View Full Version : Backstory...
2004-08-22, 05:01 AM
Can anyone tell me the backstory (or lead me to a link with it) of just what the HELL happened to Auraxis? Thanks.
2004-08-22, 05:21 AM
It blew up.
2004-08-22, 07:50 AM
We don't know if it blew up or not.
Auraxis is a construct. It's not a planet.
Auraxis was made by the Ancients while man was trying to figure out how to use a jawbone as a club. Why did they make it?
Well...I have the *real* answer, but the answer being bandied about by your scientists is that the Ancients understood and mastered dimensional travel. By that, I mean that they could move through the onion skin layers of reality, travelling through "what if" realities, until they found the reality they were looking for.
When they found that reality, they went there. Auraxis didn't go along with them, theoretically because it was the vehicle that moved them to that other reality. So when they left, Auraxis got left behind in a "shut-down" mode. It stayed in that mode until Humanity showed up and moved into the caverns. Either through forays into the caverns, or through manipulation of "patterns" stored in the warpgate shunts, mankind triggered some sort of automated systems.
Auraxis is not in shutdown mode any longer. Things might get interesting soon.
The rest is in the Planetside Bending Video tbh.
2004-08-22, 08:42 AM
It blew up.
2004-08-22, 11:03 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And 343 GuiltySpark was the voice.
2004-08-22, 11:38 AM
It blew up.
2004-08-22, 01:46 PM
The rest is in the Planetside Bending Video tbh.
Did anyone else not understand the video? I watched it over and over again, and still can't figure it out. Auraxis broke apart, but we can still go to the continents? And the warpgates to Oshur go where? Can someone please explain?
Cauldron Borne
2004-08-22, 03:44 PM
The contienents we 'transported' to planets that had already been there. But all the other stuff on those planets were moved out of the way, so it looked like they were always there. the Warpgates still work because they warp people back and fourth between themselves, not to a location, but to a 'building' (i.e. the WG's). They communitcate w/ each other for transmitions, like telegraph machines, or WonkaVision (if you've seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, you know what I mean). Apparently they can do it accross large distances.
As for Oshur: it DID blow up... there is no more oshur. Instead the WG's went to another planet, which we now call Oshur, and 'placed' themselves on to the exhisting continents of that planet. Apparently our stuff went there, too. If you notice: the bases on the planet oshur are the same as old oshur, with a few execptions (I think they added two).
MY SPECULATIONS: I think Auraxis' circuits fried and warped all the continents randomly all over the place, instead of to one place, as a whole planet.
MT GUESSES: I think that since the continents were sent to new planets, it gives the Dev's playing room to add more continents, after all, it is unlikely that those planets were all landless before our continents go there, maybe there are other continents on them? Could be another expansion? And now there is the question of space, with an actual reason to have spacecraft. Maybe they'll add orbital platforms, again?
2004-08-22, 04:14 PM
Bear with me, my internet's down, thus I can't play.
As for Oshur: it DID blow up... there is no more oshur. Instead the WG's went to another planet, which we now call Oshur, and 'placed' themselves on to the exhisting continents of that planet. Apparently our stuff went there, too. If you notice: the bases on the planet oshur are the same as old oshur, with a few execptions (I think they added two).
So what about the other continents? Are the bases gone? Why is Oshur different?
I think that since the continents were sent to new planets, it gives the Dev's playing room to add more continents, after all, it is unlikely that those planets were all landless before our continents go there, maybe there are other continents on them? Could be another expansion?
I like that idea. Beats pulling an EQ with "Hey! We're complete morons and we discovered yet another new continent that somehow we were too stipud to find before!"
2004-08-22, 04:17 PM
Great explanation Cauldron.
Though my speculation is different. I feel that Auraxis itself was designed as a sort of first stage experiment on humans. Now the experiment is going into a second stage where the Vanu (yes, I know, far fetched right?) will see what we will do on a solar scale. Hence why every continent is on a different planet.
I'm not exactly sure what the developers have planned. I don't think they will expand the number of continents at this point. I mean we already have a lot of continents at the moment. Actually, it seems like just the right number. Don't think they have any expansion on their to-do list at the moment. At least that's what they said in the Ask the Devs. Well, for all you who wanted sea warfare, I'm sorry to say but that idea is not dead, maybe indeed replaced with space combat. But who knows what's cooking in the developers' minds right now.
Edit: I like me speculation because it just seems so right. I mean look at Auraxis itself. What is the single most thing that we as a race have wanted throughout the ages? Immortality. What is one of the main things we've wanted since the dawn of space flight? The ability to travel long distances in a short amount of time. And here, we have that ability. The warpgates allow us to travel huge distances in no time at all. They also give us immortality. What are the chances of that?
Edit2: So these new planets are also constructs by the Vanu. They could be just simple copies of Auraxis that have one continent instead of another. But I don't really know. Vanu tech is very complex, Auraxis itself was molded after Earth in terms of the surface and the climate, but I believe that Auraxis is much smaller yet still generated the same amount of gravity...which is odd. Who knows? I bet this is a way to slowly introduce the Vanu. Maybe introduce them as an indiginous species, yeknow, like a bunch of roaming, coordinated, uber powerful animals.
Cauldron Borne
2004-08-22, 04:18 PM
No. those continents MOVED! they didn't stay on Auraxis...they moved w/ the warping, seen in the Bending video. I think Oshur was left behind, and since the wg's on oshur moved too, they had to find a place TO move to. They 'landed' on the planet the battle islands were on. In our infinate, and unimaginable wisdom, we named the planet Oshur and gave the island descriptive, yet unimaginative, names.
oops, didn't notice some one posted before me. This post is directed towards the post before yours, Mersault.
2004-08-22, 04:42 PM
Please excuse me, I was in the "slow" class in 1st grade. So how come on there are still battlestats for Oshur?
2004-08-22, 04:45 PM
Because the battle islands are on the planet of Oshur. The battle islands make up the Oshur planet.
Your assumptions assume that the planets were not also constructs of the Vanu. They also assume the the continents are the same ones that had been on Auraxis, and are not dynamic copies of Auraxian continents.
2004-08-23, 01:26 AM
techically we still have the continent of oshur but its broken up in to 4 islands.
2004-08-23, 02:53 AM
CB I think you're high
The continents moved to another planet? That's one HELL of a moving service.
2004-08-23, 06:38 AM
Moved or copied, one of the two.
Cauldron Borne
2004-08-23, 06:21 PM
Aye, the movie implied that. Moved, or copied. I saw moved, because that seems to be what the movie implied more.
2004-08-23, 10:40 PM
Well to fully grasp what is happening. You'll have to see the movie. Read what was said and what happened before the event occured. And you have to read the reports from the individual empires on what happened.
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