View Full Version : The "Be Nice" Thread
2004-08-03, 01:09 PM
I'm at work, and due to my extreme efficiency, all my work has been completed for the day. I'm sitting in the Flight Instructor's bay at my school (i.e. where I work), and everyone's so happy, which gave me an idea for a thread. Let's make a thread where we all say one good thing about someone else on the boards!
You can say something about someone random, or you can say something about the person who posted before you, but I'll start:
DHARKIE: I think you're a sass ball and I think you're very entertaining.
MARTYR: You have the cutest butt ever, and you're a good boyfriend.
Your turn!
2004-08-03, 01:13 PM
Triggar: you roxxor.
2004-08-03, 01:14 PM
Corrosion: You crakz0r skills are unmatched!
2004-08-03, 01:18 PM
EarlyDawn: Uh...... He looks like The Fonz!
Dhark, I like the way you fart bubbles after I anal you with a bottle of Dish soap.
2004-08-03, 01:25 PM
SDM: umm your cool
2004-08-03, 01:43 PM
oh my gosh golly gee whiz bang
Doop: You fucking own. If I weren't you I'd wish I was.
2004-08-03, 01:48 PM
Doop: We're all happy you're proud of yourself, someone has to be.
2004-08-03, 01:49 PM
SDM: You're so orgasmically fantastic, you make me quiver.
Triggar: You're kinda like PSU's girlfriend: you're kind, sweet, helpful, and have made all of us act somewhat more decently.... damn you woman :p
Dhark: Apparently you're good enough to get your name fixed. Good job.
2004-08-03, 01:50 PM
Frag: Pwnage++
Hezzy: Your voice makes me hawt
Corrosion: I love you cause you give me war- er... perfectly legal games... =/
xmodum: Sechs
...there are more... but too many... :love: to PSU... except the asshats, they can fuck off and die...
Triggar: <3 2 j00... you pwn because you've been a huge help to me
Early: cool kid... good friend...
SDM: I'm gay... GAY FOR YOU!
2004-08-03, 02:00 PM
SDM: You're so orgasmically fantastic, you make me quiver.
Triggar: You're kinda like PSU's girlfriend: you're kind, sweet, helpful, and have made all of us act somewhat more decently.... damn you woman :p
Dhark: Apparently you're good enough to get your name fixed. Good job.
OMFG!~ I didn't notice that!
2004-08-03, 02:04 PM
OMFG!~ I didn't notice that!
The trade off being that you're banned from IRC...
damnit... haha dhark... do me a favor... whore IRC for me please... cause i'm not allowed back into the stats until soembody gets closer to my 22k lines... =/
2004-08-03, 02:04 PM
not anymore.
2004-08-03, 02:06 PM
O MAI! I forgot setari...
/me dangles videocard in front of Setari's face...
I hate you all. =[
Nobody has said anything nice about me.
You know...all I ever wanted...
Was to be loved...
To care...
To be cared for.... ;_;
But no one has given me that chance...
2004-08-03, 02:09 PM
I hate you all. =[
Nobody has said anything nice about me.
You know...all I ever wanted...
Was to be loved...
To care...
To be cared for.... ;_;
But no one has given me that chance...
I care... but on the inside, so I don't look like a moron in public... :love:
2004-08-03, 02:14 PM
Doopdie Doop: you contribute something extra special to PSU... jimmies.
Infernus: You're that kid I wish I was friends with in high school :)
Frag: You live in Bromley, eat Jaffa cakes for me, and make forum pictures of yourself wearing a santa hat and holding a knife. You rule.
2004-08-03, 02:19 PM
Infernus: You're that kid I wish I was friends with in high school :)
We should go shoe shopping! OMG OMG OMG! The... we can sit in the mall's food court, sip vanilla milk shakes, and pick out the hot guys as the walk by... :rofl:
2004-08-03, 02:22 PM
oddfish: I can usually wet myself after a couple of your posts and I thoroughly enjoy shooting the shit with you :)
SDM: I usually DO wet myself after a couple of your posts, then I tape it, host it, and give it to you to use as pr0n. Weirdo water-sports bukkake freak! :lol:
MrVicchio: Yes, you Republican maniac, I think you're good fun to debate with. Gives me something to look forward to when I come back to the Political Debate forums, knowing that our differences will never be resolved!
2004-08-03, 02:24 PM
wetting yourself isn't bukkake pr0n... its watersports, so that would make SDM an Anal+Watersports+Bukkake freak...
2004-08-03, 02:26 PM
Fuck, im not good at this thread (aka: just ruined it) I wont waste your time.
:rofl: :rofl:
2004-08-03, 02:26 PM
Ah, you're correct. Original post edited for comprehensiveness.
Jennyboo: You're the best partner in PSU crime evar :)
2004-08-03, 02:33 PM
Ah, you're correct. Original post edited for comprehensiveness.
Jennyboo: You're the best partner in PSU crime evar :)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: my knowledge scares me sometimes...
2004-08-03, 02:57 PM
Triggar: VERY friendly and great hearted lady of PSU
Jennyboo: Friendly, BFV mistress of pwnge, and Hamma's whipcracker
SDM: Brings teh funneh to even peoples deaths.
Dhark: also brings teh funneh
Infernus: Very nice guy
Eine: Real nice guy and very helpful
Doop: Skitzofranic.
2004-08-03, 03:02 PM
Yay! This thread worked! Keep it going kids, keep it going!
Corrosion: You warez-addict, you're bringing free software to the masses like you're Father Christmas!
Lartnev: You sound like Thom Yorke and phh, no one can beat that. I also get your name randomly stuck in my head for hours on end.
1024: I don't understand how such a normal kid could thrive on PSU, but you do it and we <3 you!
2004-08-03, 03:03 PM
Yay! This thread worked! Keep it going kids, keep it going!
Corrosion: You warez-addict, you're bringing free software to the masses like you're Father Christmas!
Lartnev: You sound like Thom Yorke and phh, no one can beat that. I also get your name randomly stuck in my head for hours on end.
1024: I don't understand how such a normal kid could thrive on PSU, but you do it and we <3 you!
Lartnev, like most of his limey brethern, pwns in general...
and 1024 is indeed kewl... AND he plays drums too... AND isn't insane... or doesn't appear to be atleast, but hats because he avoids IRC...
2004-08-03, 03:15 PM
Triggar: you rock and you've been to Bromley! It's a small world.
Infernus: one of the coolest guys on PSU and a great friend, much :love: your way :)
2004-08-03, 03:17 PM
Infernus Your there when I need to complian about a girl I cant rule dude.
EarlyDawn My frist friend here at pwn.
DharkByane You may hate me but your still like the coolest person ever
Triggar :love:
Doop what can I say your Doop... :lol:
SDM :scared: in a good way.
Lartnev pure pwnage...nope(hehe)
2004-08-03, 03:19 PM
likewise Viper you're there when I need to complain about my ex-boyfriend... oh and when I need to complain about my dad taking my car keys away... =/
2004-08-03, 03:19 PM
Frag: Teh pwnge, and Music pwner
1024: the common civilian of PSU
Hamma: Well, duh, its his site ;)
2004-08-03, 03:20 PM
Frag: Teh pwnge, and Music pwner
1024: the common civilian of PSU
Hamma: Well, duh, its his site ;)
*coughsuckupcough* :love:
Oh, and Kalta you pwn cause you give me ricky pics ( :drools: )
and Eine because you have my name, gave me a nice pirated copy of windows for my birthday, trained my skills in EVE, and (hopefully) I can crash at your place when I come to LA... [if my school schedule isn't fuxx0red this winter that is...]
2004-08-03, 03:30 PM
Everyone here rocks, k? k. ;D
2004-08-03, 04:57 PM
Triggar & Jennyboo - for showing me that not all women are manipulative :D
Infernus - for being caring and being awesome
Frag - for making up weird and wonderful words and being good on the guitar
Lart - for starting off shenanigans on TS and letting me stalk you (:lol:)
Hamma - for starting off PSU. YOU ROCK DUDE!
Dharkgayne - for always making me keekle
Sputty - for teh kittens and one of my sigs
SDM - for more keekles
Kam - for stabbing people in the neck with a pencil
2004-08-03, 05:01 PM
hugglekitten for all!
Sputty - Magically delicious
SDM - Now fortified with 8 essential vitamins and minerals!
Dharkbayne - Part of a complete breakfast.
Infernus - Warning: Fruit inside (i kid, I kid :p)
Triggar - Consult doctor before using.
UncleD - Do not apply anally.
because, youre all Cereals and medicine to me :love:
2004-08-03, 05:32 PM
Trigger: Lovely Gal, and is our British fangirl!
Edit: Decided i have more time than i thought...
Inf: Honest, fun guy, who likes my brother just a leeeeetle too much.
Frag: we RAWK, obviously.
All {B}'s on PSU: Muchos :love:
If you're not there, either i have forgotten you - sowwi - or i don't know you well enough.
2004-08-03, 05:35 PM
Sputty, you have a strange affinity with Dan Quayle. It makes you unique.
2004-08-03, 05:37 PM
Sputty - Magically delicious
SDM - Now fortified with 8 essential vitamins and minerals!
Dharkbayne - Part of a complete breakfast.
Infernus - Warning: Fruit inside (i kid, I kid :p)
Triggar - Consult doctor before using.
UncleD - Do not apply anally.
because, youre all Cereals and medicine to me :love:
So long as I get to be a grapefruit... they have pink inside them...
Smaug: I like when he calls me cockslut... :love:
2004-08-03, 05:39 PM
SDM: butsechs?
dhrak: (I refuse to call you by any other name.) Always brings teh funnay.
triggar: Is indeed like PSU's girlfriend. And she made the best thread evar!
corrosion: our resident communist, in a good way.
einne: One of the nicest guys on psu. Butsech?
2004-08-03, 05:59 PM
Infernus - you have a lot of courage to "come out" in front of many of these immature idiots. You rule, in my book.
Jaged - I have no clue who you are but you don't piss me off. In my book that's good.
Uhh... yeah.
2004-08-03, 06:04 PM
Firefly: The most badass outfit leader/forum member evar
2004-08-03, 06:05 PM
Firefly: The most badass outfit leader/forum member evar
Is that the sound of sucking I hear?
2004-08-03, 06:06 PM
Is that the sound of sucking I hear?
2004-08-03, 06:07 PM
No, fapping. :p
Triggar - Pertty lady =] And she made PSUMA, omgwtf!
Jen - Self explanatory
Viper - My assbitch
Infernus - <3
Firefly - Leads a wtfpwn outfit
Dharkbayne - ...haha, just kidding
Frag, Hezzy and Kalta - Limeys are <3
Sputty - A friend of kittens is a friend of Doops
Frog - Sarcasm brightens my day
SDM - Buttsechsplzkthx
2004-08-03, 06:08 PM
No, fapping.
Maybe its just me wanting to hear sucking..
Frag, Hezzy and Kalta - Limeys are <3
2004-08-03, 06:09 PM
Fragmatic: You're a brit, and brit's are my favorite type of people (not even kidding, why do you think my main is on Werner?)
Anybody Else: You don't hate me. I think.
2004-08-03, 06:30 PM
British people: All british people rock, as long as they arent "suffisticated" dumasses
2004-08-03, 06:32 PM
British people: All british people rock, as long as they arent "suffisticated" dumasses
Sophisticated, you stupid yank.
2004-08-03, 06:37 PM
Dharkbayne, you are hamma's plaything. You take all his administrator stress on yourself, and spare us all. Your new nickname can be 'pincushion'.
2004-08-03, 06:38 PM
Dharkbayne, you are hamma's plaything. You take all his administrator stress on yourself, and spare us all. Your new nickname can be 'pincushion'.
Don't tempt him, :tear:
2004-08-03, 06:46 PM
Triggar/Martyr, you are the cat servants. You may think that YOU decided to buy little pyat kitty. However, the kitty used her superior intellect and transplanted brain waves to make you like her.
2004-08-03, 06:47 PM
Argh, I want sex. Since this is the nice thread I assumed this would be a good place. Someone end my suffering(by fuxxing me, not killing me)
2004-08-03, 06:54 PM
Argh, I want sex. Since this is the nice thread I assumed this would be a good place. Someone end my suffering(by fuxxing me, not killing me)
Getting back on the lovey-dove track... Sputty, your compassion towards animals (kittens especially) warms my blackened, hateful cold heart.
But I'm straight and I love women, so there'll be no rides on the FreakTrain for you.
2004-08-03, 06:59 PM
2004-08-03, 07:01 PM
2004-08-03, 07:06 PM
Sputty: For being a fellow kitten lover (and for introducing the word "squozen" into my vocabulary) and for derailing my thread with your desire for fu><0rs. No sir, I cannot help you in that department either :p
Firefly: For being the big brother of PSU - "if you hurt my little sister, I'm gonna kill you"
Manitou: For being the cool dad of PSU, the kind of guy who if we ever had a massive problem, we know we could come to you and get some kick-ass help (and you know if you ever needed anything from this scurvy bunch, we'd do the same!). Also for exposing us for the 1337ness of your Grandson Of Doom!
2004-08-03, 07:09 PM
hm :rolleyes:
2004-08-03, 07:09 PM
hm :rolleyes:
2004-08-03, 07:25 PM
Sputty: For being a fellow kitten lover (and for introducing the word "squozen" into my vocabulary) and for derailing my thread with your desire for fu><0rs. No sir, I cannot help you in that department either :p
Lies! Just slip these drugs in martyr's water and then leave the house for a few hours :D
2004-08-03, 07:26 PM
Im so unloved ;)
ChiaHamma: For many unforgetable nights. ;)
PSU Admins: For giving me the powers of the ban sapling from the ban stick.
CDL: Cause you guys rock my world.
All of PSU: Cause if it wasn't for PSU I'd have a life. ;) :D
2004-08-03, 07:31 PM
Heavygain, you are a whiny accolades hogger. You're still cool though.
PSU: I hate all of you
Just kidding
2004-08-03, 08:47 PM
Infernus - you have a lot of courage to "come out" in front of many of these immature idiots. You rule, in my book.
Jaged - I have no clue who you are but you don't piss me off. In my book that's good.
Uhh... yeah.
2004-08-03, 09:30 PM
Sometimes i Just dont have the words to say how much I love everyone :love: :lol:
2004-08-03, 10:04 PM
Nobody likes me.
I guess I'll have to kill myself. Down the road, not across the street.
2004-08-03, 10:06 PM
The object is to say something about the person who posts above you. Not post who you love. If you think nobody loves you because we didn't mention you, then try reading the initial post again and finding the part where she said, "... the person above you".
2004-08-03, 10:14 PM
Firefly is, well, Firefly :p
2004-08-03, 10:15 PM
The object is to say something about the person who posts above you. Not post who you love. If you think nobody loves you because we didn't mention you, then try reading the initial post again and finding the part where she said, "... the person above you".
You can say something about someone random, or you can say something about the person who posted before you.
Aztec is right, we do hate him.
2004-08-03, 10:39 PM
Yeah, eveyrone hates Aztec.
BTW, Aztec, up for an RoN game anytime you are...
2004-08-03, 10:40 PM
Hamma: Site
Frag: Roxsoxlimeyguitar
Corr: Comm
SDM: Santorum
Eine: Pron (I know you look at it 42/7 :))
1024: xox/art
I tried to keep it one word. Could have done that if eine didnt look at so much damn pron.
2004-08-04, 02:26 AM
Let's see.
SDM: you sexy man, you. if ever i were to try anal, i'd want it to be with you. (that's hypothetical. HYPOTHETICAL)
Dharky: Fantastic! Destroy their medical facilities! HELP! HELP!
Triggar: Like, Gambit, honey, i've got superhuman charm, but I just don't think it would work on you. ;) You're the only lady alive i don't think i could ever entice. (mostly for fear of teh Martyr :D) Plus, you sing 80's songs with me in IRC. You rock.
Martyr: Your comics have made me laugh my ASS off. Look, there it is, on the floor, by the box of Froot Loops.
Squeeky: You made the first homosexual pass at me the first day i joined PSU, i'll never forget it. May you and I get banned together one day.
Infernus: you make me wish i was gay. :sloppytonguekiss:
Corrosion: Russkie-hotness.
Fragmatic: You're limey-ish-ness-itude is wondryful. /me sets mode to +tea
Ivan: You're my moderator homie and i have shizzlpods of fun with you on IRC when i'm drunk off my ass. :D
UncleDynamite: Your sig's are always my favorites on PSU.
Sputty: Kittens.
Hamma: Sexiest. Man. Alive.
2004-08-04, 02:35 AM
Cats r cool
2004-08-04, 03:27 AM
This thread makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)
Ah, good Frag's above me.
Frag, you totally wtfpwn. Let's see, you're British, you've got a wealth of punk rock knowledge, and you can answer pretty much any question I pose on IRC.
+5k awesome points to you.
2004-08-04, 03:48 AM
Vote Heavy for teh loved!
2004-08-04, 03:52 AM
1024: Without spikey ol boy, i wouldnt have a C&C partner, or a CoD partner, or a BFV partner, asks my opinion on his art, tells me about music, and is all around a cool guy
Raiden: well, without raiden, whom would i annoy on AIM, and hes the guy that got me into my first outfit in PS, i think. great guy IMO, and one whom gets some of my jokes too.
Fraggy: why, frag, he is one of the few brits i can stand, that says alot from me, i dont have a general dislike for brits, and i love England, great history, sort of, i mean, pastense great rich history, not good there and then.
Triggar: why, triggar inspired me to get a job, only to have my mom say i cant go to flordia. AND she plays games, AND she likes guns, me too!
Martyr: his comics make me laugh, likes guns and plays games too!
Eine: i like Eines sigs, and eine is a cool guy, never even began to dislike him, never a reason given.
Corr: why Corr, hes russian, AND into...*cough*warez*cough* and just like eine never offended me, and not doing that makes you on my good side, and not neutral to you.
OBfrog: Master of MSpaint, he won at life many times, nuff said
SDM, Bayne, Sputty: reading their posts make me laugh, and laughing, makes me happy, thus, they too, are on my good side.
Boo: why, she is gonna marry Hammaman, she wins life too!
OMA: funny guy, why, the ninja humpage of a roman helmet made me laugh too
Others whom i did not have time to mention: PSU has been something ive kept up with because ive found it to be a home on the interweb for me, and all the people here, have made my stay much more memorable, sure, there have been a few bad apples, Tek and gang, but they get banned and the world spins again. all i can say to you because i am not naming you all individualy, is thankyou.
2004-08-04, 04:01 AM
Hamma: Site
Frag: Roxsoxlimeyguitar
Corr: Comm
SDM: Santorum
Eine: Pron (I know you look at it 42/7 :))
1024: xox/art
I tried to keep it one word. Could have done that if eine didnt look at so much damn pron.
I'd defend myself, but I jsut got outa the shower.
:p :love: to all. (Im lazy)
2004-08-04, 04:18 AM
Einne in the shower.... sechy
2004-08-04, 08:02 AM
Guess I'll list a few that pop into my head.
Aztecwarrior: awesome guy, fun to fight alongside in PS. GO BH :)
Infernus: fun to fight alongside as well (in PS or EVE). looking forward to meetin him at PSUMA
Triggar and Martyr: Damn you guys rock for putting together PSUMA and giving me an awesome trip to look forward to at the end of my summer vacation! Thanks a ton, I know how much work its been for you 2! Much appreciated (Oh and Triggar, much :love: for the extension on the payment date, I've paypaled you the rest so I should be all paid up :) )
Eine, Corrosion, 1024, Peacemaker: You guys are a blast in EVE. This Sat. is gonna freakin rock! I'm lookin forward to kicking some ass! 1024 man, I'll keep your skills trainin while ur on vacation, no doubt. :D
There are more, so many more ('specially IRC ppl), but I'll post later, I really need to get some sleep I've got work today!
Oh and Triggar, I like this thread. Its stuff like this that makes me love this community. Woot for Hamma and Co. (all you Staff) for keeping this wonderful site up and running!
2004-08-04, 12:23 PM
ObnoxiousFrog: I think you are the single cutest person on PSU, and I hope my kids look like you because you are freaking adorable.
Ivan: Your IRC scripts scare me, and I get flattered when you talk to me :)
2004-08-04, 12:33 PM
2004-08-04, 12:42 PM
O MAI! More eppileptic fit material for my sister... :love: to frag :)
2004-08-04, 01:04 PM
UncleDynamite: Your sig's are always my favorites on PSU.
Thanks! :D
Infernus is above me at the moment. Despite the fact that he only wrote one article on Biogaming ( :( ), Infernus is one of those guys who is genuinely, well, genuine. I never get the sense that he tries to be someone that he's not, and that's hard to find in people these days. Infernus is like everyone's friend (and for a lucky guy, more so, if you know what I mean :brow: ).
2004-08-04, 01:07 PM
Thanks! :D
Infernus is above me at the moment. Despite the fact that he only wrote one article on Biogaming ( :( ), Infernus is one of those guys who is genuinely, well, genuine. I never get the sense that he tries to be someone that he's not, and that's hard to find in people these days. Infernus is like everyone's friend (and for a lucky guy, more so, if you know what I mean :brow: ).
Yea about Biogaming... I won't be able to write anything new until the beginning of the school year (Sept. 6th for me) at least...
2004-08-04, 05:14 PM
Inf.. byoot saychs?
2004-08-04, 05:19 PM
Inf.. byoot saychs?
er... pls?
2004-08-04, 06:14 PM
Marsman: You have teh coolest voice, thank you for doing AGN - it pwns.
Hamma: Thank you for giving us clever ways to get drunk.
ofaloaf: Your avatars make me feel like I just peed my pants, in a good way.
TRIGGAR: If I was martyr, your ass would hurt.
2004-08-04, 06:51 PM
TRIGGAR: If I was martyr, your ass would hurt.
Holy crap on a pie!
Triggar, you just got the biggest compliment of all.
Ivan: Your IRC scripts scare me, and I get flattered when you talk to me :)
It's my danceing in manties that does it for you isn't it? I'll have to buy a pair for Martyr. ;)
2004-08-04, 07:42 PM
Holy crap on a pie!
Triggar, you just got the biggest compliment of all.
yea, but SDM offers sodomization to anyone who would take it. ;)
2004-08-04, 09:58 PM
Aztec: I think it's cool that you're unabashedly moral :)
Squeeky: You'd be a kickass little brother, but I'd beat the shit out of you constantly (out of love)
2004-08-04, 10:01 PM
You other folk:Zany Goofy funny excessively sexual and stuff....Im not too good at this kind of thing =/
2004-08-04, 10:01 PM
You other folk:Zany Goofy funny excessively sexual and stuff....Im not too good at this kind of thing =/
2004-08-04, 10:10 PM
yea, but SDM offers sodomization to anyone who would take it. ;)
And to anybody who wouldn't, :lol:
And to anybody who wouldn't, :lol:
:lol: indeed.
MattxMosh: Because his computer has Hello Kitty lights above the monitor.
See here. (
2004-08-04, 10:18 PM
Ivan The greatest person to ever live EVER!
Fragums your frag you rule
Ivan The greatest person to ever live EVER!
Fragums your frag you rule
SSShhhh You don't have to let everyone know that or they'll all start stalking me. ;)
Ivan: You running around wearing manties and a cape makes me happy.
MattxMosh: I like your name. It is a good name. I think your name is good.
JetRaiden: See MattxMosh
UncleDynamite: You don't post stupid shit.
oddfish: Funniest person on PSU. (yeah, that means you aren't the funniest person here. Yeah, you.)
Marsman: Sechsee voice, AGN. What not to love?
Peacemaker: You hate my ass, wish to fill me with holes constantly (with futility, mwahaha), and generally want to beat the living shit out of me, slowly, with a pocket knife. :love:
Electro: You' Yay!
Bio: Blackhawks are wtfomfgpwn.
Heavy: A meatwad fan is a friend of mine.
Sputty: Kittens!
Everyone else: If you don't suck, then you're cool! Yay.
2004-08-05, 12:04 AM
Peacemaker: You hate my ass, wish to fill me with holes constantly (with futility, mwahaha), and generally want to beat the living shit out of me, slowly, with a pocket knife. :love:
How would you beat someone with a pocket knife?
2004-08-05, 12:06 AM
UncleDynamite: You don't post stupid shit.
I love how this is treated as a rare quality here :lol:
2004-08-05, 12:06 AM
now go home and go to bed!
:p :love:
2004-08-05, 12:07 AM
now go home and go to bed!
:p :love:
I hate it when OMA speaks the truth :ugh: :p
2004-08-05, 09:11 AM
more of them:
Cyberkiller: my kid brother <3+
Ivan: I wanna make love to you in the back of the galaxy next ops night...
MattxMosh: Your hawt
Oddfish: I'm second in line for you... after Kyle of course... right? RIGHT?!
AztecWarrior: JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! jk... you're a good tank driver and cool kid...
2004-08-05, 01:04 PM
Oh and Desertjackal: He pwns hard... I'm movin in with him in a year or so...
EDIT: O shit I double posted... oops...
2004-08-05, 01:49 PM
heh... its an S... but the way the text hits the line at the seam between plating it looks like a g... and I never really noticed it ebfore you brought it us... now instead of reading Infernus, I see Infernug... asshat... :love:
2004-08-05, 02:54 PM
DesertJackal: For kindly giving me Sims expansion packs :)
UncleDynamite: Your dog is wearing a pirate hat = pwn.
2004-08-05, 03:15 PM
I'd beat DesertJackal for doing that
That's like giving someone herpes :sick:
2004-08-05, 03:16 PM
whos desertjackal? :doh:
2004-08-05, 03:17 PM
whos desertjackal? :doh:
Person from IRC... He's something of a big brother to me =/
2004-08-05, 03:20 PM
Person from IRC... He's something of a big brother to me =/
I see...Im not much of an IRC person. I just go there when I dont feel like playing anything or looking at porn.
2004-08-05, 03:21 PM
I see...Im not much of an IRC person. I just go there when I dont feel like playing anything or looking at porn.
So then not very often?
heh oh well... 9 out of 10 times i'm looking at pr0n and talking on IRC at the same time...
Remind me to avoid you in IRC from here on out. :love:
2004-08-05, 04:44 PM
Triggar, my GF saw you sent me love. I must say I enjoy the debates, and look foreward to more.
To everyone else who doesn't post in there... I still love you... kinda.. in a Sputty w/ a kitten kinda way.
2004-08-05, 05:14 PM
Triggar, my GF saw you sent me love. I must say I enjoy the debates, and look foreward to more.
Uh-oh, hope I didn't get you in trouble!
I enjoy the debates as well, I wonder if there'll be a day that me and you see eye-to-eye on something! :lol:
2004-08-05, 05:17 PM
She probably assumed you were a 14 year old boy.
2004-08-05, 05:34 PM
You know, I'm not just a block of morality, here. Does anyone like me not for my morality?
2004-08-05, 05:50 PM
I think your a cool kid... i said that in my post...
2004-08-05, 05:51 PM
FirecrackerNC: He isn't someones Bitch.
Squeeky: Funneh.
Peacemaker: That's a good gun.
Triggar:NIce person
Aztec: His weird/complain qualities astound me
Doop: Your doop
ObFrog: The adventures of DOOP
Frag: British
Jennyboo: Nice
MOderators: Because they have power
Admins: POWER!
Martyr: ooh Guns.
ID: Doom 3
2004-08-05, 11:55 PM
Onizuka/OnizukaSomethingOrOther: Now I know one of you is a Brit, and one of you is a girl... but you're both kick-ass. You're the ninja that randomly posts a dead-on opinion or satirical comment out of NOWHERE. :love:
2004-08-06, 12:02 AM
Onizuka/OnizukaSomethingOrOther: Now I know one of you is a Brit, and one of you is a girl... but you're both kick-ass. You're the ninja that randomly posts a dead-on opinion or satirical comment out of NOWHERE. :love:
Close, the other Onizuka that doesn't post anymore (?) is a female brit. I'm a man, don't let my female avatars fool you. :p
EDIT: I also think colour looks better than color.
2004-08-07, 12:46 AM
You know, I'm not just a block of morality, here. Does anyone like me not for my morality?
That's your claim to fame. Kinda like Neil Patrick Harris's claim to fame was Doogie Howser MD and now he's trying to be something we don't want him to be. Remember when MC Hammer tried to go "thug gangsta" and essentially disappeared off the face of the earth when people said "Screw that"? Remember when Paul Reubens (aka PeeWee Herman) got busted for jacking off in a porn theatre? Despite the fact that every dude IN there was doing the same thing, he got fried because A) he ran a kids show) and B) it's just not acceptable to think about someone like that jerking off.
That'd be like thinking about Captain Kangaroo jackhammering Mister Rogers in the ass with an axe handle while singing "Macho Macho Man". It's not their image and anything outside of that will just ruin it for us.
2004-08-07, 12:50 AM
That's your claim to fame. Kinda like Neil Patrick Harris's claim to fame was Doogie Howser MD and now he's trying to be something we don't want him to be. Remember when MC Hammer tried to go "thug gangsta" and essentially disappeared off the face of the earth when people said "Screw that"? Remember when Paul Reubens (aka PeeWee Herman) got busted for jacking off in a porn theatre? Despite the fact that every dude IN there was doing the same thing, he got fried because A) he ran a kids show) and B) it's just not acceptable to think about someone like that jerking off.
That'd be like thinking about Captain Kangaroo jackhammering Mister Rogers in the ass with an axe handle while singing "Macho Macho Man". It's not their image and anything outside of that will just ruin it for us.
Holy crap :rofl:
2004-08-07, 12:55 AM
Actually I probably could have phrased that better, now I feel dirty.
It's like talking dirty to a nun.
2004-08-07, 01:11 AM
Now he's comparing me to a nun.
Seriously, nobody cares about me, they just think "Future Pope."
2004-08-07, 01:22 AM
No I think of you as someone who needs to get laid, or change your choice of drawers from tighty-whities to something along the lines of boxers or simply commando. The Pope has zero bearing on my life as I am Jewish. ;)
2004-08-07, 05:20 AM
Now he's comparing me to a nun.
Seriously, nobody cares about me, they just think "Future Pope."
No, you'd get caught as an archbishop in the "running" for pope rubbing your penis against some light bulbs.
2004-08-07, 11:29 AM
No, you'd get caught as an archbishop in the "running" for pope rubbing your penis against some light bulbs.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
oh shit, that's hilarious.
I think this is the appropriate time for a song.
"Red Hooded Sweatshirt", by Adam Sandler
My mom bought you when I was just 13,
the brightest red sweatshirt I ever seen.
She got an extra large so I wouldn't grow out,
"That's too big for you!" the other kids would shout.
But we stuck together, we didn't quit,
and now the children say, "What a perfect fit."
I love you sweeeeatshirt
red hooded
dip dip dip
shama lama ding dong
I like to rest my hands in your kangaroo pouch,
it makes them feel comfy like a big soft couch.
And I don't care if the weather's no good,
I say "See you later rain" as I pull up my hood.
Remember that long bus trip when I needed a nap?,
I used you as a pillow on that Spanish lady's lap.
I love you sweeeeatshirt red hooded
dip dip dip sweeeeatshirt
shama lama ding dong
Oh what is it about you that makes me so jolly?,
Is it your fifty cotton or your fifty poly?
I don't knoooooooww
ohh ohh hoo hoo hoo.
Oh red hooded sweatshirt we been through a lot together
like that time I played in that shirts
and skins basketball game and I had to take you off
and throw you in the corner of the gym.
I was midway through the game and then I saw you looking at me.
You were staring as if to say
"Adam, you suck at basketball, you dribble like a damn woman.
" I was so mad I challenged you to a game of one on one
and you know sweatshirt, even though I beat you 11 to 9,
deep in my soul I know you missed those lay-ups on purpose.
You let me win and that why I'll forever feel this way.
I love you sweeeeatshirt
red hooded
dip dip dip
shama lama ding dong
Come on audience members, help me out here.
I love you sweeeeatshirt
red hooded
dip dip dip
shama lama ling dong
I love you sooooooooooo."
2004-08-07, 04:34 PM
I hate each and every one of you with equal abandon.
:lol: :love:
2004-08-07, 04:56 PM
Doop - WTF!?
2004-08-07, 05:31 PM
I think this is the appropriate time for a song.
"Red Hooded Sweatshirt", by Adam Sandler
Weezer - Undone (The Sweater Song)
Matt*: Hey bra', how we doin', man?
Karl**: Alright.
Matt: It's been awhile, man. Life's so rad! This band's my favorite, man. Don'tcha love 'em?
Karl: Yeah.
Matt: Aw, man, do you want beer?
Karl: Alright.
Matt: Aw, man. Wow, bra', this is the best, man. I'm so glad we're all back together and stuff. This is great, man.
Matt: Yeah.
Karl: Hey, do you know about the party after the show?
Matt: Yeah.
Karl: Aw, man, it's gonna be the best. I'm so stoked! Take it easy, bra'.
I'm me, me be
Goddamn, I am
I can, sing and
Here me, know me.
If you want to destroy my sweater
Hold this thread as I walk away.
Mykel***: Hey, what's up?
Matt: Not much.
Mykel: Um... did you hear about the party?
Matt: Yeah.
Mykel: I think I'm going to go, but, um... my friends don't really wanna go. Could I get a ride?
Oh no, it go
It gone, bye-bye...bye
Who I, I think
I sink, and I die.
If you want to destroy my sweater...Woah-ah-woah-ah-woah.
Hold this thread as I walk away... As I walk away.
Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked.
Lying on the floor, lying on the floor
I've come undone.
If you want to destroy my sweater. (I don't want to destroy your tank-top.)
Hold this thread as I walk away. (Let's be friends and just walk away.)
Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked. (Hate to see you lyin' there in your Superman skivvies.)
Lying on the floor, lying on the floor
I've come undone!.....
Woo-ooo-woo (x24)
* Matt Sharp (Bassist)
** Karl Koch (The amazing 5th member of Weezer)
*** Mykel (She runs the fanclub with Carli)
2004-08-07, 06:21 PM
There, I posted, now love me, you cunts.
And Triggar, I need to update my picture, its about a year old and now I look like I'm 8 with a hardcore hairdo.
2004-08-07, 07:32 PM
There, I posted, now love me, you cunts.
2004-08-07, 07:36 PM
2004-08-07, 08:50 PM
3 people at once doesn't qualify you for a party: smiley, odd. 7 at once however... we'll need to discuss in private.
2004-08-07, 08:52 PM
3 people at once doesn't qualify you for a party: smiley, odd. 7 at once however... we'll need to discuss in private.
i'm working on it. ;)
2004-08-07, 09:29 PM
If two are twins is that a plus?
2004-08-08, 01:04 AM
While reading this thread:
it seems Ob's frog has taken to many of those caffinated mints.
2004-08-08, 01:52 AM
Corrosion: You crakz0r skills are unmatched!wurd. :nod:
2004-08-08, 02:04 AM
Zodiac: Your sig pizzowns, your avatar disturbs me.
2004-08-08, 04:27 AM
Credit goes to Sputty on the sig and Uncle D on the avy. Too bad I didn't get the Ge=rynoy Panbts title to complete the set. :lol:
2004-08-09, 11:16 AM
Back on topic...
Squeeky: The only member of PSU (besides CDL lads and ladies) that I'd offer to let stay at our apartment - you break anything, YOU'LL PAY!!
Viper: Your undying devotion flatters me. However you have no chance.
Mini-Mani: You make me feel all broody and it scares me, just like your ninja tactics - I'll hire you to run security detail on my crib when you turn 2 ;)
2004-08-09, 11:21 AM
Squeeky: The only member of PSU (besides CDL lads and ladies) that I'd offer to let stay at our apartment - you break anything, YOU'LL PAY!!
Triggar: The only member of PSU ballsy enough to let me stay at her apartment.
2004-08-09, 11:22 AM
Back on topic...
Squeeky: The only member of PSU (besides CDL lads and ladies) that I'd offer to let stay at our apartment - you break anything, YOU'LL PAY!!
What about me? I'm CDL-ish...
Viper: Your undying devotion flatters me. However you have no chance.
PWNT :love:
and now for more of mine:
Squeeky : :hitit: many many times... squeeky pwns... i'm gonna sechs him at PSUMA :brow:
2004-08-09, 11:24 AM
Maybe I should rethink the room assignments :lol:
oddfish: You had sex with your dreamwoman, and I take full credit somehow. I still want to hear about how it happened, you manwhore :love:
2004-08-09, 11:25 AM
Squeeky : :hitit: many many times... squeeky pwns... i'm gonna sechs him at PSUMA :brow:
$200 for 30 minutes, or $300 for an hour. Call Julio and make an appointment cupcake.
2004-08-09, 11:29 AM
I'd recommend the 1/2 hour session - he starts to get a little pooped after about 40 minutes.
Sobekeus: I don't really know you at all, but you don't make waves around here, and I like that.
2004-08-09, 11:32 AM
Maybe I should rethink the room assignments :lol:
oddfish: You had sex with your dreamwoman, and I take full credit somehow. I still want to hear about how it happened, you manwhore :love:
Speaking of sechs... we needa talk about certain advice when I get home from work triggar... :brow:
$200 for 30 minutes, or $300 for an hour. Call Julio and make an appointment cupcake.
/me shakes massive wad of cash...
2004-08-09, 11:48 AM
:love: to PSU.
2004-08-09, 11:55 AM
I'd recommend the 1/2 hour session - he starts to get a little pooped after about 40 minutes.
How would you know? :lol: :eek:
btw, you still owe me $50 :rolleyes:
2004-08-09, 11:57 AM
Wait... why do I have to pay to give you head? :confused:
2004-08-09, 11:59 AM
Wait... why do I have to pay to give you head? :confused:
Woah there :lol: :lol: :lol:
discuss details in Orlando :brow:
2004-08-09, 12:02 PM
Woah there :lol: :lol: :lol:
discuss details in Orlando :brow:
2004-08-09, 02:44 PM
I'd recommend the 1/2 hour session - he starts to get a little pooped after about 40 minutes.
Sobekeus: I don't really know you at all, but you don't make waves around here, and I like that.
:lol: I made all of my waves back in the OF before I stopped playing...:doh:
2004-08-09, 03:38 PM
Triggar: The only member of PSU ballsy enough to let me stay at her apartment.
I'd let you stay at mine. I take full credit for starting the drive to get you back on PSU after you got beat with the banstick, after someone posted your fapping-brother video.
Squeeky: your ability to find the most inane or far-left-field garbage and turn it into funny videos or threads is a skill that almost no one can match, here or any other place I've seen. And your creativity is impressive, in a world full of tag-along posers and trendy unoriginal no-brainers.
Triggar, If I ever stay with you and martyr, oh and I will some day, I'm sleeping in bed with you guys. Right in the middle of both of you! :brow: ;)
Since no one else will, I'll say something nice about me.
Doop: I like you're name. And I think you're cool.
2004-08-09, 03:47 PM
2004-08-09, 04:11 PM
Since no one else will, I'll say something nice about me.
Doop: I like you're name. And I think you're cool.
You misspelled "your".
2004-08-09, 04:35 PM
ObnoxiousFrog: You truly live up to your name...well the Frog part Im not sure about.
2004-08-09, 05:42 PM
Triggar, If I ever stay with you and martyr, oh and I will some day, I'm sleeping in bed with you guys. Right in the middle of both of you! :brow: ;)
There's plenty of room for three :brow:
Doop/Panzerwhatnow?: Even though you're leaving us, I think you're the little brother of PSU. The one who always wants more apple juice :love:
2004-08-09, 05:47 PM
There's plenty of room for three :brow:
Doop/Panzerwhatnow?: Even though you're leaving us, I think you're the little brother of PSU. The one who always wants more apple juice :love:
1. If theres plenty of room for three, can i sleep with you guys? The couch doesnt look cumfy :(. I smell kinda funny but i sware i wont snore.
2. Now that Doop is gone, we can have more apple dewce! He was a juice hoggin fucker :mad:
2004-08-09, 05:58 PM
No you can't share the bed with Martyr and I - that's mummy and daddy's special "cuddle den".
The couch is wicked comfortable, I pass out on it all the time!
SDM: Seriously, when I have a kid, I will track you down and make you the legal godfather. Teach my kid how to drink and smoke and look up the fucked-up porn. He's gonna do it anyway, might as well get some guidance from Teh Pro!
2004-08-09, 06:04 PM
Can i teach your kid to masturbate? He's gonna do it anyway, might as well learn from the pro right?
Mini-Mani: Small and nimble and bald
Squeeky: PSU's uncle that you're never allowed to sit on his lap, and never allowed to be in the same room with alone. ;)
2004-08-09, 06:10 PM
Ivan: Never quite sure what he will say, but it tends to be funny and fitting.
2004-08-09, 06:12 PM
Ivan and r3d are my sexlords and members of the PSU Badass Club.
2004-08-09, 06:18 PM
Squeeky: Teh Ubar masterbatar.
ObFrog: Fellow card carrying member of the ESTU. That's the Erotic Standardized Testing Union.
2004-08-10, 12:21 PM
Ivan: The Great, The Terrible, The Grape...
Whenever there's shit that needs to be shut down or kept in line with some old-fashioned mod-ability, you're there to pimp slap us like a nun getting on a rowdy child.
Ivan: The Great, The Terrible, The Grape...
Whenever there's shit that needs to be shut down or kept in line with some old-fashioned mod-ability, you're there to pimp slap us like a nun getting on a rowdy child.
Then I take you to the Rectory. :brow: :p
2004-08-10, 12:23 PM
Then I take you to the Rectory. :brow: :p
wait that was you?
What can I say? I like to dress up as a nun sometimes. :cool:
2004-08-10, 12:34 PM
I dressed up as a nun for Halloween once. I was attending a private Catholic boys' school in Seattle. The only religious figures we had as teachers were all male, we didn't have nuns there. They didn't find it funny, especially in light of the fact that I was Jewish.
But what they really didn't find funny was that I wasn't wearing anything under the costume, so it was either be sent home for a day (and admit that they had no sense of humor to paying parents) or allow it.
Ahh. Sometimes it's good to be queen.
2004-08-10, 12:38 PM
I dressed up as a nun for Halloween once. I was attending a private Catholic boys' school in Seattle. The only religious figures we had as teachers were all male, we didn't have nuns there. They didn't find it funny, especially in light of the fact that I was Jewish.
But what they really didn't find funny was that I wasn't wearing anything under the costume, so it was either be sent home for a day (and admit that they had no sense of humor to paying parents) or allow it.
Ahh. Sometimes it's good to be queen.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Anyways, back to the topic of this thread... The ":love:"
FireFly: Cause you made my day at work more enjoyable today.
2004-08-10, 01:21 PM
I dressed up as a nun for Halloween once. I was attending a private Catholic boys' school in Seattle. The only religious figures we had as teachers were all male, we didn't have nuns there. They didn't find it funny, especially in light of the fact that I was Jewish.
But what they really didn't find funny was that I wasn't wearing anything under the costume, so it was either be sent home for a day (and admit that they had no sense of humor to paying parents) or allow it.
Ahh. Sometimes it's good to be queen.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Its stories like that that make you pwn.
2004-08-10, 11:02 PM
Because I said "queen"? ;)
2004-08-10, 11:04 PM
Because I said "queen"? ;)
2004-08-10, 11:10 PM
That's because you're so gay. And that's what I like about you.
Just not in "that" way.
2004-08-11, 12:32 AM
Aztec: Your stories rock.
2004-08-11, 02:05 AM
Firefly, that was classic.
Halloween always produces some great stories.
We brought a kid's GEO metro into the dorm piece by piece last year for halloween. double doors for the win. :D
2004-08-11, 02:56 AM
:huh: :doh: :confused:
2004-08-11, 04:50 PM
Firefly, that was classic.
Halloween always produces some great stories.
We brought a kid's GEO metro into the dorm piece by piece last year for halloween. double doors for the win. :D
That's awesome. We used to take this dude's Geo Tracker on Friday nights and lift it up and carry it to another parking lot. We being a bunch of dudes in my barracks (military dorms?). The guy lived next to me, his nickname was "Fuckstick" when no officers were around. Every weekend he'd get raging riproaring drunk, usually off a bottle of Sunpeak Peach Boone's Farm. He wouldn't remember the last few days, so he could never find his car after that.
Right before I got out of the Army, I was in charge of all the barracks spaces for my battalion. Mainly that meant letting idiots who forgot their key into their rooms, or doing random inspections, checking the public common areas for cleanliness, and handling all maintenance issues or doing repairs etc etc. So I knew the inside and outside of everyone's rooms... and we had this dude who could barely get in his room because it was full of car parts. This fucker had disassembled his car in as many pieces as possible (according to local legend) at his old duty station in Hawai'i, and had the military movers pack it all up so he wouldn't have to spend five thousand dollars to have it shipped back to the States.
We had to round up his commander and get him to provide soldiers to move that shit down to the parking lot, because it was all pretty much against regulations. And the parts were filthy.
2004-08-11, 05:00 PM
I hate most people. It's up to you to decide if you're one of them.
2004-08-11, 05:24 PM
ObFrog you look a decade younger than me but your decades ahead of everyone in your l33t ness.
2004-08-11, 05:27 PM
Bio... your er... a cool kid, sure you get annoyign with all the BH propoganda, but you pwn cause you played EnB.
2004-08-11, 05:29 PM
Bio... your er... a cool kid, sure you get annoyign with all the BH propoganda, but you pwn cause you played EnB.
:lol: yea, Im sick of the propaganda too.
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