* Eine|BFV huggles his friend, Electrofreak
<Electrofreak|EVE> aital, before playtests yeah
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[email protected]) has joined channel #ps-universe
<Electrofreak|EVE> there was 500 ppl in there last time
<Cyberkiller> http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24670
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<Electrofreak|EVE> and when servers go down
* Eine|BFV huggles his friend, Electrofreak, again
<Electrofreak|EVE> thanks eine
<Eine|BFV> np :)
<Cyberkiller> i need a huggle =(
<Electrofreak|EVE> U R 4 TR00 FR13n|)
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[email protected]) has joined channel #ps-universe
<Cyberkiller> Hello, do you mind telling us WTF you are doing trying to hack this little ol' irc server??? we have your information and well yea. piss of ya bloody wanker.
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<Electrofreak|EVE> lol
<Electrofreak|EVE> i was gonna write a script
<Electrofreak|EVE> then i realized it would be too spamtastic
<Cyberkiller> its nto a script
<Cyberkiller> lol
<Electrofreak|EVE> ah
<Electrofreak|EVE> well i saved logs of all the shit
<Cyberkiller> i dotn have the slightest idea how to write scripts
<Cyberkiller> how do i save a log?
<Aital> read the help it explains teh commands
<Aital> 8)
<Eine|BFV> magic for teh win
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[email protected]) has joined channel #ps-universe
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<Electrofreak|EVE> you save everything in your buffer by right clickin channel name, and clickin save as
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<Eine|BFV> | /\/ |) 33 |)
<Electrofreak|EVE> and it saves everything in your channel
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[email protected]) has joined channel #ps-universe
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<Electrofreak|EVE> im getting sick of you
<Electrofreak|EVE> ah damn missed :p
<Cyberkiller> ok
<Aital> saves everything as in teh conversation?
<Cyberkiller> r33t
<Cyberkiller> got it
<Electrofreak|EVE> it saves everything in the IRC chat
<Electrofreak|EVE> as far as you can scroll uo
<Aital> its a log?
<Electrofreak|EVE> at a certain point it stops recording chat
<Electrofreak|EVE> yeah it logs it
<Aital> yea i know
<Electrofreak|EVE> you want to log if its going to be longer than that
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[email protected]) has joined channel #ps-universe
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<Cyberkiller> gawd im gettin heavy traffic on the ZA
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[email protected]) has joined channel #ps-universe
<Cyberkiller> Hello, do you mind telling us WTF you are doing trying to hack this little ol' irc server??? we have your information and well yea. piss of ya bloody wanker.
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<Cyberkiller> what i dotn get is
<Cyberkiller> he is giving away what he is doing
<Aital> maybe he doesnt know what he doing
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[email protected]) has joined channel #ps-universe
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[email protected]) has joined channel #ps-universe
<Aital> its not a new spider is it?
<Cyberkiller> a new wha?
<Aital> thing keeping track of rooms
<Aital> nm
<Cyberkiller> oh
<Cyberkiller> no
<Cyberkiller> its too fast for a spider
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[email protected]) has joined channel #ps-universe
<Aital> maybe its hamma playing peakaboo
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<Cyberkiller> know what woul dbe funny? if this all had somethign to do with www.ilovebees.com
<Aital> on crack
<Cyberkiller> In 2 days this medium will metastasize.
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[email protected]) has joined channel #ps-universe
<Cyberkiller> phase 2 in 2 days
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<Cyberkiller> Electro where r u?
<Aital> what the fuck is that cyber?
<Cyberkiller> in the new halo 2 trailer at the end www.xboxcom changes to www.ilvoebees.com for a second and ges back
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[email protected]) has joined channel #ps-universe
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<Cyberkiller> everyone is thinking its leading up to an early release of halo 2
<Cyberkiller> but noone knoes
<Cyberkiller> knows*
<Aital> i still have my free thingy from my vid card 8)
<Cyberkiller> phase 2 is in 2 days
<Cyberkiller> for?
See him joining/quitting? thats it.