View Full Version : You're going to love this if you liked Dungeon Keeper

2004-08-20, 12:07 AM
Evil Genius.

www.evilplanet.com - Premier fansite.
www.howevilareyou.com - Official site.

Basically, this is very similar to Dungeon Keeper 2; you have all the basic elements of DK2, in a 60's setting. The demo date is set for 30th August. Be sure to take a look at it.

Release date is 28th September for you yanks, 1st October for everyone else. Which is hard to understand, since the company making it is English.

EDIT: Some screenshots: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/evilgenius/screenindex.html

2004-08-20, 12:25 AM
Saw a preview of this way back when, and was interested.

2004-08-20, 12:47 AM
its all about the publishers hezzy, all about those god damned cock sucking, mother fucking publishers...

Ok, I'm calm, dont worry, I'll just leave...

2004-08-20, 02:13 AM
Toss in blood and uber amounts of gore and i will buy.

2004-08-20, 08:18 AM
Toss in blood and uber amounts of gore and i will buy.

How about really violent traps? (Circular saws, anyone?)

2004-08-20, 03:50 PM
I was actually preparing for this to come out a year from now, it's made good progress, time-wise.

Bear in mind this is the same group that did Republic: The Revolution which was regarded as a letdown by many (myself included). I have higher hopes for this one, but I'm weary.