View Full Version : What really happened at the pentagon on 9/11?
2004-09-04, 12:21 PM
pretty interesting flash movie, because this has never really been brought up before. Im not sure if this belongs in the Pol. Debate Forum. Watch, comments, thoughts, etc.
2004-09-04, 12:35 PM
It has, many a time. I think it's a disrespect to everyone who died on that plane.
2004-09-04, 12:39 PM
Ugh... I have seen this 8 times on IRC, 2 times over AIM, and now the forums... heh... :rolleyes:
The wings of an aircraft would do NO damage to a building such as the pentegon (remember it was built as a fort). They would be sheared off as the plane hit the building and exploded... The fuslage would suffer the effects of 3 things: 1) Rapid Depressurization leading to collapse, 2) an explosion, and 3) the heat of burning Jet Fuel, If the steel in a skyscraper was melted by it... why wouldn't a plane's structure (which is much lighter) be?
The firefighters were wearing gas masks at the pentagon... why? Because they actually have to stand in the smoke, and the jet feul, and close to the fire... at WTC they had gas masks... but they didn't put them on until they got somewhat close to the fire... beleive it or not they do kinda restrict your breathing when your carrying a few pounds of gear and hoses up 70 stories...
One last issue: If it was a missle, what happened to the 757? The government took it out? Thats the common conspiracy theorist answer... if you can't explain something in your theory its Washington D.C.'s fault.
2004-09-04, 12:50 PM
Pol Deb please.
I Hate Pants
2004-09-04, 12:54 PM
It's always a possibility. Although im not saying it's true. I just have an extremely hard time believing that the 757 blew up into atoms when it made impact.
2004-09-04, 01:00 PM
Its interesting till you see these:
Despite the destructive fire that raged inside the impact area on 9/11, pieces of debris were visible on 9/13 and 9/14, and were photographed by recovery workers. These photos clearly show pieces of landing gears, a large turbofan engine, and fuselage. The evidence inside the building is consistent with the evidence of plane wreckage outside -- indicating that a commercial airliner flew into the Pentagon on September 11th.
Then you realize, someone is just tyring to make money and gt attention from the guillable.
2004-09-04, 01:13 PM
Its interesting till you see these:
Then you realize, someone is just tyring to make money and gt attention from the guillable.
heh, I was waiting for you to debunk this thread. :thumbsup:
it was well played though.
2004-09-04, 01:38 PM
Conspiracy theories are made for every event. Some things that happen are indeed strange but that doesnt mean they are conspiracies.
Then you realize, someone is just tyring to make money
'Cause flash movies charge admission, and all. :p
I have a conspiracy for you!
The Ghost Poopy!
I feel the poop coming out of my anus.
I hear it splash in the toilet water.
I feel the splash of the toilet water.
But when I wipe and look!
2004-09-04, 01:56 PM
'Cause flash movies charge admission, and all. :p
2004-09-04, 04:59 PM
I have a conspiracy for you!
The Ghost Poopy!
I feel the poop coming out of my anus.
I hear it splash in the toilet water.
I feel the splash of the toilet water.
But when I wipe and look!
Seriously, there are some somewhat irregular things about this airplane crash, but that doesn't mean it didn't happened.
I have a conspiracy for you!
The Ghost Poopy!
I feel the poop coming out of my anus.
I hear it splash in the toilet water.
I feel the splash of the toilet water.
But when I wipe and look!
Edit: Fixx0r3d.
2004-09-04, 05:08 PM
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2004-09-04, 05:14 PM
WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?1/1/1/!?1
obligatory lowercase letters
2004-09-04, 05:52 PM
I'm no conspiracy theorist, but if the burning jet fuel in a plane can melt a superstructure of a skyscraper, why wouldn't it melt the parts of a plane? Just a thought...
2004-09-04, 06:21 PM
I'm no conspiracy theorist, but if the burning jet fuel in a plane can melt a superstructure of a skyscraper, why wouldn't it melt the parts of a plane? Just a thought...
It could, provided that all of the plane wreckage was in that fire. The question is, only a small hole (comparitive to the size of the plane) was created, so where did the wings and tail go? Were they torn off? Or did they just bed backwards somehow and get dragged into pentagon?
It could, provided that all of the plane wreckage was in that fire. The question is, only a small hole (comparitive to the size of the plane) was created, so where did the wings and tail go? Were they torn off? Or did they just bed backwards somehow and get dragged into pentagon?
Structurally speaking, thats really goddamn unlikely.
More along the lines of Neigh-Impossible, but I dont know the construction materials used for the skeletal structure + fuselage. Im assuming aluminum, but yeah. STFU-ing now.
2004-09-04, 06:24 PM
Just completed watching the video (made the other post while loading). Fascinating. Why wasn't the footage released? I'm not saying the Gov't did this, but it has all the trademark signs of a coverup.
2004-09-04, 06:25 PM
You know, whatever terrorist flew the plane into the pentagon was pretty damn stupid seeing as how he flew it into the section that was undergoing renovation.
2004-09-04, 06:29 PM
It was pretty damn stupid period... did they think they could bring the building down? Thast a negatory, there 5 sides to the thing...
hey thought they could disrupt our military? Not everything goes through the pentagon...
It was pretty damn stupid period... did they think they could bring the building down? Thast a negatory, there 5 sides to the thing...
hey thought they could disrupt our military? Not everything goes through the pentagon...
I think they were going for more of a slap in the face affect.
I.e. We can fly a plane right into your military HQ.
2004-09-04, 06:32 PM
I think they were going for more of a slap in the face affect.
I.e. We can fly a plane right into your military HQ.
It took us less then a year to turn the nation that was harboring your leaders against you... hows that for a slap in the face. :)
2004-09-04, 06:35 PM
It could, provided that all of the plane wreckage was in that fire. The question is, only a small hole (comparitive to the size of the plane) was created, so where did the wings and tail go? Were they torn off? Or did they just bed backwards somehow and get dragged into pentagon?
I believe that the plane hit the ground and only the cockpit hit the pentagon.
And tbh, you could make a conspiracy theory out of anything.
2004-09-04, 06:37 PM
If the pilots were supposedly clueless then why were they on there? It makes no sense, the terrorists arent that dumb to send people who cant even fly the plane.
2004-09-04, 06:42 PM
I think the goverment flew the plane into it, because they found out about the terrorist's plan to hit the WTC, and just to pin more shit on them the Goverment hit the pentagon, at it's safest place. (where it was being renovated, less deaths), But im tired right now. So my opinion doesnt mean shit.
2004-09-04, 06:45 PM
If the pilots were supposedly clueless then why were they on there? It makes no sense, the terrorists arent that dumb to send people who cant even fly the plane.
Well the second pilot to hit the WTC almost missed but unfortunately the wing hit. Tbh, these are big planes and the terrorists learnt to fly in much much smaller aircraft.
2004-09-04, 06:50 PM
The part about the highway and the people on it not being affected by the plane interests me too. Yes I understand they wouldn't be if the plane came down at an angle but it didn't.
2004-09-04, 07:01 PM
I believe that the plane hit the ground and only the cockpit hit the pentagon.
And tbh, you could make a conspiracy theory out of anything.
Impossible. Look at this:
Compared with your average plane crash:
Why is there no wreckage, or even burn marks on the lawn? The only logical explanation is nothing hit it (the lawn), ESPECIALLY not a massive 757.
2004-09-04, 07:04 PM
Impossible. Look at this:
Compared with your average plane crash:
Why is there no wreckage, or even burn marks on the lawn? Ergo, nothing hit it, ESPECIALLY not a massive 757.
The angle on that picture is wrong... you cant see the ground where marks would be...
And those marks are where the fuselage would be... guess where the fuselage was at the pentagon...
2004-09-04, 07:06 PM
Well tbh you're average plane crash isn't meant to happen.
2004-09-04, 07:08 PM
To the left you see scorches on the grass, and then the pic is cut off.
Now then, about the earthquake generating satelittes..
2004-09-04, 07:23 PM
Ya know, there are a few websites out there that will show you with absoulte CERTAINTY, that America NEVER landed a man on the moon. They have scientific backing, big degrees, pretty pictures and well drawn charts.
All proving the Appollo missions were a sham.
Yet those sites are dead wrong. Over a dozen men have walked the moon.
This sort of crap falls in line with those sites. Preying on the weakminded with lots of hyperbole and hate, with some pretty pictures tossed in.
Don't be one of those to prove PT Barnum was right.
2004-09-04, 07:24 PM
Oh one other thing, Missiles with war heads tend explode, up and out.
Where is the debris up and out from the missile?
Just another reason this is a lame fantasy for the weak minded to be sucked into.
2004-09-04, 07:27 PM
I :love: you Vicchio.
2004-09-04, 07:35 PM
Conspiracy Theories are retarded.
Vicchio said pretty much everything i wanted to say, but in natural Vicchio style. Thx
2004-09-04, 07:42 PM
Gwan MrVicchio!
Ok some links I dug up using google:
Scientific Recreation: (Just a news article on it unfortunately)
Transcript for AA flight 77:$80 (Just to remind you that a plane did go missing)
Hunt the Boeing Answers: (whilst not this film directly, hunt the boeing was one of the first conspiracy sites regarding the hit on the pentagon, well that I remember).
Eyewitness accounts:
There was also one other site which had some good pictures on it, but I can't seem to find it again.
2004-09-04, 07:59 PM
Hehe, this is one of those issues that drives me nuts. Yes there is not tail or visible wreckage at teh Pentagon. And the lack of video footage of the plane hitting makes it easier for people to make hay out of nothing. There are too many holes in this theory for it to carry water.
Why I ask, after seeing the WTC hit, is the thought that two other airliners were also highjacked and used or attempted to be used, as weapons so hard for people to believe??
2004-09-04, 09:11 PM
The angle on that picture is wrong... you cant see the ground where marks would be...
And those marks are where the fuselage would be... guess where the fuselage was at the pentagon...
Oh, ok. The angle on that picture is wrong. How about this picture?
Or this one?
Or this one?
Where is the rest of the plane? The tail? The wings? The fuselage may have gone into the building, but where the hell is everything else? Buildings don't just swallow planes. OK, there are a few burns from the inital explosion, but if the plane hit the ground (like uncle Sam said it did) where is the debris?
2004-09-04, 09:16 PM
You are retarded.
2004-09-04, 09:18 PM
For once, OMG plz dont kill me, for once I agree with.....with.......DHARK OMG!!
2004-09-04, 09:23 PM
Jesus Christ, I'm not saying I agree with these people. But some of teh evidence is undeniable. Again, Is everything they said true? Of course not. Do I believe this is a conspiracy? No. Are these people nuts? Oh, yeah. Am I arguing from their side? Yes. Only because I love playing the devil's advocate. Mwahaha.
2004-09-04, 09:33 PM
Did you look back on page one guy?
Posted pics of the debris.
Look, lets have a quick lesson from Physics 101 and Common sense 101.
What happens when your average airliner goes down? The pilots do EVERYTHING they can to save the plane. Thus they try to soft land the aircraft. And the NEVER fly them into concrete buildings. Thats just.. not a good idea.
With me so far? Great!
Okay when a normal crash occurs, what else happens? They slow the plane down as much as they can. This is to lower the effect of inertia. Inertia if you will recall is one fo those neat Laws of Motion. I.E. a body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. The slower the plan travels on impacts the less the damage to the structure right?
Okay good. Here's the big kicker.
That plane hit at over 350knts. Most airliners crash at less then 200 knots. Thats at least 150knts of force difference. It rammed into a concrete structure. The entire plane was litterally driven, by inertia, into the building. The fires, super heated by the fact they occured inside the building, melted most of the plane.
Is that enough for you?
Also, one question, LETS SAY YOU ARE RIGHT. It was NOT an airplane. okay, how the hell did they keep the hundreds of fire, rescue and clean up crews from not noticing all the plane wreckage INSIDE THE BUILDING?
If you think about it, for the crash to have been ANYTHING short of what the government said it was, would require the most massive cover up in the history of the world.
2004-09-04, 09:33 PM
It went through 4 different cells of the pentagon. A buiilding like that actually does, and did swallow a plane. :doh:
2004-09-04, 09:34 PM
MrVicchio is a CIA SPY!
2004-09-04, 09:36 PM
The government doesn't want you to know, but an angry kitten got angry at the pentagon, causing it's destruction.
ph33r teh angry kitten
2004-09-04, 09:43 PM
Sputty. Don't kid about that. That happened to my uncle. And I've grown tired of debaing in favor of something that I don't even believe. And in case you missed it ala Vic, I DON'T BELIEVE THAT CRAP! Happy? I was playing devil's advocate, and I'm DONE!
2004-09-04, 09:45 PM
Sputty. Don't kid about that. That happened to my uncle.
Your uncle was destroyed by a giant angry kitten? :huh:
2004-09-04, 09:48 PM
Sputty. Don't kid about that. That happened to my uncle. And I've grown tired of debaing in favor of something that I don't even believe. And in case you missed it ala Vic, I DON'T BELIEVE THAT CRAP! Happy? I was playing devil's advocate, and I'm DONE!
...Soo.... you were arguing for something that... you don't believe?
Idiot. :doh:
2004-09-04, 09:50 PM
It wasn't a giant kitten
A giant kitten would've destroyed the entire pentagon, turning it into nothing but rubble and flatten the surrounding buildings as well. A normal sized kitten did that
2004-09-04, 09:51 PM
Cia Spys!!!!!!!!!!!!
2004-09-04, 10:03 PM
Oh sorry man, but this issue is just... there are people that really believe that stuff. And its crazy, its asnine, and it pisses me off :)
2004-09-04, 10:12 PM
That's fine. No harm done. And Squeeky, a kitten doesn't have to be giant to be destructive, believe me. Or just ask my uncle. Poor guy...
2004-09-04, 11:38 PM
Shiz, I believe you. I know they are dangerous, that is why hit them with a vehicle when I get the chance and if I see one on foot I kick it.
2004-09-04, 11:59 PM
America is safer
America is safer
America is safer
America is safer
America and the world are safer
The economy is doubleplus good
America is safer
2004-09-05, 12:00 AM
I'm agreeing with Vic here. The funniest part of this entire thread is the fact that NONE of you had EVER doubted what happened at the Pentagon could've been different than what the news reported. That is, until you saw that video with cleverly placed words and images. I must admit, the video was convincing, but only to a weakminded person.
Why havn't those videos been released, you ask? Why does the FBI/CIA hold anything? Because they can, and because they ARE the FBI/CIA. There are tons of documents, tapes, records, and more that the FBI and CIA hold back today. It's just what they do. Don't get all hyped up about that.
You know, whatever terrorist flew the plane into the pentagon was pretty damn stupid seeing as how he flew it into the section that was undergoing renovation.That is to say, if they KNEW the pentagon was under rennovation. Some have even gone so far as to speculate if that plane was targeted for the Pentagon or not. There are plenty of targets in D.C., and that hijacker may've just decided to hit the Pentagon due to many reasons, including passenger resistance, lack of knowledge of flying a plane, etc. If he DID mean to hit the Pentagon, he hit the *weakest* side. Knowing the Pentagon was built as a fort in the beginning, one would think it is strong. Therefore, hit the WEAK side.
Overall, it's a good, interesting video from some guy that more than likely does not believe the Holocaust ever happened either (yes, there are people - history professors in universities even) who will swear up and down and prove to you that the holocaust never happened (but that's a WHOLE other issue.)
It's not really debatable...
2004-09-05, 12:00 AM
America is safer
America is safer
America is safer
America is safer
America and the world are safer
The economy is doubleplus good
America is safer
Ph34r the party...
Big brother h4x...
2004-09-05, 12:06 AM
I prefer goodfact, and so should you
I like my opinions spoon fed to my asshole by Fox news.
2004-09-05, 12:09 AM
I like my opinions spoon fed to my asshole by Fox news.
Nothing like a well thought opinion to add to the debate.
2004-09-05, 12:13 AM
C I A S P I E S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2004-09-05, 03:34 AM
okay, here is how we solve this debate, we get a 747 and a cruise missle and launch them both at the other sides of the pentagon and take pictures of what happens, compare them to the pictures of the original crash, and wallah, we can see what happend or didnt happen.
2004-09-05, 03:48 AM
I have no opinion. However I will say this: Thats some freaky shit.
2004-09-05, 10:30 AM
okay, here is how we solve this debate, we get a 747 and a cruise missle and launch them both at the other sides of the pentagon and take pictures of what happens, compare them to the pictures of the original crash, and wallah, we can see what happend or didnt happen.
I got the Jet part covered. Anybody here have a spare cruise missile or something?
2004-09-05, 11:34 AM
I wnet into this thinking there is no way it was not an airplane, but there are three pieces of evedince that are quite convincing, frist is the ASCE, or American Society of Civil Engineers, assesing thet damage, they said something far different form the offical pentagon repot, and if anyone knows what happens to a building its the ASCE. then we have all those tapes, witch would have been of much much higher quality than the one shown there that have not been released, thought maybe no one has asked. Then its the way the plane, punched thouth those walls, the nose would have completly crumpled, there is nothing onboard a plane that have mass like that, unless it was carrying some unusual cargo(IE something big and heavy, wich plassanger planes don't normaly carry)
My assesment: If the views experessed were true, why did the gov't cover it up, if it was a missle that hit, there are two expalanation, Goverment shot it to gain support for a war(fat chance realy) or it was a terrorist missle and they want to prevent panic.
2004-09-05, 11:55 AM
Or the government isn't realising a lot of stuff because its the issue of its military nerve center being hit by a B-757-200...
OK, if a passenger jet did not hit the pentagon, what happened to the real jet, and everyone on it? Did the government make those people "dissapear"? Burmuda triangle? UFOs? Giant Kitten?
2004-09-05, 01:14 PM
Heres what I think happened. No terrorists ever attacked us I think aliens shot a laser and knocked those 2 planes into the WTC then shot the other plane and vaporized it but the lazer went straight thru the plane and make that hole in the pentagon.
Followed by giant kittens knocking the WTC down.
2004-09-05, 01:15 PM
Soooooo gaint kitten. And has anyone ever gone to That guy is fricking NUTS. He believes 9/11 was faked and the WTC used for the plane-crash shots was made of legos. Not kidding. See it for yourself (on second thought, your IQ goes down every time you visit, so don't).
2004-09-05, 02:29 PM
I hate people who think we never landed on the moon. if I meet another person like taht I think Im gonna stab them.
2004-09-05, 02:34 PM
I hate people who think we never landed on the moon. if I meet another person like taht I think Im gonna stab them.
Indeed... heh...
"It was all staged" As I look through a telescope and see, whats that? The lunar lander's bottom half...
2004-09-06, 02:54 AM
THat was a shocking movie, none the less. But lets be serious, if it was a missle, where could it have been launched? If it was a small Jet, how come its not at its airforce base where it would've been stopped on the spot. ANd if it was either, how the hell did it get in so far? Its fake.
It does leave some good questions though, like how come there wasn't any trees, cars, semi's on their sides, or where did everything go and how did it fly 2 feet off the ground and not even rip up some grass because its going so fast above the ground? Yes, Newtons law of whatever played a role in this. But it did happen, or what did they do with the plane with 100s of people on it, dump them in the middle of the Atlantic? Use common sense.
One question I do have is where the hell are the wings, i mean really, wouldn't the wings have made marks on the outside of the building? Only thing that gets me, unless the wings can fold up like some anime cartoon.
2004-09-06, 11:11 AM
Uggh. I showed this to my mom, and she says it confirms her conspiracy theory that the government collaborated with Osama for 9/11. She believes that the government is holding/has killed the former passengers, that bombs were in all three buildings, and that we're secretly funding Osama, sortof like the Contras. I fear for her :rofl: :scared: :love: .
2004-09-06, 11:22 AM
One question I do have is where the hell are the wings, i mean really, wouldn't the wings have made marks on the outside of the building? Only thing that gets me, unless the wings can fold up like some anime cartoon.
Well there was a big debate today in an IRC channel on Quakenet about this very fact, and several people (including some physicists) said that it's very possible that the plane vapourised, and it's perfectly possible that on impact the wings got bent back as it crashed through the building. I mean the wing wouldn't be the first thing to hit, it would be the engines. Besides if anything were to seriously blow up, it's gonna be the flimsy wings containing aviation fuel.
But apparently (I hate that word but it's all I have) they did tests of reinforced structures to prevent this stuff from happening to nuclear power plants, and they flew fighter planes into it it to test the protection. The fighters were quite literally vapourised due to the sheer speed they were flying at.
2004-09-06, 01:04 PM
So you guys realize that that plane hit with ATLEAST 400 ft lbs per square inch?
Do you knwo what sort of kinetic energy that requires?
Also, recall the two planes that hit the WTC, what was the WTC made out of? It was a hallow structure made of steel and glass. Hmmm. And those planes disentigrated on impact. Now Take a hardened concerte block like the Pentagon.
Physiscs 101, Common Sense 101. Its not hard people.
I failed Physics and Common Sense eludes me...
Why do you have Bush as your avatar?
2004-09-06, 06:45 PM
mabey he is bush? or a C I A S P Y omg!
lol ciaspys my ass
2004-09-06, 06:50 PM
Because hes pro bush. Why do you have a female with a gun in yours?
2004-09-06, 06:54 PM
I guess I'd better get out my tin helmet to protect myself from the government mind-control rays.
1. Where is the 757? Where are the people?
2. Wouldn't the FBI NEED the tapes to investigate exactly what happened?
2004-09-06, 09:58 PM
The hole was alot bigger then they make it out to be in those pictures. Speaking as someone who had to go in there, its something terrifying to see. There were peoples charred bodys, with there hands still on there coffee cups halfway to their mouth.
But it is an intresting attempt, but I find it hard to belive, that, while GWB sucks and all, he would blow up the pentagon.
2004-09-07, 01:48 PM
I bileve in the conpirisy.
I was on discovery (in the UK) last night and they used many experst in buildings attacks to talk about it, they said that:-
1) The goverment new that a terrist attack was going to happen to New York in september and they worned important people not to go to New York or to take air travil to the USA.
2) the goverment had taking terrorit inusrence out on the twin towers 2 weeks before the attack resulting in $3 billion pay up.
3) Unless there was very flamibly matireals in the towers, the jet fuel was exploded outside the towers, so there was not enought heat to melt the steel frame supporting the effected levels.
4) Explosives was used in the twin towers to bring down the towers as engeners said that they did not fall like a tower would effected like that.
5) Explosives was used on the pentagon as well
6) A hard nose missile was used as the walls of the pentagon are renforced steel walls and a plane would never penetrate the first wall, let alown 6 (or was it 8)
7) The most importent part was that 8 of the suspected terririst are alive, there names were used
8) Also, when presedent Bush was told of the first tower being attacked, he sat there, and when he was told the second tower was attacked, he stayed there, and showed no menotion, not even in shock
9) The pentagon has a SAM site but it was never activated when the towers was attacked, even thought they never thourght that they could be the next target. It could of easly taken out the so called 757 and saved lives (the lives of people inside the pentagon that were in the effected part)
10) there was no reacage, no flight box, that thing is ment to survive crashes, fires and hugh water pressure, and arn't they located in the rear of the plane, so it would survive the impact even though no other part of the aircraft did.
11) The main terrorists passport was found on the ground, not burnt, in perfect condition at the base of one of the towers 11 min after the plane he was on went into the tower, it should of bruned in the socalled flames that melted the steel structure, and why was it down there, shouldn't it be, if it survived, in the top floors?
12) all films and pics of the impact to the pentagon have been confinscated by the fbi and have not been relised to the public. If the 757 went into the pentagon, why would they withhold info that proves that the 757 hit it, they are making people wonder about it, they are making it worse.
As for myself, I am anti american government, not anti american, I feel sorry for all the people that lost a member of their family, but i bileve that the american govenment knew that it was going to happen and should of warned the people in the towers not to go to work in september.
Presedent Bush is hidding something!!!
2004-09-07, 02:02 PM
Indeed... heh...
"It was all staged" As I look through a telescope and see, whats that? The lunar lander's bottom half...Uh, what kind of telescope are you using? :doh: :rofl:
2004-09-07, 02:07 PM
I bileve in the conpirisy.
I was on discovery (in the UK) last night and they used many experst in buildings attacks to talk about it, they said that:-
1) The goverment new that a terrist attack was going to happen to New York in september and they worned important people not to go to New York or to take air travil to the USA.
2) the goverment had taking terrorit inusrence out on the twin towers 2 weeks before the attack resulting in $3 billion pay up.
3) Unless there was very flamibly matireals in the towers, the jet fuel was exploded outside the towers, so there was not enought heat to melt the steel frame supporting the effected levels.
4) Explosives was used in the twin towers to bring down the towers as engeners said that they did not fall like a tower would effected like that.
5) Explosives was used on the pentagon as well
6) A hard nose missile was used as the walls of the pentagon are renforced steel walls and a plane would never penetrate the first wall, let alown 6 (or was it 8)
7) The most importent part was that 8 of the suspected terririst are alive, there names were used
8) Also, when presedent Bush was told of the first tower being attacked, he sat there, and when he was told the second tower was attacked, he stayed there, and showed no menotion, not even in shock
9) The pentagon has a SAM site but it was never activated when the towers was attacked, even thought they never thourght that they could be the next target. It could of easly taken out the so called 757 and saved lives (the lives of people inside the pentagon that were in the effected part)
10) there was no reacage, no flight box, that thing is ment to survive crashes, fires and hugh water pressure, and arn't they located in the rear of the plane, so it would survive the impact even though no other part of the aircraft did.
11) The main terrorists passport was found on the ground, not burnt, in perfect condition at the base of one of the towers 11 min after the plane he was on went into the tower, it should of bruned in the socalled flames that melted the steel structure, and why was it down there, shouldn't it be, if it survived, in the top floors?
12) all films and pics of the impact to the pentagon have been confinscated by the fbi and have not been relised to the public. If the 757 went into the pentagon, why would they withhold info that proves that the 757 hit it, they are making people wonder about it, they are making it worse.
You belittle the people that died... Shame on you.
Jet fuel burns hot... Jet fuel would be inside the twin towers and it would've been hot enough to melt steel... you also have to remember these aircraft were equipped to fly a Non-Stop transcontinental flight.
It is unknown wether the terrorists used explosive devices on the aircraft but whoever said that the towers collapsed the 'wrong' way is full of shit... The melted steal became to weak and litterally caused the towers to buckle in on themselves at mid-section. The one tower seemed more to fall because it was hit closer to the edge of the building, weakening steal in that corner causing the tower to slant that way... it became top heavy and the force pulled the building apart. The other tower was hit right in the center, a clean whole straigh through the middle... it took out steel girders as it went through and an extremly hot fire melted the remainder. Its like playing the game Jenga, if you remove one whole level in the mid section the top of the tower collapses... imagine that plus major structural damage.
The President did not move because he was reading to second graders... 6 and 7 year olds, how would you feel if the president was suddenly rushed away from reading to you because he was told that our nation was under attack... I'd be quite a bit scared. And please tell me what the president was supposed to do anyway, rush to New York and use his magic to stop the buildings from collapsing?
The black boxes are supposed to survive a plane crash... they aren't built to survive a plane crash, a 2000 degree fire and a few thousands tons of steel and concrete collapsing on them.
Uh, what kind of telescope are you using? :doh: :rofl:
The VLT in Chile, duh. Watch moar Discovery Science Channel.
2004-09-07, 02:12 PM
Uh, what kind of telescope are you using? :doh: :rofl:
Not MY telecope I was being facetious...
There are telescopes that, when at the right angle, can see the base of the lunar lander... there are pictures from various satilites as well... The only problem is that the majority of lunar landings were on the dark side of the moon... The bases aren't always visible.
2004-09-07, 02:12 PM
Hazzer, you're a fucking moron.
Not MY telecope I was being facetious...
There are telescopes that, when at the right angle, can see the base of the lunar lander... Wrong. The only one is the VLT.
there are pictures from various satilites as well... The only problem is that the majority of lunar landings were on the dark side of the moon... The bases aren't always visible.You sure about that? :lol:
2004-09-07, 02:19 PM
leave me alone...
(shush! I have no idea... I'm just saying that we did land on the moon... SHUSH!)
Fight lies with lies I always say
Umm...I liked the music in that vid. Like, all the music into one sound string. Anyone know how to save the sound of a flash movie?
2004-09-07, 03:31 PM
The VLT in Chile, duh. Watch moar Discovery Science Channel., but going on the assumption that we're believing that the moon landing was faked, that information could be just as doubtable as the "on-site" evidence.
2004-09-07, 03:46 PM
I bileve in the conpirisy.
I was on discovery (in the UK) last night and they used many experst in buildings attacks to talk about it, they said that:-
1) The goverment new that a terrist attack was going to happen to New York in september and they worned important people not to go to New York or to take air travil to the USA.
2) the goverment had taking terrorit inusrence out on the twin towers 2 weeks before the attack resulting in $3 billion pay up.
3) Unless there was very flamibly matireals in the towers, the jet fuel was exploded outside the towers, so there was not enought heat to melt the steel frame supporting the effected levels.
4) Explosives was used in the twin towers to bring down the towers as engeners said that they did not fall like a tower would effected like that.
5) Explosives was used on the pentagon as well
6) A hard nose missile was used as the walls of the pentagon are renforced steel walls and a plane would never penetrate the first wall, let alown 6 (or was it 8)
7) The most importent part was that 8 of the suspected terririst are alive, there names were used
8) Also, when presedent Bush was told of the first tower being attacked, he sat there, and when he was told the second tower was attacked, he stayed there, and showed no menotion, not even in shock
9) The pentagon has a SAM site but it was never activated when the towers was attacked, even thought they never thourght that they could be the next target. It could of easly taken out the so called 757 and saved lives (the lives of people inside the pentagon that were in the effected part)
10) there was no reacage, no flight box, that thing is ment to survive crashes, fires and hugh water pressure, and arn't they located in the rear of the plane, so it would survive the impact even though no other part of the aircraft did.
11) The main terrorists passport was found on the ground, not burnt, in perfect condition at the base of one of the towers 11 min after the plane he was on went into the tower, it should of bruned in the socalled flames that melted the steel structure, and why was it down there, shouldn't it be, if it survived, in the top floors?
12) all films and pics of the impact to the pentagon have been confinscated by the fbi and have not been relised to the public. If the 757 went into the pentagon, why would they withhold info that proves that the 757 hit it, they are making people wonder about it, they are making it worse.
As for myself, I am anti american government, not anti american, I feel sorry for all the people that lost a member of their family, but i bileve that the american govenment knew that it was going to happen and should of warned the people in the towers not to go to work in september.
Presedent Bush is hidding something!!!
I lost a few points of my IQ by reading the first few sentences. learn English before you try to make a point.
2004-09-07, 03:52 PM
Yeah, but going on the assumption that we're believing that the moon landing was faked, that information could be just as doubtable as the "on-site" evidence.
I thought we were attempting to disprove the people that say it was faked... I dont assume that it was, Man landed on the moon.
2004-09-07, 03:58 PM
This thread sucks, and continues to suck.
2004-09-07, 04:41 PM
C4 Thursday - 9PM (I think)
9/11 Conspiracy Theories
2004-09-07, 05:22 PM
Lies! All of it! *hides in corner :scared: *
2004-09-07, 05:56 PM
So you guys realize that that plane hit with ATLEAST 400 ft lbs per square inch?
Do you knwo what sort of kinetic energy that requires?
Also, recall the two planes that hit the WTC, what was the WTC made out of? It was a hallow structure made of steel and glass. Hmmm. And those planes disentigrated on impact. Now Take a hardened concerte block like the Pentagon.
Physiscs 101, Common Sense 101. Its not hard people.
they didsn't disintigrate, some pieces flew all the way out the other side, and the wings made distinc 'cuts' in the side of the buildings. I would assume that at the Pentagon, they would eighet be sheared of, or do something similar. Even with the fire, there woudl have been wreakage outside.
Not that i disbalieve the whole 757 hitting it, but i would like to see the other videos that could clear it up why havent they been released?
2004-09-07, 06:48 PM
RBSTR, Pentagon is Concrete Block. Concrete Block > WTC Glass and steel.
2004-09-07, 06:50 PM
This thread sucks, and continues to suck.
:( you say that about all my threads. :tear:
2004-09-07, 07:15 PM
RBSTR, Pentagon is Concrete Block. Concrete Block > WTC Glass and steel.
did you accualty ready the whole thing?
t I would assume that at the Pentagon, they would either be sheared of, or do something similar. Even with the fire, there would have been wreakage outside.
and if cabin can get thought the wings have atleast a decent chance especialy if the cabin goes that far though, wings aren't flimsy, they are disigned to higher strengths than the cabin itself. because wings that fall off of a plane are generaly not good things.
2004-09-07, 07:27 PM
This thread sucks, and continues to suck.
2004-09-08, 01:15 PM
Hazzer, you're a fucking moron.
One, i am stating what i heard, not what i say happened
You belittle the people that died... Shame on you.
If you fully read my text, i said i feel sorry for the people that lost a family member and belive that how ever did it should burn in hell.
2004-09-08, 01:17 PM
I lost a few points of my IQ by reading the first few sentences. learn English before you try to make a point.
LOOK at my sig, it clearly states i am DYSLEXIC!!!
2004-09-08, 02:21 PM
Yeah right. Our goverment set that all up.Ok, hey dude guess what? Roswell was an alien invasion and the moon really is made out of cheese.
2004-09-08, 02:23 PM
Yeah right. Our goverment set that all up.Ok, hey dude guess what? Roswell was an alien invasion and the moon really is made out of cheese.
Limeys are from the moon :)
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