View Full Version : Favorite Form of Government
2004-08-11, 03:30 PM
2004-08-11, 03:31 PM
Dictatorships pwn :cool:
2004-08-11, 03:31 PM
republican, stfu.
2004-08-11, 03:33 PM
opps, forgot dictatorship, but despotism is close enough. :groovy:
2004-08-11, 03:35 PM
2004-08-11, 03:42 PM
This thread sucks.
2004-08-11, 04:48 PM
Needs moar ability to view votes.
2004-08-11, 04:50 PM
Monarchy, because I'll be beheaded for treason otherwise ;)
Ok seriously, Republic.
2004-08-11, 04:50 PM
Needs moar moving to Pol Deb
2004-08-11, 04:52 PM
some one's been playing Civilization me thinks... but anyway... Communism for teh win...
2004-08-11, 05:31 PM
What the fuck? Where is my fucking Socialism?! And by the way, no pure forms of governments work. Sorry; no pass Go, no collect $200.
2004-08-11, 05:32 PM
yea I left a few out....and no I havent been playing any Civ games...
2004-08-11, 05:35 PM
Red October
2004-08-11, 06:06 PM
What the fuck? Where is my fucking Socialism?! And by the way, no pure forms of governments work. Sorry; no pass Go, no collect $200.
I prefer DE-Centralized Socialism. Where the Main Gov takes care of defense and trade only and Local Government handles everything else.
2004-08-11, 06:17 PM
No Imperialism?
2004-08-11, 06:18 PM
This thread needs more morality and less eliteism.
Democrazy for teh win.
2004-08-11, 06:20 PM
What the fuck? Where is my fucking Socialism?! And by the way, no pure forms of governments work. Sorry; no pass Go, no collect $200.
2004-08-11, 07:00 PM
Do you need to ask?
2004-08-11, 07:16 PM
A government that governs little, self-reliant hard working people. If not that, then anarchy. :p
2004-08-11, 07:51 PM
How is anarchy a form of government?
2004-08-11, 07:56 PM
How is anarchy a form of government?
well, its more of a lack of government, then form of it. just thought it should be an option.
2004-08-11, 08:17 PM
Anarchy is stupid. Anyone who voted for Anarchy should jump off a bridge.
2004-08-11, 08:25 PM
I would have to go with socialism as well.
2004-08-12, 01:48 AM
republic for teh win :p
2004-08-12, 01:49 AM
Where's constitutional monarchy?(Britain, Canada, Australia use that)
2004-08-12, 01:53 AM
republic for teh win :p
Brace for Sigbot!
2004-08-12, 01:57 AM
Brace for Sigbot!
I was thinking the same thing. :p
2004-08-12, 02:00 AM
I prefer DE-Centralized Socialism. Where the Main Gov takes care of defense and trade only and Local Government handles everything else.
That's called Canada.
2004-08-12, 02:18 AM
Boshevism for teh win!
(Just kidding)
Socialism floats my boat, along with various other fluids that have a greater mass than that of oxygen.
2004-08-12, 02:19 AM
Socialism floats my boat, along with various other fluids that have a greater mass than that of oxygen.
you mean density? :p
2004-08-12, 02:53 AM
Density is derived from mass.
2004-08-12, 02:59 AM
Do the people who said socialism actually support it or are they just joking? I thought socialism went the way of Communism. Hell, socialism practically is communism.
2004-08-12, 03:00 AM
"Favorite form" doesn't mean you want it as your country's economic system. It can mean its just interesting to you.
2004-08-12, 03:03 AM
Good, you scared me for a sec there. :p
2004-08-12, 05:56 AM
Do the people who said socialism actually support it or are they just joking? I thought socialism went the way of Communism. Hell, socialism practically is communism.
Socialism is common throughout the world.
2004-08-12, 05:57 AM
That's called Canada.
Canada is a constitutional Monarchy, with some socialist aspects, like Welfare and Medical systems. Canada is far more federal than some other countries, for example the US. Ottawa(the capital of Canada for all you nubs) affects Provinces far more than Washington affects states.
edit: sorry for double post
Alot of people are asking for types of economy and some even idealogies
Imperialism is an idealogy, not a form of government. Socialism is a type of economy. Communism is Socialism taken to an extreme where leaders set who gets what to be fair, making it a form of government. Socialism is just a type of economy. For example, many democratic countries in Europe have had greatly socialistic economies.
2004-08-12, 06:12 AM
What about Fascism?? :(
2004-08-12, 08:16 AM
the goverment in Heinleins Starship Troopers, you earn the right to vote, and if you dont earn the right to vote, you still pay taxes.
2004-08-12, 12:25 PM
Powerful merit based Oligarchy, with votes for just the highest level positions and restricted to the field the canidate comes from; and positions based on the canidates career (one for military, one for each major industry, ect.)
2004-08-12, 01:20 PM
Now, it is undoubtedly the case that most of those who profess to give us authoritative instruction on this subject distinguish three constitutions, which they designate kingship, aristocracy, democracy. But in my opinion the question might fairly be put to them, whether they name these as being the only ones, or as the best. In either case I think they are wrong. For it is plain that we must regard as the best constitution that which partakes of all these three elements. And this is no mere assertion, but has been proved by the example of Lycurgus, who was the first to construct a constitution�that of Sparta�on this principle. Nor can we admit that these are the only forms: for we have had before now examples of absolute and tyrannical forms of government, which, while differing as widely as possible from kingship, yet appear to have some points of resemblance to it; on which account all absolute rulers falsely assume and use, as far as they can, the title of king. Again there have been many instances of oligarchical governments having in appearance some analogy to aristocracies, which are, if I may say so, as different from them as it is possible to be. The same also holds good about democracy. So then we enumerate six forms of government, --the three commonly spoken of which I have just mentioned, and three more allied forms, I mean despotism, oligarchy and mob-rule. The first of these arises without artificial aid and in the natural order of events. Next to this, and produced from it by the aid of art and adjustment, comes kingship; which degenerating into the evil form allied to it, by which I mean tyranny, both are once more destroyed and aristocracy produced. Again the latter being in the course of nature perverted to oligarchy, and the people passionately avenging the unjust acts of their rulers, democracy comes into existence; which again by its violence and contempt of law becomes sheer mob-rule.
The Greek historian Polybius, after observing the government of Rome, drew up one of the most historicalley proven thoeries on government- called Anacolysis (sp?) or the Cycle of Six Forms. The thoery is that there are 6 TRUE forms of government, from which all other forms grow, and ALL forms are caught in a spiral of degeneration, each one leading to the next.
Monarchy --> Despotism --> Aristocracy --> Oligarchy --> Democracy --> Mob-rule or Anarchy.
A king becomes corrupt and becomes a despot, his power falls and the Aristocrats rise to power. They too become corrupt and become Oligarchs which are overthrown by the masses to become Democracy (or one of its forms) which braks down into Mob-rule do to the people's thirst for newfound 'power'. During the ensuing anarchy a powerful figure rises up and the cycle begins again.
EDIT: Ugh I have NO life.
2004-08-12, 02:16 PM
[...blah blah blah...]
Put the fucking book down.
2004-08-12, 02:20 PM
Put the fucking book down.
Photographic memory + AP History + Roman History = win
2004-08-12, 02:35 PM
:eek: o man inf...all that stuff was on my ancient history exam last year and I dont remember any of it...
all I remember is that Oligarchy and Aristocracy are very similar.
2004-08-12, 02:39 PM
:eek: o man inf...all that stuff was on my ancient history exam last year and I dont remember any of it...
all I remember is that Oligarchy and Aristocracy are very similar.
Pretty much the same...
Aristocracy is the rule by small, elite, high-class group... by anacolisis it degenerates to Oligarchy which is a small, elite, high-class group ruling for their own purposes. Oligarchy is a more exploitive (and thusly, tyranical) form of Aristocracy.
2004-08-12, 02:45 PM
I live in New Jersey Tax breaks for teh win
2004-08-12, 02:49 PM
I live in New Jersey Tax breaks for teh win
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I like governor McGreevy's propaganda commercials on Fox...
2004-08-12, 02:50 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I like governor McGreevy's propaganda commercials on Fox...
Bush gave a 600 hundred dollar tax break. I got roughly a 3400 Tax raise from McGreedy.
2004-08-12, 02:55 PM
But... and I quote the commercials... "Wether your starting a business or growing one... New Jersey is the place for you" Read as: "Have a business that makes good money? Well all that money is mine now... so come, grow fat our ruined treasury."
2004-08-12, 02:58 PM
Well, I might change my mind soon. I'm moving out to Wisconsin got a good job lined up. I'm making less money then I make now. but I'm paying 500 dollars in rent a month for a townhouse. as opposed to the 2500-3000 here. My tax's are going to plummet once I get out there. along with my insurance. It will be a gift from god.
2004-08-12, 03:00 PM
Well, I might change my mind soon. I'm moving out to Wisconsin got a good job lined up. I'm making less money then I make now. but I'm paying 500 dollars in rent a month for a townhouse. as opposed to the 2500-3000 here. My tax's are going to plummet once I get out there. along with my insurance. It will be a gift from god.
Or state legislature...
2004-08-12, 03:01 PM
Or state legislature...
yeah that too.
2004-08-12, 06:24 PM
Well McGreedy is resigning because he had an affair with another man. The truth is he is resigning because this man has a Sexual Harrasment law suit aimed at McGreedy. I don't care if your gay straight or bi this ass cheated on his wife which I think is the lowest thing you can do to another person.
2004-08-12, 06:59 PM
Well McGreedy is resigning because he had an affair with another man. The truth is he is resigning because this man has a Sexual Harrasment law suit aimed at McGreedy. I don't care if your gay straight or bi this ass cheated on his wife which I think is the lowest thing you can do to another person.
HAHA... thats what I found funny as well... at work we were talking about him, on the forums we were talking about him... and then I come home and the announcment is on the news that he's resigning...
2004-08-12, 07:25 PM
HAHA... thats what I found funny as well... at work we were talking about him, on the forums we were talking about him... and then I come home and the announcment is on the news that he's resigning...
Same thing with me. Good stuff. At least he 'fessed up like a man, and didn't pull any crap.
2004-08-12, 07:48 PM
Same thing with me. Good stuff. At least he 'fessed up like a man, and didn't pull any crap.
He is going on and on about he has to resign because of the intolerence of gays. I saw it on the news. the truth is he is in deep shit with the lawsuit on him. The thing that really pisses me off with him is that he is using his lawsuit to say that people are intolerent of homosexuals in office. Like I said I don't care about his sexual orientation I didn't vote for him anyway.
2004-08-12, 08:53 PM
Actual pure Communism is quite good. A pity it's never worked on Earth.
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