View Full Version : Ban the Drama

2004-08-22, 08:38 PM

Ok. Now. I am absolutly fed up with all this bullshit from people who will go unamed. I am sick of the drama that people make out of nothing. Half the reason is that some people in this community are infact ASSHOLES. They enjoy making other people miserable to make them feel more secure about them selfs. Point being..... LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE. Yea a little joke here or there is funny. Pwning someone is funny. But CONSTANTLY doing things to them is very immature and childish. If someone doesnt want you to do something DONT. I mean seriously. This is the kind of shit you learn in KINDERGARDEN. Has anyone here not passed kindergarden? Maybe the reason you do this shit is because in public you get in trouble for doing things like this. If you cant police your self then you are NOT a good person. Thats like saying "I am a good person I dont steal." Then saying "If there was no law I would steal everything I wanted.".

Ok so now to the other end of the spectrum. We have people who are obviously over sensitive and always bitch to everyone about what these person(s) have done to them. I have one word for you.... QUICHURBITCHIN! /ignore or ignore the person outright. I have said it before. If you take so much offence to what a person a thousand miles away you have a serious problem. If you keep bitching about them and dont take any action like /ignore then your an attention whore who is finding his attention craving by getting people to look at his problem.

It does not matter how it started or what was said. But the fact remains. Stop being asshats to eachother. Raggin on someone for fun is ok but if you CONSTANTLY do it and the person wont do anything about it there is a problem. I swear to god if I was an admin here I would be temp banning people for this shit. No one learns and no one gets along. It makes PSU look unfriendly to new people.

I am not going to say I dont do this. I have done it and realised it was wrong. We should all be trying harder to make PSU a nice place to whore. With every Drama incident and every new person turned away from PSU we look more and more like the elietist forums such as TribalWar forums. We DONT want that, and Im pretty sure Hamma would shut down PSU if it was.

Stop being little kids and cease your bickering. If you cant.... well then, I would say ban. But I am not in control so I would go with ignore the guy.


Now before this turns into a flame war.....
:stoppost: :stoppost: :stoppost: :stoppost:

BTW if an Admin could lock this on first sighting that would be cool.

2004-08-22, 08:44 PM

2004-08-22, 08:47 PM


2004-08-22, 08:49 PM
Are you PMS'ing?

2004-08-22, 08:50 PM
Are you PMS'ing?
Yeah, appears to be unproked rage. We don't have any flame wars in sesion :doh:

2004-08-22, 08:50 PM
It happened in IRC.

2004-08-22, 09:03 PM
It happened in IRC.
Where else? That much is kinda obvious. Oh gee, it's also the simple fact that it's ALWAYS in IRC.

2004-08-22, 09:27 PM
*Ivan sets mode: +m


2004-08-22, 09:28 PM
in b4 da lock

2004-08-22, 09:30 PM
in b4 da lock
I ment to not lock the thread. So you lose. I was just hinting to the fact maybe I should just "mute" IRC if people are going to be assholes. :)

2004-08-22, 09:32 PM
Honestly, this forum isn't that bad at all. Everyone is going to have disagreements. And as long as it doesn't get to a certain point, you just have to deal with it.

2004-08-22, 10:09 PM
I agree.

2004-08-22, 10:33 PM
Uh, I haven't seen anything bad happen recently. The only recent thing that comes to mind would be Electro and Squeeky, but they're at PSUMA. If it happened in IRC, then obviously I wasn't around, so anyone want to elaborate?

2004-08-22, 10:35 PM
I wasn't around, so anyone want to elaborate?
No. Please don't, it will only cause problems. Keep it to PMs at least.

2004-08-22, 10:36 PM
Oh, okay then.

2004-08-22, 10:39 PM

Ok. Now. I am absolutly fed up with all this bullshit from people who will go unamed. I am sick of the drama that people make out of nothing. Half the reason is that some people in this community are infact ASSHOLES. They enjoy making other people miserable to make them feel more secure about them selfs. Point being..... LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE. Yea a little joke here or there is funny. Pwning someone is funny. But CONSTANTLY doing things to them is very immature and childish. If someone doesnt want you to do something DONT. I mean seriously. This is the kind of shit you learn in KINDERGARDEN. Has anyone here not passed kindergarden? Maybe the reason you do this shit is because in public you get in trouble for doing things like this. If you cant police your self then you are NOT a good person. Thats like saying "I am a good person I dont steal." Then saying "If there was no law I would steal everything I wanted.".

Ok so now to the other end of the spectrum. We have people who are obviously over sensitive and always bitch to everyone about what these person(s) have done to them. I have one word for you.... QUICHURBITCHIN! /ignore or ignore the person outright. I have said it before. If you take so much offence to what a person a thousand miles away you have a serious problem. If you keep bitching about them and dont take any action like /ignore then your an attention whore who is finding his attention craving by getting people to look at his problem.

It does not matter how it started or what was said. But the fact remains. Stop being asshats to eachother. Raggin on someone for fun is ok but if you CONSTANTLY do it and the person wont do anything about it there is a problem. I swear to god if I was an admin here I would be temp banning people for this shit. No one learns and no one gets along. It makes PSU look unfriendly to new people.

I am not going to say I dont do this. I have done it and realised it was wrong. We should all be trying harder to make PSU a nice place to whore. With every Drama incident and every new person turned away from PSU we look more and more like the elietist forums such as TribalWar forums. We DONT want that, and Im pretty sure Hamma would shut down PSU if it was.

Stop being little kids and cease your bickering. If you cant.... well then, I would say ban. But I am not in control so I would go with ignore the guy.


Now before this turns into a flame war.....
:stoppost: :stoppost: :stoppost: :stoppost:

BTW if an Admin could lock this on first sighting that would be cool.

I have no Idea wtf you're talking about so....

I Hate Pants
2004-08-22, 10:57 PM
OH GOOD! Another forum avenger hear to save the day! Except as usual thier is no flame war gonig on right now.

Whatever happened in IRC obviously didn't come into the forum. So why was this thread made in the first palce?:doh:

2004-08-22, 11:09 PM
See how much drama this thread created? Great job


I almost got banned for saying that.

2004-08-22, 11:11 PM
Oh, the irony

2004-08-22, 11:15 PM
This thread needs more :love:

2004-08-22, 11:16 PM
It Needs More H8

2004-08-22, 11:17 PM
Well it looks like it's time...

*Ivan walks over to the tool box.


2004-08-22, 11:30 PM