View Full Version : The Terran Republic's CR5 Humility...
2004-08-06, 02:51 PM
Now I know I am only a lowly CR2.4, but I am going to blunt here, since the majority or CR5's don't comprehend the problem behind most engagements on the Emerald server. DEDICATED TR-supporters will also know what I am talking about.
Today I decided that I would make some trouble for the Vanu, so I started attacking their continent of Solsar. For a few minutes I thought we'd be kicked, but the response was unexpected and also beneficial to the TR. Then Ceryshen came under attack so some left, yet we had managed to cripple Seth and hack it with the use of our Continent-Lock. More forces joined us and supported the engagement.
Then, almost an hour after we had been on the cont... some CR5's who also have characters or squads on other empires told us to rally for an attack on Hossin, knowing full well what we wre doing on Solsar. These continuous distractions progressed until we were finally kicked from Solsar, and, the attack immediately on orders of these same CR5s changed to Forseral.
Coincedence? I don't think so. The Chain-of-Command is a serious shambles for most players who like being TR.
Now we at the CDL have a different perspective. On the Emerald server we are only one empire... THE TERRAN REPUBLIC! I know this is only a game, and I know that newbies want to see what the difference between these empires are in terms of weaponry, but this must end now. CR5s are designed to review the world, see the status on continents under siege and then bolster and take charge of these assaults that are appearing worthwhile to continue, and that have been entrenched... not those that are under attack, simply to get their primary-playing empires out of danger.
Devs should enable players three months per-server to review the tech, then force them to choose a side, or you have no business being on the side of the Terran Republic.
2004-08-06, 03:22 PM
2004-08-06, 03:34 PM
Look, hynch... an attack on solsar was NOT going to work in the least. The VS had just gotten done with a large battle against the NC in the south of solsar. This means there are already a bunch of vanu on said continent just looking for more people to shoot at. To take a continent these days, you have to be able to get a foothold. Seth is NOT a good foothold. I know you like to think there's some conspiracy to defeat the TR from within, but aoshi is a smart player... he knows what he's doing. Just because the continent that you are attacking isn't marked as primary, that doesn't mean they're trying to make the TR fail.
2004-08-06, 04:56 PM
I�m going to be rather harsh here because this type of post annoys me. The low down is that you have a game play preference that suits your personal style and you are making excuses to try and justify your choice and legitimize it by blasting others with unfounded accusations.
You prefer one empire per server? Then fine, you play that way and form an outfit of like minded players. But, don�t try and rationalize your position by blasting others that enjoy the variety playing other empires offers. Since all you can do is offer speculation as to things you perceive as problems your posts are nothing more than idealistic propaganda. Keep your opinions to yourself unless you have hard evidence or proof.
Every single multi-empire player I know does not waste time engaging in spying, sabotage, misdirection, or any other lame espionage or clandestine betrayal type activity. Players want to win no matter what team they are on. They want to level their characters, they want to capture bases for CEP, and they want to up their kill counts and improve their proficiency with different empire specific vehicles and weapons.
With the last round of changes for empire incentives it�s obvious the DEV team intends players to play multiple empires and switch sides to help balance the teams numerically. IMHO the goofy �loyalist� notion is only playing one team regardless of the numbers is folly. What happens if you get enough knuckleheads chanting loyalty slogans on the empire with a huge population advantage? There is no honor in stacking teams. Join the team that needs help and do the best you can to create a good and fair fight. You know, like in any good FPS game. And don�t be fooled, just because PS is more than just a standard cut and dry FPS does not mean you can ignore normal FPS etiquette just to suit your loyalist preferences.
One thing that amuses me is the rampant paranoia amongst the �loyalists� after the merger. Morons and bored players have always TKed, blown spawn tubes, blown generators, taken out vehicle pads, issued moronic CR5 Global Commands, etc. Now after the merger these player types got an instant label change from �morons� and �idiots� to �Spies!� and �Traitors!�. This is just flat out paranoia. Besides any �real� spy would not waste time with a 12 hour timer they would just either buy a second account (not much especially if you have a few outfit members willing to chip in a couple of bucks to maintain the �spy� account) or use a series of trial accounts so in no way could any dastardly deed be tracked back to you and your main account. The merger and subsequent multi-empire capabilities did not introduce anything that was previously not possible beforehand.
As someone on the OF mentioned (I�m too lazy to look up who actually said it for proper recognition) but you loyalists need �to wake up and smell the FPS game you are playing�. Meaning simply that there is no war and there are not 3 empires. Got it? It�s a game and there are three teams. The �enemy� is nothing more than a like-minded group of players who happen to wear different uniforms. We are not fighting over different ideologies. We are competing in a game for fun. So play for the team that needs help or that offers the variety that will keep you playing the game and having fun. I don�t want to see players leave out of boredom and I don�t want players to leave because they are constantly facing 2 to 1 odds. I swear the next time I hear a moronic argument like �But I�m a freedom fighter and could never play anything but NC� I�m going to vomit - being gagged by pure stupidity.
2004-08-06, 05:10 PM
I don't really mind people playing on different empires (I do it on Markov but I rarely play over there anyway), I just accept it. It's when they do it just because they're not winning that annoys me.
2004-08-06, 09:02 PM
I have characters on all servers of multiple empires and i see a big problem with tr emerald where i play most. The cr5's always do this to us. we have some 60-65 percent of pop on a continent, taking bases at a decent rate when were half through, here goes the global saying go defend a cont thets being zerged by full force.half our people leave, and all of a sudden, were at 35% losing everything, plus we lose against the zerg we was sent to defend. Happens everyay, i log on at 7am and we have 3 conts, around 10, we have 1 cont, cause of same senario.
I say not to challenge a zerg when your doing good on another cont, kinda trade, especially when we have 28% global pops. If we defend all the time, we get nowhere. apparently the late night crews have better theories since they obtained the 3 conts we had when i logged on :fu:
Cauldron Borne
2004-08-06, 11:56 PM
Ok, I've been a true and through TR-E player since I BOUGHT this game. The CR5's ARE screwing this up. Sorry Cyrus, but you're wrong. The CR5's are being rather stupid. If we are WINNING on a continent, then don't recall. That is stupid. It puts TR in a continuous state of defence and losing.
And seth, for your information, is and EXCELLENT foot hold. It is impossible to foot zerg. It is a Tech Plant. It is DAMN close to a warp gate (offering close gal support) AND the nature of the surrounding terrain makes is a BITCH to get to by tank. The only really GOOD way in is by gal and if you don't drop about three or four gals on that base when it is zerged, yer screw'd. as in 'won't even get in the door' screw'd.
SO: learn what yer talking about before ya talk. The TR-E CR5's have a history of being stupid. There are some good ones, but the majority are stupid, and spam their stupidity. This Stupid Spam makes it hard to follow the good leaders. The stupid CR5's are makeing us lose w/ thier constant calls to fall back...who ever won a war by falling back?
2004-08-07, 12:05 AM
Most CR5s are incapable of doing anything other than ushering forces from smaller battles to one big battle. That's what they are, ushers. They don't really care that a battle is winning, losing, or in a deadlock. They will just yell out "Get off Continent A, we need you on Continent B."
I've seen a CR5 take forces from the LARGER NC battle and then push it for a smaller battle. Happened to me. We were pushing the Vanu off the continent while holding back the TR. However, loudmouth starts yammering and we lose like 10% of our population, turning the tide against the Vanu.
Ironically, the continent I was on had the larger population.
2004-08-07, 12:08 AM
Ok, I've been a true and through TR-E player since I BOUGHT this game. The CR5's ARE screwing this up. Sorry Cyrus, but you're wrong. The CR5's are being rather stupid. If we are WINNING on a continent, then don't recall. That is stupid. It puts TR in a continuous state of defence and losing.
And seth, for your information, is and EXCELLENT foot hold. It is impossible to foot zerg. It is a Tech Plant. It is DAMN close to a warp gate (offering close gal support) AND the nature of the surrounding terrain makes is a BITCH to get to by tank. The only really GOOD way in is by gal and if you don't drop about three or four gals on that base when it is zerged, yer screw'd. as in 'won't even get in the door' screw'd.
SO: learn what yer talking about before ya talk. The TR-E CR5's have a history of being stupid. There are some good ones, but the majority are stupid, and spam their stupidity. This Stupid Spam makes it hard to follow the good leaders. The stupid CR5's are makeing us lose w/ thier constant calls to fall back...who ever won a war by falling back?
You actually expect to win a continent that, at the point of invasion, you only have, AT THE HIGHEST POINT, 20% of the pop? Because that's how it was at Seth. I was with hyncharas through most of that assault.. it was NOT going to work. DO NOT assume to tell me what I do not know.
2004-08-07, 12:51 AM
Oh shut your hole. Cauldron and Hycharus are talking about things they know.
I have seen it too. I've seen NC troops that used to be primarily or completely TR CR5s see what direction we were going in, and log in as TR to global and have us go someplace completely fucking stupid. That costed us the battle and the war on that continent.
So while you two innocent, sheltered fools might believe it doesn't happen, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Pull your heads out of the sand, ostriches.
I used to close my eyes at night when I was a kid, thinking that the monsters under the bed wouldn't get me if I couldn't see them.
Cauldron Borne
2004-08-07, 01:05 AM
Me + a full platoon of un organized SANC TRASH held Seth from an ENTIRE VS zerg for an hour. We then got support and took the cont.....started out with 13% pop. When I loged an hour later w had the whole northern hemisphere and the pop was 55/45 with us at 45...
we were outnumbered....we won....using YOUR (Cyrus) logic we should have lost..... hmmm...... I bet you play NC normally, huh?
*EDIT: I agree with BadAsh's statement. I don't play TR because of the Ideology, but all the same we do seem to be cursed with an unusually high number of idiots in the leadership position...
2004-08-07, 01:35 AM
Maybe you missed the statistics course in high school... but there is a very big difference between 20% and 45%.
2004-08-07, 02:08 AM
I hate posts like this...
I am a TR CR 5, I DO NOT play any other sides, and if I did, I wouldn't be spying and telling otehrs whats going on. I am just going to say the truth about the situation. There is no way EVER that TR would of taken Solsar, yea, we may take Seth but that is the only one we will ever get. We call those people off because we know this before the TR zerg like yourself does. I am not in any way saying that CDL sux because i love Hamma and Mars and they do a good job at what they do. If you guys would just listen to us just sometimes, I would be happy. If we had full 100% listeners and loyal TR for one day, we might just be able to win a few continents. And with that, I am not saying that every CR 5 is is amazing and the best, some are retarded and know nothing about CR 5 but that fancy backpack.
Just try for a day or two to do exactly what CR 5's try and get the TR to do, maybe you'll be suprised.
2004-08-07, 02:54 AM
I wouldn't go so far as to say 'as the CR5's say'... interject a little 'as a select group of the cr5's say' and I'll agree. Some of you really are morons =P. But no.. the zerg needs to wake the fuck up and pay attention to what the world map looks like. Attacking solsar from the north rarely works when there ISN'T ANYONE ON TEH CONTINENT TO DEFEND RIGHT OFF. This time, however, there were a ton of VS just looking for more people to shoot down by Amun.
2004-08-07, 05:29 AM
hear hear hyncharas. If you want to play a different empire you should have to play on a different server.
2004-08-07, 06:58 AM
I will be cr5 soon and i cant wait to see this from their views. Maybe add a little advice from being on the lines lately. Hopefully we can make this better cause it sucks. It makes more people not go with raids and rather run with small groups or alone cause they get tired of leaving a good fight to defend a losing one, rarely do you get to hold off a full poplocked zerg. Most of the time, you already lost a few bases, in the half hour it takes to have equal poplock, they've taken half the cont.
You might get it back after defending and pushing for a few hours. Most common recently after a few hour fight, the other empire gets bored and 3 ways us, almost always pushing tr out first. So there it is, we lost our old one and gave up on one that we had a much better chance of taking. It would be better to let that zerging group spend an hour or two taking your old cont and spend that time spreading like herpes into their property
:trrocks: :vsrocks: :ncsucks: :fu:
2004-08-07, 07:34 AM
how come rants always end up having the longest shelf life?
2004-08-07, 04:04 PM
IMHO the goofy �loyalist� notion is only playing one team regardless of the numbers is folly. What happens if you get enough knuckleheads chanting loyalty slogans on the empire with a huge population advantage? There is no honor in stacking teams. Join the team that needs help and do the best you can to create a good and fair fight.
If one outfit has been with the empire since the beginning, and seen both ups and downs of that empire, how can it be that sticking to that one empire when it goes well and poorly is consitituted as having poor honor?
I'm not here to argue and say that the TR leadership on Emerald sucks, or that all the CR5s need to STFU and do what CDL does. No. I'm just here to say that, right now, TR leadership is in a fluxating state. There are strategies and planning that go into every single decision most CR5s make. If it does not work one time, perhaps a different approach is needed. Or a post mortem needs to be done on that strategy and see if it can be tweeked.
I have noticed that the TR, as a whole, do nothing to prepare continents for invasion. What seems to happen, unless it is highly organized, is that someone globals that a raid is happening and that we will move out at a certain time. Well, all the Galaxies are lined up, a couple Prowlers and some sporatic air cover comes in. They leave without a good support structure in place. No AMSs. No Lodestars. No Marauders. No Skyguards. We attack the first target and take it beautifully while the enemy lies in wait. After capping the base with little resistance, we start to spread ourselves thin by attacking bases that are either too far away or do not make for a good lattice strategy. It is here that the NC and VS get us ALMOST EVERY SINGLE TIME.
As far as my outfit mate Hyncharas said about his system of having the player decide which empire he/she will choose, fagettaboutit. I asked the Devs a question during an AGN Ask the Devs show about this very same subject. They basically said that we don't want to lose money. I fully support the idea of One Empire, One Server ideology, but it will never come to pass.
As to base and continental capturing strategies, you cannot expect success when you only have 20% of your empire in country attacking. Unless reservers are called up immediately after the initial hack goes through, the attack will stall, falter, and eventually whither away. Forward prepping bases also assures us an easy transition into attack mode, but most of the TR still believe that sitting around until the base hack goes completely through will yield them more XP. It will, but you will only gain XP from that one base. Now, which is better? Gaining 2000xp from Seth or gaining and average of 1000xp from each base on Solsar?
2004-08-07, 04:24 PM
I hate posts like this...
I am a TR CR 5, I DO NOT play any other sides, and if I did, I wouldn't be spying and telling otehrs whats going on. I am just going to say the truth about the situation. There is no way EVER that TR would of taken Solsar, yea, we may take Seth but that is the only one we will ever get. We call those people off because we know this before the TR zerg like yourself does. I am not in any way saying that CDL sux because i love Hamma and Mars and they do a good job at what they do. If you guys would just listen to us just sometimes, I would be happy. If we had full 100% listeners and loyal TR for one day, we might just be able to win a few continents. And with that, I am not saying that every CR 5 is is amazing and the best, some are retarded and know nothing about CR 5 but that fancy backpack.
Just try for a day or two to do exactly what CR 5's try and get the TR to do, maybe you'll be suprised.
Well first of all, nobody is saying that all CR5s do it. Just a few. And they do it when they're getting smoked.
And then secondly, I seem to recall more than a few days when the entire continent of Solsar was red. I also seem to recall Amerish and Cyssor being red, which are historically the two most difficult continents to take.
Hmm... so is the issue the TR as a whole, or is it the new flock of leadership? Let's weigh the facts. Fact One - months ago when the good commanders were playing, we were able to take and seize certain so-called "Never-Takeable" continents. Fact Two - it has been done before, and more than once. Fact Three - the TR troops can do it. Fact Four - very few CR5s actually bother to lead beyond saying, "OMG I'll give you pie if you go to Oshur!"
If troops are losing battles, have the balls to admit that certain commanders, if not a majority of them on at the time, are the fucking retards that blow calls. After all - if the zerg is mindless, then the people in control of it are the ones to blame.
At least, that's what my ten years of military leadership training told me. So yeah, either thousands of years of dedicated leadership institutions have been lying, or suddenly CR5s and Planetside have turned the tables and written a new law. Which is it, Oh Mighty CR5s?
Now, I don't mind people having multiple accounts. What I do mind is when someone on NC (I have names, but I'm not going to say.) reads the battle plan being typed in the chat hud by the CR5's (because not eveyone has teamspeak2) and then gets on their Vanu account and tells their CR5's so they can lay a trap for us. This has been happening more and more lately, and despite my warnings to the NC CR5's they continue to be loose with their plans. This may be the NC CR5's fault, but those in question are still jerks for doing what they do. I have to tell you though, it is kind of funny seeing a tank column go through a valley into a mine field and then have VS with AV pop out from behind rocks everywhere, or having a Reaver platoon fly over a mountain only to be met by 15 skyguards. It does get old though, extremely fast at that.
2004-08-07, 04:49 PM
Too many CR5s think like grunts...well like they are supergrunts. Instead of examining the map, they see a hotspot and go 'OOOOO a fight lets call the whole empire to make it bigger'.
I am an NC CR5 on Markov and I just stopped doing anything constructive, it's just not worth the effort it takes...I dont play anymore though, so its moot what I think.
2004-08-07, 04:53 PM
Now, I don't mind people having multiple accounts. What I do mind is when someone on NC (I have names, but I'm not going to say.) reads the battle plan being typed in the chat hud by the CR5's (because not eveyone has teamspeak2) and then gets on their Vanu account and tells their CR5's so they can lay a trap for us. This has been happening more and more lately, and despite my warnings to the NC CR5's they continue to be loose with their plans. This may be the NC CR5's fault, but those in question are still jerks for doing what they do. I have to tell you though, it is kind of funny seeing a tank column go through a valley into a mine field and then have VS with AV pop out from behind rocks everywhere, or having a Reaver platoon fly over a mountain only to be met by 15 skyguards. It does get old though, extremely fast at that.
That's why when you're planning a raid, you do NOT say where it's gonna be until you've started, thus negating the "ambush" factor
2004-08-07, 04:58 PM
Dharkbayne has hit upon a key point.
Another thing you don't do, is broadcast on the forums that you're planning something. Case in point? The supposed massive NC invasion they had planned for Halloween 2003. It was up on the forums for weeks, and when they finally rolled onto the continent they had said they would (yes, we knew when, where, and how), they got the snot beat out of them.
There are probably half a dozen other instances, but they're all moot. You also overlook one other thing.
The Population indicator that every troop has access to. Now you can simply sit back and wait for 7:30pm, 8pm, or 9pm and check the stats for various empire Sanctuaries. When you see the massive spike, you know your wait is over. You simply need to sit back and check the map to see what bases are available, or watch the spike travel from Sanctuary to Continent-X, and you can go shut it down.
Yes, thank the Developers for that one. What sort of dipshit makes killing and zerging easier?? What sort of simpleton makes a game's strategy angles simply disappear?
Cauldron Borne
2004-08-07, 09:59 PM
I bumbed into a PRIME example of CR5 STUPIDITY this afternoon:
We are on Esamir with a 25% pop percentage and are WINNING in the north. Suddenly like avenging angels all the cr5's spam out 'PULL OFF ESAMIR AND GET TO SEARHUS/SOLSAR/WHATEVA THE HELL!'
It was then that I came up with the prime definition of what the VAST (and yes, it is vast) majority of TR-E leadership does:
Every time we're attacking the CR5's tell us to stop. They tell us to defend, which in turn becomes lose. The Terran Republic have never ONCE lost a battle because we lack in skill. We lose because the CR5's tell us to.
And Cyprus: if you ever learned to read whole paragraphs you'd realise that the pop went up from THIRTEEN! PERCENT to forty five percent. WENT UP! did ya get that? went UP! why? because we ingored YOU! and did what was SMART for a change and we won w/o YOUR help.
(P.S.: The population went UP from THIRTEEN to FORTYFIVE percent.)
So, yeah. 9 out of 10 cr5's are complete morons/12 year olds who whine when they don't get there way/idiots
the other 10% get shouted out, which is a shame.
I was playing with my friend on Markov a few days ago and there was this CR5 talking about how it was his first day playing PS because he had bought his account on Ebay. He had been giving bad orders all day and the nubs were actually listening to him. My friend walked over to him and shot him in the head until he died.
2004-08-08, 01:02 AM
maybe cr5's should share a ts account to talk things over more in depth than using command chat. hell i'd be willing to share my server for it
Cauldron Borne
2004-08-08, 01:45 AM
I thought there WAS something like that... only it was Ventrillo....
2004-08-08, 01:45 AM
I bumbed into a PRIME example of CR5 STUPIDITY this afternoon:
We are on Esamir with a 25% pop percentage and are WINNING in the north. Suddenly like avenging angels all the cr5's spam out 'PULL OFF ESAMIR AND GET TO SEARHUS/SOLSAR/WHATEVA THE HELL!'
It was then that I came up with the prime definition of what the VAST (and yes, it is vast) majority of TR-E leadership does:
Every time we're attacking the CR5's tell us to stop. They tell us to defend, which in turn becomes lose. The Terran Republic have never ONCE lost a battle because we lack in skill. We lose because the CR5's tell us to.
And Cyprus: if you ever learned to read whole paragraphs you'd realise that the pop went up from THIRTEEN! PERCENT to forty five percent. WENT UP! did ya get that? went UP! why? because we ingored YOU! and did what was SMART for a change and we won w/o YOUR help.
(P.S.: The population went UP from THIRTEEN to FORTYFIVE percent.)
So, yeah. 9 out of 10 cr5's are complete morons/12 year olds who whine when they don't get there way/idiots
the other 10% get shouted out, which is a shame.
Seeing as you can't even get my name right.. it's obvious who has the problem reading posts. I'm not going to argue with a complete and utter moron / kid.
Cyrus no offense but if your only defense is that he spelled your name wrong, then you have no arguement.
2004-08-08, 03:52 AM
The Terran Republic have never ONCE lost a battle because we lack in skill.
And seth, for your information, is and EXCELLENT foot hold.
Yeah, and Cauldrons arguement is just a bastion of credibility. Besides the obvious complete and total stupidity/arrogance in the first statement which should be painfully obvious to anyone, (sometimes, you just get outplayed, it happens to EVERYONE) I almost wonder if hes ever actually fought at Seth.
2004-08-08, 05:42 AM
Mont is usually the longest battle on Solsar. Seth is merely the thing we have to take out to gain vehicular superiority.
Well at least when I was an NC CR5...
2004-08-08, 08:59 AM
ok first off I'm tired of people moaning and groaning about the CR5's and then sitting back and saying that getting cep is useless try and do something about it, I'm working on getting cep right now it's not like it is all that hard if you do what incomp calls exp whoring
2004-08-08, 09:17 AM
I am in the Enclave.... and all i know, is that we never follow the zerg. We are always ahead of it. We alone... 20-30 of us... have hacked a base, held it, captured it, then waited for reinforcements. Then, we load a gal, raider, or deli, and head out to the next base. Capture that, and the Zerg is there. Thats how it works.
2004-08-08, 09:47 AM
I don't think CR5s are entirely to blame, although the attitude of some of them is baffling at times.
The first thing to consider is communication, and as we know information is ammunition. Someone mentioned earlier that CR5s just follow the hotspots, well in a way that's their best indication that a position needs assistance. People don't tend to report things up the chain of command, mainly because it's a lot easier just to report it on teamspeak to their fellow squadmates.
The second is the amount of control a CR5 actually has, and in general the most he or she can do is direct a zerg by global or continent chat. The fabled commanders list would greatly help with this regard, perhaps even a task system that CR5s can add to and squad/platoon leaders request to carry out. Perhaps it could be scaled so only CR1s see a CR2's task, only CR1s and CR2s can see CR3 tasks etc so it preserves the chain of command.
Yes, but do you know why people don't tell the CR5's anything anymore? Because they never listened in the first place.
2004-08-08, 02:22 PM
Most of them don't have a problem listening when I tell them things.. maybe you shouldn't phrase the tell to resemble and insult.. it general gets you better results. The main reason I don't ever want to get CR5 is because I don't feel like dealing with the zerging idiots.
2004-08-08, 02:26 PM
Just wait till I get CR 5.. bwahahah
2004-08-08, 04:23 PM
I thought there WAS something like that... only it was Ventrillo....
There are several. ULTRA Alliance (TR-Emerald) has one, the CR5 boards that KAAOS runs used to have one... take your pick of several more.
I don't insult them when I tell them, that's just it.
Me: There's a group of 10 mags heading toward us from the south, they have Reaver support.
CR5: That's great, go kill them for me bitch.
Me: They will stop our attack on the tower, we have no armor.
CR5: Fill out the form and I'll send you a lightning.
Me: Go to hell.
This was an actual conversation I had with a CR5. I had never talked to him before this. Five mins later we all got killed and were then yelled at by our COs.
Cauldron Borne
2004-08-08, 11:33 PM
*looks back at past posts* remarks about how the TR are never outplayed DO sound arrogant, my bad. But it SEEMS like the reasons we've been losing as of late are:
1) The CR5's don't support offensives that they themselves didn't order
2) they call us away as soon as another continent is attacked
3) they give tactically suicidal orders that cost us everything (happened this morning...grr)
4) they don't co-ordinate with each other or non-cr5's and constantly give contradicting orders
5) they have a sort of supremacist way of thinking, where everyone who trys to lead and is not a cr5 must be stupid and cannot possibly lead effectivly....(not everyone, but a good part of it)
and Cyrus.... so i added an extra letter to your name. I called you a tree....big shmeal...
And the other guy who wonders if I've ever fought in seth: yes i have, I've been on both ends of an offensive on seth numerous times. I know what happens to a footzerg in that hell-hole. It is a good foot hold, a good line of defence, and a good alamo. It separates the northeast and -west hemispheres of solsar. from it you can get to the two key bases in the north of solsar: mont and hapi. and when you are forced back into Seth as your last line of defence, nothing is harder to get into than Seth when you have good defence at every entrance.
2004-08-09, 01:02 AM
Ok, I've been a true and through TR-E player since I BOUGHT this game. The CR5's ARE screwing this up. Sorry Cyrus, but you're wrong. The CR5's are being rather stupid. If we are WINNING on a continent, then don't recall. That is stupid. It puts TR in a continuous state of defence and losing.
Sometimes it a good idea to recall but not to attack somewhere else. If your a big TR player on emerald then you should know about the a.s.s plan. The tr held those three conts for what? At least two weeks? And that lasted because of recall orders to defend. I know what you mean most of the tr cr5s on emerald suck they say things along these lines: "this is primary blah! this is secondary blah." Most of them dont setup raids and most of the time the tr are just zergin it up running blind. I dont mind pulling off conts to defend but being told to recall to attack somewhere else now thats a different story.
2004-08-09, 01:09 AM
Hmm, TR CR5s, what more can I say :)
Actually, for the most part, command chat has folks honestly debating the ins/outs or attack or defense. For the most part, everyone comes to an agreement before anyone globals. I say for the most part, because during the times I play (usually late night/early morning EST), this is true. I have seen other times of day (prime time and weekends) full of all kinds of crap. From CR5s who are truely children (how anyone would squad with them long enough for them to earn cr5 is a mystery), to arrogant asshats that are full of themselves, yes, we have a lot of problems, but no more than anywhere else (ours are just more noticable).
However, there is no mystery as to how calls are made (at least the ones I have participated in), we simply look at the map, check populations, see who is fighting where, then make a judgement call to keep the offensive alive, or keep a few continents defended (so we don't end up in sanctuary). So far, I it's worked pretty well. But then again, these are the off-hours, while the kids and other idiots are asleep.
I really don't think that it's CR5s, or 4s or any one class of folks that are to blame for anything. Sure we have our share of idiots and folks with the attention span of a hyperactive 5 year-old, however this is the structure that the devs built into the game. It is all we have to work with. I would say, that if your not satisfied with the way the war is going, get to CR5 yourself and fix the problem. No, it's not easy, but it is possible.
Oh, and one note to my other emerald TR CR5s (and this is too just a very, very few of you, and probably wasted here, since most are probably functionally illiterate): If you jump in-game and start global/contall your directions, without consulting anyone, then quickly leave once the fecal matter hits the rotating blade, then please do us all a favor and just STFU, forever. kthksbye.
2004-08-09, 07:35 AM
Agree with kaisan. The late night and up till early morning folks usually do well. Thats where we gain the bases that the early morning cr5's lose. Almost every time we've been forced back to sanc it was around 8-10 am/ eastern time for me
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