View Full Version : Ammunition
2002-11-03, 07:43 PM
I was wondering, will you have infinity ammo? I think it would be cool but at the same time, sort of cheap. I mean a person could just sit on a hill top and fire rockets at a base and never run out! This way, it would be a bit too easy to take over enemy bases unless they have snipers.
2002-11-03, 08:04 PM
Actually one of our questions to the dev team is similar to this.. There is no money, so you wont have to "buy" ammo. But one would assume you can only carry so much
2002-11-05, 09:29 AM
I hope there is a fixxed amount you can carry. a heavy proably has great big drums of it, but 50 shots is all a sniper should beable to carry for his BD (those are big bullets you know). I Also hope that the vehicles have limits to how much they can carry, like a skeeter only haveing 250 shells as apposed to a reaver or galaxy haveing 1000 or more shells. just my thoughts.
oh oh oh also there are diff kinds of ammo: Ap (armor piercing), Normal, and ones that do agrivated DMG like phosphorous rounds or mecury tipped rounds (damage after the innitial hit) will have to see how usefull those are. Venu weapons will likely have only one or 2 of the ammo types as they are energy, so can not load up a clip of what ever, though we know there pistal can fire normal and AP.
[edit] oh by we i mean me, i think of myself as more then one person, actually i think of myself as all my everquest charcters togeather! the paladin and necro dont get along well) [edit]
2002-11-05, 09:56 AM
Also vehicles have trunks supposedly, which can store ammo in them
2002-11-05, 12:06 PM
I doubt there will be diffrent kinds of shells. Also from everything I've read it does sound like you can only carry a limited supply. I remember Dave saying something at the dev chat about loading up the trunk with ammo before you head out to attack something.
Also if you read some of the weapon profiles it suggests that you can only have so much ammo. I can't remember the exact gun, but one of the TR says "Fires bullets from a Genorus Ammo reserve". That leads me to beleave that some guns will hold a lot more then others.
2002-11-05, 12:11 PM
/me opens trunk
"aww shit, who forgot to pickup the ammo again?"
2002-11-05, 12:15 PM
Weekend Shopping List
Hot Dogs *
Buns *
Charcoal *
Soda *
Beer *
Chips *
Ice *
Potato Salad *
Oops.......that's the last time I do the shoping.
2002-11-05, 12:57 PM
Awaiting the return of our interview e-mail with the devs, when that happens we'll hopefully know everything we need to. So far we've gathered that you will only be able to carry so much ammo and that it can be stored in the trunks of vehicles, hopefully that will be confirmed or denied and we'll know whether ammo is counted and used in clip form etc.
Unreg, with a list like that you can do my shopping any time :cool:
2002-11-05, 01:00 PM
If you can put ammo in trunks, think you can stick people? :D :D
That would make for an interesting ride back to enemy base. That is if you don't suffocate first.
2002-11-05, 01:20 PM
2002-11-05, 01:22 PM
That's My PlanetSide tailgate party list :D
2002-11-05, 01:33 PM
Well we know that we can probably load up our trunks with ammo, but what about backpacks/pouches. I think this would be cool but of course you would have to make them look futuristic and part of the armor. Of course, you can't just have a backpack whenever you want but maybe you would need a cert for one. However, you wouldn't need very much BEP to attain a cert for a backpack/pouch.
2002-11-05, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
I doubt there will be diffrent kinds of shells.
The devs have stated several times there is normal damage, AP damage, and aggravated damage :p
Also, a MAX can hold ammo for the squad
2002-11-05, 02:07 PM
hmmmm................But is that damage from diffrent shells fired by the same weapon, or is it shells fired by diffrent weapons?
2002-11-05, 02:10 PM
Yes. Please awe us with this knowledge RocketPower. :D
2002-11-05, 04:10 PM
As Kevin explained it, various ammo types would be available for some weapons. He envisions a sort of situation where troops would encounter a lone tank and all switch ammunition to AP to take it out, and switch back to standard for engaging infantry.
I think aggravated damage is mostly the plasma grenades, not sure what else
2002-11-05, 04:32 PM
Well that would be cool, but I'm not sure how practical it is. Back when they had an economy this might have worked better if the AP bullets were more expensive, but without an economy what reason would anyone have to carry around a regular bullet when you could have the AP's?
2002-11-05, 04:39 PM
AP isnt as effective against infantry, so you'll get chewed up
2002-11-05, 04:51 PM
How a is bullet, that can pierce the armor of a Tank, less effective against soft human flesh? Have to be some pretty thick skinned mf's for that to work out!
I'd rather they just had one type of bullet then some gayness like "You need special people killing bullets, because the Armor Percing ones your using don't work against people".
I mean if I do have to use special bullets for any one purpose, I hope they come up with a good reason for it.
2002-11-05, 04:58 PM
Armor piercing is specially coated or made of a special material so that it goes through objects more easily.
A regular bullet won't slide through as easily, so it bouces off bones and organs doing more internal damage to a person.
(In real life, you would rather be hit by an armor piercing bullet than a regular one)
However the bonus of Armor piecing bullets is that you can hit two targets at once (slides through one person and hits the person behind them).
2002-11-05, 05:02 PM
I'd rather not be hit by a bullet period. :p
2002-11-05, 05:07 PM
Rocket is indeed right, I cant remember where this was mentioned.. had to be in the dev interview a month back. They pretty much stated it the way he just did
2002-11-05, 05:16 PM
Damn bullets.
Can I please have a Mortar launcher and we'll just forget about the whole bullet thing?
2002-11-05, 05:21 PM
If it were up to me, sure.
As long as you dont TK me with it :rofl:
2002-11-05, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Rocket is indeed right
TY Hamme :love:
I can't quote sources since I don't know where each bit of info comes from, but I do know I heard it somewhere D:
2002-11-05, 08:22 PM
Yea that happens to me too. I remember reading it but dont remember where. :p
2002-11-06, 07:00 AM
Couple things:
1) The material used to make armor piercing bullets actually pierce armor is called teflon. It reduces the friction the bullet experiences, letting it zip through stuff like kevlar. In PS, I imagine that AP rounds will be used against opponents with extremely heavy armor -- a MAX or some such. However, as a side note, I feel that different rounds to let one weapon accomplish different tasks is folly, and detracts from the group oriented nature of the game. Why have a guy carrying a rocketlauncher if you can slap some AP rounds into your weapon and do the exact same job?
2) No amount of teflon in the world will make a metal slug penetrate tank armor. Sorry, but unless you're using VERY high calibur bullets, the best you'll do is put a small dent in the plating of the tank and maybe mess up the paint job. If the devs allow an infantryman to damage a tank with a rifle, tanks are instantly obsolete. What use is heavy armor when you're a large, not-so-mobile target that can get blown to hell by a bunch of infantry guys with ease? No, there are anti-armor weapons and mines listed, so they should be what's used to destroy armor. On that note, fragmentation grenades should have no effect on tanks, and plasma should do light damage, but even that is pushing it.
3) Modern bullets don't "bounce around" inside of a person -- that's Civil War era stuff. The reason why teflon coated bullets don't do as much damage as so-called anti-personnel rounds is because the anti-personnel rounds are designed to flatten out when they hit your soft, unprotected flesh. Instead of the teflon round putting a small hole right through you, the anti-personnel round mushrooms at the tip into a bad little mofo and tears you up inside.
4) Hi, I'm new.
2002-11-06, 08:07 AM
Welcome aboard :D
And you do have a point, it will be pretty stupid if a guy with a machine gun can take out a tank.. and hopefully if it is possible. Its very difficult and would take several minutes at least. Even a squad of infantry should not be able to take out a tank easily.
I guess we will have to wait and see.
2002-11-06, 08:26 AM
It's not "one guy can take out a tank with AP Rounds."
It's more like you're a squad of 6-10 guys, and you don't want to be SOL if none of you HAS a rocket launcher. It's a more effective way of dealing with a situation--not the best.
Presumably, a good tank commander 1) won't have a problem dispatching an unorganized group of infantry, and 2) won't be alone
2002-11-06, 08:48 AM
I will just throw myself in front of the tank and hope he stops.
2002-11-06, 08:59 AM
Well, yeah, that's what I mean. As long as it's very difficult for infantry to take out a tank unless they're specifically equipped to do so, they shouldn't have much of a chance against a tank. Unless the tank is in a forest or otherwise uneven terrain which provides the infantry with a lot of cover and the tank with extremely limited mobility, infantry shouldn't have much chance against a tank (again, unless armed to deal with a tank).
2002-11-06, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
I will just throw myself in front of the tank and hope he stops.
So that was you in Teaniman Square......
2002-11-06, 11:36 AM
Warborn you seem to know lots more then me but.....
You forgot Nato rounds! that little bb ball thing on their tip makes em ... "bounch around" inside you, causing lotsa damage, just thought i'd point out that there is a round still around that bounch's around (i made a funny) in you.
And their are rifles that are used to attack tanks or, um Tickle them hehe... looky here:
This is used to shoot thought the tank and kill the people inside, or shoot a hole in the fuel tank (no it wont blow up like in movies, just run outa juice), but still its a weapon, a rifle, that can attack a tank.
P.S for those who dont go to the link its a 12.7mm caliber gun, and to use well takes 3 men, but hey its still cool.
2002-11-06, 12:17 PM
lets not forget this is the future, we dont know what these things fire yet :o
2002-11-06, 01:26 PM
yes, the AP rounds are made of a special metal that our present minds cant comprehend, and they are fired at such high volocity that they can go though the armor of a tank.
Have you found Jesus?
If not look behind your couch, he hides back there sometimes.
2002-11-06, 01:38 PM
This is used to shoot thought the tank and kill the people inside, or shoot a hole in the fuel tank (no it wont blow up like in movies, just run outa juice), but still its a weapon, a rifle, that can attack a tank.
That's an anti-tank weapon, though. It's specifically designed to fight tanks, not like a regular assault rifle or some such. So it doesn't count :)
Seriously though, the bullets I'm refering to would be interchangeable with a regular infantryman's standard firearm. If you beef the rifle up enough, then sure, it'll fire rounds that can punch through the skin of a tank, but that weapon is not going to be very effective against infantry (heavy, cumbersome ammunition, unwieldly, slow rate of fire, can't be fired while standing perhaps, etc).
As for the NATO rounds, I'm not familiar with them, but I'll take your word for it. Learn something new everyday :)
2002-11-06, 02:39 PM
I for one hope that AP bullets can not tear through a tank. I'd hate to be taken out by a bunch of foot soldiers.
2002-11-06, 02:55 PM
I agree. If troops are not properly equipped, they shouldn't be able to take on a tank. Sorry, but that's what intelligent squad composition is for. If you're going out, make sure you're prepared. Have a guy with a rocket launcher, or maybe even two (or some other anti-armor weapon), and be sure to keep a medic handy in case he goes down. If a regular infantryman with any old weapon can do damage to a tank, then a squad of 10 armed with that weapon will likely be able to destroy a tank, which raises the question of whether anti-tank weapons are really worth it, if you can just blow a tank up with grenades and rifle fire anyway. Anti-tank infantry should have a clearly defined and valuable role. Allowing any group of infantry to take out a tank, even if they don't have anti-tank weapons, eliminates the need for that role.
2002-11-06, 04:23 PM
Actually the rifle i mentioned is also good for sniping, but yes its for hitting targets in armored vehicals or behind walls, AP only. and yes 10 guys will AP rounds would be gayer then a skeeter killing a galaxy. heh
2002-11-06, 04:49 PM
I think many of the weapon have anti-vehicle modes (or are atleast described as being effective agains vehicles).
It might be that the worst that happens is that when your tank is destroyed is that you have get out and fight on foot. Hopefully your tank will have taken out some enemies before it died.
2002-11-06, 05:11 PM
hmm, an anti vehicle "mode" would not be good, I dont want some random guy in the middle of the forest, to take on my tank and destroy the hell out of it. That would not be cool..
As Warborn said, thats what good squad composition is for. When you leave for a mission you should be prepared for every kind of threat. Having a few vehicles of your own or some anti vehicle personel on your team.
2002-11-06, 06:30 PM
I think it should take 4+ guys with Anti vehicle weapons (rockets and mines?) and a well laid plan to kill a tank or 10+ with a few rockets and lotsa AP rounds to take a tank. Also both groups wound need to take lotsa casualtys. Of course 3+ max suits should be able to take lightings, 4+ for mediums (like vanguard) and 5-6 for heavy tanks
2002-11-06, 06:36 PM
I'm not talking 1 guy with AP rounds can take out a Vanguard.
You guys all jump to idiotic conclusions and end up making yourselves look like fools.
For light armor vehicles (lightning/harasser/etc), AP rounds will be more effective in letting those who equip them in damaging/finishing off/taking out a light vehicle, and possibly the heavier armors.
It never ceases to amaze me how people can argue and bitch over how "stupid" things are and how "bad" and "Awful" everything is, when they don't know jack shit about how it's actually handled in-game.
2002-11-06, 06:40 PM
2002-11-06, 06:54 PM
Calm the hell down, RocketFodder. Jesus Christ man. Maybe you should be more specific next time, then, as amazingly enough, we can't read your mind through the magic of the Internet.
2002-11-06, 07:06 PM
Rocket you have to understand not everyone on these boards has been following the game since day one and has an inside track.
If you dont lighten up a bit with your responses Im going to be an upset Hamma :|
2002-11-06, 10:12 PM
/ me sits back and watches the bitching begin
2002-11-06, 10:14 PM
uhh.. no
/me delete's irons post
2002-11-07, 10:49 AM
Another Ammo question : will the guns all fire like 1 calaber of bullet, so you could have ammo for all your guns (unlikely), or maybe grouped into catagorys (Pistol, energy, rifle, Machine Gun, etc.) or will each weapon have its own ammo types....also can you take someones ammo/gun if you capp em?
2002-11-07, 12:16 PM
Dunno on the ammo.. id assume its different for each weapon.
As for taking weapons, I believe its possible to steal off of ded bodies, but I am not sure on this
2002-11-07, 12:20 PM
well, in most the screenshots you can see the people of different factions using each other's weapons. But i don't know how much you can trust those cause it could just be the Devs having fun:)
2002-11-07, 12:24 PM
Well we know you can steal the enemy vechicles if you have the right certs, so I'd hope you can grab their guns.
2002-11-07, 12:28 PM
yea, that is true. but i wonder about if someone stole Vanu weaponry, where would they get the extra ammo for it since they have a completly different stock. But i guess you could always just keep killing Vanus to keep your stolen laser gun fueled:)
2002-11-07, 12:47 PM
I hadn't thought about where you'd get Ammo for stolen guns. In most cases, I don't think I'd have much need to reload a stolen weapon. Genrally the only time I pick up a guys gun is if he has something I need right now.
An example would be in BF1942 and I spawn as a Medic, there is an enemy tank in the area, and I see a Bazzoka lying around I'll pick it up, take care of the tank, and then try and get rid of it for a gun more suitable to my situation.
2002-11-07, 12:47 PM
If they had kept the economy in, that would make for an interesting black market. Selling vehicles, weapons, ammo etc to opposing sides.
2002-11-07, 12:53 PM
black markets would have been a nice touch, but as you said there is no economy...
Unregistered- i could see someone coming across a gun of the same type the person uses, but is better for certain situations(like a vanu laser version might be better against certain types of armor than regular bullet version) and the person would carry both around so they could switch *shrug*
but of course if they do have different ammo types, then that may not be something you'd do. unless you want to show off your trophy from a kill:D
2002-11-07, 03:06 PM
even IF you could grab an enemy's gun AND he has a lot of ammo left AND you could get more ammo from another enemy you COULD'NT use that gun cause you don't have the nedded certification for it ;)
And in Planetside there won't be econemy and so there will be no black market ;)
2002-11-07, 03:10 PM
well, there hasn't been much detail on what the certifications cover exactly. it may be for specific weapons like you mentioned, or it could be for the class of weapon(rifle,smg,etc). if it is just for the class of weapon, then it is possible that you can use it. either way, we won't know till we've played it, or the release that info;)
2002-11-07, 03:13 PM
The kind of weapons would be ok for the common pool weapons, but i think that you will have to get a certification for the kinds of special empire weapons too :) but sure qou are right, we will have to wait at least for the beta to know it exactly :)
2002-11-07, 03:18 PM
i was just re-reading the faq on the main site about the weapons and it said:
"Many of the weapons are "common pool" meaning that all Empires have access to them, but some are Empire-specific, ensuring that each Empire has a distinctive "flavor" to it when playing."
this does lead me to believe that you won't be able to use another factions weaponry, to maintain that "flavor."
I just think it would be interesting if someone turned my friends pulsar against me, adds to the tension of the situation:)
2002-11-07, 05:48 PM
I heard that Vanu weapons didn't need ammo.
What about second functions? I heard that some guns will have secondary functions like in Perfect Dark (ah brings back memories)
It would be pretty cool. :evil:
2002-11-07, 06:00 PM
some of them do have alternate firing modes, they're in the weapon discriptions for some of them. as for vanu weapons not needing ammo, where did you see that at?
2002-11-07, 06:02 PM
The Vanu weapons won't need Ammo in the same way that TR and NC weapons will. The Devs covered it in the chat, but for balence the Vanu weapons will require Batteries or something equivlent to the Ammo the other empires use.
Same effect and purpose, just diffrent names.
2002-11-07, 06:09 PM
ya, that's what i had thought. cell charge battery like thingies;)
2002-11-07, 06:46 PM
Some weapons can use normal or even AP Ammo, you will switch them with the secondary firemode. (see Dev-Chat).
Another Weapon (Punisher) will Fire a rocket with the sec-mode and normal bullets at prime-mode. It will be a lot of fun :)
2002-11-07, 07:15 PM
Yes indeed :D
2002-11-08, 06:19 AM
Sheesh, you guys take offense really easily, what Rocket said was by no means "harsh" by a PSI standard.
Anyway, the information on armour piercing rounds and aggravated damage can be found in the most recent dev chat log:
RocketFodder: any info on ammunition types?
RocketFodder: or firing modes, for that matter
SmokeJumperPS: Ammo types = standard, armor piercing and aggravated (damage over time).
SmokeJumperPS: Firing modes are dependent on the weapon. There are a lot of weapons and that list isn't pre-typed, so you'll have to wait a bit.
SmokeJumperPS: Aggravated is stuff like plasma grenades.
I know you guys mean well, but it can get aggravating when you hear questions that have been answered already in public documents...
2002-11-08, 11:41 AM
Another Question: Will there be little arrows telling you this guy is an NME and this one a friend? If not then say your a TR trooper and you and about 5 of your budys some how kill a wounded steals his gun and now people far away see he is firing lasers, maybe think he is Vanu, so other Vanu dont shoot him, though this might work against him, namely a terammemmber showing him the working side of his rocklets.
And i think you can use NME empires stuff hench hacking to still their tanks and the such.
2002-11-08, 01:41 PM
I think I read something about friendlies showing up on your radar and coming up green under your targeting reticle.
2002-11-08, 01:49 PM
Yes this sounds about right, enemys would then probably show up as normal guys running around, they will be a different color plus when you hover your ret over them you will not get a readout (unless you use advanced targeting implant)
2002-11-09, 08:40 PM
I guess no one cares about my backpack/pouch idea...
2002-11-09, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by Jinxmasta
I guess no one cares about my backpack/pouch idea...
I tried to discuss this also with an idea of a "Mule" suit. I think carring extra ammo/ hacking gear/ medic gear is a viable support role that has not been addressed. However the general response is "if you wanna support your stealth medics/hackers" then you should be a MAX [heavy suit].
2002-11-10, 02:42 AM
Or bring a vehicle with a trunk :D
2002-11-10, 10:39 AM
I see that he's not giving up on the "Mule suit" idea yet...
Gee 't oop mahn. Ye'r noot gahna geet eet.
Originally posted by stick100
I tried to discuss this also with an idea of a "Mule" suit. I think carring extra ammo/ hacking gear/ medic gear is a viable support role that has not been addressed. However the general response is "if you wanna support your stealth medics/hackers" then you should be a MAX [heavy suit].
it's very simple. you're wrong. that about covers everything.
2002-11-10, 02:52 PM
vechs can carry extra stuff in trunks. Also, MAX's have large amounts of space that they can hold stuff in. The backpack/mule suit are not really needed.
2002-11-11, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by afex
it's very simple. you're wrong. that about covers everything. [In reference to me]
Lol, I wasn't trying to resurect this discussion, I was just telling the guy I support him, and that I tried before and got shot down. Besides its not like I fought it very hard, that was time-limited servers . :love:
2002-11-11, 07:56 AM
*Drives his AA guns up*
Did you say something?
2002-11-11, 04:44 PM
I havent read through most of this thread, but i found this, (which may have already been posted):
"Are there secondary attacks associated with weapons?
Many weapons have secondary attack modes, yes. These secondary modes range from firing all rounds available, to guided methods, or even switching from normal ammo to AP ammo."
I assume only some weapons will have the ability to use AP, and it will just be your secondary fire.
2002-11-11, 07:51 PM
Source: Terran Republic
Handling: Anti-Vehicular Missile
Damage: High
Maximum Range: Long
Refire Rate: Medium
The Striker serves as the Terran Republic's primary anti-vehicular weapon. In standard firing mode, it launches a dumb fire missile straight towards its target. In secondary firing mode, the Striker will attempt to lock-on to an armored target (heavy assault suit, vehicle, or turret) as long as the reticule is kept on target for a short duration.
Source: New Conglomerate
Handling: Assault Shotgun
Damage: High
Maximum Range: Medium
Refire Rate: Medium
With good ammunition capacity and a reasonable rate of fire, the Jackhammer is the New Conglomerate's primary heavy assault multi-barreled shotgun. In alternate firing mode, the Jackhammer swiftly discharges all barrels, but all barrels must then reload before being able to fire again.
Source: New Conglomerate
Handling: Melee
Damage: Medium
Maximum Range: Very Short
Refire Rate: Not Applicable
The MAG-Cutter is the New Conglomerate's standard issue combat knife. In regular attack mode, it delivers reasonable damage, using a precise cutting edge. When its secondary mode is activated, it delivers greater damage.
(all knifes are the same for secound fire though)
All alternate fire modes that arnt AP, also might vehicles have alt fire modes?
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