View Full Version : More BFR news soon, i hope

2004-09-10, 05:25 PM
Well a while ago they said every friday they would release a new document about them. I wonder what will be this week. After seeing the 2 videos aobut them, they look pretty sweet. Anyone have an idea what they will be releaseing this week, or if it will happen?

2004-09-10, 05:30 PM
Probably a mix of stuff this week. Maybe their various loadouts, maybe their rather unique component-specific damage system, maybe both. Or maybe nothing.

2004-09-10, 05:41 PM
I agree, probably loadout information or damage system.

2004-09-10, 06:18 PM
What really bugs me is that one of the TR weapon packages (looks like dual 75mm cannons) looks really ridiculous firing downward onto grunts. The barrel points downward at slightly below horizontal level and the shell comes out at like a 45 degree angle. It looks horrible so I hope they find a way to fix that

2004-09-10, 07:52 PM
That's probably a problem with animation, not the shells' actual trajectory...

Jeez, it's been on the test for a day and no one but the devs have used them, but still we get cries for buffs :)

2004-09-10, 08:04 PM
Hmm, im kinda wondering if its gonna make it up tonight or not. Its almost 8 EST, so im hoping!

2004-09-11, 02:13 AM
Evidently not. Hopefully, something will hit tomorrow.

2004-09-13, 01:15 PM
Ok, maybe we will see that doc today??

Also anyone who saw the video, or was there on the test, how did th shields work?? Are they like NC's where you have to not fire when they are on?? Or like Vehicle sheilds. And do they have to power up, and are they lmited? Can they be combined with Veh shields?

2004-09-13, 04:30 PM
Ok, maybe we will see that doc today??

Also anyone who saw the video, or was there on the test, how did th shields work?? Are they like NC's where you have to not fire when they are on?? Or like Vehicle sheilds. And do they have to power up, and are they lmited? Can they be combined with Veh shields?

When the developers were spawning the BFRs from scratch, they had shields. Not vehicle shields like from the module, but the built-in shield. The shields worked like the vehicle shields do, but I believe that while your shields are up, periodically the shield graphic flashes just to let everyone know. The shields are, of course, limited. Once they're taken out the BFRs can't take much more damage before they're destroyed. They're still pretty tough mind you, just probably not much tougher than a tank or so once the shields are down. They can probably be combined with vehicle shields, but I never actually piloted one, I just watched them fight for a while.

2004-09-13, 04:36 PM
Also note there's a glowing shield module on the back of the BFR that can be disabled with small-arms fire, although I didn't see much of that in the playtest. It was all just mass-damage tactics.

Also, I think the shields regenerate when drained if the module is still online.

2004-09-13, 04:45 PM
Also note there's a glowing shield module on the back of the BFR that can be disabled with small-arms fire, although I didn't see much of that in the playtest. It was all just mass-damage tactics.

Also, I think the shields regenerate when drained if the module is still online.

Yeah, the generator is pretty small though. Taking it out is not going to be easy at all in pretty much any fight, as hitting it when the BFR is moving around will be a pain in the ass.

2004-09-13, 05:57 PM
That's true, but you've gotta figure that you won't always have massive hordes of troops and aircraft spilling fire into them like at the playtest.

I think the shield generator is going to be a necessary priority to take out in normal situations.

2004-09-14, 04:47 PM
Ok, cool, Thanks for the info!

Well yesterday they promised a doc then or today at the latest. Any other cool things you can inform us of? Like do they explode big style like an AMS when they die? And did you see them fight tanks?? What type of hits did they do to them?? ANd instagib infantry?? MAxe's?

2004-09-14, 04:56 PM
I think some of the best information we have are the various videos posted of them in action. For example, we know they get totally owned and dont seem to be able to kill anything w/o running over it

2004-09-14, 05:04 PM
I think some of the best information we have are the various videos posted of them in action. For example, we know they get totally owned and dont seem to be able to kill anything w/o running over it

They hardly ever fired their weapons though. I think their chief concern during that test was getting as much stuff being fired at these things as possible, and now and then firing off a few bursts, probably for some "in combat" shots of the BFRs. Really though, easily 90% of the time the BFRs were active, they were just walking around, being shot at.

2004-09-14, 05:06 PM
I have watched the 2 vids i found on them. One being the song in the background of Ludacris, and the other vid having Coheed and Cambria song in background. THey seemed to be freaking out sometimes. Was i not paying attention or is this true?? And to anyone that was flying near them, how high did they jump?? I cant even guess how many meters they got up there, but it looked like a good bit.

2004-09-14, 05:50 PM
I have watched the 2 vids i found on them. One being the song in the background of Ludacris, and the other vid having Coheed and Cambria song in background. THey seemed to be freaking out sometimes. Was i not paying attention or is this true?? And to anyone that was flying near them, how high did they jump?? I cant even guess how many meters they got up there, but it looked like a good bit.

There was one shot of the colossus going a little nuts. Don't know if that's what you meant be "freaking out" though. That was the only time the BFRs did that, I'm fairly sure.

2004-09-15, 04:43 PM
I thought it had seen more than one of them just flailing and twitching. Maybe it was jus lag on camera or something.

Still kinda odd as it was for sure yesterday and still not yet even today.