View Full Version : Hate tells (Post yours)
2004-08-28, 09:24 AM
Blah, I started NC Character on Markov and played for a week. Soo...
Meh... More coming soon. *evil chuckles*
2004-08-28, 10:06 AM
Ive gotten quite a bit sometimes.. i think the best one was something to the effect of " im reporting you for exploiting reaver rocket damage on infantry". And i get alot of "OMGZORZ I JUST POONED YOU BY DARKLIGHT CAMPING WHEN YOU DO BOOMEr rUNS I W1n at PL4N3T51D3" right after i do several good boomer runs.
2004-08-28, 11:11 AM
I've gotten the usual death threats and told to kill myself because of just normally killing an enemy every so often. I also get hate tells from people that TK me for no reason. It seems for every nice person you find in PlanetSide, you meet 50 idiots (just like real life :)) Sometimes reading hate tells are extremely funny because it seems the sender has no idea what he's saying and contradicts himself and uses words which they don't know their meaning.
2004-08-28, 11:52 AM
I dont have any screenshots but the most memorable hate tell I ever got was from some fucktard who alt fired a salvo of rocklets into my back as a group of grunts were rushing a CC. Yep, thats right, He TKd me and then sent me a hate tell
It was so unbelievably arrogant and insolent that I was compelled to TK this person everytime I saw him for like a week. PlanetKcommander was his name. I prolly havent met a bigger dumbass playing Planetside than that guy
2004-08-28, 11:56 AM
Anything other than for the lose.
Electrofreak is registered on these forums.
Sometimes reading hate tells are extremely funny because it seems the sender has no idea what he's saying and contradicts himself and uses words which they don't know their meaning.
Hahaha. Im an idiot.
2004-08-28, 03:11 PM
Re Spee: I don't get it. :huh:
Anyway, I got one from r4zor on Werner moaning because I managed to boomer his ass. My reply was simply "I killed you, did I not?" and he replied with a good old "yeah, but..." . Got a "mock tell" today from an NC idiot who was holding a bridge with his vannie when I managed to jammer his vannie and place a spit by it. I went to hack it when he got out and started spamming with his JH, then he finally flicks on DL and kills me:
"i killed you"
"really? i hadnt noticed.."
"yeah well i did and you suck"
"I had a REK, you had a JH. so kindly stfu."
"haha shut up n00b"
"hahaha. know what the ignore command does?"
Yep. That's me, the n00b. (br20 cr3)
2004-08-28, 05:19 PM
Lol, GODRAIGE, you and all your sad TG bretheren suck hardcore. I've actually NEVER seen you get a kill in the killspam, tho I have seen you get killed plenty of times.
Seems TeamSuck doesnt own very much when they aren't speedhacking. :lol:
Edit- notice how TG seemed to pretty much dissapear from PS after G0DJoey owned himself on the forums and the Speedhack detections were implemented. Pathetic.
2004-08-28, 07:17 PM
does anyone not recognize the GOD prefix in his name, there all just a bunch of "professionaly gamers" that can only get by by cheating, and the reason electro was yelling at his is he suicided into a freindly Vpad on the bending night, your not getign any sympathy for peope that hate you because of that here
2004-08-28, 08:46 PM
Hey electro... you know i got my character for 6 days... and you said I never killed anything. Thats because I dont camp.
2004-08-28, 09:01 PM
If people send me hate tells, I don't respond. I find it really funny how pissed they get when you don't respond.
For instance...
I am caught trying to jack an AMS, when I get MCG'd....
I say nothing...
RandomEmenyOWNZJOO: WTF, talk to me bitch
I say nothing...
RandomEnemyOWNZJOO: OMG U R sooo gay U n00b!!!
I say nothing...
I say nothing...
An hour later I checked to see if he was still on by sending him a tell saying OMFGWTFLOLBBQ (I created that phrase by the way). Turned out he had ignored me.
Also, GOD, please do something else with your life besides PlanetSide. If you've only had that character for 6 days and getting 552 kills, then you seriously got to think about what to do with your life.
2004-08-28, 09:03 PM
I remember you. (
Its a whole thread, here's one of the funnier parts:
05/02/2004 03:50:22 : [Global] Raigexx: Please recall from Ishunder. We havent been making any process. Plus, there is NC massive zerg at Oshur Mithra.
05/02/2004 03:50:31 : [Global] Raigexx: It's time to get into defense mode.
05/02/2004 03:50:38 : [Global] Raigexx: The CR 5 has agreed to do this.
05/02/2004 03:51:29 : [Global] Raigexx: Cyssor still stays here. Only Ishunder troop recall...
05/02/2004 03:53:32 : [Global] Raigexx: Ishunder troops please recall and head to Oshur.
05/02/2004 03:56:01 : [Global] Raigexx: And defend Oshur from NC.
05/02/2004 04:06:09 : [Global] Raigexx: Primary target is to defend Oshur and Secondary target is to defend Hossin. We cant afford to lose any more conts.
05/02/2004 04:07:50 : [Global] Raigexx: Secondary Target: Defend Hossin and Esamir from TR
05/02/2004 04:08:54 : [Global] Raigexx: Please recall from Cyssor and Ishunder. We cant keep fighting for neverlasting hours to lose conts.
05/02/2004 04:19:36 : [Global] Raigexx: Cyssor troops. Please recall and head oshur.
05/02/2004 04:19:48 : [Global] Raigexx: If we recall from cyssor. We'd keep the 3 conts we have.
05/02/2004 04:20:01 : [Global] Raigexx: If we keep fighting on cyssor. We'll lose 3 conts
05/02/2004 04:20:15 : [Global] Raigexx: When cyssor's filled up. head to hossin.
05/02/2004 04:21:04 : [Global] Raigexx: Erm
05/02/2004 04:21:11 : [Global] Raigexx: When Oshur's filled up. head to Hossin
05/02/2004 04:23:17 : [Global] Raigexx: Once again. Recall from Cyssor. and Head to Oshur.
05/02/2004 04:23:28 : [Global] Raigexx: When Oshur gets pop locked. Head to hossin.
05/02/2004 04:26:33 : [Global] Raigexx: Recall from Cyssor and head to Oshur!
05/02/2004 04:27:33 : [Global] Raigexx: Okay, Stay on oshur. Lets lose the other 3 continents!
05/02/2004 04:27:42 : [Global] Raigexx: Cyssor*
I don't know if its as bad as QueenA's roleplaying, but at least that was funny :\
Raige are you actually in ******* or just trying to be cute using their name to piss people off?
lol TEAMG*D was censored
2004-08-28, 09:26 PM
I've gotten only two situations like this, and they weren't really hate tells. I'm a pretty friendly guy overall, and in the first one i was obviously joking :)
Don't remember the guy's name, but here goes. I was coming out of a warpgate, and i see this NC sniper with his foot basicly in the gate. I walked up calmly behind him and shot him in the foot. He ducked straight into the gate and spammed "you can't beat me" he walked over to his parked mosquito, still spamming, and took off. i sent him a tell saying "well how did i take away half your health then :)" <==== Notice mr. smily
i receive a tell saying STFU NOOB YOU DIDN"T KILL ME YOUR A NOOB i'm a cr4, definatly not a noob (havn't taken the step up to CR5 yet :groovy: ) and we got into an argument about who was being the noob (guess we both kinda were at the time) went on for a while, untill i hunted down his skeeter and killed him (he had a nasty encounter with a starfire, i swear, that's been my only mosquito kill with a sniper rifle) he ignored me after that :-P
The other time, i was hanging out on CR4 chat with some of my fellow cr4's (duh) when we got a sitrep ordering us to do somthing. I stepped in and tried to reason with the fellow that that plan of action would be impossible, but he kept sitrepping it up in the rudest way possible. I tried to end the situation by telling him we'd do what we could, but we were in fact, only CR4s. he just kept spamming and calling me a noob... he managed to get himself ignored by the whole group of CR4s before even becoming one... not a very good move. It's people who always think they're right and won't let people reason with them :) i was the last to ignore him, and that only happened after he ignored me because i wouldn't submit to his whim
For the record, it's Teamg0d's leaders who suck. Some of the people in it are actually pretty cool, like Shockr and Raige.
2004-08-29, 01:19 AM
I remember you. (
Its a whole thread, here's one of the funnier parts:
05/02/2004 03:50:22 : [Global] Raigexx: Please recall from Ishunder. We havent been making any process. Plus, there is NC massive zerg at Oshur Mithra.
05/02/2004 03:50:31 : [Global] Raigexx: It's time to get into defense mode.
05/02/2004 03:50:38 : [Global] Raigexx: The CR 5 has agreed to do this.
05/02/2004 03:51:29 : [Global] Raigexx: Cyssor still stays here. Only Ishunder troop recall...
05/02/2004 03:53:32 : [Global] Raigexx: Ishunder troops please recall and head to Oshur.
05/02/2004 03:56:01 : [Global] Raigexx: And defend Oshur from NC.
05/02/2004 04:06:09 : [Global] Raigexx: Primary target is to defend Oshur and Secondary target is to defend Hossin. We cant afford to lose any more conts.
05/02/2004 04:07:50 : [Global] Raigexx: Secondary Target: Defend Hossin and Esamir from TR
05/02/2004 04:08:54 : [Global] Raigexx: Please recall from Cyssor and Ishunder. We cant keep fighting for neverlasting hours to lose conts.
05/02/2004 04:19:36 : [Global] Raigexx: Cyssor troops. Please recall and head oshur.
05/02/2004 04:19:48 : [Global] Raigexx: If we recall from cyssor. We'd keep the 3 conts we have.
05/02/2004 04:20:01 : [Global] Raigexx: If we keep fighting on cyssor. We'll lose 3 conts
05/02/2004 04:20:15 : [Global] Raigexx: When cyssor's filled up. head to hossin.
05/02/2004 04:21:04 : [Global] Raigexx: Erm
05/02/2004 04:21:11 : [Global] Raigexx: When Oshur's filled up. head to Hossin
05/02/2004 04:23:17 : [Global] Raigexx: Once again. Recall from Cyssor. and Head to Oshur.
05/02/2004 04:23:28 : [Global] Raigexx: When Oshur gets pop locked. Head to hossin.
05/02/2004 04:26:33 : [Global] Raigexx: Recall from Cyssor and head to Oshur!
05/02/2004 04:27:33 : [Global] Raigexx: Okay, Stay on oshur. Lets lose the other 3 continents!
05/02/2004 04:27:42 : [Global] Raigexx: Cyssor*
I don't know if its as bad as QueenA's roleplaying, but at least that was funny :\
Raige are you actually in ******* or just trying to be cute using their name to piss people off?
lol TEAMG*D was censored
Aw thats cute global.. I remember dat OLD days.. well dis over. And yes, I am actually in teamg0d. Check out their site. www.*******.net and look at their roster list. I <3 you baby.
2004-08-29, 01:51 AM
Also, GOD, please do something else with your life besides PlanetSide. If you've only had that character for 6 days and getting 552 kills, then you seriously got to think about what to do with your life.
Count again. Look up my dicepoint status below. TK = Total Kill = 850
You suck at math. Beside I have a life. Thnx. I'm not going to bother getting 5,000 kills a week. I played 3-4 hours maximum each day.
2004-08-29, 04:44 AM
Wow, team god must have really lowered their standards, you're a terrible player :doh:
2004-08-29, 06:27 AM
Wow, team god must have really lowered their standards, you're a terrible player :doh:
Yeah I know, thats why I asked if he was actually in it or if he was just trying to be cute.
2004-08-29, 06:58 AM
One insured way of getting hate tells is to have a name like this
When you aren't even in Serious Gamers, I mean it's all ready pathetic enough some people are trying to say they were in. The other day I created a SGwannabe, broadcasted LFS, got 7 hate tells from different people claiming to be in SG and that I was "a fucking noob". FUNNY as hell.
Also, GOD, please do something else with your life besides PlanetSide. If you've only had that character for 6 days and getting 552 kills, then you seriously got to think about what to do with your life.
2004-08-29, 06:51 PM
Hate tells from noobs that dont know how the game works...thats why I go on Werner as much as possible. :rolleyes:
No offense intended to anyone (exept for the n00bs that send hate tells because they dont know how to play)
2004-08-29, 07:01 PM
This thread sucks.
2004-08-29, 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Raige
Count again. Look up my dicepoint status below. TK = Total Kill = 850
That is why I do not do math in my head. :doh:
2004-08-29, 10:08 PM
I don't get many at all. 99% of cloakers realize that if you sprint at full speed while cloaked, you're just asking to be shot in the face.
2004-08-29, 10:27 PM
A couple of nights ago, Jaydub on Emerald (VS). I'm heading from our tower to a base and stop dead in my tracks as I catch his movement coming from the base to our tower. Some other NC must have come ouf of the tower, because Jaydub starts spamming his Lasher towards the tower (it's a good 50 yards off, and this dork is spamming his Lasher giving away his position). Some of the spam shots hit me, but I stay frozen because it's obvious he's not actually gunning for me. As he runs past me I drop a spit, turn on sensor shield and start tailing him. The spitfire starts chewing him up in a big way, I see all of his armor gone and his health over halfway down when he finally ducks behind a large tree. I decide it's not even worth going in stealthy, pull my knife (in alt mode) and charge in full speed. Predictably, he's standing there about to heal his armor. He spins my direction as he hears the knife, I stab him once in the face and he dies.
"***. You have to be invisible and stab people in the back to get kills."
"I stabbed you in the face. You must have missed that."
"Only because your *** army was sniping me with Phoenix missiles as I ran to the tower."
"Actually, they didn't. That was my spitfire."
This went on for quite a while, he called me a *** at least a dozen times. Finally I let him know I was adding him to my friend's list because killing him was much more fun than killing most people, but that I had things to get to so I was leaving.
"Later ***."
"Later homephobe."
2004-08-29, 10:49 PM
anyone who is in teamg0d, or was in teamg0d, plz die.
2004-08-29, 11:18 PM
I generally don't get hate from anyone on TR Markov, but this guy named AtamoIX went off on me for TKing him. He is running around cloaked in the middle of a huge battle, basically stops to use me as a rexo meatshield because some VS spotted him. I start to fight with them, and AtamoIX runs in front of my cycler and tries to steal the kills by planting a boomer. Well he runs in front of my cycler on full auto and gets peppered. He actually got the boomer planted and set it off, damaging me and killing the two VS. I voice macro a sorry, and then send him a tell reinforcing it. What do I get back? In his exact words - "Fuck off ******." I send him a "wtf" and I've already been put on ignore. Then he sends me "Do everyone a favor and cancel your subscription cocksucker."
For future refernece, this Atamo guy is on TR Markov, in the outfit Aries Division. After talking with a few of the AD members, they even attested to how much of an immature ass Atamo is.
As for time I was in a full raider and we chased and gunned down an NC guy riding on a basilisk. He sent me a tell accusing us of speed hacking and said he reported me. Nothing happened, just very funny. I also get the random hate tells from noob cloakers who accuse me of "video tweaking" to be able to always see cloaked units. Half the time I just kill them because they were in a full sprint blind firing an AMP at me.
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