View Full Version : Who has Doom 3?
2004-08-07, 12:37 PM
I'm just curious has to how many of you actually have Doom 3. It seems like EVERYONE is talking about this game.
Please use the poll, it's much easier.
2004-08-07, 12:37 PM
Myself, a hardcore mac gamer
2004-08-07, 12:53 PM
Myself, a hardcore mac gamer
Thats an oxymoron :doh:
2004-08-07, 02:12 PM
I have it, but plan to buy it legally.
2004-08-07, 02:14 PM
Played it for about 20 minutes at my Little Brothers... was uninspired.
Just moved eyond this type of game play.
I want the game but I'm not sure it will run on my computer so I'm going to wait until I get my new computer.
2004-08-07, 02:20 PM
Bought it, beat it, had fun. Nothing new or innovative (other then the graphics) but its still alot of fun.
Hate the damn flashlight though, I find it funny that we gained teleportation technology but lost duct tape.
2004-08-07, 02:55 PM
Hate the damn flashlight though, I find it funny that we gained teleportation technology but lost duct tape.
You'll love this (
2004-08-07, 02:56 PM
You'll love this. (Hate the damn flashlight though, I find it funny that we gained teleportation technology but lost duct tape.)
Oops. You bwoke it.
2004-08-07, 02:58 PM
I did :( But all is good again now.
2004-08-07, 03:00 PM
Nope, link still doesn't work.
2004-08-07, 03:51 PM
I have it. I bought it legaly. It was downloading off of bittorrent when my dad found it and closed it. (He dosen't want me to warez.) I was in the store a few hours later and just decided to buy it. I had some extra money burning a hole in my pocket anyway. I am probably almost done with it. Im in delta labs and I am trying to find the main portal. I assume that means the main portal to hell. It has been a great game so far.
Does that duck tape mod work with all guns or just tha machinegun?
2004-08-07, 03:55 PM
I have it. I bought it legaly. It was downloading off of bittorrent when my dad found it and closed it. (He dosen't want me to warez.) I was in the store a few hours later and just decided to buy it. I had some extra money burning a hole in my pocket anyway. I am probably almost done with it. Im in delta labs and I am trying to find the main portal. I assume that means the main portal to hell. It has been a great game so far.
Does that duck tape mod work with all guns or just tha machinegun?
You're about half done.
2004-08-07, 03:57 PM
Sweet. I was hopeing it wasn't almost over. :cool:
2004-08-07, 04:42 PM
No plans to buy it.
EDIT: No plans to warez it either.
2004-08-07, 05:09 PM
I warez'd it, my dad knows all about it and doesn't give a crap.
2004-08-07, 05:19 PM
Can you even run it? If your too poor to buy the game im betting my mac owns you.
2004-08-07, 05:21 PM
The words "Mac" and "Own" don't deserve to be in the same sentence. Unless it has "Doesn't" in it.
2004-08-07, 07:22 PM
"Doesn't the mac fucking OWN?"
(Note for the slow: said to imply a rhetorical question)
2004-08-07, 07:23 PM
(Note for the slow: said to imply a rhetorical answer)
2004-08-07, 07:32 PM
Nope, link still doesn't work.
It does for me....
I'd have to buy/warez the game myself with my own money, and I am too poor/lazy to do that.
2004-08-07, 07:35 PM
I have the game and it scares the living shit out of me.
I'm at the point where I'm in the Alpha Labs trying to find the Bravo team or something. At one point, I heard someone whisper, "help meeee" - I threw my headphones off, screamed bloody murder and ran out of the room, arms flailing. That game is awesomely terrifying.
2004-08-07, 07:53 PM
I have the game and it scares the living shit out of me.
I'm at the point where I'm in the Alpha Labs trying to find the Bravo team or something. At one point, I heard someone whisper, "help meeee" - I threw my headphones off, screamed bloody murder and ran out of the room, arms flailing. That game is awesomely terrifying.
2004-08-07, 07:55 PM
I have the game and it scares the living shit out of me.
I'm at the point where I'm in the Alpha Labs trying to find the Bravo team or something. At one point, I heard someone whisper, "help meeee" - I threw my headphones off, screamed bloody murder and ran out of the room, arms flailing. That game is awesomely terrifying.
your all pussies!
I got to that bathroom part, where you see yourself in the mirror.
...nothing. "damn you can hardly see through this red film :-/" is actually what went through my head. I didnt find it scarry in the LEAST >_<
2004-08-07, 08:02 PM
Just got it. My favorite part so far would have to be the "Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3" arcade game in the lounge area.
2004-08-07, 08:12 PM
Got it
CRTL + ALT + ~ brings up the console
give all = all weapons, health and armor
god = god mode
noclip = no clip
Have fun.
2004-08-07, 08:45 PM
Ha lamer cheats already? Try typing Ctrl + Alt + ~ then doom95
2004-08-07, 08:50 PM
Dude, I thought Doom I sucked, till I played it with the cheats on, and blasted the hell out of everything.
Doom III is just as fun when you can waste the demon hordes. MWAHAHAH Eat this Demon boy!
2004-08-07, 08:53 PM
I love this game, or at least i will, and i do plan on buying it :brow:
2004-08-07, 08:56 PM
after i got the Chainsaw i never used the flashlight again. You just run everywhere with the thing screaming and if something jumps out at you it's bound to get owned. Though, i find that the quicksave button's my new best friend.
2004-08-07, 09:06 PM
My dad actually turned down Doom at Best Buy:
"Doom III's out. Is it any good?"
I say "I've heard good things about it."
"Nah. Half-Life 2's the one to get."
2004-08-07, 09:17 PM
My dad actually turned down Doom at Best Buy:
"Doom III's out. Is it any good?"
I say "I've heard good things about it."
"Nah. Half-Life 2's the one to get."
2004-08-07, 09:19 PM
Birthday present.
(Aug 12)
2004-08-07, 09:21 PM
Cool, my b-day is aug 24.
I Hate Pants
2004-08-07, 09:26 PM
Never been a big Doom fan. I'll probably get HL2 instead.
2004-08-07, 10:39 PM
I'm thoroughly scared right now. I went for a short stroll outside the Mars base in search of the nearest Decompression container and decided to go back to my Marine buddy instead.
2004-08-07, 11:03 PM
i bought it about 20 minuts after best buy opened.
the bathroom part scared the shit out of me considering it was storming and it seemed like lightning struck 2feet outside my window (and then the power went out)
its not very deep (gun n run) but it's atmoshpere is what makes it awsome
my 54 dollers were spent well
2004-08-08, 06:19 AM
There are a few random parts that scare and befuddle the shit out of me -
Like the bathroom part, or that one random part in the HQ I believe where suddenly you can't move and everything goes red. During those random animations you walk into, I always have just a flashlight out, and when I come out of the animation, I've got this beast waiting to murder me and I have .2 seconds to pull out my machine gun and pwn.
That game rules. Half Life 2 should be sweet too, did they decide concretely to release it in September?
2004-08-08, 06:30 AM
I believe those beasts are called Imps, even though they're 6 feet tall.
I've heard some number of sources saying HL2 will be released it September. Fortunately there's actually light in that game.
2004-08-08, 06:58 AM
There are a few random parts that scare and befuddle the shit out of me -
Like the bathroom part, or that one random part in the HQ I believe where suddenly you can't move and everything goes red. During those random animations you walk into, I always have just a flashlight out, and when I come out of the animation, I've got this beast waiting to murder me and I have .2 seconds to pull out my machine gun and pwn.
That game rules. Half Life 2 should be sweet too, did they decide concretely to release it in September?
:ugh: I didnt find that bathroom part scary at all. the scariest things about this game for me have been:
A. Low ammo (having 6 shells, and 30 bullets in my clip)
B. 298321938928392839 monsters on you at once. Zerg rush for teh lose.
2004-08-08, 12:09 PM
I'm waiting for someone to send it to me.
2004-08-08, 12:11 PM
My computer cant run it :lol:
2004-08-08, 01:46 PM
I hate warez people. itll be the downfall of the gaming industry if it gets bad enough. :mad: :mad: :mad:
2004-08-08, 02:06 PM
I hate warez people. itll be the downfall of the gaming industry if it gets bad enough. :mad: :mad: :mad:
No, the downfall of the gaming industry is shitty games. People wouldn't warez games if A. They were easier to buy (I.e. just purchasing a key online and getting to DL the game installer), there are so many times I would've purchased a game instead of warezing, but I just didn't want to walk to the store.
B. Game developers would keep some damn promises for once (I can't remember the last time a game came out on time. If I order a pizza, and they say "30 minutes" and I wait and it comes 3 days later, and the order's wrong, I'm not gonna fucking pay for it)
2004-08-08, 02:11 PM
Couldn't care less about Doom.
Roll on Half Life 2 :D
2004-08-08, 02:40 PM
No, the downfall of the gaming industry is shitty games. People wouldn't warez games if A. They were easier to buy (I.e. just purchasing a key online and getting to DL the game installer), there are so many times I would've purchased a game instead of warezing, but I just didn't want to walk to the store.
B. Game developers would keep some damn promises for once (I can't remember the last time a game came out on time. If I order a pizza, and they say "30 minutes" and I wait and it comes 3 days later, and the order's wrong, I'm not gonna fucking pay for it)
Nice try, but that still doesent give you the right to steal. I think that if I walked into best buy and walked out with a copy and I tried to use the excuses you just listed, the cops wouldent care either way. All the young people out there who grew up on the interweb think everything should be free, and you will be the downfall of the gaming industry.
2004-08-08, 02:46 PM
All the young people out there who grew up on the interweb think everything should be free, and you will be the downfall of the gaming industry.
Exactly, If you want free, get the demo, THEN BUY THE GAME. Games aren't cheap to produce, your "blockbuster" titles cost millions. They dont make profit, You dont get games. Simple.
2004-08-08, 03:10 PM
No, the downfall of the gaming industry is shitty games. People wouldn't warez games if A. They were easier to buy (I.e. just purchasing a key online and getting to DL the game installer), there are so many times I would've purchased a game instead of warezing, but I just didn't want to walk to the store.
B. Game developers would keep some damn promises for once (I can't remember the last time a game came out on time. If I order a pizza, and they say "30 minutes" and I wait and it comes 3 days later, and the order's wrong, I'm not gonna fucking pay for it)Don't kid yourself. The majority of Warezers wouldn't pay for something they can get for free, and you know it. :rolleyes:
I beat it on Veteran, no cheats. I was satisfied with the gameplay. Needed a little more plot/character development to live up to System Shock 2, in my eyes.
The Interactive GUI Textures are *nice*. I expect good things to be done with them in mods and such, defenitely really cool to have a non-obtrusive, beautiful control panel to work cranes, and such, instead of twelve buttons that I walk up to and hit "e" to operate.
Needed a few more psychological scares, and less cheap popout scares. The "babies" hallway scene is a perfect example of what I would have liked more of. Needed a better balance. The game totally failed to push me to the level where I had to stop playing for a while (System Shock 2 did that), and I got jumpy when I saw Resident Evil the first time. I think that says something.
I'm very optimistic for the mod potential. The only multiplayer mod I've heard about thusfar that interests me is Team Fortress. Other then that, I just want to see single player continuations of the story.
2004-08-08, 04:29 PM
I agree with Dhark and Hamma at the same time. If i like a game, i buy it. Simple, even if I had already Downloaded it.
2004-08-08, 04:30 PM
I beat it on Veteran, no cheats. I was satisfied with the gameplay. Needed a little more plot/character development to live up to System Shock 2, in my eyes.
You were expecting a plot? :P~
But I agree, if there's anything that will cause the gaming industry to implode it will be warez.
2004-08-08, 04:35 PM
Warez isn't as big a problem as the publishers make it out to be. BTW, the plot with doom is discovered mainly through the PDAs.
2004-08-08, 04:39 PM
You were expecting a plot? :P~
But I agree, if there's anything that will cause the gaming industry to implode it will be warez.I expected a plot because they advertised a plot. What I got was backstory. :rolleyes:
2004-08-08, 07:20 PM
I'll warez songs to see if I like the feel of the album, then I'll go out and buy the album. I'm not spending $15 on a disc that has a great possibility of sucking ass, except for one song.
Same thing with software. I'll play the demo, but the demo isn't really like playing the game. I want to know the game is going to be worth $60 of my hard-earned dollars before I go out and buy it.
Also, Mr. EarlyDawn, I would like to know more about this "babies hallway". Please PM me with the spoiler, kkthx :)
2004-08-08, 07:42 PM
Warez wont be the downfall of the gaming industry, but it sure will change how it is done...
2004-08-08, 07:49 PM
PC Games need to deliver the goods to compete!
Don't blame pirates for PC game sales decline
By Draginol
Posted Tuesday, July 20, 2004 on Opinionated Techie
Discussion: PC Gaming
This article from "Elf-Inside" about his experiences with games and with Stardock really underscores where the PC game industry needs to go. He has a really good analogy:
When I buy a pizza, I expect to get a pizza. I expect it with the toppings I order, and I expect it to be delivered promptly. By calling Domino's or Papa John's, I've contractually agreed to pay for a pizza when it arrives. But if the deliverman shows up 2 hours late, with cold pizza, with Anchovies instead of Peperoni, then, no, I'm not going to pay for that. The problem with typical game publishers, is they expect you to eat that pizza, and be happy for it. You paid for hot pepperoni, and got cold anchovies, but you have no recourse.
Which is so true. It is also one of the reasons why I think the console market is really starting to eat the PC's lunch. I've been outright hostile to consoles for years but even I find myself starting to buy console games. Why? Because they work out of the box. I don't have to "Wait for the first patch" to play the games.
And PC games have a perfect storm of bad habits:
* First, I am expected to devote hundreds of megabytes to them. Okay, I can live with that.
* But then they expect me to keep the CD in the drive.
* And then I usually have to keep track of a little tiny paper serial number (usually taped to the back of the CD jacket).
* And all that so that I can play a game that needs a couple of patches to play.
And when the PC sales go down, what's the reported reason? Piracy of course. Yea, it's piracy. Sure. In my experience of writing games, it's not pirates ripping us off of our hard earned money, it's been publishers. The tale of Galactic Civilizations is very similar to the tale of Swamp Castle from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
The other developers told me I was daft to write a space based strategy game for OS/2! So I wrote Galactic Civilizations for OS/2. I was a college student back then so I couldn't afford to get it into the stores. So a publisher called Advanced Idea Machines "published" it. They never paid us royalties and disappeared soon after. Since I had no money, I couldn't afford a lawyer at the time.
So I got smart. Stardock would publish the OS/2 sequel Galactic Civilizations II. So we made the game, manufactured the boxes, took care of all the marketing and getting it into the stores. And just to be safe, we had two distributors. One called Micro Central and the other one called Blue Orchards. Both went went out of business owing us hundreds of thousands of dollars.
That particular incident nearly wiped out Stardock.
But no matter, we recovered. We clawed our way back up and made it into the Windows market. We decided to make a Windows version and we decided to work with a well known publisher on it (Strategy First). This time everything would go perfectly...
Well, that was a year and a half ago and we're still waiting for royalty payments on most of their sales. But this time, we had an out -- direct electronic sales. People were able to buy the game directly from us and download the game.
So don't talk to me about piracy. It's not the pirates that have ripped us off of hundreds of thousands in lost royalties. It's been "Real businesses" doing that thank you very much. The position of royalty eating parasite has already been taken.
It's the demographic of people who allegedly do all this pirating that's been paying our bills. People with Internet connections who download games. They pay my salary. They are my overlord now. So I hope you can excuse me if I don't lose sleep at night that some 15 year old might have downloaded my game while some executive at a company (or former company) is sailing on their boat paid for by my hard work. The software pirate can go to jail on a felony, the business executive who doesn't pay royalties gets off the hook.
So yea, tell me again how I need to put some dongle or whatever on my game to keep 15 year olds from pirating? When our contract with publishers forces them to wear a shock collar that I can press a button to shock them if royalties aren't paid on time then we'll talk about forcing customers to deal with massive copy protection. But it's not the pirates I worry about.
I'm sure that Galactic Civilizations is pirated somewhere. But I highly doubt it's pirated in significant quantities. I know it sold over 100,000 copies out there. But people didn't pirate it much. Why? Because we didn't force them to pirate it. We didn't make someone have to create a CD crack so that they could play it on their laptop on the plane where the CD drive is replaced with an extra battery. We didn't make them have to download "patches" to get the game working. The version of Galactic Civilizations that won Editor's Choice Awards from most of the major PC game publications was the 1.0 version out of the box. And we encouraged people to pay their hard earned dollars for the game by giving them value by putting out updates after release. We put out a bunch of free updates that added tons of features. A BonusPak, a free expansion pack. Heck, GalCiv 1.21 is due out this week! You want to fight piracy, don't give people a reason to pirate.
In fairness, the retail version of The Political Machine will have a CD check. However, the electronic version from will not and users of the boxed version will be able to forgo the CD check after January 1, 2005 as part of our compromise with our publisher. A win-win since the main problem with CD checks is losing the CD or damaging it in the long term and it satisfies the publisher's concern over "0 day warez" sites (though it'll still get pirated I'm sure).
I think that's a major reason consoles are starting to really crush the PC game market. People are getting fed up. They're getting a cold pizza and being told to lump it. It doesn't have to bet that way.
For example, The Political Machine comes out in August. We plan to have a free update available for it on the first week that adds some new features and extra goodies. There will be "bug" fixes but they'll likely be bugs no one would run into. And we'll put out updates as regularly as Ubi Soft will let us (unlike with GalCiv, The Political Machine updates have to go through Ubi Soft's outstanding QA department).
We don't do this because we're nice. We do it because it is good business. If the competing technology (consoles) can't be updated with new stuff after release, then you should exploit that advantage. And that means add new features, not use the Internet to supply updates that finish the game!
I'm not against copy protection schemes on the PC because I'm some sort of flower child developer. I'm against them because they're bad business. They discourage people from buying PC games in the first place. Once you make someone have to hunt down a CD crack, you've set them on the path of pirating the whole game and future games.
That's what I hope to see prevent. Make it a no-brainer for someone to purchase games electronically by keeping costs reasonable and make using the games they've purchased easy and convenient. After all, it's their pizza, deliver it to them as they want and they'll support you with future orders.
2004-08-08, 08:02 PM
babies hallway? ?_?
2004-08-08, 08:19 PM
I'll play the demo, but the demo isn't really like playing the game.
Considering most demos cop out and just give you levels from the game I don't see how that's true?
And to use that Draginol guy's analogy of a pizza, warez is like getting a pizza and not paying for it unless you like it and you're a nice person. Most places I get pizzas from tend to ask for payment first and if you don't like it... well you can go see the manager/owner but chances are you just won't visit the same place again. At least games give you testers in the form of demos. His comparison to consoles is also stupid because console games also get warezed, I dread to think how many consoles are chipped in the UK let alone the US.
2004-08-08, 08:21 PM
Also, Mr. EarlyDawn, I would like to know more about this "babies hallway". Please PM me with the spoiler, kkthx :)
I wasn't going to get it, but since Wal*Mart miss-marked it at $19.99 I couldn't resist.
2004-08-08, 08:49 PM
2004-08-08, 09:56 PM
Doom 3 scares the crap out of me .. I'm a wimp when i watch Hamma i plug my ears and sometimes cover my eyes :scared:
2004-08-08, 10:02 PM
The game is great. Been playing it for almost 7 hours straight, if you turn all cheats off and no music its REAL FUCKING FREAKY. So i just set my music to a real low volume but just so i can still hear it. Im shaking horribly and can barely type.
2004-08-08, 10:12 PM
god i want it so bad...
err..not sex the game of course.. :rolleyes:
I'm soo glad I didn't pay full price for this heap of shit.:lol:
Id: "Yeah it's the bestest graphics evar!"
Me: "but you can't see anything"
Id: "Yeah, but if you could, it'd be the bestest graphics evar!"
So at some point will I be able to see wtf is going on? Or should I just save electricity, and play with my monitor shut off?
This game blows, and sucks.:doh:
2004-08-08, 10:19 PM
I'm soo glad I didn't pay full price for this heap of shit.:lol:
Id: "Yeah it's the bestest graphics evar!"
Me: "but you can't see anything"
Id: "Yeah, but if you could, it'd be the bestest graphics evar!"
So at some point will I be able to see wtf is going on? Or should I just save electricity, and play with my monitor shut off?
This game blows, and sucks.:doh:
spit or swallow?
2004-08-08, 10:20 PM
I'm soo glad I didn't pay full price for this heap of shit.:lol:
Id: "Yeah it's the bestest graphics evar!"
Me: "but you can't see anything"
Id: "Yeah, but if you could, it'd be the bestest graphics evar!"
So at some point will I be able to see wtf is going on? Or should I just save electricity, and play with my monitor shut off?
This game blows, and sucks.:doh:
There is pleanty of light in this game to see the beautiful graphics. Not all of the rooms are pitch black. Plus you can always use the flash light to gape at the pretty graphics.
spit or swallow?
This game blows, sucks, and spits.
2004-08-08, 11:04 PM
Dude, wtf cant you see? Your monitor sucks. As I've said before, i turn meh superbright mode on and can see perfectly. Graphically, this game is unmatched. Do you deny it?
Dude, wtf cant you see? Your monitor sucks. As I've said before, i turn meh superbright mode on and can see perfectly. Graphically, this game is unmatched. Do you deny it?
My monitor is fine, the game sucks. Yeah, every third room or so (in that fraction of a second before the lights flicker out) the game looks great.
2004-08-08, 11:22 PM
SDM sux
2004-08-08, 11:37 PM
It's a hall. I don't remember where, somewhere in Alpha Labs or in the EnPro facility, I think. You walk to the entrance to the hall and hear "follow me". Bloody footprints begin to lead you down. Then, something along the lines of "Over here, hurry". You reach the end of the hall, and you hear "THEY TOOK MY BABY", followed by babies crying.
2004-08-09, 12:03 AM
It's a hall. I don't remember where, somewhere in Alpha Labs or in the EnPro facility, I think. You walk to the entrance to the hall and hear "follow me". Bloody footprints begin to lead you down. Then, something along the lines of "Over here, hurry". You reach the end of the hall, and you hear "THEY TOOK MY BABY", followed by babies crying.
That part freaked the fuck out of me, the one part that literally SCARED me was the imp in the tube scare in Delta Labs, and the coolest/creepiest part of the game is when that poor weapons research woman starts crying to you and then her head blows up and a Lost Soul pops out...oops, spoilers.
SDM sux
OK. I know this completely blows everyone's mind, but it's true. I don't like Doom3. Can you believe it!? Someone actually having the unmitigated audacity to NOT like Doom3? I think it's too dark. Yep. TOO DAMN DARK. It goes beyond mood lighting, right into interfereing with me playing the game. I don't think it's fun shooting into blackness. Sue me. Tar and feather me, whatever. I swear I will cut the next muthafugga that posts thier "YOU MUST LOVE DOOM3. DOOM3 IS TEH BEST GAME EVAR. BZZZT. YOU MUST LOVE DOOM3. DOOM3 IS TEH BEST GAME EVAR. BZZZT. YOU MUST LOVE DOOM3. DOOM3 IS TEH BEST GAME EVAR. BZZZT."
You can't make me like it. I refuse. Neener, neener, neener.:P~
So put that in your pipe and smoke it you fanboi followers of Jesus Id Christ in a golf cart freak licking tweezer pulling paint sniffing bricklaying pickledipping sacks of monkeyshit.
2004-08-09, 12:12 AM
That part freaked the fuck out of me, the one part that literally SCARED me was the imp in the tube scare in Delta Labs, and the coolest/creepiest part of the game is when that poor weapons research woman starts crying to you and then her head blows up and a Lost Soul pops out...oops, spoilers.
You mean in the Specimen Examination tube that smacks the glass or whatever? That made me fucking scream at 3 AM in the morning.
2004-08-09, 12:23 AM
You mean in the Specimen Examination tube that smacks the glass or whatever? That made me fucking scream at 3 AM in the morning.
Yeah, I was standing there looking around at whatever was in the tubes, and i went up to the terminal to access the data, and "SCREEEEEEEEE smack smack". Jesus Christ, I mean, the game isnt like frequently scary, but when it is, it sure as fuck WILL scare you.
2004-08-09, 12:43 AM
OK. I know this completely blows everyone's mind, but it's true. I don't like Doom3. Can you believe it!? Someone actually having the unmitigated audacity to NOT like Doom3? I think it's too dark. Yep. TOO DAMN DARK. It goes beyond mood lighting, right into interfereing with me playing the game. I don't think it's fun shooting into blackness. **Rest Snipped**
Theres a gamma option for a reason use it. And remember its only a game no one should get that pissed off over it.
Two parts of doom freaked me out. might be a spoiler
-The part with that imps camber being the only light scoure for this big hallway. And later on when I turned a coner to see a zombie clown with a chainsaw kill me.
2004-08-09, 01:32 AM
That part freaked the fuck out of me, the one part that literally SCARED me was the imp in the tube scare in Delta Labs, and the coolest/creepiest part of the game is when that poor weapons research woman starts crying to you and then her head blows up and a Lost Soul pops out...oops, spoilers.The Stasis scene was cool. Didn't scare me because I recognized it from the trailer, but going to each terminal and reading about the creature in containment really drew me in.
"...can create and control cohesive plasma masses..." :D
Theres a gamma option for a reason use it. And remember its only a game no one should get that pissed off over it.
Two parts of doom freaked me out. might be a spoiler
-The part with that imps camber being the only light scoure for this big hallway. And later on when I turned a coner to see a zombie clown with a chainsaw kill me.
Now I gotta cut you.
I no longer hate this game, I downloaded a mod that straps your flashlight to every gun in your inventory, and adds a little plasma damage to every weapon (not alot, just enough to see kinda a tracer - not overbalanced at all). It's playable now.
It's still real repetitive though, still not worth the hype, and still not worth $50USD, but not a bad time waster.;/gamingfiles/Doom_III/Mods/Weapons
2004-08-11, 09:57 AM
I think it's a great game, one of the best SP campaigns i've played in a while.
2004-08-11, 12:16 PM
I no longer hate this game, I downloaded a mod that straps your flashlight to every gun in your inventory, and adds a little plasma damage to every weapon (not alot, just enough to see kinda a tracer - not overbalanced at all). It's playable now.
It's still real repetitive though, still not worth the hype, and still not worth $50USD, but not a bad time waster.;/gamingfiles/Doom_III/Mods/Weapons
Nice mod, my only complaints really aer that it makes the shotgun too strong by reducing the spread, and the plasma gun is probably infinately powerful because it gets the ROF and (possiblely more) damage than the shotgun, longer range, a bigger clip (than the shotty that is), and you can only run out of ammo if you are a really bad shot who runs around halls shooting at walls.
you can only run out of ammo if you are a really bad shot who runs around halls shooting at walls.
If I ever ran out of ammo, I'd eject the disk and snap it in two. I hate running out of ammo.
I'm still constantly getting assraped my flying heads and all kinds of other crazy shit, so It's a great mod if you suck like me. I don't feel overpowered.
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