View Full Version : Sancs and CC modules

2004-08-19, 02:04 PM
I can understand why we cannot get Core Combat weapons and vehciels at Sanctury but maybe it should alow for modules to be placed at one of the Sanc buildings, this will then give access to CC items.

The concession would be that as long as the faction held the cavern locked where the module came from it would remain active, but if the faction loc failed or the cavern closed the module would disapear.

1) More people would help loc a cavern and there for play in the caverns more.
2) A faction would only have access to the CC items at Sanc if a caveren was locked and open, and would not have ultimate access to these items.

2004-08-19, 03:02 PM
So the idea to not being able to get CC weapons in sanctuary is to install CC moduals to get CC weapons? I don't see a difference except that someone would have to get the moduals every so often which isn't really a difference.

2004-08-19, 03:04 PM
The difference is that the enemy can't take those modules from you.

I think it'd be too easy, modules are a benefit and not a right.