View Full Version : [HIGHBROW CINEMA] Garden State
2004-08-13, 11:21 PM
I saw this movie with my sister tonight at the local Ritz (mostly plays indies and foreign films, they have a coffee house in the lobby), and I must say that I loved it. It's really more of a study and progressive film than a drama or a comedy, but its very serious in parts and very funny in others.
For starters, the film is written and directed by Zack Braff, who also stars as Andrew Longman. Now, the only thing I can say about him is that he plays the white kid from Scrubs, so I really held some skepticism about his competance in basically fronting his first feature film. I must say, he blew me away in every facet of what he did. The writing was both genuine and clever, in the way that it seemed like what normal people would say, and if normal people said something really funny every once and a while. None of it seems strained. The directing also contains lots of different techniques, such as top-corner isometrix shots of an all-white room, "time passing", where the camera focuses on a character while the rest of the scene moves by at lightning speed, and the ever-badass "slow mo sequence which suddenly springs back into real time". The shot locations also seem quaint and very believable (since both I and Braff are from NJ, I can tell you that there really aren't many beautiful places in Newark). As Longman, Braff acts it perfectly. Starting out on lithium and a whole other assortment of anti-depression meds, he is numb to everything around him and is unconcerned in how he answers people. As his meds wear off during his week in Newark, you see him become much more bright and emotive to people while still remaining dislocated from his life up to this point. An excellent performance, without even giving the handicap of being "the white kid from Scrubs".
Natalie Portman plays Samantha, an epileptic and pathological liar whom Andrew befriends at the neurologist, and the other primary character in the film. She is, in a word, "lovable". Not in a bubbly, dollish way, but in the way where what she says kinda makes you smile without shattering the believability of the dialouge. Her and Andrew basically go everywhere during his week in NJ, sometimes accompanied by his old friends from when he still lived in Newark (mainly a frustrated grave digger and a dork who got rich off of "silent Velcro"). Despite the presence of the supporting cast (all of whom are great and add to the film's atmosphere of a real world in suburban NJ), Portman really steals it, with her combo of adorability and emotion, she comes off as the kind of girl you would just love to sit around and talk to, about anything.
All in all, this movie was fantastic, and exceeded the already-high expectations I had set for it (after previews and a few clips on various TV shows), and I would reccomend it to anyone, if they have a semi-arthouse theater nearby that might be playing it.
Frog's Hip Cinema Rating: **** (find something wrong with it, and "lack of explosions and tits" doesn't count)
2004-08-14, 12:00 AM
What about gunfire? Is there anygunfire at all? Maybe tanks?
2004-08-14, 12:15 AM
Obfrog you liberal hippie bastard stfu.....
2004-08-14, 12:17 AM
See AVP, and post in my thread about it
Edit: Just returning the fav Obfrog :D
Obfrog you liberal hippie bastard stfu.....
Umm, yeah. STFU and draw something with paint, you dirty hippy.:D
2004-08-14, 12:40 AM
See AVP, and post in my thread about it
Edit: Just returning the fav Obfrog :D
The primary difference being that your movie sucked, and you dont even need to see it, its suckiness is traveling in the air and can be absorbed via osmosis.
2004-08-14, 12:51 AM
What about gunfire? Is there anygunfire at all? Maybe tanks?^
2004-08-14, 01:03 AM
Isn't Queen Amidala in that... I have the poor girl type-cast...
2004-08-14, 01:05 AM
Isn't Queen Amidala in that... I have the poor girl type-cast...
Believe me, up until this point I had her typecast too, but she completely owns this role...proving once and for all that Lucas is the reason she can't act in the Star Wars films.
2004-08-14, 01:14 AM
So....any tits?
2004-08-14, 01:43 AM
:lol: Ill probably see it this weekend...
2004-08-14, 02:10 AM
Chick flick.
2004-08-14, 02:17 AM
Chick flick.
Everything doesn't have to be balls-out to be good.
2004-08-14, 02:44 AM
Ok folks, I have had it. I've taken all I can stand and I can't stand no more. Every time my TV is on, all that can be seen is effeminate men prancing about, redecorating houses and talking about foreign concepts like "style" and "feng shui." Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, trans-sexual, metrosexual, non sexual; blue, green, and purple-sexual-bogus definitions have taken over the urban and suburban world!
Real men of the world, stand up, scratch your butt, belch, and yell "ENOUGH!" I hereby announce the start of a new offensive in the culture wars, the Retrosexual movement.
The RetroSexual Code:
A Retrosexual does not let neighbors screw up rooms in his house on national TV. A Retrosexual, no matter what the women insists, PAYS FOR THE DATE.
A Retrosexual opens doors for a lady. Even for the ones that fit that term only because they are female.
A Retrosexual DEALS with IT, be it a flat tire, break-in into your home, or a natural disaster, you DEAL WITH IT*Note that "DEAL WITH IT" comes up a lot..
A Retrosexual not only eats red meat, he often kills it himself.
A Retrosexual doesn't worry about living to be 90. It's not how long you live, but how well. If you're 90 years old and still smoking cigars and drinking, I salute you.
A Retrosexual does not use more hair or skin products than a woman. Women have several supermarket aisles of stuff. Retrosexuals need an endcap (possibly 2 endcaps if you include shaving goods.)
A Retrosexual does not dress in clothes from Hot Topic when he's 30 years old.
A Retrosexual should know how to properly kill stuff (or people) if need be. This falls under the "Dealing with IT" portion of The Code.
A Retrosexual watches no TV show with "Queer" in the title.
A Retrosexual should not give up excessive amounts of manliness for women. Some is inevitable, but major re-invention of yourself will only lead to you becoming a froo-froo little puss, and in the long run, she ain't worth it.
A Retrosexual is allowed to seek professional help for major mental stress such as drug/alcohol addiction, death of your entire family in a freak treechipper accident, favorite sports team being moved to a different city, or favorite bird dog expiring, etc. You are NOT allowed to see a shrink because Daddy didn't pay enough attention to you. Daddy was busy DEALING WITH IT. When you screwed up, he DEALT with you.
A Retrosexual will have at least one outfit in his wardrobe designed to conceal himself from prey.
A Retrosexual knows how to tie a Windsor knot when wearing a tie - and ONLY a Windsor knot.
A Retrosexual should have at least one good wound he can brag about getting.
A Retrosexual knows how to use a basic set of tools. If you can't hammer a nail, or drill a straight hole, practice in secret until you can - or be rightfully ridiculed for the wuss you be.
A Retrosexual knows that owning a gun is not a sign that your are riddled with fear, guns are TOOLS and are often essential to DEAL WITH IT. Plus it's just plain fun to shoot.
Crying. There are very few reason that a Retrosexaul may cry, and none of them have to do with TV commercials or soap operas. Sports teams are sometimes a reason to cry, but the preferred method of release is swearing or throwing the remote control. Some reasons a Retrosexual can cry include (but are not limited to) death of a loved one, death of a pet (fish do NOT count as pets), loss of a major body part. Retrosexuals do not cry for movies. They can get a teary lump in their throat under a few notable exceptions, such as when "the guy" heads out to die and save the day or the flag goes up on Suribachi.
A Retrosexual man's favorite movie isn't "Maid in Manhattan" (unless that refers to some foxy French maid sitting in a huge tub of brandy or whiskey), or "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood." Acceptable ones may include any of the Dirty Harry or Nameless Drifter movies (Clint in his better days), Rambo I or II, the Dirty Dozen, The Godfather trilogy, Scarface, The Road Warrior, The Die Hard series, Caddyshack, Rocky I, II, or III, Full Metal Jacket, any James Bond Movie, Raging Bull, Bullitt, any Bruce Lee movie, Apocalypse Now, Goodfellas, Reservior Dogs, Fight Club, etc .
When a Retrosexual is on a crowded bus and or a commuter train, and a pregnant woman, hell, any woman gets on, that retrosexual stands up and offers his seat to that woman, then looks around at the other so-called men still in their seats with a disgusted "you punks" look on his face.
A Retrosexual knows how to say the Pledge properly, and with the correct emphasis and pronunciation. He also knows the words to the Star Spangled Banner.
A Retrosexual will have hobbies and habits his wife and mother do not understand, but that are essential to his manliness, in that they offset the acceptable manliness decline he suffers when married/engaged in a serious healthy relationship - i. e., hunting, boxing, shot putting, shooting, cigars, car maintenance.
A Retrosexual knows how to sharpen his own knives and kitchen utensils.
A Retrosexual man can drive in snow (hell, a blizzard) without sliding all over or driving under 20 mph, without anxiety, and without high-centering his ride on a plow berm.
A Retrosexual man can chop down a tree and make it land where he wants. Wherever it lands is where he damn well wanted it to land.
A Retrosexual will give up his seat on a bus to not only any women but any elderly person or person in military dress (except officers above 2nd Lt) NOTE: The person in military dress may turn down the offer but the Retrosexual man will ALWAYS make the offer to them and thank them for serving their country.
A Retrosexual man doesn't need a contract -- a handshake is good enough. He will always stand by his word even if circumstances change or the other person deceived him.
A Retrosexual man doesn't immediately look to sue someone when he does something stupid and hurts himself. We understand that sometimes in the process of doing things we get hurt and we just DEAL WITH IT!!!!
So is this movie better than Gayniggers From Outer Space?
2004-08-14, 04:17 AM
Chick flick.
So is this movie better than Gayniggers From Outer Space?
omfgIndeed (
2004-08-14, 05:51 AM
that retrosexual thing, its called, for the most part, being a Gentleman, A well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior, according to, though, the other definitions for it i do not agree with, though they are correct. A Gentleman opens doors, offers seats, does not eat so a lady may, has the ability to defend himself and those around him whom need defence, and other such things (IE things that make a man worth of being called a Man) all that other shit, is exactly that, shit.
as for OBs movie, id see it, i like scrubs and SW ep2, go to hell, however, i dought its anywhere around here.
2004-08-14, 06:20 AM
Did anyone see Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind? If so, was it any good?
Back on track, sounds good, shame I've got to wait another month or so before it comes out over here.
2004-08-14, 10:19 AM
amen gohan. amen.
How come every time I look at the title to this thread I see [HEBREW CINEMA]?
I keep wanting to click it and see a trailer for Spiederman, a story of a Jewish superhero named Leonard Spiederman or some shit. Gad, I'm ate up.
I remember this trailer was posted a few weeks ago I believe. I want to see it but I don't think it's playing around here.
Garden State (
And in that thread I said I'd see it. But I'll have to find out where it's playing first.
And speaking of Natalie Portman, I don't and never thought see was a horrid actor. First movie I remember seeing her in was The Professional. This was a great movie. Now that I think about it I think they could make a kick ass sequel to it now that she's older.
The Professional (
that retrosexual thing, its called, for the most part, being a Gentleman, A well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior, according to, though, the other definitions for it i do not agree with, though they are correct. A Gentleman opens doors, offers seats, does not eat so a lady may, has the ability to defend himself and those around him whom need defence, and other such things (IE things that make a man worth of being called a Man) all that other shit, is exactly that, shit.
Go decorate a patio, ya fruit :p
2004-08-14, 11:56 AM
How come every time I look at the title to this thread I see [HEBREW CINEMA]?
I keep wanting to click it and see a trailer for Spiederman, a story of a Jewish superhero named Leonard Spiederman or some shit. Gad, I'm ate up.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2004-08-14, 12:08 PM
Now I know that there are a ton of people here who want to validate thier existance as a man by saying that an indie film is "pussy" or some varient of that, but I think that if you let your psuedo-masculine gaurd down you might actually find a good movie without explosions (which, by the way, there are very few "good" movies by the general definition of "good" that are balls-out action movies).
2004-08-14, 01:41 PM
Why does everyone think of Portman in Star Wars? Her lamest role. First, and best film I've seen her in has to be L�on. (
EDIT: Aaah, Ivan's "The Professional" is L�on! :love:
I think Portman should expand her resume to include more hardcore anal porn.
2004-08-14, 02:19 PM
How come every time I look at the title to this thread I see [HEBREW CINEMA]?
I keep wanting to click it and see a trailer for Spiederman, a story of a Jewish superhero named Leonard Spiederman or some shit. Gad, I'm ate up.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I Need to put on a new pair of pants now omg :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2004-08-14, 04:40 PM
Saying that she's yet to flash much flesh on film for fear of wondering who in the general public would have seen her doodahs, she nonetheless promisingly adds: "You will definitely see more of me than you have before."
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