View Full Version : Asus ATI Radeon x800 Pro 256mb catalyst problems
2004-08-09, 02:12 PM
Hi all,
I have been using a GeforceFX5800 to play PS and it has worked fine, even with the new 61.77 driver. However my frame rate was poor so invested in a new card, namely the x800 Radeon (above)
Bad Idea! Now PS crashes anytime I get near a fight! Computer freezes and I have to do a hard reboot. Really annoying me now!
Has anyone else has a problem using the latest ATI Catalyst with an x800 card? I know people using an 9800pro with no problems. I changed back to Nvidia card yesterday and game works fine, so I can only assume that PS doesnt like the ati driver OR PS does not support the x800pro card for some reason. I'm no stranger to either computers or PS and can't for the life of me figure this one out. Is the ATI driver support really that bad?
The x800 card works fantastic with all my other games, especially DOOM3, which is outstanding. Great performance from the card in this instance.
Please help as dont want to waste my hard earned cash !! �320 !!
System specs:
Pentium 4 3.06ghz
Asus P4G-8X deluxe motherboard v1006 BIOS (lastest) supports AGP x8
1.5gb DDR RAM
Nvidia GeforceFX5800 128mb (works fine)
Asus ax800pro ATI 256mb (system crashes)
200gb HDD
550watt PSU
2004-08-09, 02:32 PM
The obvious question: Did you get rid of all your Nvidia drivers and install the newest ATi ones?
Play PS on my computer, then bitch about your "poor frame rate" on your 3 GHz, you Spoiled Bitch :p
I hate how I have to be thankful for 15 FPS in an decent-size indoor fight. :mad:
2004-08-09, 03:49 PM
Play PS on my computer then bitch about your "poor frame rate" on your 3 GHz you Spoiled Bitch :p
I hate how I have to be thankful for 15 FPS in an decent-size indoor fight. :mad:
HAHAHA YAY! I'm not the only one!
2004-08-09, 11:19 PM
i have an idea... how about you unplug your monitor.... pull down your pants... and insert it up your ass for all the money you lost wasting on a card that aint that much betta!
Obviouse questions:
Did you uninstall drivers?
Did you have DX9 .c? <== this is a must!!!!111ONE1
Did you install the card right-side-up?
Did you really spend 400 limey bucks on a limey Video Car????////slash
Is your network card too close to your video card? This can cause overheating.
Your network card may be messing with the video card. Does this happen in other games?
Did you add that special code thingy in the planetside_ini_something_wierd.txt? something like "blah blah blah true"
All of those things I want answered.
How bout you stuff that statement up your own ass?
First 3 on every bar set is the geforce 5800 ultra.
Same motherfucking game, and you claim that the 5800 is better?
get your shit straight before posting, plz.
2004-08-09, 11:49 PM
2004-08-09, 11:50 PM
Boomer, kindly STFU if your not going to give worthwhile advice dont show up at all. Tiger i'm personallyy a die hard nvidea fan so my first instinct is to kick the radeon to the curb, but if it works fine for other games i whould try a full scan on the patcher, also make sure all nvidea drivers are removed. FInnaly planetside pays attention to what videocard your using and adjusts accordingly, problem is it doesnt always pick up on it when you change cards, i dont remember exactly what i did to get planetside to recognize my new card but i suffered similar symptoms while trying to troubleshoot a friends machine.
2004-08-10, 12:08 AM
Obviouse questions:
Did you uninstall drivers?
Did you have DX9 .c? <== this is a must!!!!111ONE1
Did you install the card right-side-up?
Did you really spend 400 limey bucks on a limey Video Car????////slash
Is your network card too close to your video card? This can cause overheating.
Your network card may be messing with the video card. Does this happen in other games?
Did you add that special code thingy in the planetside_ini_something_wierd.txt? something like "blah blah blah true"
All of those things I want answered.
1. Seems like a fair question, but I doubt someone wouldn't remove them when they install new hardware.
2. Practically everyone has it.
3. Can't do otherwise with an AGP slot, one way and one way only.
4. ATI are not British, they are a Canadian company.
5. Network cards don't get that hot.
6. Never had that happen to me.
7. That's advanced stuff.
Anyway, to the original thread poster, uninstall your ATI drivers via the windows control panel then add/remove programs, then use driver cleaner ( and clear out everything.
Restart your computer then install the latest catalyst drivers from the ATI driver page (
Restart after the install and enjoy.
Next time, use the tech forum.
2004-08-10, 03:06 PM
Ok, thanks for all the suggestions :) even the crude ones :D
I should have said I already have tried DRIVECLEAN and uninstalling Nvidia drivers.
I will try editing the file to = true
Also, I think you'll find the x800 way outstrips the FX5800 card, and everything else except the x800xt and 6800ultra
Oh, and as for wasting money, don't worry about me I got loads dosh and it was only �304.00 :groovy:
2004-08-10, 03:10 PM
Go in the tech forum on the OF. Theres a compatabiliy issue with both the new ATI and Nvidia card. It has something about how to fix it.
Edit: ok i could be wrong. I swore there was a thread about it haveing compatabiliy issues with the game. Anyone know where it is? or if im wrong?
2004-08-10, 03:40 PM
Thanks, for the reply :)
I could not find anything in the tech forum about how to solve the problem :(
I did however notice on booting up PS that there is now a mention of the following;
To fix freeze issue:
edit "engine3d_options.ini" in the planetside test directory and set "use_managed_vbs" to "true"
Fair enough, BUT i do not have a planetside test directory , so how can this help?
I found the file in my normal PS directory but opened it up and it doesnt have "use_managed_vbs" in it anywhere
Any other ideas on what to do?
2004-08-10, 03:56 PM
Ok, thanks for all the suggestions :) even the crude ones :D
I should have said I already have tried DRIVECLEAN and uninstalling Nvidia drivers.
I will try editing the file to = true
Also, I think you'll find the x800 way outstrips the FX5800 card, and everything else except the x800xt and 6800ultra
Oh, and as for wasting money, don't worry about me I got loads dosh and it was only �304.00 :groovy:
sooooo. My comment was not totally worthless.
You have to add the use_something_vbs true to the text document. Good luck.
oh and doppler.. I never gave stupid advice. I have advice that helped me. (Except for the installing backwards thing. I also bought a card for way too much.)
So, would YOU kindly stfu. At least I gave him advice.
Spee... you just pwned me. I guess the x800 IS dramatically better. Whatever. I just hope you figure out whats wrong.
2004-08-10, 07:54 PM
Did two things to get it working:
1. Installed DirectX 9.0c
2. Installed Windows Service Pack 2
I now have PS running with MAXIMUM detail on everything and still get a minimum frame rate of 60fps :D
Outstanding! I can now recommend this card to anyone as long as you upgrade your software too
Thanks again for all your help.
--TigerWiger CR4.65 BR20 @ 00:51 11th August 2004--
2004-08-11, 08:08 AM
The vbs thing is was a thing tehy said to set to true or add if you had the really bad freeze issues that i had. It didnt solve it but helped for a second(literally added 5 seconds before it locks up lol) from both my experience and people who made threads on the OF. The Devs have since found something and fixed the freeze issue in a patch. 8) unless im mistaken.
2004-08-12, 03:09 PM
Yeah, but I found the issue with my graphics card was; it didnt want to work unless directx9.0c was installed. The AGP x2, x4, x8 were not recognised etc. until then. Very strange indeed but I hope this helps others in similar situation. Buy that new graphics card and don't worry about it not working now :groovy:
2004-08-12, 09:05 PM
Big thanks to BOOMER, cheers mate directx 9.0c worked a treat :groovy:
2004-08-13, 04:28 AM
well now thats its fixed thats good but im an expat so my dad makes alot (wont say) and i would think 3 times b4 gettin a new gfx card like that but it seems to have worked and there have been some issues with alot of new games and the nvidia cards
2004-08-13, 02:59 PM
Hate to be the one to tell you this mate, but you keep thinking then :D cause the 9600XT and GeforceFX5800 cards have their own fair share of problems, particularly in their polygon generating capabilities
If you're happy enough to have an inferior card and dont want to play games on the maximum settings, that's up to you. You're obviously not a hardcore gamer.
Pity, the rest of your machine looks okay
Now go ask daddy for some money for a real graphics card :groovy:
2004-08-14, 01:27 AM
u dont have to be insulting im just stating that u spent alot of money on them but it was worth it it looks and no i dont care about having gfx on max
i do in PS and it works fine with about 25-80 fps (25 in large battles) and my 9600 has never given me problems cept a bit of lagged game play in Doom 3 or UT2004
and when the times comes yah ill probably buy a x800XT or something but they just came out so they r a little expensive so ill get the next one that comes out which should be the same price but will be better such as in memory and core processor clocking speed (x800XT is about 400 mhz and 900 mhz) and my 9600 will be becoming very obsolete
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