View Full Version : Does DL need a nerf?

2004-08-27, 03:57 AM
Well what do you think?

I have played both a cloaker and a grunt extensivly and I dont think DL is overpowered. As a cloaker if I was sneaky, diddn't bother anyone and diddnt get my self any unnesecary attention, DL was almost irrevalent. Sure there is the occational flicker, but I seemed to rarely die from those. The only time I died from darklight was when I gave away a hint of my presence. In that case I should be caught. Alot of cloakers think its overpowered and my only conclusion is that they must suck at cloaking. The cloaker is not supposed to be a grunt killing machine. It is designed to infiltrate, blow gens, back hack bases. Take towers right out from under the defenders noses, hack AMS's and the like. Anyway thats just my 2 cents.

Edit: Gah forgot to click the pole option.

2004-08-27, 04:19 AM
I don't think it needs a nerf so much as it is bland. Needs some kind of new functionality. Something similar to the motion sensor from Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomarrow Merc Multiplayer would be cool. I also had this idea for replacing Darklight..

I think darklight needs a new mechanic behind it. Something more fun. Prehaps, it takes a "snapshot" of the surrounding area, and displays it for you so you can see cloakers.

However, if any cloaker is crafty enough, he can get away while the implant recharges.

With this setup, offer two types of Darklight: We'll call them Darklight Red and Blue.

Darklight red has an "upwards" charge time. In otherwards, you have to wait 5 seconds to take the "snapshot" after you hit the button. The standard icon is displayed for anybody looking at you, but it's red. Immediately after the snapshot is taken, that icon fades. So any cloaker not looking at you while you waited to take it, may potentially not know.

Darklight blue is the opposite. It has a 10 second recharge time after the snapshot is taken, but there's no warning for anyone nearby. However, a blue darklight icon does persist until the recharge cycle is complete.

Red: Wait-to-use with warning, but faster overall. Possibly get the jump on a cloaker who dosen't know you're there.

Blue: No wait, and no warning, but longer recharge, and everyone can see when you can't use it (stabby stabby)

Thoughts? I also don't know if it should be a mutually exclusive implant, although I'd tend to say yes, I'd like input on that too.

[Edit: I should be a little clearer about what I mean by a snapshot. any cloaker caught in your FOV has the standard visability of a cloaker when you look at them with darklight. None of that 3rd person nonsense, just what's in your FOV.

However, if, say, that cloaker you caught in your darklight "flash", moved from the corner, you'd still see him, slightly faded in whatever state he was in when you flashed him. In otherwards, just what the implant caught at the time.

These ghosts fade over a period of 5 seconds for DLR, and a period of 10 for DLB]

2004-08-27, 04:41 AM
I'm fine with Darklight how it is now. I also found that a lot of the time if you'd just avoid the enemy you wouldn't run into problems with DL usually. Based on previous threads it's obvious to me that there are still a lot of very successful cloakers out there, and they all seem very, very proud of their accomplishments. There doesn't seem to be much reason for a DL nerf. Sure, it's fairly easy to kill a cloaker when you see them via DL, but I can't see any way to change that without having to nerf cloaker offensive ability. Right now, cloakers can be very dangerous. With DL being less effective, they'll only be stronger, and I don't want to see cloakers fall into that role even further.

2004-08-27, 05:03 AM
i agree its fine now

2004-08-27, 06:29 AM
I think its a bit overpowered, but most of the suggestions offered in the other threads have been way too extreme. Darklight would be fine with a 2 second minimum usage timer and a small range decrease of about 10m.

2004-08-27, 06:46 AM
DL seems wasteful and overspecialized to me, I would rather have surge. :D

2004-08-27, 07:29 AM
eld shouldnt you be at work! and not killing me with your gauss while "working".

I think darklight should be limited to a small circle about the size of your 2X zoom FOV, and not allow people to use 3rd person. Should allow cloakers that give themselves away to be found but still gives them achance to surge away and get away from the persons FOV

2004-08-27, 07:42 AM
I am at work! the land of 30 fps and no audio :(

2004-08-27, 09:42 AM
It needs to drain a small ammount of stamina when you initialize it to keep people from flickering it and the 3rd person use of it needs to go

2004-08-27, 10:33 AM
3rd person DL needs to go.

It shouldn't work while you're in a vehicle.

It needs either a minimum use timer/bigger stamina hit upon initialization to discourage flickering.

2004-08-27, 11:43 AM
This is like the 3rd? 4th? thread on darklight, it's like going round in circles :(

2004-08-27, 12:03 PM
It's the topic du jour. Just like all the surge topics during the heydey of surgile, just like all the Jackhammer topics before the other HA got buffed, just like all the Lasher topics during 2.0, just like all the Striker topics with the original Striker, just like all the old Pounder topics. Notice a trend here? Normally when a topic gets this much attention there's a reason for it and something actually happens by way of a fix. In each case there were people adamant that nothing needed fixing (usually those benefitting from some lack of balance) and people adamant that a fix was necessary (usually those who felt slighted by the perceived lack of balance). When the roar gets loud enough, the Devs are forced to take a look.

2004-08-27, 01:26 PM

2004-08-27, 03:11 PM
Edited to keep the discussion in the other threads.

2004-08-27, 03:45 PM
DL is fine.

2004-08-27, 04:34 PM
i would not allow it to be used in 3rd person, other than that it's fine, it's easy enought to see cloakers as is if you pay attention i've never uses DL

2004-08-28, 12:23 AM
I'm sick of this damn DL nerf shit. Stop spamming the boards with it. SUCK IT UP. Jesus.
/rant off
/flame off

2004-08-28, 01:06 AM
DL is NOT a problem, stop complaining. It is not overpowered, I play a cloaker on my ALT and its not a problem. ~~BTW~~ "nerf" is the most retarted word ever!

2004-08-28, 01:52 AM
no its not. its used in Nerfgun, which is awesome.

2004-08-28, 01:54 AM
DL is NOT a problem, stop complaining. It is not overpowered, I play a cloaker on my ALT and its not a problem. ~~BTW~~ "nerf" is the most retarted word ever!

I vote that retarted is the most retarded word ever, but that's just me.

2004-08-28, 03:56 AM
Well if your good enough Grunts or anyone wont even think to use DL. i dont get botherd by it i have a bigger problem with motion sensor's that i forget to see.

2004-08-28, 08:06 AM
The more I think about it the worse darklight is. Its way overspecialized, the only way I think anyone could justify having it is for killing amptards, but even that is something that is not as useful as something like surge or audio.

(The other use of darklight is for finding ams's, but thats a bug so I am not factoring that in.)

Also think about it... You have twice the effective HP of an infil and a gun that kills them in 2 shots while within their only effective range. Do you really need to have them lit up like a christmas tree to kill them? cause thats pretty bad. All other uses of darklight can be addressed fairly well with a plasma hand grenade.

2004-08-28, 11:57 PM
Flickering needs to go and I stand by my suggestion of making DL inflict tunnel vision (looking through a scope at 1x) with maby a 3-4 stamina hit. Cmon how about you have to actually search for me? Not just turn it on notice my foot in your FOV and turn to shoot.


a 7-9 stamina hit for activation, and 10m range.

The first suggestion hurts none of DL's definsive proporties, like defending the CC or gen or spawn for that matter. But does make finding cloakers who are one thier way to thier objective a smidge more difficult.

2004-08-30, 05:00 PM
Overpowered? Hm, no. One emp and pop goes their implants.

2004-08-30, 05:15 PM
Then everyone for 100 meters knows that there is a cloaker around assuming they dont hear the VWC, VWC, VWC spam

2004-08-30, 06:27 PM
With the risk of sounding repetitive, DL is fine. For who think other wise, the only "solution" you should expect is simple.

- No more 3rd person
- 1-2 second activation time (like surge)
- 5 stamina hit on activation, along with the stamina drain already in place.

Now please, for the love of god quit making "Nerf DL" , "the solution to DL" and "OMFG DL SUXORS" threads, they are getting kinda annoying.

2004-08-30, 07:57 PM
Well if your good enough Grunts or anyone wont even think to use DL. i dont get botherd by it i have a bigger problem with motion sensor's that i forget to see.

I have a hard time taking legitimately the claims of a supposedly good cloaker who forgets to see motion sensors, sorry. I'm starting to realize (after a few trips to brave the OF) that there are far fewer good cloakers out there than I thought. Dark Light does it's job, and it needs to stay in the game. I'm still behind finding a way to lessen the amount of flickering which is lowering the skill level in the game, however.

2004-09-01, 12:21 AM
as said many a time

give the user tunnel vision and make it first person only

2004-09-05, 10:36 AM
I do not believe it needs a nerf. For the cloakers who still like to think they are gonna go Rambo on people on the battlefields...they get what they deserve. Thats not what cloaking was desinged for in this very game. otherwise, things are just fine. Cloakers who think they are battlefield grunts or are looking for cheap kills...that needs to be nerfed.

2004-09-05, 12:23 PM
And how much of this thread did you read?

2004-09-05, 06:05 PM
i like it the way it is now

2004-09-05, 06:23 PM
I do not believe it needs a nerf. For the cloakers who still like to think they are gonna go Rambo on people on the battlefields...they get what they deserve. Thats not what cloaking was desinged for in this very game. otherwise, things are just fine. Cloakers who think they are battlefield grunts or are looking for cheap kills...that needs to be nerfed.

People with this little ability to think clearly crack me up. So we've established that by any movement whatsoever, even with Dark Light not coming into the equation that it's possible to see cloakers. We've established that they have no armor. We've established that they are forced to use weapons which aren't overly powerful. Cheap kills? If you get killed by a cloaker you almost certainly deserved to die thanks to your own stupidity and tunnel vision. You were either too focused on the task at hand or too intent on zerging mindlessly and you got your butt handed to you. Cheap? Throw on the suit and rack up those kills, big guy. Let's see how easy it is to grab those 'cheap' kills.


2004-09-06, 06:16 AM
DL doesn't need a huge nerf. I hardly ever get caught infiltrating by someone using DL, unless im in a tower or base thats getting zerged. There does seem to be a small amount of people capable of seeing me without DL, while im still, crouching and have sensor shield on. This only happens when im near combat, since the people that are capable of this don't seem to hang around places with no combat.

2004-09-06, 06:44 AM
Does DL need a nerf?