bridge, landing upside down. We were trying a good ten minutes to unflip it.
2004-08-04, 03:17 PM
Go bored droped all my wepons an acdently walked into a room with like 12 vs....
2004-08-04, 03:37 PM
This goes for all the Black Hawks:
I'm driving a Vanguard ahead of another one on a bridge. I stop, but the dumbass behind me (wink wink Infernus) keeps going. He wedges over me and off the side of the bridge, landing upside down. We were trying a good ten minutes to unflip it.
No, I was gunner of your vanguard... it was battlecruiser that puched us over the ledge I think.
Anyway... my stupidest moment involved a room full of friendly TR and a maelstrom... I have a problem remembering that the maelstrom has 3 firing settings (I'm used to 2 like most guns have) so as the VS rush in I start firing... only I'm firing bouncing maelstrom nades that are bouncing back and lashing us... killed as many friendlies as I did enemies, then got TKed...
2004-08-04, 04:37 PM
I was defending a tower one day with one other VS in it. We get a mossie dropping hammerite come down from the roof. He gets to the other vanu first and kills him, then I get to him and get beaten too. Both of us respawn and move together back up the stairs to get this guy. We round the last corner to the CC and 'BOOM", he had laid a freaking boomer and got us both.
I felt so owned.
2004-08-05, 01:27 AM
I just realized that most of you probably diddnt get that lake joke. Who here besides sputty and hamma can remember where that joke came from?
I remember it, good times. :D
2004-08-05, 04:36 AM
Every time I log in.
Then I say to myself, "Why am I here and not going out looking for a girlfriend? I am sooo pathetic!"
2004-08-05, 12:49 PM
Note: I dug this one up. This was before the surge change and was originally posted on another similar thread.
Tower drop in Agile armor with a Sweeper in hand and a decimator in inventory
I land and turn Audio Amp on and scan 0 enemies in the tower.
I hack the tower door.
I proceed down to the CC.
I round the corner to almost run right into a NC Scatter MAX ( Yep, STILL not showing on Audio Amp)
We both stare at each other in surprise and I Surge up the stairs switching my Sweeper for the Deci.
No one fired a shot.
I come back with the Deci and the MAX is gone and 2 NC with Jackhammers are there�
I surge away and Switch to the Sweeper.
No one fired a shot.
In the process I see 2 infantry and 1 MAX giving chase with Audio Amp the MAX in the lead so I fall back to the roof and switch weapons again to the Deci
They open the door as I back up to line up the Deci shot
I step on a mine, which scares the piss outa me!!!
I spaz/twitch/jump half outa my chair and shoot the wall next to me
The Deci splash damage finishes me off and I kill myself.
Implant bugs suck
I have L33t mine finding skylz especially at crucial moments when it counts the most
Walls phear me and my Deci
The NC had the decency to allow me to complete my comedy routine without shooting at me and ruining my performance.
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