View Full Version : Aiming in PS
I have a question.... I don't know if this has been answered somewhere else or not, but I'm just gonna put it out there..
Will weapon's aim reduce or increase in different conditions? Like if you were crouching or laying down on the ground and shooting someone would you have better aim (more bullets going where your aimer is pointed) than if you were falling from the sky or running?
Also, is there going to be recoil in this game? If you are holding down the trigger will you aim, if there is any, be worse than if you fire in bursts?
What do you guys think about aiming and recoil for Planetside? I think that it's a good idea to have and that it adds to the dynamics of the game. I don't want this game to be too simple, yet I don't know what it's going to be like seeing as how I've never seen a MMOFPS in action before. If everyone's just taping down their trigger button and spraying all over the place then I think this will take away from the quality of the game.
2003-02-07, 09:57 AM
I do not know, but there is no prone position.
2003-02-07, 10:11 AM
There is kneeling and standing, niether are supported. Your total sta, wheather or not you are moving, if you are using single, burst, or automatic fire, the type of weapon, and your skill with the weapon (weather your certed or not with it) affect your accuracy with the weapon. The only exception I can think of is turrets and vehicle mounted guns, for which you do not need a cert.
Your acctuacy is depended on the size of your cone of fire. The above mentioned factors all affect this cone. I.E. with a AMP (automatic pistol) at 100 yards, full auto, standing up and running towards your target, you aint gonna hit shit, but kneeling, full sta, with a bolt driver, at 250 yards, you can pick which eye you want to shoot them in. Zoom on your weapons might affect the cone of fire, but I am not sure at this point.
2003-02-07, 10:29 AM
I doesnt really matter if you aim. You just have to hit anywhere on the body. It's all the same.
2003-02-07, 11:17 AM
Recoil is represented by how quickly your CoF (Cone of Fire) is enlarged. There will be a ring in the center of your screen, with a diameter depending on the weapons range you are currently using. When aiming at a person, positioning the ring to cover the majority of their body will result in the most hits, seeing as the bullets or energy being fired from the weapon will stray anywhere in the ring.
The size of the ring can be effected by, standing still (Reduced ring), kneeling (Reduced ring), strafing (Increased ring), jumping (Increased ring), continual fire (Increased ring), the mode your weapon is set to (single fire, burst, full auto(In order from reduceing to increasing the ring)), and the weapons range.
A vehicle mounted weapon, will have a very small amount of recoil, and will void majority if not all of the above factors. Take into consideration, the Harasser, which has a mounted-gun in the passenger seat. Using this gun will provide extremely little increase to the size of your ring when fired, and the rate you are moving will have no effect on it as well.
2003-02-07, 11:21 AM
vehicle mounted weapons won't have any recoil. they're mounted.
2003-02-07, 11:25 AM
2003-02-07, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
I doesnt really matter if you aim. You just have to hit anywhere on the body. It's all the same.
I'm pretty sure that there are two damage zones - the head and the rest of the body.
2003-02-07, 11:31 AM
They removed the head box awhile back. There is only one hit location, which is body now.
2003-02-07, 11:53 AM
hmm, that sucks. The game is moving more and more away from anything that has to do with skills :(
Human skills that is...
2003-02-07, 12:34 PM
omg, this must be the 5th thread in the last two days that degenerates to grumbling about no headshots ;)
2003-02-07, 12:57 PM
maybe because it's something people really wants ;)
2003-02-07, 01:00 PM
Well, wait and see how it plays. You may all be thanking the devs that headshots aren't in.
I think that everyone just wants head =). Lol. But back to the topic, what I meant by recoil also included wether the cone would go upward or not. Can anyone answer this?
2003-02-07, 06:20 PM
From watching captured movies, I would say that there is no such recoil effect. Only the CoF widening effect. I could be wrong tho. They might compensate for the gun rising or it might even be changed in the code by now.
2003-02-07, 08:25 PM
Hamma should make the next PSU poll about how people feel about no headshots
LOL. Everyone does want head! :rolleyes: They better add it in a patch if its not in by release.
2003-02-08, 05:01 AM
From what we have seen there is no upward recoil, only widening CoF.
And there is already ( a poll about regional damage.
2003-02-08, 09:50 AM
fine be that way ludio
2003-02-08, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Tobias
Your total sta, wheather or not you are moving, if you are using single, burst, or automatic fire, the type of weapon, and your skill with the weapon (weather your certed or not with it) affect your accuracy with the weapon.
Very, very wrong Tobias. No Certs affect your accuracy with a weapon. If you don't have the cert for a weapon you just can't use it. You're right about the moveing, standing vs. crouching, and the weapon's own starting COF affecting accuracy.
Also, though not 100% sure, I don't think zoom has any effect on your actual cone of fire. As you zoom in more, your cone becomes a larger part of your screen, but your spread stays the same.
Otherwise we'd have a bunch of scripts that automaticly zoomed whenever you fire your weapon for minimum spread(I've seen this for AWP in CS).
2003-02-08, 03:56 PM
Damage should double if you hit them in the head or the crotch :p
2003-02-08, 04:27 PM
Actually, what ever happened to you being able to pick up the gun of a dead enemy, and you could use it if you had the same weapon class cert, but if you didn't - you could still use it, but you'd just have a lot larger cone of fire.....
2003-02-08, 04:43 PM
I think they have been pretty clear that everyone has the same COF with the same weapon, but Certs just allow you to use more/better weapons.
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