View Full Version : to Forum Members
2004-08-04, 07:27 PM
Ive noticed recently that there has been some serious flaming going about the boards and I want it to stop. Because alot of you are cool people but some people who will not be mentioned but you know who you are. Just be more tolerant of other people's threads and opinions and please resist from making an ass out of your self if you are unable to do so then I suggest all of you play a game of "try not to get banned". Seriously, its getting bad and I cant go into a thread without someone bitching or getting in stupid arguements over whos a dumbass. Thanks.
2004-08-04, 07:28 PM
Bio, you're a dumb ass.
:lol: ;) :D :love: for teh Bio.
2004-08-04, 07:33 PM
Bio, you're a dumb ass.
You scared me when you posted in this thread expecting to see a lock, you almost gave me a heart attack when you called me a dumbass. :love:
2004-08-04, 07:34 PM
Huh, I havent seen any flaming. :confused:
You scared me when you posted in this thread expecting to see a lock, you almost gave me a heart attack when you called me a dumbass. :love:
I Doom 3'ed your sorry ass! :D
2004-08-04, 07:35 PM
I Doom 3'ed your sorry ass! :D
lock plz. :(
2004-08-04, 07:38 PM
the only people who cause problems are emotionally disturbed newcomers. such as Disconnecting with his idiotic Mac OS banter.
the only people who cause problems are emotionally disturbed newcomers. such as Disconnecting with his idiotic Mac OS banter.
I think posts like that are what Bio is talking about... :rolleyes:
lock plz. :(
Lock? Why? All I meant was that I scared you...
2004-08-04, 07:51 PM
Me and frag played Doom online earlier. He pwned me. One funny thing was when i got the beserk thing and one-hit-KO'd him with the torch :rofl:
But yeah, he pwned me.
2004-08-04, 08:12 PM
It's just one thread, some of the veterans here are just as much to blame as some of the newcomers however.
2004-08-04, 08:21 PM
I haven't seen much, if any, flaming going on in the past few weeks. Not since the last big episode.
It's just one thread, some of the veterans here are just as much to blame as some of the newcomers however.
:nod: I don't want his great community to turn into one of those elitist communities. There are far too many of those. Remember, just because you've been here long does not make you "cooler" or your post better than anyone else's.
And please for the baby kitten's sake, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. It's a lot easyer to just not reply then make a dumb assitude reply.
2004-08-04, 08:29 PM
:nod: I don't want his great community to turn into one of those elitist communities. There are far too many of those. Remember, just because you've been here long does not make you "cooler" or your post better than anyone else's.
And please for the baby kitten's sake, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. It's a lot easyer to just not reply then make a dumb assitude reply.
Quoth the Ivan I adore. ;)
(Quoted for truth)
2004-08-04, 09:49 PM
Yes everyone, for the sake of my baby kitten (who is sick with an ear infection and can't meow, earning her the nickname 'Squeeky' after one of her godfathers), be nice!!
I encourage you to spam the "Be Nice" thread, it's good karma disguised as the "reply" button.
Give the kitty some chicken soup...
/me goes to make some chicken soup.
2004-08-05, 02:00 AM
:nod: I don't want his great community to turn into one of those elitist communities. There are far too many of those. Remember, just because you've been here long does not make you "cooler" or your post better than anyone else's.
And please for the baby kitten's sake, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. It's a lot easyer to just not reply then make a dumb assitude reply.
teh Ivan speaks the truth
2004-08-05, 07:32 AM
Are we up to Flame Wars: Episode IV: The Tek Strikes Back yet? Or did we get to The Return of the Dhark? I havent kept track...
2004-08-05, 07:35 AM
No no no... its Episode IV: A New Grope
2004-08-05, 07:41 AM
You sure?
2004-08-05, 07:48 AM
episode V is the Tek Strikes Back
2004-08-05, 08:50 AM
Get well Trig's kitten :scared:
2004-08-05, 09:02 AM
Yes everyone, for the sake of my baby kitten (who is sick with an ear infection and can't meow, earning her the nickname 'Squeeky' after one of her godfathers), be nice!!
I encourage you to spam the "Be Nice" thread, it's good karma disguised as the "reply" button.
HAHA... squeeky is a godfather? who's the other?
2004-08-05, 09:51 AM
Isis has many goddaddies:
oddfish so she turns out funny, SDM-xors so she turns out weird and funny, Infernus so she turns out bold, Teh Brits (Frag, Lartnev, Kalta) so she calls me "Mummy", Squeeky, and Aztec so she can get morality instilled in her!
2004-08-05, 09:57 AM
Yar BOLD...
At school the nun calls me a bold, brazen article and threatens to hit my knuckles with her ruler...
2004-08-05, 10:03 AM
Teh Brits (Frag, Lartnev, Kalta)
2004-08-05, 10:04 AM
poor hezzy... atleast I remember you.. :love:
2004-08-05, 12:10 PM
Isis has many goddaddies:
oddfish so she turns out funny, SDM-xors so she turns out weird and funny, Infernus so she turns out bold, Teh Brits (Frag, Lartnev, Kalta) so she calls me "Mummy", Squeeky, and Aztec so she can get morality instilled in her!
:eek: :eek: :eek: :huh: :huh: :huh: :lol:
2004-08-05, 12:13 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :huh: :huh: :huh: :lol:
HAHAHAHA.. yea... trig I think its morality OR squeeky... not both at once...
2004-08-05, 12:39 PM
Yar BOLD...
At school the nun calls me a bold, brazen article and threatens to hit my knuckles with her ruler...
If she tries to hit my Infernus Ill have her wacked. Im Italian....I can make it happen...
(and yes belive the sterotype all Italians are involved in the mafia some were or another :P)
2004-08-05, 12:47 PM
If she tries to hit my Infernus Ill have her wacked. Im Italian....I can make it happen...
(and yes belive the sterotype all Italians are involved in the mafia some were or another :P)
You mean they aren't? My uncle's family is just special I guess... I mean Uncle Tony is rich, has the harsh south philly Italian accent (you needa hear it... its truely annoying), and has a father that talks all muffled like...
2004-08-05, 12:49 PM
No I mean they are.
2004-08-05, 12:52 PM
No I mean they are.
HAHHAHA YES WE ARE... Now kiss my rings bitch...
2004-08-05, 01:21 PM
I'm Sicilian, I don't knock (many) people off.
2004-08-05, 01:24 PM
I'm Sicilian, I don't knock (many) people off.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
its funny and I completely forgot to tell you... my grandmother is sicilian, and she was over our house a few weeks ago when she noticed the PSUMA packet envelopes... She immeadiatly picked out your name to be Italian and when I said "Yea, she's Sicilian I think" she mentioned that she knew people (in the old country) with a name like yours...
2004-08-05, 01:28 PM
I'm Sicilian, I don't knock (many) people off.
2004-08-05, 02:53 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
its funny and I completely forgot to tell you... my grandmother is sicilian, and she was over our house a few weeks ago when she noticed the PSUMA packet envelopes... She immeadiatly picked out your name to be Italian and when I said "Yea, she's Sicilian I think" she mentioned that she knew people (in the old country) with a name like yours...
Yeah only the tip of a massive familial iceberg is in the United States - most of my family is in either Montedoro, Sicily or in Calabria, 'cause we're sweet like that.
2004-08-05, 03:04 PM
Sicily is such a nice place... I can't wait to go back (eventually, I hope...) for vacation on the Mediterranian...
2004-08-05, 03:13 PM
Let's go when Martyr and I graduate college - my family would love to have us :)
2004-08-05, 03:16 PM
Let's go when Martyr and I graduate college - my family would love to have us :)
Are you making an offer? Cause I'll take ya up on it...
2004-08-05, 03:17 PM
I'm Sicilian, I don't knock (many) people off.
cool. my family is from Naples. Apparently they were bakers or something.
2004-08-05, 03:23 PM
Are you making an offer? Cause I'll take ya up on it...
What a double entrende...:brow:
2004-08-05, 03:25 PM
Double what now?
and I'm only asking that cause she said "Let's" as in let us, as in together, as in a group...
2004-08-05, 03:43 PM
If we try real hard,Trig, we might be able to get the kitty to call you 'Mumsy', if you'd prefer, though no promises.
2004-08-05, 04:03 PM
Kalta I can pay you $100 to be a live-in nanny if you can make my cat call me "Mumsy"! :lol:
2004-08-05, 04:06 PM
Add on my flight costs and i'm there.
2004-08-05, 04:12 PM
kalta... I'll pay you $100 if you call me mumsy from now on...
2004-08-05, 04:25 PM
I'm Sicilian, I don't knock (many) people off.
No way Triggar! Same here :).
Then again, half the people in my friggin city are sicilian or somewhere near there.
2004-08-05, 04:28 PM
Damn it I wish I knew exaxctly were my familys from...this suck...:(
/me cries
2004-08-05, 04:31 PM
I had a great gran who was Russian..
/prepares for slap � la South Park movie
2004-08-05, 04:38 PM
Add on my flight costs and i'm there.
Oh, and when you get here, don't touch the weapons!
2004-08-05, 05:00 PM
Ive noticed recently that there has been some serious flaming going about the boards and I want it to stop. Because alot of you are cool people but some people who will not be mentioned but you know who you are. Just be more tolerant of other people's threads and opinions and please resist from making an ass out of your self if you are unable to do so then I suggest all of you play a game of "try not to get banned". Seriously, its getting bad and I cant go into a thread without someone bitching or getting in stupid arguements over whos a dumbass. Thanks.
I'm in agreement with Bio and the others on this one .. things have gotten rather rediculous at times .. I realize that happens occasionally. Folks making threads just to prove a point .. gee .. what did you expect? :p
It's just as easy to hit the "next thread" button as it is the "Reply" .. make the wise choice .. don't give 'em the satisfaction. :D
2004-08-05, 09:42 PM
I'm a brit, i've only ever SEEN a real gun twice, let alone touched or learned to use one. I have a BB gun that can smash CD's though...
But that reminds me off a joke. An Irishman, and Englishman and a Scotsman were trying to join the SAS. They all passed all of the physical trials, and it was down to one last test. The leader said to the Englishman, "Inside that room is youre wife. To prove your dedication to us, we need you to pull the trigger right at her head." The Englishmen flat out refuses to do it, saying that his family means more to him than the army ever could.
The scotsman gets told the same. He goes inside the room, only to exit again a minute later, tears in his eyes, saying how he couldnt do it, despite being desperate to join the SAS.
The Irishman is told the same, then walks into the room. For several minutes there is silence, then the number of softs thuds could be heard. He came out a minute later, sweat dripping from his head. "What happened?!" the inspectors asked.
"The damn gun had blanks in it, so i had to beat her to death with the chair!"
2004-08-05, 10:12 PM
2004-08-05, 11:55 PM
2004-08-06, 12:48 AM
Welsh people suck.
Anyway, :lol:
2004-08-06, 08:29 AM
Super quick British history lesson:
Romans Left > lots of realms led by their own Briton king > easy target > Saxons invade fome East, Nords invade from North East, Celts invade from North and West [Scotland and Ireland > The area now known as England = fucked. Gets half taken over Saxons while the rest of the Realms are beating off the other fuckers > Heroic figure, who's name varies in sources but is generally thought to be the man behind the legend of King Arthur unites the country and beats everyone the fuck away > 'Arthur' dies and country degenrates into previous realms > Saxons come back again and rape pillage and burn everything, pushing the Britons into the south east of the country and East to what is now known as Wales [which is was saxonite for 'islanders' or something] and some fled to Brittanny, a colony of what-is-now-England > Group of the fled Britons, Normans most importantly Angles and others come back and win back the country, naming it 'country of the Angles' or "England".
So in short, the Welsh are the original Britons, therefore they pwn. Thats approx 600 years of British history for you [500ad -> 1100] just to explain why Welsh people are cool. Im not really sure what my heritage is, but no doubt it has all been mish-mashed between interbreeding of Saxons, Angles, Normans and Briton.
2004-08-06, 12:42 PM
'country of the Angles'
Great, now I can't get the image of a bunch of 90 degree lines with monacles drinking tea and going "wot wot" out of my head. :(
2004-08-06, 02:14 PM
Actually, i was wrong, i just remembered its 'Land of the Angles'.
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