View Full Version : Is this fair or unfair?
2004-09-01, 07:23 PM
Now tell me is this fair? At lunch today someone threw something across the lunch room and this bitchy ass lady is walking around asking the different tables if they did it. After shes done that she walks over to my table and asks us and when I told her that it was prolly the table behind us she accuses me. Then shes actually says she 'saw' me throw it and another lunch lady says she saw me too. So she continues bitching at me for 5 minutes all the while Im telling her I didnt throw it shes wrong ect. Shes getting all up in my face about saying she saw me throw it blah blah blah when finnaly she pisses me off so much I tell her "I didnt fucking throw it, jesus get over it already" At this point she starts screaming at me in my face and grabs my arm to take me to the office. As im leaving the lucnch room I kept saying Ok I dont know what you saw but I didnt throw it. She says she saw me and I call her a dumbass cause she didnt see shit. Also as im walking down the hall she continues to kick my feet as if to get me moving faster. Well turns out the kid admited throwing it so i was off the hook for that but because I called her a dumbass I get 10 days suspension. Now tell me is this fair in your opinion? And btw if she saw me then why did she ask the other tables if they threw it first??
Me=Called her a dumbass
Her-Kicked my feet, taunted me to the point of anger. Lied saying she saw me but didnt.
So fair or unfair? You decide. Oh and btw were taking this to court and if I dont get reinstated were pressing assault charges on her for kicking my feet. Lol its stupid but we hope to scare them enough to give it up.
2004-09-01, 07:28 PM
:lol: fight the power brother!
in all seriousness, it sounds like another situation of a faculty member's word against a student's word, which never ends well for the student. So yeah, from what you've said it sounds unfair.
2004-09-01, 07:29 PM
10 being fair, 0 being unfair, I'd give this a 7. She seemed like a dumbass spittle-throwing witch from your description (*cough*), but it's never smart to insult someone who has direct power over you. Including pissed off ladies.
2004-09-01, 07:30 PM
Blow up your school cause its a piece of shit.
2004-09-01, 07:32 PM
Best way to deal with faculty is to be calm, cool, collected, and dont fucking insult them.
2004-09-01, 07:35 PM
Yeah at first I was calm and kinda laughed it off but man all she did was scream in my face spitting all over me on how she saw me do it and after a few minutes I couldnt stand it and lost my temper. Its ok, if worst comes to worst she can take a poly test and then shes screwed.
2004-09-01, 07:36 PM
Give her drugs and a 4 More Years pin.
2004-09-01, 07:36 PM
Best way to deal with faculty is to be calm, cool, collected, and dont fucking insult them.
Indeed, You fucked up by using profanity. Otherwise, nothing would have happened
2004-09-01, 07:39 PM
i called my 5th grade teacher a bitch lectured and that was that (she was sexist) never once felt bad about it, or regretted it
2004-09-01, 07:41 PM
just avoud her and try to sometimes make her feal bad but with still being in the school rules.
and plus remember alot of supervisors are ass's because they are around bitching kids alot so they start to get bitchy them selfs.
2004-09-01, 07:42 PM
i pride my self on being extremely hard to get mad...but when i do get mad someone is getting dismembered/mutilated... (i nearly took a guys foot off with a shovel once....) :evil:
2004-09-01, 07:52 PM
Dude....thats kinda cursed in school....I ve learned my lessosn about that(susspemed 4 times for cursing and about 1200 dollars worth of fines =\)
No...Im not try to tell you im cool becasueive been suspened...Its not cool and I really regret it....Im just telling you whats going to happned if you dont stfu in school/....
2004-09-01, 07:53 PM
Wow. I love you. That is pretty damned cool.
2004-09-01, 07:55 PM
Dude....thats kinda cursed in school....I ve learned my lessosn about that(susspemed 4 times for cursing and about 1200 dollars worth of fines =\)
Slow learner huh? :p
Don't swear at teachers/school staff as it only ends in tears for you.
2004-09-01, 07:59 PM
My 9th grade science teacher cursed a lot, broke down 3 times in class, and threatened to push me out of a plane over afganastan.
2004-09-01, 08:19 PM
Smart, telling the faculty member that she's a dumbass.
2004-09-01, 08:22 PM
they may be faculty members but if theyre dumbasses/asses thats what they are, theres no getting around that; omg they have authority! :rofl:
(would someone like to guess why i do homeschool now? :rofl: )
2004-09-01, 08:24 PM
It doesn't matter if Hitler himself gave you a suspension, you do not tell an adult he's a dumbass.
2004-09-01, 08:25 PM
i respect authority, sure, but i dont take bs anymore, i had enough in 2nd-6th grade
2004-09-01, 08:34 PM
i respect authority, sure, but i dont take bs anymore, i had enough in 2nd-6th grade
BS, 2nd to 6th grade? You've got to be kidding me...
2004-09-01, 08:36 PM
meh it may not be much to you but it was too much for me, so stfu
2004-09-01, 08:43 PM
Eh its ok chances are she wont be back to the school after tommorrow. My parents wont stand for that shit and there stupid rules. If I had beaten someone to a bloody pulp i get 2 days out. Second fight is 5 days, Third is 7 and 4th is 10. So why is it that it takes 4 fights to = one cuss word? When baited mind you.
See, dont swear, just become physically threatening. Dont say "Im goign to fucking stab you in the eye" just start screaming at the top of your lungs and use body language, raising an arm up as if to strike is barred, cause thats obvious.
Me being a fairly big, scary-looking guy, I can make a people (who dont know me, cause Im a big teddy bear :love: ) change their minds fairly quickly. hurrah, theatre training.
2004-09-01, 09:29 PM
sioyk u eat souszza or piss?
2004-09-01, 09:35 PM
Don't swear at an adult? WTF? FUCK THE SYSTEM! Dude, she deserves it. Take this shit to court. You just need to give The Man a good scare, and he'll back down.
2004-09-01, 09:38 PM
2004-09-01, 09:41 PM
Don't swear at an adult? WTF? FUCK THE SYSTEM! Dude, she deserves it. Take this shit to court. You just need to give The Man a good scare, and he'll back down.
Dude, you are so punk.
2004-09-01, 09:45 PM
shit smaug, ive done that before, though, normaly its a better idea to simply take it before the school board, normaly they are reasonable. or go talk to the superattendant or someone above the principle.
2004-09-01, 09:45 PM
Dude, you are so punk.
I'll take that as a complement.
I Hate Pants
2004-09-01, 09:53 PM
Just act like you don't care!!!!!!!! Nothing pisses off a teacher more than ignoring her when shes talking to you or just acting like you don't care what she has to say. Keep it up and she'll lose her head. She'll probably send you to the office, but you just play it cool still. Tell the principle that the teacher was spazing out on you and you did absolutely nothing. She'll have nothing to say in her defence. Because you did absolutely nothing!!!!!! The teacher will look like an idiot and will lose self estemm in herself. You win!
On a side note, it also helps when your mom is school trustee of the ward your school is in, and threaten to have the teacher fired.
But I guess that won't work for me anymore seeing as my mom hasn't been school turstee for 2 years now. :/
2004-09-01, 10:12 PM
10 day suspension?!
blow up your school.
2004-09-01, 10:39 PM
Now tell me is this fair? [...] I tell her "I didnt fucking throw it, jesus get over it already" [...] I call her a dumbass cause she didnt see shit. [...] Well turns out the kid admited throwing it so i was off the hook for that but because I called her a dumbass I get 10 days suspension.
Yeah that's fair. Fucking retard. If you'd kept your damn mouth shut instead of going off like some wanna-be hardcore, you'd have a leg to stand on. Your lawsuit will most likely be dismissed, by the way. She confronted you, albeit on no evidence at all, and you resort to insults - Judge Judy would eat you alive, son. If you'd acted like a mature human being instead of some arrogant little fartbag, you could press this home. But whatever chance you had, you basically blew by being lippy. Courts have this thing with shitheads who buck the system and have no respect for authority - because authority is their job. The kicking of the feet can easily be explained away if she gave it half a second - which, if I were her, I'd do so simply because you're a smartmouth obnoxious foul-mouthed little punk and you deserve every day of suspension that you got, and on top of that you're presumptuous enough to waste taxpayer dollars with a frivolous lawsuit for a situation that you got yourself in through your own mule-headed stupidity.
Thanks for raising my taxes, asshole.
2004-09-01, 10:40 PM
Argue it, you're school is wrong. You can't be asked to remain civil and respectful if the staff member is not. I had something similar happen to me in a library and when in the office I said that exactly and the principal agreed and let me off.
2004-09-01, 10:44 PM
I got suspended once for cursing out the school president... meh... danm priests... but yeah thats fair.
2004-09-01, 10:57 PM
So fair or unfair? You decide. Oh and btw were taking this to court and if I dont get reinstated were pressing assault charges on her for kicking my feet. Lol its stupid but we hope to scare them enough to give it up.That's fucking awesome. :lol: :lol:
This reminds me of one time I had back in school...
<FlashBack> :lol:
At school some teachers hated me. One reason they didn't like me was when I argued with them I didn't start yelling and screaming like the other kids. I'd stay claim, keep a smile on my face, use big words and long sentences that didn't say much but yet still proved my point, while they yelled and screamed like little kids. It made it hard for them to have a reason to send me to the office. But I did usually get sent there. The guidance counselor said I'm �respectfully disrespectful� to teachers. :lol:
I had reading class right before lunch with this asshole teacher. He would always come into class after the bell because he talked with this one women teacher down the hall. He some times would be 5 to 10 mins late. You would think no one would care cause hell he�s burning class time right? Well he would make up for it by using our lunch time right after his class. We all hated it.
I usually would put what ever we're reading at the time on my lap and then rest my head on my arms on the desk. It sort of looked like I was sleeping. Well the teacher and the guy that sat in front of me where buddy and buddy cause the teacher loved the football team and the kid was on the football team, and also happened to be one of my friends. The teacher walked by me while we were suppose to be reading and whispered to the guy in front of me to stand up to sharpen his pencil and in the process slam his chair into my desk. Well he did and the desk ended up hitting me in the chest so hard that it knocked the wind out of me and left a red mark on my chest.
I stood up and yelled at Chuck, the friend in front of me because I didn�t hear the teacher whisper to him to do it. I was sent to the office for sleeping in class, yelling and trying to start a fight. The principal wasn�t in that day so I basically just sat in the office for 15 mins. Since Chuck was a friend he knew I was pissed and later told me he was told to do it.
So the next day was a Monday cause that happened on a Friday and I still had a red mark on my chest, but not as bad. The teacher was late again, but this time 15 mins late, everyone was pissed because we only get a half hour for lunch and we knew he�d keep us back. So I didn�t say a word but planed what I�d do when the lunch bell rang.
When the lunch bell rang I just packed up my books and started to walk out of class. He asked were did I think I was going? I just plainly told him to lunch. He said he wasn�t done with class yet. I told him, �No, I�m going to lunch. You wasted 15 mins of our assigned time for reading class. You are not going to waste 15 mins of my assigned time for lunch. This has gone on for far too long. You are not respecting the school administration�s schedule. And I know you told Chuck to slam my desk into me Friday, I�ve had enough of you and your class. I�m going to lunch and if you have a problem call the office to take care of it. I�d be more than willing to talk to Principle Todd about this than stand here auguring it with you. Have a nice day.�
Then I just walked out and when to lunch. After a few mins at lunch and telling some friends what I did I saw Mr. Todd the principle walking down the hall like someone lit his ass hair on fire. He came right in the lunch room and was looking for me. I stood up and walked to him, �I assume you�re looking for me?� I asked. �Yup. Let�s go.� He said. �Ok, but Chuck is coming too, it�s important.� Mr. Todd looked at me confused, and as did Chuck. But we all went to the office. I told Mr. Todd what happened Friday and today and showed him my mark on my chest and Chuck confirmed what he was told to do on Friday. Mr. Todd asked, �Well, what do you think I should do?� I said, �Do what ever you need to do because he�s not following the school�s schedule. But all I want from him is an apology in front of our class to me and my whole class.�
This ass hole teacher is the kind of teacher that thinks since he�s the teacher he is always right, never wrong about anything and he can damn well do what ever the hell he wants and say what ever he what�s to us kids because that�s all we are to him just kids and he has to baby sit us. Those are some of his words. He was a holier than thou type of teacher. So asking him to apologize in front of the class was sort of a blow to his ego.
Next day he was there in the class room like the rest of the teachers waiting for us to settle in. He said, �Before we start today I�d like to say something�s. I�m sorry I haven�t been using our scheduled class time appropriately. I�m going to start class on time and I expect you all to be here on time too.� I like how he tried to make it a lecture to us about coming late to class. :rolleyes:
He continued, �I also would like to apologize to Jordan� yeah that�s my name �for asking Chuck if he would push his chair into Jordan�s desk.� Hehe Yeah, he asked Chuck, like he gave him a choice, to �push� not slam his chair into my desk. :rolleyes:
2004-09-01, 11:21 PM
Blow up your school cause its a piece of shit. thats what i picked.
cool story too Ivan, you pwned that sonofabitch :)
2004-09-01, 11:30 PM
Civil disobedience wins farm more battles with authority then people give it credit for. If you'd kept your cool and she'd struck you you'd be a lot better position, uinfortunately as it is its going to come down to your words vs hers, unless your sporting fairly serious bruises and are actualy filing assault charges.
I had a gym instructor try to strike me in highschool, i blocked and arm barred him into the weight room f loor, i did nothing else other then stand over him untill the superintendant who was walking by ran in and yelled at me to let him go, i did so calmly stepped back so i could defend myself and then accompanied the super to the office, they threatened me with expulsion assault etc. I had a good laugh and told them to call the cops, because i used reasonable force to defend myself. Teach got reprimanded (my parents specificly requested he not be fired) i accepted a 3 day suspension to let the heat die down. Stuff like this now whould make the papers, but i answered force with minimal force. Always respond to everything with the minimum response necissary, if you'd calmly stated that you did not throw whatever, and told her that if she was going to really accuse you of something to get you before an authority figure to do so, she couldnt have done shit. Instead you decided to be a dickhead and most likely got off light.
I dont usualy let people call me a liar to my face, if you had calmly said "Then your either lying or mistaken, because i did not throw that" she couldnt have done shit.
2004-09-01, 11:57 PM
I mean christ, I only got a 2 day suspension in 9th grade for punching a kid in the face. I convinced the school board of directors that it was "well justified." kinda awkward now though, since I almost had a run-in with that kid and his parents, who have a deathwish on me. :p
2004-09-02, 12:11 AM
Way to fight the power Ivan! Good story.
2004-09-02, 01:15 AM
The part about 10 days suspension didn't sink in the first time for me. Hell, I said every swear word in the books at the top of my lungs in the commons because someone punched me in the face, while the strictest administrator was right behind me. He yelled at me, my mom and I came into the office that afternoon, and seeing as I had no previous problems, I only got 2 detentions. So yeah you're school is a bunch of dicks.
2004-09-02, 02:28 AM
You're both in the wrong. She shouldn't of grabbed you, you shouldn't of swore at her.
But she's in the wrong more. She shouldn't of said that she saw you throw it. She should be sacked. Along with the other stupid bitch that accused you. If you knew you didn't throw it, you should've played smart. You can't get into trouble for something you didn't do. Sooner or later someone will admit it.
2004-09-02, 02:54 AM
Yeah, but that's school for ya. I seriously would have knocked her right upside the head, and if she faught back, I'd slam her to the ground. Don't take shit like that, so you'll get a suspension, big deal.
If the school is real pushy maybe an expulsion, but theres normally multiple schools in one area so it's all good. If they're REALLY serious and take you to court, just keep using the fact that you're a minor, if ya ain't then just yell self defense from her kicking you. I was suspended MANY times and I still graduated with a B average.
2004-09-02, 02:58 AM
Fight the powa!
2004-09-02, 03:02 AM
I seriously would have knocked her right upside the head, and if she faught back, I'd slam her to the ground. Don't take shit like that, so you'll get a suspension, big deal.
If the school is real pushy maybe an expulsion, but theres normally multiple schools in one area so it's all good. If they're REALLY serious and take you to court, just keep using the fact that you're a minor, if ya ain't then just yell self defense from her kicking you. I was suspended MANY times and I still graduated with a B average.
You're cool.
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
2004-09-02, 03:03 AM
You're cool.
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
What is cool, is the ability to make everybody like you? I don't want that.
Yeah, my school is full of arsehats too. Was in the gym once. We were sitting against the wall, and there was a pile of jumpropes there, so I grabbed the end of one and started fiddling with it with my fingers. The gym teacher, all high ego muscular type, starts bitching about tangling his jumpropes. I pull the two ends apart, revealing I was just overlapping them, get sent to the office for being "smart" and "disrespectful".
The school system and administrators have been doing this shit for too long. As for Firecracker's case, 10 days, is just too fucking much.
I wouldn't accept that. Not saying I'd beat her to the ground but I wouldn't just totally go along with it.
And Lonehunter, you'll learn sooner or later that it's better to play along with minor punishments then to freak out and punch a teacher's head in. Anarchy sucks.
2004-09-02, 12:07 PM
Yeah, but that's school for ya. I seriously would have knocked her right upside the head, and if she faught back, I'd slam her to the ground. Don't take shit like that, so you'll get a suspension, big deal.
If the school is real pushy maybe an expulsion, but theres normally multiple schools in one area so it's all good. If they're REALLY serious and take you to court, just keep using the fact that you're a minor, if ya ain't then just yell self defense from her kicking you. I was suspended MANY times and I still graduated with a B average.
You are braindead aren't you...
She was kicking his feet if he were to "knock her right upside the head" or "slam her to the ground" it wouldn't be self defense... please... compare the two actions. And the fact that he's a minor can not help him in court... The school has the right to punish according to its rules, the most the woman will get is a slap on the wrist for kicking him... he was still in the wrong though.
2004-09-02, 12:56 PM
Ivan is my baby's daddy.
2004-09-02, 03:21 PM
And Lonehunter, you'll learn sooner or later that it's better to play along with minor punishments then to freak out and punch a teacher's head in. Anarchy sucks.
No it doesn't, and myself and more people I know have been screwed over in the past by trying to deal with it like that.
You are braindead aren't you...
She was kicking his feet if he were to "knock her right upside the head" or "slam her to the ground" it wouldn't be self defense... please... compare the two actions. And the fact that he's a minor can not help him in court... The school has the right to punish according to its rules, the most the woman will get is a slap on the wrist for kicking him... he was still in the wrong though.
No, I am not braindead. I think what it is, is that I simplly grew up in an area far different then all of y'all's. Around here if the Principal accuses me of something that I didn't do, I could argue with him with swearing coming from both of us and in the end, HE can not show up to work for a few days, and all I get is lunch detention, which is where most my friends are anyway.
Lone, sorry dude, but, it IS braindead swearing/smacking an administrator on the bloody head. I mean honestly, you can't say that's not stupid.
2004-09-02, 03:36 PM
they may be faculty members but if theyre dumbasses/asses thats what they are, theres no getting around that; omg they have authority! :rofl:
(would someone like to guess why i do homeschool now? :rofl: )
I home-schooled for several years and OMG it was fun as hell. See, this group of homeschoolers we joined would save up money and go on these cool trips together, like we went on a whale-watching trip in the Atlantic, toured DC, visited Gettysburg, etc. It was pretty cool.
The ironic thing was my parents sent me BACK after they discovered that I was doing a whole week's worth of homework in one afternoon and then slacking off the rest of the days of the week. You'd think they would be impressed. In any case, thats when they threw me back into school (middle school) and I was like uber-smart and I was a few years ahead of the class so I got like straight A+s until my sophmore year of High School, when the material caught back up to me and I stopped doing homework and began my quest as a lazy-ass. Now I'm in college and its going to be a while before I get my degree.
2004-09-02, 03:39 PM
Lone, sorry dude, but, it IS braindead swearing/smacking an administrator on the bloody head. I mean honestly, you can't say that's not stupid.
Of course, he'll try to justify it, but what Panzer said is absolutely right, period.
2004-09-02, 03:44 PM
Dont fuck with authority, let alone two of them.... especially when they are doin eachother! :huh: :huh: :huh:
2004-09-02, 03:51 PM
Dont fuck with authority, let alone two of them.... especially when they are doin eachother! :huh: :huh: :huh:
Dude, it is our solemn duty as the youth to fuck with authority. and if they're doin' each other, you vidotape them and then bribe them with the tape.
2004-09-02, 03:55 PM
Dude, it is our solemn duty as the youth to fuck with authority. and if they're doin' each other, you vidotape them and then bribe them with the tape.
You know, considering that I am metal as FUCK, I would like to say that youve adopted the mantra of believing that it is your duty to fuck with people who can fuck you right back, which is a bit of a stupid one. Fight when fighting needs to be done, otherwise drop the "so punk rawk" image and grow up.
2004-09-02, 03:58 PM
this cafeteria aid guy will pick up any shiny object on the ground and put it in his pocket. we throw quarters at him, it's good fun.
2004-09-02, 03:59 PM
/me mails OF a copy of the Anarchist Cookbook.
2004-09-02, 04:02 PM
:lol: Ivan's story...
But some of you kiddies need to get some sense. How the hell are you going to get through life if you feel like you can't the smallest piece of crap someone throws at you? C'mon, it's just school. If you feel like you have to stand up to a goddamn lunch lady, then you're going to get yourself screwed over by someone who actually has some real authority (like a boss or a police officer). Just remember that the toughest thing you can do is just suck it up, cool your head, and press on. If you do that, then a few years down the road, you'll be making good money and living a successful life while your lunch lady is still earning minimum wage working in a dump of a cafeteria. But if you pick fights, you're going to end up just like her.
2004-09-02, 04:13 PM
Lone, sorry dude, but, it IS braindead swearing/smacking an administrator on the bloody head. I mean honestly, you can't say that's not stupid.
If one of them people hit you would you turn the other cheek? I sure as hell wouldn't, I don't care if it's fuckin jesus I'll defend my self.
Of course, he'll try to justify it, but what Panzer said is absolutely right, period.
N00b you've always iritated me, I don't know why. So your opinions are severely insignificant to me.
In my High School, the students weren't the only ones getting in fights. If somebody slugged a faculty member, that member would usually hit'em right back, since most the teachers know what the hell their do'in. Then the student's lesson was learned and it was never spoke of. LIKE I said, I went to High School in a different kind of place then most of you all did, it's nothing special I fucking hated it.
/me mails OF a copy of the Anarchist Cookbook.
Nice piece of work that is, I own two versions.
2004-09-02, 04:15 PM
this cafeteria aid guy will pick up any shiny object on the ground and put it in his pocket. we throw quarters at him, it's good fun.
:rofl: :rofl:
2004-09-02, 04:15 PM
Well I got back from the meeting today and she decided to change her story some more so I had a list of every kid who saw what happened(close to 20 kids) all saying she lied. So I should be hearing from them by tomorrow. Oh and Firefly, stfu k? Im not a punk just shes a bitch who cant keep her story straight. It was funny to cause after it was done she tried to play all nice and was willing to accept an apology from ME. Which I did and guess what, she never apoligized back lmao the selfish bitch thinks shes 100% innocent. I had the decency to write a letter of apologly saying how I had a lapse of judgement and am sorry for my laungage. The Least she could have done was say shes sorry but nope. Shes a bitch and shes prolly getting fired anyway.
2004-09-02, 05:17 PM
Dude, it is our solemn duty as the youth to fuck with authority.
There's this place called Juvenile Hall. Expect to see it. A lot. People with authority generally know exactly how to handle irksome little toddlers with their spoiled-brat attitude which is constantly reinforced by mommy and daddy's money. I saw it all the time. Some little snotnosed asshole thinks he can walk all over the planet and do whatever he wants, and he crosses the line in a place where retaliation doesn't matter provided you can explain it away, and said little bastard quickly becomes an advocate of playing by the rules... and all his friends get to sign his cast.
Your problem is you're young and fucking stupid. You think fucking with authority means telling a teacher that his car lights are on, then changing the grades in his gradebook while he runs to go check. But you, and all of your little friends, would piss your collective pants if you got locked up for even a night. I bet it wouldn't take much jail time to swing you over to the other team, if you know what I mean. Hell son, you better not even so much as get a parking ticket.
2004-09-02, 05:25 PM
Dude calm the fuck down. Honestly your taking this shit too far and looking too deep into it. You also think you seem to know us and how it is in our schools but you dont and until you do you can stfu. Ive been to juvy (sp?) and its not so scary. True it was only 2 days, they thought I broke into a house and arrested me for and later caught the guy who did. They were about to piss there pants after I threatened to sue. Also dont call us son gramps.
You should have never raised your voice and swore at the teacher. That is where you made the mistake. If you find yourself in another situation like that, stay calm, don't raise your voice, and be polite. You have to be MORE of an adult than they are. Then when it comes to going to their boss i.e. the principle or what have you, you look better behaved than the teacher and the teacher looks like a 14 year old asshat.
After the events in my last post, the principle and I became quite good friends. He respected me more for how I acted, and let more things I did slide. When I got sent to the office sometimes we ended up just shooting derbies. We mostly talked about school related thing, i.e. what I was going to do after I graduated and what not. He was like a mentor or something.
One day in the middle of 4th period, Mr. Todd, my principle walked in the class had a mad look on his face and said to the teacher, �I need to see Jordan, Chuck, and Dan.�
We followed him to the gym where we began to play basket ball for the rest of the period. That only happened once but was cool as hell.
2004-09-02, 05:41 PM
Yeah next time im just gonna laugh it off and smile. That will piss them off for sure.
2004-09-02, 06:00 PM
Honestly your taking this shit too far and looking too deep into it.
Who's taking what too far? My single problem is with loudmouth little bastard kids who think they can do whatever they want and not pay the consequences. Maybe when you grow up and hit puberty and get in the real world, you'll see what the rest of us mean. Take notice, sparky - everyone that's telling you to fuck the system and blow the school up is your age. The rest of us, the ones that have been there and done that, have a different point of view.
You also think you seem to know us and how it is in our schools but you dont and until you do you can stfu.
That seems to be your only competent reply - "stfu". You seem to think you're some fucking pioneer that paved the way for rebellion. Get over yourself, slapnuts. You're doing the same stupid shit everyone else did in school - the ones that succeed in life are the ones that learn from their mistakes. Yeah - I've been there and done that just like every other adult here. It's not impressive except to other adolescents who don't have a clue.
They were about to piss there pants after I threatened to sue.
Ooooh, it takes a big badass to flap his gums like a duck's ass in hunting season about how he curses teachers out, and then threatens to sue people. I bet you get all the chicks with your lawsuit money. Come on... that just completely screams "yuppy".
2004-09-02, 06:12 PM
Wow dude your a complete asshat who has nothing good to add to this thread so stay out plz. If you got a problem with me put me on ignore or something cause you seem to have a vendetta against me. Next time keep it to yourself cause no one wants to read your retarded flame posts.
2004-09-02, 06:23 PM
George Bush personally strangled at least 50 babies this month alone.
2004-09-02, 06:27 PM
So who cares. Kerry Strangled 51 this WEEK. Plus Kerry killed 20 kittens this month so Kerry loses.
George Bush personally strangled at least 50 babies this month alone.
So who cares. Kerry Strangled 51 this WEEK. Plus Kerry killed 20 kittens this month so Kerry loses.
:huh: :rofl: ;)
I'm moving to Canada, they love teh kittens and babies there. :D
2004-09-02, 06:32 PM
Dude calm the fuck down. Honestly your taking this shit too far and looking too deep into it. You also think you seem to know us and how it is in our schools but you dont and until you do you can stfu. Ive been to juvy (sp?) and its not so scary. True it was only 2 days, they thought I broke into a house and arrested me for and later caught the guy who did. They were about to piss there pants after I threatened to sue. Also dont call us son gramps.
2004-09-02, 06:34 PM
*Agrees with Firefly, and not just 'cause Firefly's his commander*
Seriously, I'm younger than you (at least by age), and I know that you just look like a fucking idiot. When you fuck with people who have more power than you, it's you who gets perma-fucked. My goal in life is to have enough power to lord over my former superiors, not piss off my superiors and get screwed over preemptively.
2004-09-02, 06:52 PM
There's this place called Juvenile Hall. Expect to see it. A lot. People with authority generally know exactly how to handle irksome little toddlers with their spoiled-brat attitude which is constantly reinforced by mommy and daddy's money. I saw it all the time. Some little snotnosed asshole thinks he can walk all over the planet and do whatever he wants, and he crosses the line in a place where retaliation doesn't matter provided you can explain it away, and said little bastard quickly becomes an advocate of playing by the rules... and all his friends get to sign his cast.
Your problem is you're young and fucking stupid. You think fucking with authority means telling a teacher that his car lights are on, then changing the grades in his gradebook while he runs to go check. But you, and all of your little friends, would piss your collective pants if you got locked up for even a night. I bet it wouldn't take much jail time to swing you over to the other team, if you know what I mean. Hell son, you better not even so much as get a parking ticket.
Wow, how mature of you to turn this into a name-calling contest. I won't dignify this with a proper response. However, There is something I would like to introduce you to. It's called a joke. You see, a joke is a story with a humorous climax. I was, in fact, making one. Apparently, you, in your desperate effort to lower the discourse, were unable to see this.
I would like to nominate Firefly for "Superest Maturest Guy Ever".
2004-09-02, 07:15 PM
Wow dude your a complete asshat who has nothing good to add to this thread so stay out plz. If you got a problem with me put me on ignore or something cause you seem to have a vendetta against me. Next time keep it to yourself cause no one wants to read your retarded flame posts.
Oh I don't have a vendetta against you. I don't know you personally, I don't give a fuck about you and I don't have a problem with you personally. You asked, I told. The very title of your thread is a question. Correct me if I am wrong, but did you or did you not troll this forum asking for personal opinions about whether or not you were treated fairly? Next time you want to look cool under the guise of asking for opinions on whether or not you're a fuck-up, try to remember that you're going to get what you ask for.
2004-09-02, 07:18 PM
I wanted to look cool eh? ok then. And when I asked for opinions i didnt need them from someone like you who seems to hate my generation or something. Mabey you should calm down in your posts and stop insulting everyone all the time?
2004-09-02, 07:30 PM
So you only wanted the opinions in your favor?
Uh-uh... not how it works bud...
2004-09-02, 07:36 PM
I wanted opinions without the Omg your a stupid ass lil punk in them. You can disagree with me like others did but calling me a punk or trieing to be cool just sucks and shouldnt be posted.
2004-09-02, 07:38 PM
I wanted opinions without the Omg your a stupid ass lil punk in them. You can disagree with me like others did but calling me a punk or trieing to be cool just sucks and shouldnt be posted.
That was his opinion. You asked for his opinion. Deal with it. :doh:
2004-09-02, 07:40 PM
John Kerry has not the power to kill babies, nor the fortitude to kill kittens. Bush strangles them because his numbers need a boost for secure reasons, so he calls all the babies "potential sleeper cell candidates" and names all the kittens "Alib Abdul Jamiruquai" and making pictures of them beheading hamsters.
Nader, however, is too busy fucking everything up to care. Go him.
2004-09-02, 07:42 PM
I wanted to look cool eh? ok then. And when I asked for opinions i didnt need them from someone like you who seems to hate my generation or something. Mabey you should calm down in your posts and stop insulting everyone all the time?
Uh... I don't hate your generation. I hate stupid idiots. You're not alone. Trust me. I have it on reputable source from "your generation" that you indeed acted like an ass - so I'm not alone either.
I wanted opinions without the Omg your a stupid ass lil punk in them. You can disagree with me like others did but calling me a punk or trieing to be cool just sucks and shouldnt be posted.
Then maybe next time your thread should be called, "Omg i got suspended lol for cussing out a teacher, is that fair or unfair but i dont want 'Omg ur a stupid ass lil punk' from peepz who hate my generation or something so stfu d00d".
2004-09-02, 07:43 PM
John Kerry has not the power to kill babies, nor the fortitude to kill kittens. Bush strangles them because his numbers need a boost for secure reasons, so he calls all the babies "potential sleeper cell candidates" and names all the kittens "Alib Abdul Jamiruquai" and making pictures of them beheading hamsters.
Nader, however, is too busy fucking everything up to care. Go him.
Hmm you got me in the mood to listen to Jamiroquai now.
/me warez some Jamiroquai MP3s
OMG! Ban!
/me bans himself.
2004-09-02, 07:44 PM
Hmm you got me in the mood to listen to Jamiroquai now.
/me warez some Jamiroquai MP3s
OMG! Ban!
/me bans himself.
Did you ever see that Jamiroquai video where he's hopping all around the video and the furniture seems to be on a conveyer belt? I first saw that when I was intoxicated... I thought there was something in the near-beer.
Did you ever see that Jamiroquai video where he's hopping all around the video and the furniture seems to be on a conveyer belt? I first saw that when I was intoxicated... I thought there was something in the near-beer.
:rofl: I love that video. That video is what introduced me into Jamiroquai. I had to leave it on that channel to watch the video cause it was so cool. Then I ended up likeing their music too.
2004-09-02, 07:48 PM
Uh... I don't hate your generation. I hate stupid idiots. You're not alone. Trust me. I have it on reputable source from "your generation" that you indeed acted like an ass - so I'm not alone either.
Then maybe next time your thread should be called, "Omg i got suspended lol for cussing out a teacher, is that fair or unfair but i dont want 'Omg ur a stupid ass lil punk' from peepz who hate my generation or something so stfu d00d".
Um dude its a 10 day suspension for calling her a dumbass after she lied to my face and baited me. If you think thats fair then honestly your a freaking idiot. Its ok tho when i can beat someone to a bloodly pulp cause its only 3 days but dumbass is 10. Yea. fair :rolleyes:
I do have to agree that 10 days is excessive. I'd say 3 days would have been more reasonable. But still you should of never said that to her in the first place.
2004-09-02, 07:56 PM
:rofl: I love that video. That video is what introduced me into Jamiroquai. I had to leave it on that channel to watch the video cause it was so cool. Then I ended up likeing their music too.
Why didn't you just tape the video?
Why didn't you just tape the video?
I was just flipp'n through the channs at my sisters back when she first got her satellite.
2004-09-02, 08:13 PM
I remember when we used to leave MTV on all day, waiting for something cool to come on so we could tape it, so we'd have some decent videos to watch. That was like 11 years ago.
I remember when we used to leave MTV on all day, waiting for something cool to come on so we could tape it, so we'd have some decent videos to watch. That was like 11 years ago.
That's back when they used to show videos... :rolleyes: :lol:
Now how the first slogan for MTV was, "I want my MTV!"
Well it should be now, "I want my MTV back!" or "I want my old MTV!"
2004-09-02, 08:53 PM
2004-09-02, 09:29 PM
There's this place called Juvenile Hall.
As much crap I went through in High School it's kind of ironic that I had a job at a Juvenile Hall for about 2 weeks, but I decided to move and had to quit.
2004-09-03, 02:44 AM
10 day suspension?!
blow up your school.
At my school you get 10 days for walking on the grass :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
In my day, we were respectfull to teachers. (we only fucked with them passively, never to thier face)
Anyone that thinks he should have gotten away with being an complete, out of control asshat is a punk.
2004-09-03, 11:04 AM
/agreed, that's excellent ivan. victory within the system
2004-09-03, 11:48 AM
WTF is wrong with her! shes a fucking bitch! get that asshole fired.
2004-09-03, 04:11 PM
Actually just got the call and im still suspended but she was also released from the school for lieing multiple times to both me and her Superiors. So I guess I got a half win outta this.
2004-09-03, 07:47 PM
Actually just got the call and im still suspended but she was also released from the school for lieing multiple times to both me and her Superiors. So I guess I got a half win outta this.
W00t w00t! I made someone loz0r der j0bz0r! i r teh win!!!111oneone
2004-09-03, 08:43 PM
AH haha ah aha aha ha ha aha!! :lol: :rofl:
2004-09-03, 08:46 PM
[geezer]Anyone that thinks he should have gotten away with being an complete, out of control asshat is a punk.Seriously.
In conclusion, I declare both Firecracker and the teacher guilty.
2004-09-03, 09:01 PM
W00t w00t! I made someone loz0r der j0bz0r! i r teh win!!!111oneone
When shes a bitch like that she deserves it.
2004-09-03, 09:06 PM
Alright, wife beater.
2004-09-03, 09:07 PM
Ok :confused:
2004-09-03, 09:11 PM
You sound like a wife beater, read your posts.
2004-09-03, 09:12 PM
I dont have a wife tho and I also dont believe in EVER hitting a girl so I guess your wrong.
2004-09-03, 09:25 PM
2004-09-03, 09:28 PM
2004-09-03, 09:37 PM
Good that I'm not a mod. I hate you and would ban your black ass.
2004-09-03, 09:40 PM
Good that I'm not a mod. I hate you and would ban your black ass.
:) :love:
2004-09-03, 09:55 PM
So your racist now too? Also the feelings mutual.
2004-09-03, 10:00 PM
But people like her generally...
2004-09-03, 10:02 PM
Racist?! I watch Oprah Winfrey every DAY!
EDIT: I work for the UN, n00b. I'm about as racist as an oak tree.
2004-09-03, 10:04 PM
Racist!!!! H4X!
2004-09-03, 10:12 PM
Titan of Terror, future wife-beater FIRECRACKERNC!
"The bitch deserves it!"
Mistress of Misery, vaguely racist TRIGGAR!
'My little Dharkie"
"I'd ban your black ass"
ONLY at PSU Speedway! Kids 12 and under HALF PRICE! This labor day weekend! SEE YOU THERE!
2004-09-03, 10:14 PM
Im no wife beater........................ Tho if I had one like her Id might be.
2004-09-03, 10:15 PM
2004-09-03, 10:17 PM
Well you can have this flame war without me im leaving for a party and got better things to do then argue about my *black* ass, as Triggar liked to put it.
Well you can have this flame war without me im leaving for a party and got better things to do then argue about my *black* ass, as Triggar liked to put it.
Get some practice asking "You want fries with that?". I suspect you'll find it handy in the future.
2004-09-03, 10:29 PM
In my day, we were respectfull to teachers. (we only fucked with them passively, never to thier face)
Anyone that thinks he should have gotten away with being an complete, out of control asshat is a punk.
Quoted For Truth...okay, it's the end of the world. We agree.
2004-09-03, 10:37 PM
Im no wife beater........................ Tho if I had one like her Id might be.
Hooray, you've contradicted yourself, tryed to exempt yourself from blame, became a machismo cunt, and also managed to strongly insult one of our more favored members. You really need to drop all this shit and admit that you are an asshole for pretending to be some little antiestablishment hardass that cannot be wrong in his own right, no matter who says it.
Major asshole.
2004-09-03, 11:57 PM
Get some practice asking "You want fries with that?". I suspect you'll find it handy in the future.
and also managed to strongly insult one of our more favored
You two get a spot in one of the 1337 suites at Mobilization Bravo :groovy:
2004-09-04, 12:27 AM
you guys are being ******* about this.
blow up your school :D
2004-09-04, 12:34 AM
2004-09-04, 01:25 AM
/agreed, that's excellent ivan. victory within the systemAgreed with what? FireFly�s and my little MTV rant or my school flash back? :lol:
Good that I'm not a mod. I hate you and would ban your black ass.:lol: That�s why you�re not a mod. ;) :love:
Can we end the flames, sort of get back on topic?
Or I�ll be forced to walk over to my �mod tool box� and pull out the�.
2004-09-04, 02:36 AM
You two get a spot in one of the 1337 suites at Mobilization Bravo :groovy:
Thanks love.
But seriously, that was not an attempt to suck up so don't classify it as such in the inevitable return volley of testicle force and not much else. statistically speaking, if you could poll everyone in the Lounge, I am more than positive that Triggar would have more votes in favor than firecracker. Which is why I, personally, get really pissed when some little cunt who thinks with his dick while jerking off his ego says that he would beat (not just hit, but fucking beat) Triggar if he met her (note: I still think Trig could take him, if not with fists than with something that fires 2000 feet per second of sense into him). So, in conclusion, remember that acting "tuff" to the point where you're threatening women who have valid points is endlessly pathetic.
2004-09-04, 03:20 AM
DO IT!!!!!
2004-09-04, 03:40 AM
....i went to the end of the thread and saw the word testicle and there you have it this thread is DERAILED!
Anyways to the first post of this god forsaken thread, my opinion. The woman did a wrong thing about that doing that and then just choosing you, unfair she was. Then you swore in her face, well i could say more or less that was wrong, never swear in front of a person who works at a school besides maybe your janitor friend. That 10 day suspention was harsh though, i wouldve given you 2 or 3 days. I mean, i did grafitti and got only a 3 day suspention. The fact that you got it even though the person who threw the object turned himself in when the woman didn't even think it was him just kind of adds up to some unfairness, i will agree with you on that. However, still it is wrong to cuss towards a school employee, only do that if anthrax has been released in the building and you are telling her to get everyone out. Course that wont ever happen in your lifetime, so dont get over excited.
2004-09-04, 06:51 AM
Why in the hell did Triggar call Firecracker a wife-beater?
Why in the hell did Triggar call Firecracker a wife-beater?
A) Random insult for the illiterate.
B) It might have something to do with his "the bitch had it commin'" attitude.
Pick one that works for you.
2004-09-04, 10:58 AM
"The bitch had it coming" attitude. Read some of his posts, they sound so typical of a guy who just beat the crap out of his girlfriend!
And Ivan, if I were a mod, I would be more nice than I am now :angel:
2004-09-04, 11:04 AM
"The bitch had it coming" attitude. Read some of his posts, they sound so typical of a guy who just beat the crap out of his girlfriend!
:lol: I concur.
Much :love: in this room.
::hugs:: for everyone.
2004-09-04, 12:30 PM
:lol: I concur.
But hes straight thug yo...
And Ivan, if I were a mod, I would be more nice than I am now :angel:
Lies! I know you'd be the, umm, "Queen Nazi" if you well. :lol: ;) :love:++
2004-09-04, 01:06 PM
Wow this threads still alive? Id have figured itd be dead by the time I woke up.
If everyone follows Jekz's advice the thread shall live.
Other wise I pull out the... out of my "mod tool box."
2004-09-04, 01:28 PM
in b4 the lock AGAIN!
Dhark, you are teh suck... it's not locked... yet. :)
2004-09-04, 01:40 PM
How bout..................Now? No?............................................... ..........Now? No?............................................... ........................................Now? Yes?........SWEET!
2004-09-04, 04:48 PM
How bout..................Now? No?............................................... ..........Now? No?............................................... ........................................Now? Yes?........SWEET!
You want fries with that?
2004-09-04, 04:57 PM
From what place? Only McDonalds or Wendys Plz. Tho Arbys has awesome curly fries.
I only like Mc Donald's fries when they are fresh. I'm not a soggy fri fan. Wendys fries rock.
2004-09-04, 06:20 PM
BK fries, with a few packets of salt on the fries and one mixed in with the ketchup. Mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm betta.
Oh Oh! In PA there are these gas stations called Sheetz. They are not just a gas station. They sell food too. They will throw a bag of frozzen fries in the frier just for you when you order them. So they are ALWAYS hot and fresh. I love Sheetz fries. :drools:
2004-09-04, 06:30 PM
Ewww I hate BK fries. They are the worst thing man has ever invented. Except for EQ which is THE worst.
2004-09-04, 06:36 PM
"The bitch had it coming" attitude. Read some of his posts, they sound so typical of a guy who just beat the crap out of his girlfriend!
Ah cool, so we make up nicknames based on how the person acts, Nice! The way you post and accuse people, I'd say you're on some kind of meds! So... Drug Lady? nah, we could go with the ole PMS thing, sounds cheap but it could be.
*Ivan walks over to his mod tool box.
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