View Full Version : Teamspeak Server Hosts

2004-08-08, 05:11 PM
I'm looking for someplace that can host the BH teamspeak server, as ours has died, so far i've found d few places that host 20 slot server for about $10 a month, Is that a good price, does anyone know of good hosting companies? can i get something like this for free someware?

2004-08-08, 05:16 PM
Too cheap.

2004-08-08, 05:22 PM
too cheap? wada you mean? Oc48 connection, full admin, full codecs, up %99 of the time, it sounds good to me.

2004-08-08, 06:59 PM
I meant you're not going to get that for $10. Atleast I don't think you can.

2004-08-08, 07:10 PM
Send a PM to KIAsan, he did the gruntwork for the BWC teamspeak server and can tell you.

Or.. and this is just a longshot here...

Just do a Google Search for Teamspeak host or something?

2004-08-09, 08:04 AM
too cheap? wada you mean? Oc48 connection, full admin, full codecs, up %99 of the time, it sounds good to me.
It may have all that but for $10? Come on if you want quality, uptime & not be on a overloaded server you will need to spend more than that.

2004-08-09, 08:38 AM
my outfits small so i only have a 10 slot server, i think i pay 6 a month but it runs pretty well. havent exzctly figured out the admin parts yet though. Can set it up but not log in as anyone but anonamous. odd. prolly some password issue. Oh well

2004-08-09, 10:46 AM
Teamspeak comes with directions.

It's called a Tutorial. Recommend you read it.

2004-08-09, 11:32 AM
the client side has a good tutorial, not the server. leaves a lot of guess work. i tried a bunch more things on server options and finally was able to log in as administrator. kinda odd that i had to log in to server with admin password, still be default user, then register myself on there granting myself priveledges. i assumed once i logged in with my superadmin name and password, it would already have been available from the start. oh, well. works good now. Glad i finally gave it another try. i gave up for a while. had brain fart.

2004-08-09, 11:41 AM
I use OSG
Reliable and good quality

2004-08-09, 12:38 PM
I'll host it for $300.00/mo :brow:

2004-08-09, 01:38 PM
How much does a server the size of CDLs cost?

2004-08-09, 01:41 PM
I'll host it for $300.00/mo :brow:

How about a blowjob and some crackers?

2004-08-09, 10:38 PM
Holdouts.com (http://www.holdouts.com) provides good service. $10 a month for a 20 slot server. :D

2004-08-09, 10:43 PM
so...what exactly happened to our ts server anyways?

2004-08-09, 11:14 PM
raven let it run out, but this thread may be in vain becasue he says he's gonna try to get it back up.

BTW were using PS-TS.net right now as a temp quack

2004-08-09, 11:16 PM
so...what exactly happened to our ts server anyways?
I put it in my pants. Now I can't find it. :( Sorry.

2004-08-09, 11:46 PM
raven let it run out, but this thread may be in vain becasue he says he's gonna try to get it back up.

BTW were using PS-TS.net right now as a temp quack
Which sucks, I was like "Dude, where's our outfit's channel?"