View Full Version : Rumor or Fact?

2004-08-14, 05:25 PM
I was at my local computer software store last night and the clerk and I were talking about PS. He told me this...

He said that he was reading in a trade magazine...which one I do not know.. I don't think PC Gamer is considered a trade magazine.. but anyway..

He said that PS was on the verge of moving strictly to the newest version of direct x and if your card didnt support it, you'd be SOL. Something about a graphic engine overhaul... He did add that he didn't play PS past his trial which adds even more to the shizznit factor.

I know that Sony's Everquest dev team did a similar move several months back. EQ went to directx v9 only and that many people had to buy new vid cards or they couldnt play.

Can anyone confirm or dissolve this?

Just wondering. Oh, anyone know how to reset the 'block all cookies from this source' list? I blocked a certain cookie and I need it to use the website. Any tips on that? The standard clear cookies/history doesnt work.

2004-08-14, 05:28 PM
First I've heard of it. Sounds unlikely. I think the PS Fanbase moans enough as it is anyway, the DEVs houses would get firebombed... :/

Besides, the DEVs tell the OF 99% of whats happening before anyone else knows, so I'd have something regarding the community that much would've gone straight there. So I think that it must be a rumour.

2004-08-14, 07:13 PM
I think its shizznit.

2004-08-14, 07:55 PM
EverQuest's Dx9 overhaul was nice apart from the funky collision detection :D

Planetside however is in no need of a graphics overhaul, dx9 or not.

2004-08-14, 09:45 PM
yeah a switch to DX9(it already requires DX9 to run, but the DX9 shader model) would kill the game becasue the FPS would go to nill for nearly everyone but people with brand new machines, becasue this is not the average FPS the draw distances are Huge compared to others, it would just not work unless you had somehting >= 9800pro

2004-08-15, 09:48 AM
I asked in an ask the devs shortly after EQ did this and I believe they said they wouldn't be doing it anytime soon

2004-08-15, 10:46 AM
If that was the question I'm thinking of, SmokeJumper replied "Why? Does it need one? Is there something he's not happy about?"

It's silly comparing the two, EQ is 5 years old, it needed an overhaul (well, another one anyway).