View Full Version : not happening yet

2004-08-13, 08:23 PM
i thought it was suppose to happen 5pm pst on friday the 13th...well its not happenin right now :( and its 5:20

2004-08-13, 08:42 PM

2004-08-13, 08:45 PM
i thought it said each weekend night at the same time something was gonna happen. im stuck at work from 6pm-6am all weekend. sux big butts

2004-08-13, 09:13 PM
The final event is on the 16 at 5pm PST or whatever time they quoted. But all weekend will be catastrophic events like earthquakes and meteor showers some of which have already started. They dont happen all the time but happen occasionally.

2004-08-13, 09:27 PM
it will be cool if they made a short movie showing Arauxis get hit by a giant meteor!!!

2004-08-13, 10:03 PM
...and then the entire population being wiped out by a massive wave of destruction eminating from the crash site...

game over man! game over!

2004-08-14, 12:50 AM
i thought a huge monster should come out of searhus's volcano and eat everyone...and then i would knife him and get 10000000k cep and bep :domotwak:

2004-08-14, 01:30 AM
I saw a bunch of meteors go over head and land 100m behind me, made alot of explosions

2004-08-14, 01:40 AM
:D dude i saw a tr get blown away by one...... the best thing i seen all day

2004-08-14, 04:22 AM
It amazes me the things SOE thinks up, like Auraxis breaking up into giant chunks so we can have all kinds of little planets instead of continents, hence eliminating any chance of a Navy expansion.

2004-08-14, 06:49 AM
Not if they discover a water planet :P~

2004-08-14, 08:34 AM
It amazes me the things SOE thinks up, like Auraxis breaking up into giant chunks so we can have all kinds of little planets instead of continents, hence eliminating any chance of a Navy expansion.

Not true at all... we can have a navy expansion... after all, In Starwars the Imperial fleet wasn't called the 'Imperial Gorup-of-spaceships' it was called the Imperial Navy.

2004-08-14, 11:00 AM
i dont understand why you think there cant be a naval expansion, there is water all around the conts so.....

water = posible naval expansion

another idea is if the conts are now there own planet there could be water round the other side of the cont so maybe you could fly around the "planet" and come out the other side ???? that would mean lots of water....

2004-08-14, 12:20 PM
yeah and it opens up for a much cooler kind of navy, a space navy. withc IMO would be far better than surface ships

Cauldron Borne
2004-08-14, 03:20 PM
I just watched THREE magriders get blown away by some freaky ass meteors....

It was funny because all the chat just went silent, and all of a sudden some TR guy types:


in broadcast.....was the funniest shit i saw in a long time.

Haven't seen an earthquake yet, though. ANyone got pictures of these things happening? my screenies get all messed up when i try to post em...