View Full Version : Official Beta News Thread
2002-11-02, 12:05 AM
Here is all the compiled Beta Updates thus far.
<A target=_blank href="">GameSpy Daily</A> is reporting that 1000 people will be selected for limited beta. Here is a quote
<UL><FONT color=#999999>Sony Online Entertainment announced today that From November 1, to November 8, 1000 people will be chosen to play PlanetSide months before it is opened to the general public.</FONT></UL>Thanks to <A target=_blank href="">GameSpy Daily</A>..
In addition to the Beta starting, Dave Georgeson has also posted a new producers letter. Here is a snippet:
<UL><FONT color=#999999>What a long, strange trip it's been.</FONT></UL>
<UL><FONT color=#999999>As of today, PlanetSide, the world's first true massively multiplayer combat action game, is Internal Beta. (We do bug-stomping on a regular, weekly basis here via our regular weekly playtests, but Internal Beta is essentially a huge frag-fest on the little pests, decimating their ranks and sterilizing them to prevent further off-spring.)</FONT></UL>Click <A target=_blank href="">here</A> to head over.
Well the beta signup is officially <A target=_blank href="">live</A>, here is the press release.
<UL><FONT color=#999999><SPAN class=textbold>Apply for PlanetSide's Open Beta!</SPAN><BR>Just <A class=link target=_blank href="">fill out the beta application</A>, and you could be part of the PlanetSide open beta. The beta application will only be available for one week, so be sure to apply by Friday, November 8.</FONT></UL>Click <A target=_blank href="">here</A> to register for a Station account, and click <A target=_blank href="">here</A> for the beta signup page. Also in related news, Happy birthday to Dave Georgeson, Planetside Producer!
Comments ;) Hope everyone signed up!
2002-11-02, 12:31 AM
oops, lets not forget
:D :D
2002-11-02, 12:38 AM
2002-11-02, 01:32 AM
I wasn't able to get the requirements on time for beta!! Tell me how it is like. I'll probably be more hyped up about it at the released then anyone who played it already. ;)
2002-11-02, 01:53 AM
DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT! I posted the wrong amount of memory my video card has! I said it has 16MB!!! :(:(:(:(:(
Dammit... it meets the requirments! The DxDiag will show it, right? They'll still consider me at least? I mean, they WILL look at DxDiag first? Ugh...
I'm screwj0rd r0yal, aren't I? :mad:
2002-11-02, 02:50 AM
I wouldn't think so Zarp. I doubt they would have asked for it if they didn't want look at it, and Nohimn, there's still plenty of time left to sign up.
I think you'll bot h be alright.
2002-11-02, 11:24 AM
I doubt it will be but, if anything over beta applications relies upon any sort of first come first serve basis, I will be angry.
I can't sign up yet because I'm having errors getting a new station account, plus I can't make myself a new DXdiag until my PC is sorted (I'm on a friend's PC right now, the install of XP is happening as I speak).
I wont be signing up for a few days ...
2002-11-02, 12:47 PM
I highly doubt it would be first come first serve
2002-11-02, 01:28 PM
The key here is to get a wide range of the community to include different PC setups, different age groups, and different reasons for actually wanting to try the beta. This would ensure a greater sampling of the demands on systems and it also will light up any bugs that might occur from conflicts with different hardware/software setups.
I think we all have a good shot. :) Lets sit back and enjoy the anticipation!!! :D
2002-11-02, 01:38 PM
A nice link was posted on PSI about beta testing:
2002-11-02, 04:04 PM
I say anyone signed up to the PSU boards should automatically be a beta tester ;) I've found out that it isn't first come first serve at all, so that gives me a few days ... the PC no longer freezes and I'm getting some impressive 3d mark scores, the second hard drive however doesn't work full stop, I can't take any more PC issues ;)
2002-11-02, 04:53 PM
I just picked up a Ti4600, first purchase in building my new beast.
"Project ph34r"
2002-11-02, 06:56 PM
the 4600 rules... what else are you gonna put in it, hamma?
2002-11-02, 07:08 PM
P4 2.80GHz 1GB/DDR RAM
on an ASUS P4PE board
gonna be quite a beast.. buaha
2002-11-02, 09:28 PM
Hamma .. u shoulda gotten an ATI 9700. It's the current Fastest
2002-11-02, 11:26 PM
Isnt that a Radeon?!
2002-11-02, 11:32 PM
GeForce4 Ti 4600 is more then enough. That raedon card maybe "faster" but it can't do everything that the GeForce4 can do. Atleast not, as good.
2002-11-03, 12:36 AM
ATI sux, imo. I've had nothing but problems with the two ATI cards i've owned. (32MB DDR and Radeon 8500)
2002-11-03, 03:16 AM
Yea I prefer to stick with the GF series :)
2002-11-03, 08:48 PM
Can anyone tell me what they put in their beta application? Because well, mine sucked. I forgot to put about half of the things I wanted just because I had to go to the bathroom and when I came back, I forgot them. Oh well all my beta applications are horrible and that's why I NEVER get picked unless it's a stress test.
2002-11-03, 09:08 PM
all i said was, "i am l33t"... i think i'm guaranteed to get in
2002-11-03, 09:33 PM
*Owns a Radeon 9700pro*
I must be lucky, I have no problems with my card at all, everything runs on full detail with high anti-aliasing perfectly. The only problems i've encountered with upgrading were hard drive issues and a dodgy motherboard bios (which has now been sorted).
Just fyi, the new Radeon card can do everything that the GeForce 4 can do, faster ;) The GeForce 4 launched with very few new features and was essentially a beefed up version of the GeForce 3 (unlike the jump from GeForce 1 to 2). ATI have had a lot of time to implement the GeForce 3 and 4's features and then improve them (ATI's anti-aliasing is tops atm). 3d mark shows ATI beating the GeForce wherever it used to have an edge. Some of the new features on the 9700 are simply excessive, going so far as to become the first card to fully support DirectX 9.
*Hugs his Radeon* :cool:
2002-11-03, 10:44 PM
yeah, i know. It's just, i fear buying an ATI again, since i've had MAJOR driver issues/disspointing performance with the last two cards i owned. For example, I had a radeon 32MB, and upgraded to an 8500 (paid about $200), and noticed very little difference. I know the 9700 is much better now, I've just sworn never to buy ati again. sry :rolleyes:
2002-11-04, 10:28 AM
Here's my system:
AMD AthlonXP 2200+ 1.8GHz 266MHz FSB cpu
256MB DDR-RAM(333MHz) PC-2700 memory
Soyo Dragon Ultra mobo
Hercules Gamesound MuseXL soundcard
Hercules/Guilemot 3D Prophet II Ultra 64MB DDR nVidia GeForce2
40GB 7,200 RPM Maxtor HD with 2MB Cache
I probably going to get a 512stick of DDR ram, a better soundcard (like an Audigy or something), UNFORTUNATELY a GeForce4, and a 10,000 RPM Fujitsu/Maxtor with 8MB Cache
2002-11-04, 03:06 PM
I've had very little trouble with my GeForce 2 Intergrated (nForce chipset - boo yah!), but I've had little experience with ATI. My friends have alos had trouble with them, so methinks I'll go Geforce 4...
But I need to shop around first.
2002-11-06, 05:59 AM
I have already planned to rig it all, I can't fail now to start working on the Time Machine...
I didn't get into the EvE Beta... I MUST not fail to get into PS beta if I do I will need to take hostages, besides im a awesome beta tester :)
2002-11-08, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Validuz
Here's my system:
AMD AthlonXP 2200+ 1.8GHz 266MHz FSB cpu
256MB DDR-RAM(333MHz) PC-2700 memory
Soyo Dragon Ultra mobo
Hercules Gamesound MuseXL soundcard
Hercules/Guilemot 3D Prophet II Ultra 64MB DDR nVidia GeForce2
40GB 7,200 RPM Maxtor HD with 2MB Cache
I probably going to get a 512stick of DDR ram, a better soundcard (like an Audigy or something), UNFORTUNATELY a GeForce4, and a 10,000 RPM Fujitsu/Maxtor with 8MB Cache
You better hurry up and get a new video card. That G2 is doing more damage than good.
2002-11-09, 09:28 PM
geforce ti4600 is already out 0f date but i heard nvidia is coming out with a new chipset called the NV30 ?
2002-11-10, 02:51 AM
Indeed they are :D
2002-11-10, 08:59 PM
Actually the main problem with ATI cards was that they had poorly designed drivers but ATI has pretty much worked through these problems. The 9700 pro does consistantly outperform the 4600, though I would wait till the N30 chipset comes out though before you rush to buy one.
*Don't run. You only die tired and with a bullet in your back.*
2002-11-10, 09:02 PM
Unfortunatly there will always be a new toy, only weeks after you buy/build a new PC it is obsolite :p
2002-11-11, 03:42 AM
Yeah really, I build an amd athlon 2200+ with 512 DDR RAM and an nvidia geforce ti4600, I didn't even get a cd burner or dvd player. Now i wish i would have waited and just bought one of the ABS diablo series for less and dvd/cd burner. =(
Speaking of hardware, you guys think i should get some new stuff to run PlanetSide, if so what? (And no GeForce4 or whatever, i don't have 500$ to spend on computer stuff :( )
AthlonXP+ 1.4Ghz
Sound Blaster Live
GeForce2MX400 (yeah i know it sucks :ugh: )
2002-11-11, 07:50 PM
upgrade your ram to 512 atleast... ull need that just for minimun specs... i would go up to 1024 if you can spend it... then maybe get one of the new cards coming out i have read that some of the vid card companies will be coming up with $100 dollar cards that can run doom III at optimal spec so i see no problem why they wouldnt be able to handle planetside... gonna cost u about $350 to do this but should give you a significant boost to your system
*Don't run. You'll only die tired and with a bullet in your back.*
Yeah i knew i would have to buy some ram for PS (and i do mean for PS cause i don't need it for anything else).
As for GPU i want to get a new one but i just don't have the cash to spend on it right now (too many DvDs i want and NGC games :( )
I'll probably get a 256 of ram and check how PS runs then decide.
2002-11-11, 09:41 PM
I'd go with more ram first
Yeah that's what i plan on for now, 1-I'll have min requirements and 2-Cheaper. :D
2002-11-13, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by PRiME
I didn't get into the EvE Beta... I MUST not fail to get into PS beta if I do I will need to take hostages, besides im a awesome beta tester :)
I did get in the EvE Beta but I read my mail 2 hours after they closed it ... :doh:
2002-11-13, 05:11 PM
I got into EVE beta by having friends in high places, but to be honest, the game just didn't suit me. It was an extremely beautiful game, but the whole playstyle and setup just wasn't me.
Hopefully I can grab a spot on PS beta... at least I know my dxdiag file is good and solid... :P
System Information
Time of this report: 11/13/2002, 16:09:27
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600)
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2200+, MMX, 3DNow, ~1807MHz
Memory: 512MB RAM
Display Devices
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce4 Ti 4600
Display Memory: 128.0 MB
Sorry, had to toot my own horn. Just got this computer, and I'm extremely happy with it.
2002-11-13, 07:43 PM
2002-11-15, 01:03 AM
If you want to make this "beta news" thread usefull you should delete all the posts and lock it. That way only staff could post in it and the actuall beta news wouldn't get lost in the spam.
Just a thought.
2002-11-15, 01:56 AM
Who is this CrazyMike n00b and what would he know???
2002-11-15, 02:11 AM
Or we could just unsticky it, and start a new one once Beta starts. Everything in this thread is OFN these days.
:huh: :huh: :huh:
2002-11-15, 08:05 AM
Spam is a bunch of needless info people posted. :p
I dont lock threads just so mods can post in them. Then I would get called a nazi even more. As Unreg said most of the stuff at the beginning of this is old news so I will just unsticky it and create a new beta thread once people get accepted :D
I know what spam is duh but how the hell can you call our posts spam?? It was far from being spam.
2002-11-15, 02:17 PM
Dunno. I dont think it was spam either :D
hey now! dont be bad mouthin' my SPAM!
spam n eggs
spam chili
spam n cheese sandwich
its the other white...uh..and sorta pinkish...with some brown stuff and..uh...meat.
made from 100% real....meat like material...stuff
2002-11-15, 03:31 PM
I just figured since someone stuck it up top they intended it to be official or some shit like that.. just a suggestion. :)
2002-11-15, 04:54 PM
Originally it was hehehe
2002-11-15, 09:40 PM
Pentium 4 1.67 Ghz
640 ram
GeForce 4 Ti 4600!!!!!!!!!!
See you all at general beta!
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