View Full Version : Shadows of Auraxis

2004-08-28, 06:43 PM

Is there anyone here who knows where I could get Shadows of Auraxis Trailer and Episode 1? Malvision.com took SOA down a while ago so it's not there.


2004-08-28, 07:00 PM
is this related to my movie? ;)

2004-08-28, 07:08 PM
SoA is the greatest PS movie yet made. Check planetsidemovies.com, they have it.

2004-08-28, 07:40 PM
Yea, d a search on planetsidemovies.com for SOA-E1 and FYI, they cancelled it so there will be no more updates. :(

2004-08-28, 08:08 PM
NOOOO! Man, that sucks. That was an incredible movie.

2004-08-28, 08:33 PM
My question is, why did they decide to cancel it? It had great reviews and nearly everyone enjoyed it.

2004-08-28, 08:49 PM
I agree, best PlanetSide movie ever IMO. They said they cancelled it because it was too big and they didn't have the time or resources.

2004-08-28, 09:21 PM
My question is, why did they decide to cancel it? It had great reviews and nearly everyone enjoyed it.

IIRC they stopped it due to the massive task of organising so many people, and other problems related to having so many people involved.

2004-08-28, 10:10 PM
Has anyone ever thought to download it? :(

2004-08-29, 01:24 AM
I believe they decided to cancel it beacuse it took too long to make and was very complicated, but if they did go on, damn, it would be famous ;)

2004-08-29, 09:46 AM
Yeah, it was a same, but we were doing shots over and over and over and over..at least 3 times, we had tons of shoots, and all of them lasted like at least 2 hours. Add to that the excessive amounts of graphical bugs, the lack of the turn off ui at the time, and all that time PLUS editting time...it got kinda outta hand.

2004-08-29, 11:17 AM
Sad face, i still watch those movies every once and a while, best movies for PS ever.

I and all my friends love the Vanu Max jumping scene, its beauty.

Cauldron Borne
2004-08-29, 01:44 PM
Shoot, I would make those follow up movies, or pay for the resourses required. I wonder if Miir would send me the scripts.....

IF, and I do mean 'IF', I can get the stuff needed for these BEAUTIFULLY scripted episodes, could I count on volenteers for the shoots? Editing is no problem for me. I can spend time with those easy.

2004-08-29, 02:38 PM
I didn't think much of the scripting for episode 1, but can't fault the directing or music :)

2004-08-29, 03:39 PM
I ADORE the opening sequence for SOA, with the title and music. Can we get our hands on the scripts?

2004-08-29, 05:28 PM
My question is, why did they decide to cancel it? It had great reviews and nearly everyone enjoyed it.

It was the poster child for "Biting off more than you can chew".

2004-08-29, 07:24 PM
It was the poster child for "Biting off more than you can chew".

Hey, Kaymon. IN order to satiate my curiosity about the plot, Ill give you an e-Dollar if you PM me the plotline for the movie, now that its cancelled, and all :D

2004-08-29, 08:11 PM
Yeah I lost all respect for malivision after SOA, they create a huge hype, make a trailer before they even make the fucking movie, then make one episode and blow everybody away, pathetic.

It was the poster child for "Biting off more than you can chew".

2004-08-29, 09:04 PM
Haven't seen a post about this in a while w00t!

The hype was needed to generate interest in the community to become involved in the project (which it did). No hype = No movie starting in the first place :D

Like Kaymon said it was a matter of biting off more than we could chew. There hasn't been any game movie produced at that scale (ever) so it was hard to get an idea of how much work was going to be involved. Had I been able to research it I would have given more realistic deadlines and taken more time not to rush anything. On the flip side if I would have dragged it out 6 months or a year and not produced something for the community to look at the movie would have lost interest altogether. I know that a large portion of the actors guild had already started to cancel or were saying it wasn't worth maintaining an account just to film. So it would have been an endless battle for actors.... and of course with every new actor comes the chance that you get someone that wants to have fun ruining the film rather than helping. Lots of fun stuff. :doh:

As for the plot of the story as it's been said many times it was work in progress. We had only barely approved the second episode for production. Which was going to be introducing some more characters and begin the first of many assaults by the VS. I had some really dark off the wall plans for the VS that didn't in any way align with the actual PS storyline.

2004-08-29, 09:11 PM
Ok...so why can't you give us the script?

2004-08-29, 10:08 PM
Cause there is no script... it was mainly still ideas.

2004-08-29, 10:40 PM

O man. I thought this was another "MOAR SOA EPISODES!!!1" thread. :rolleyes:

doop you narrowly avoided a swift slap to the face.