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2004-09-14, 11:58 AM
This is an article from the Daily Mirror, an English paper.
Diary of Despair
She was one of the "in" crowd - and she loved it. Rebecca Willers would swan around the school as if she owned the place, sniggering along with the rest when the gang picked on and taunted the more vulnerable pupils.
But it was no laughing matter when they viciously turned on her, beating her so badly she spent almost a week in hospital.
From then on, the Essex schoolgirl found herself the target of a campaign of hate, suffering dozens of threatening phone calls each night and a non-stop barrage of abusive text messages.
Rebecca's life at the Aveley School in Thurrock turned into a living hell. Struggling to cop, she wrote about her terror and misery in a diary - and here we publish vivid excerpts from it on day two of the daily mirror's anti bulling campaign, Bulling: You Can Stop It.
Gangs of up to 30 kids wold gather outside the house Rebecca, now 14 shares with her mother and two younger sisters and scream foul abuse. Her tormentors even kept up their cruel campaign on Christmas Day.
They had turned on her after she was accused of starting a rumour that one of the biggest bullies in the gang had slept with her boyfriend.
"To this day I swear I never said that," says Rebecca. "But when I was walking out of school that afternoon she came up behind me with two other girls, pulled me to the floor and started kicking me in the stomach.
"The other girls took my bag, took money out of it, and took my phone. It was literally 10ft outside school. Adults were parked outside - there were loads and loads of peple standing around and no one did anything. I managed to get up and because they thought I was going to fight back two of them pushed me through a big 6ft fence into a back garden, knocking the fence down. I was lying in the garden and they kept kicking me in the face and stomach. "
Then one of them came in, grabbed my hair and tried to knee me in the face. As I moved, her knee got me underneath the chin and in the throat.
"It went on for a good five minutes, with them booting me anywhere they could find. They were having a good old go at it. At one point, when there was a big gang of people around me, one of them pulled down my top and my boobs were exposed and everything.
"Then the neighbour next door to the house came out and managed to pull them off."
Rebecca immediatlely saw a doctor, but it wasn't until the next day that the extent of her injuries became clear, as the harrowing first entry in her diary reveals. Driven to despair by months of bulling, she eventually wrote moving goodbye letters to her family and friends.
"Mum, I am sorry but I can't cope any more," she said. "You kept me going this far - I love you so much."
References to suicide pepper her diary. Luckily, Rebecca never took that final, fatal step. But she came close - as the scars on her wrists and legs from self-harm bear witness.
On the right (Next post for you guys) are extracts from her diary that chronicle the months of torment she suffered after the attack until she finally moved to a new school...
2004-09-14, 12:02 PM
2004-09-14, 12:10 PM
If I were her mom, I would have gone to that school and beat the living shit out of any of those douche bags who thought they were so tough and so cool. Holy crap, bones would be broken. Then I'd dump them on their front porch and spit on their parents for fucking up so hard and producing wastes of space like their kids.
2004-09-14, 12:14 PM
If I were her mom, I would have gone to that school and beat the living shit out of any of those douche bags who thought they were so tough and so cool. Holy crap, bones would be broken. Then I'd dump them on their front porch and spit on their parents for fucking up so hard and producing wastes of space like their kids.
im feelin the :love: in that post ;)
2004-09-14, 12:15 PM
Haha, don't screw with the people I love, I will bring you down. Bring you down to Chinatown!
2004-09-14, 12:17 PM
2004-09-14, 12:17 PM
Don't worry Black. If you ever needed someone to be put back in their place, I'd probably help you out :love:
2004-09-14, 12:20 PM
2004-09-14, 12:30 PM
Wenesday, July 16. 2003
Got up this morning and there was blood all over the bed sheets. Was in complete shock and didn't have a clue what was going on.
Went back to the doctor and he said I had to go to hospital. Knew it was serious because I was in complete agony.
They said I had a swollen kidney and damage to my ovaries and gave me strong painkillers.
I could be here a few days, At least I don't have to go back to school tomorrow.
Sunday, July 20
Doctors said I can go home today but I'm terrified about going back to school.
Wouldn't even look outthe car window as we were going home in case they saw ne, Got the right shakes. Was really petrified.
Walking from the car to the house is only about six metres but it was so hard to get my legs to work. Was so worried they'd see me and it would happen again.
Monday, July 21
So glad mum said I didn't have to go back to school today. There's only a week left before the summer holidays and she says I can stay off till then. COuldn't face them and I'm still bleeding in pain anyway.
Mum says it will all have blown over by next year
Monday, October 13
Got elastic bands pinged at my legs. Got "slag" screamed in my face so left school at 10.30am. Sat at home and cried for the rest of the day.
When I went back to school after the summer I thought it would be different. I thought everyone would have forgotten about it but they had spread so many rumours about me it was unbelievable.
They said I was a slag, that I was sleeping around, that I was a prostitute and that I was pregnant. All sorts of stuff. No one would talk to me.
Monday, October 27
The calls started at 6.30pm tonight. There were 78 in all.
As usual, they were screaming "slag", "whore", "watch your back and all your family's", "you're going to ****ing die", and "go kill yourself."
One said: "Polly wants a cracker." Even silly things like that are unbearable.
Wanted to scream: "Leave me alone - I'm not doing anything to hurt you" down the phone but if I do, it will give them more reason to carry on.
They'll know they're getting to me.
Monday, November 5
Got a punch in the face and walked out. Can't take much more.
All night they kept knocking at the door. A stone got thrown at 9.20pm and 9.53pm. They were shouting "slag", "****ing bitch", "come out now" and "****ing get out here."
Got a phone call, they shouted "slag" and then put the phone down.
We called the police. When they came I screamed: "You have to do something - this is unbelievable." I'm going to go jump off a brdige if they don't do something. Someone has to do something.
Monday, November 9
Got tripped up and went flat on my face. Everyone just stood there and laughed.
Was so humiliated and upset I got up and ran out of school and sat at home and cried. Took a carving knife and gave my wrist a good coulple of slices. I really felt like dying tday. I want to jump off a cliff.
Thursday, December 25, Christmas Day
Even today they didn't leave me alone. It started at dinner time. They screamed, "You're a little slag", down the phone and then hung up.
When they phoned again my uncle answered for once and it scared them. Serves them right.
Friday, December 26, Boxing Day
Can't believe they rang at 1.30am. Shouted: "You're a stupid skank."
You'd expect them to be home with their families but, no, they're making trouble for me.
Was so humiliated because my family were round. They're all going to think I'm useless and pathetic because I've brought it on the family.
Friday, January 16, 2004
Things have got so bad that I've been taken out of class and now have lessons in the library.
Got dirty looks, She walked past six times and laughed every time. Called out: "Dirty slag" then sat starting for over half an hour. Another one said: "Got to go to the police office because of that ****ing slag", pointing to me.
Spend the whole time laughing at me and then smiling and giving dirty looks. After school she walked past and said "Hi" to mum. Scared me ****less. |Thought she was coming to get me.
Monday, January 19
They came in the library and laughed. Evil look. Walked past door, shouted: "Slag".
Teacher never came to give me work. He will just say he was busy and I should go and get it. But I am too scared to even go to the toilet, let alone go into a class where "they" are. They make me feel so small.
Really feel like dying. It would just be so much easier.
Tuesday, January 20
In the library. SHe walked in and laughed. She knows I am in there every day because of them and she takes the **** about it.
She walked in again and gave dirty looks.Called out: "Slag". Three of them were with the rest of a class. Got dirty looks and one kept looking voer and turning round and talking and pointing.
She walked pst me three times. First time she smiled. Second time she said: "Hi". Thrid time she said: "Die".
Came home at lunch because I don't see the point in being in school when all this is going on.
Every day a new problem turns up and when school think they have an answer - a s*** one at that but one all the same - it goes out the wndow straight away.
Then Dad or Mum go up to the school about it. They always correct it for one day then go back to their old ways.
Wednesday, January 21
Need some serious sleep. Feel physically and mentally very ill. I know I'm depressed but I just want it allto end. How can I do it? The only way I know is dying. No one understands how bad I feel. They all think it's an act.
Tuesday, June 29
Started new school at Easter but still live here and see them all the time. I've come through it now, though, and I'm at a better school and am friends with everyone there.
Now if there's an aurgument between two of my friends I will try and stop it and talk it out with them because I know what it's like to be beaten up and bullied. It's an awful thing - a terrible thing.
I feel so bad for this kid. :(
2004-09-14, 12:35 PM
The poor kid! I'm glad she moved to a different school. Still, if I were her mom, heads would roll.
2004-09-14, 12:36 PM
2004-09-14, 12:36 PM
Likewise. I want to seriously hurt the people bullying her.
2004-09-14, 12:49 PM
Wow where did this take place? Honestly though either the journals are exadruated, or that place has the worst police systems ever. If she was beaten that badly why werent thier charges pressed?
Good thing I wasnt in her shoes/there. Or there would have been columbine 2.0
Primary targets: Abusors
Secondary Targets: Administration
2004-09-14, 12:49 PM
Those [the bullies] are the sort of people that are simply begging "hit me in the face." "Repeatedly."
I know of some people like that at my college, but nothing to that extent. I can but imagine how bad that'd be.
2004-09-14, 12:50 PM
Wow where did this take place? Honestly though either the journals are exadruated, or that place has the worst police systems ever. If she was beaten that badly why werent thier charges pressed?
I think it's because they were minors, so there's only so much the police can do. So stupid.
2004-09-14, 12:59 PM
Still, they could have gone to juvenile detention and had to do volunteer service changing the shitty diapers of old people at the hospital.
2004-09-14, 01:10 PM
Ski mask + brass knuckles + dark alley + the female bully = :domotwak:
2004-09-14, 01:26 PM
When they phoned again my uncle answered for once and it scared them. Serves them right.
WTF?!?!?! Why didn't the parents do more? Pick up the phone once? I would have always picked up the phone. I would have recorded the messages and brought them to the cops. I would have brought them to the paren'ts of the little assholes. There is so much more that could have been done. Paren'ts and family really blew it.
Wow where did this take place? Honestly though either the journals are exadruated, or that place has the worst police systems ever. If she was beaten that badly why werent thier charges pressed?
Good thing I wasnt in her shoes/there. Or there would have been columbine 2.0
Primary targets: Abusors
Secondary Targets: Administration
Dude, that is fucked up to say even in a joke.
2004-09-14, 01:27 PM
Ski mask + brass knuckles + dark alley + the female bullies = :domotwak:
I think she sounds like a quite string willed girl, and I think she could've dealed with one bully. But it sounds like a mob was after her, just with one girl being the ring leader.
2004-09-14, 03:01 PM
I think she sounds like a quite string willed girl, and I think she could've dealed with one bully. But it sounds like a mob was after her, just with one girl being the ring leader.
That's why I'd wait until the ring leader is alone. I'd start carrying a one of these ( around with me too.
2004-09-14, 03:13 PM
wow, thats just fucking horrible, how the fuck could someone be cruel enough to put it at that extent?
2004-09-14, 03:23 PM
I get twice as many insults yelled at me in school...
But this isnt about me...
2004-09-14, 03:38 PM
As someone who has been frequently bullied I can say that this isn't cool... I thought what I had was bad, but its never gotten this bad... Makes me wanna hurt somebody.
2004-09-14, 04:05 PM
I would of gone to lession with a rifle and let lose to the builes, dont care about going to jail
2004-09-14, 04:06 PM
I would of gone to lession with a rifle and let lose to the builes, dont care about going to jail
Somehow I doubt that very much.
2004-09-14, 04:43 PM
sharing infernus's view.
I would have stolen a gun and blown this shit out of every one of those pathetic in crowd girls. Though inpart she probably took part in the bullying at one point bace she admits she was part of the incrowd herself. Those girls are vicious to each other, its crazy, they ack all buddy buddy alot of times but jsut wait for the chance to stab one on the back.
2004-09-14, 04:45 PM
Where is this taking place?
sharing infernus's view.
I would have stolen a gun and blown this shit out of every one of those pathetic in crowd girls. Though inpart she probably took part in the bullying at one point bace she admits she was part of the incrowd herself. Those girls are vicious to each other, its crazy, they ack all buddy buddy alot of times but jsut wait for the chance to stab one on the back.
It's a lot more fun than the way males settle scores.
Not that that makes it any more right.
This is sick.
2004-09-14, 04:59 PM
I dont know how you all feel, but isn't this at least relevant?
She was one of the "in" crowd - and she loved it. Rebecca Willers would swan around the school as if she owned the place, sniggering along with the rest when the gang picked on and taunted the more vulnerable pupils.
Perhaps it was revenge gone a bit to far, but still revenge for what she had done? I realize im probably in the minority by a very far amount here, but if someone continues taunting me and things like that, i eventually blow up on them. Maybe thats what these kids did, just in a more organized fashion.
And also, i would blame the parents of the kids that are still doing this. Dont they keep tabs on there children and control them?? Perhaps some "attention" from the parents would solve this in the form of good stern talkings and beatings?
2004-09-14, 05:17 PM
She was one of the "in" crowd - and she loved it. Rebecca Willers would swan around the school as if she owned the place, sniggering along with the rest when the gang picked on and taunted the more vulnerable pupils.
To me it sounds like the girl is a hypocrite. Other then that I sympathize for the girl. Kids just keep getting worse every generation. She has the guts for not lashing back out at them, because if it was me, I would have snapped and put one of those "bullies" in the medical ward.
2004-09-14, 05:43 PM
UK Cracks Down on Bullying (,1074,1304413,00.html)
Parents today launched a campaign to make schools legally responsible for eliminating bullying.
The parents' campaigning group Action on Rights for Children (Arch) said government guidelines did not go far enough in stamping out the "Lord of the Flies" culture in schools.
All schools are required to have an anti-bullying charter and have been sent new guidance informing them they are now legally responsible for children's welfare.
2004-09-14, 05:44 PM
My friend(shes a girl) was having problems at school cause she offended one of the jocks by not sleeping with him so he and his friends spread rumors, tripped her, threw stuff and every other bad thing you could possibly do. They even had there g/fs do it to her so one day I had to confront the jock. Turns out hes a pussy and after 1 hit to the face his eyes were watering and he gave up. Kids like this are weak and because there weak and know it they like to act all big and bad and make others look bad to make themselves feel good which is sad.
2004-09-14, 05:51 PM
She got what she deserved.
2004-09-14, 05:57 PM
She got what she deserved.
She deserves death threats?
2004-09-14, 05:59 PM
Yes, she's probably done the same thing to other people. She seems to give no hint at her feeling sorry for what she did to other people, just that she is now the target of these attacks. I've been at the centre of some pretty harsh "bullying" and all I can think is that she only cares now, because it happened to her
Karma is payed back exponentially sometimes.
2004-09-14, 06:02 PM
sputty i argee, this kin dof thing doesn't happen unless people want to get back at you for doing the same thing to them
2004-09-14, 06:54 PM
But it was no laughing matter when they viciously turned on her, beating her so badly she spent almost a week in hospital.
From then on, the Essex schoolgirl found herself the target of a campaign of hate, suffering dozens of threatening phone calls each night and a non-stop barrage of abusive text messages.
Rebecca's life at the Aveley School in Thurrock turned into a living hell. Struggling to cop, she wrote about her terror and misery in a diary - and here we publish vivid excerpts from it on day two of the daily mirror's anti bulling campaign, Bulling: You Can Stop It.
Gangs of up to 30 kids wold gather outside the house Rebecca, now 14 shares with her mother and two younger sisters and scream foul abuse. Her tormentors even kept up their cruel campaign on Christmas Day.
They had turned on her after she was accused of starting a rumour that one of the biggest bullies in the gang had slept with her boyfriend.
"To this day I swear I never said that," says Rebecca. "But when I was walking out of school that afternoon she came up behind me with two other girls, pulled me to the floor and started kicking me in the stomach.
"The other girls took my bag, took money out of it, and took my phone. It was literally 10ft outside school. Adults were parked outside - there were loads and loads of peple standing around and no one did anything. I managed to get up and because they thought I was going to fight back two of them pushed me through a big 6ft fence into a back garden, knocking the fence down. I was lying in the garden and they kept kicking me in the face and stomach. "
2004-09-14, 08:35 PM
Slag hehe, so English, never heard that word before. She should... man I want some cheese never mind
2004-09-14, 08:46 PM
Haha, don't screw with the people I love, I will bring you down. Bring you down to Chinatown!
anyway, I dont care if she fuckin raped all their pets no one deserves that. those kids are demon children and need to die. in fact, this is so bad they need to be owned with double barrel shotguns like in Resident Evil.
2004-09-14, 08:54 PM
If I were her mom, I would have gone to that school and beat the living shit out of any of those douche bags who thought they were so tough and so cool. Holy crap, bones would be broken. Then I'd dump them on their front porch and spit on their parents for fucking up so hard and producing wastes of space like their kids.
you would be an awesome mother
2004-09-14, 08:58 PM
She was one of the "in" crowd - and she loved it. Rebecca Willers would swan around the school as if she owned the place, sniggering along with the rest when the gang picked on and taunted the more vulnerable pupils.
I interpret this as the following: she was a bitch to other students. They turned on her, meaning the inner group, which led to a meltdown as the former abused students got revenge.
It would really help if the catalyst that caused the group to turn on her was revealed.
I'm really not a fan of abuser's rights. The fact of the matter is, she really started it. She wasn't thinking of the future, nor wasn't exactly thinking of compassion, when she was bullying all those other kids. The tables turn. Now, I'm not going to make a judgement, as I don't know what she did to the other kids, and I'm not sure what slag is. I'm pretty sure it's a product used in/produced as waste of steelmaking, at least over here.
So, she started it. But is the response correct?
This generation has lost it when it comes to bullying. Columbine (unlike Sens. Schumer and Hillary will tell you, assault weapons didn't cause it) was caused by bullying- these two screwed up kids simply couldn't take it anymore. She obviously didn't realize what damage she was doing to the other kids.
The other kids simply went crazy on her. Again, here is where I need more info to decide if she or the kids are right: how many did she abuse, and how many were affected?
If she abused 30 kids, and the close friends total bumped up those offended to around 90, well, she deserved it.
If she abused around 5 kids, total, the rest are bandwagon-jumping idiots who deserve to be locked up.
Additonally I critcize the bobbies and onlookers for not taking action.
Nobody is innocent, everybody is guilty.
2004-09-14, 09:06 PM
If I were present at that scene where she first got beaten up, I would have totally interjected. I cant stand seeing people getting gang beat, or beaten at all.
2004-09-14, 09:08 PM
What is slag? (And not the substance involved in steelmaking, unless they are calling her that. Which is really weak.)
2004-09-14, 09:10 PM
Slut, basically.
2004-09-14, 09:15 PM
Does NOT equal
Silly Limeys.
2004-09-14, 09:29 PM
I'm really not a fan of abuser's rights. The fact of the matter is, she really started it. She wasn't thinking of the future, nor wasn't exactly thinking of compassion, when she was bullying all those other kids. The tables turn. Now, I'm not going to make a judgement, as I don't know what she did to the other kids, and I'm not sure what slag is. I'm pretty sure it's a product used in/produced as waste of steelmaking, at least over here.
So, she started it. But is the response correct?
Erm... I'm not sure how you can say that she started it exactly, sure she was part of a crowd responsible for misery in everyone else, but in most schools, over here anyhow, if you aren't actually in a 'bully gang' then you're probably being bullied...have to be unusual to be out of the loop entirely
She just gets unlucky to be picked out as a target, probably an insignificant member of the group before, someone starts a rumour, and her school life gets ruined
Can't understand why the parents didnt do more, though it depends on the backgrounds of the kids involved...someones house got burned down near where i am last year cause of a similar situation escalating
School authority has gone to hell wait, it's always been crap, in terms of bullying, but the generation is getting more spoiled and's difficult sometimes not to write a person off and drop them in a cell for the next fifty years, but i guess you have to look at backgrounds...maybe confiscate them from their parents and bring 'em up state controlled
P.S. slag = slut if you grow up in coal-mining own, use it refer to someone as the waste of society and then let it evolve a few generations :)
2004-09-14, 09:49 PM
karma man, i never did this shit ever though, people treated me like crap later on in my life around middle school did in highschool, though i started sticking up for myself around then, though, not as much as i should have. but whatever, its just kid shit, dont dwell on it, but if someone called and woke me up at night id be pissed, that or during dinner, it pisses me off to no end to be woken up or disturbed during dinner.
BTW, coal miners provide power for most of the world, those kids should grow up, that makes a coal miner pretty fuckin important in my book.
2004-09-14, 10:11 PM
No, I mean slag being used as an insult comes from the fact that slag is the waste product from coal or steel (as has been mentioned), and hence was adopted as a general insult, implying the namee(?) was waste wasnt an insult towards the then evolved into the equivilant of slut for some reason
right about the kids needing to grow up though, pity that they'll then have more children who'll be brought up exactly the same way
2004-09-15, 05:36 AM
She was part of a group that bullied other people. Then the group turned on her because she started spreading rumours that the ringleader was sleeping with her boyfriend.
She should've been bullied, don't get me wrong, but not this much. Getting absolutly hammered by three people != justice. That's overkill. She simply needed a slap at the most.
2004-09-15, 09:04 AM
Sorry but i have to play Devils advocate, I smell BS.
It sounds more like something conjured up to stir emotions up amongst the populace to promote the support of anti-bullying laws/acts etc.
Most of societies problems boil down to bad parenting, i see this and i imagine that many of you do too.
Our nation, nay, our world is plagued by a desease, and we cant just cut off the tip of the problem and expect it to go away; we have to go to the root and make massive changes.
It's too late for some people, the damage is already done.
But i for one will teach my children right from wrong and disipline them when necasary, society today is filled with weakness such as the global "Its not my fault, its xxx fault" which moves onto so many things such as suing someone becasue you spilt hot coffee on yourself, blaming violent video games for your childs violent behaviour when its infact the parents neglegence that causes it.
If the story is true then i feel really sorry for her, not just for the events that occurred but also because her family doesn't at any time really take the steps to prevent these things happening to her.
I could go on but it's too early for discussing the issues of decaying society and our image of ourselves ;)
2004-09-15, 09:07 AM
Sorry but i have to play Devils advocate, I smell BS.
It sounds more like something conjured up to stir emotions up amongst the populace to promote the support of anti-bullying laws/acts etc.
Despite what you may think, these things do happen, part of the problem is not believing they do.
2004-09-15, 09:29 AM
I believe bullying happens, anyone who thinks to the contrary is a moron, i was bullied myself for a short peroid in both junoir and secondary school.
In both cases i handled it myself, but not everyone can and it's up to the parents to sort these things out.
I merely meant that particular story, it just doesnt add up, she was constantly severly bullied, she was beaten so bad she was hospitalised and the parents dont bat an eye-lid?
She cuts her arms open and they what? Have a few words with the principle?
I do not have children yet so i cant state my opinion with 100% certainty, but my children would be the single most important thing in my life and if i knew my little girl was on the receiving end of this i would confront not only the police and the adminstration of that school, i would get the names of all the childrens parents and go door to door and discuss with them the problems being faced and what solutions are necasary to prevent it from happening.
I see a lot of "Oh if i was the parents i'd kick their teeth in and their parents asses", i hear this a lot on forums and in real-life, the sad thing is i find people like this are often all words and no action, and even if they were, what good is a caring lovely parent like urself going to do against an aggressive skinhead father who hates black people, homosexuals and beats his kids?
You honestly think your going to "kick his ass"? I honestly don't think so.
This is not the movies, real life is dangerous and you have to approach things in a sensible manner of your going to get yourself in a whole pile of deep shit.
Frag, remember when Danny was being threatened in RL? Thats real shit right there.
Remember how pissed off i was when on 2 seperate occasions you mentiuoned dumb shit that would of got him either kileld or arrested? It's ideas like that that cause problems.
Now im not having a go at you dude as i know you apologised afterwards but it's that kind of thinking that really pisses me off.
Wow, kinda went off topic there.
Ok to sum-up in reply to your post frag, im well aware that these things happen, it's just this particular story i find to be "flimsy".
2004-09-15, 09:59 AM
Fair enough about the end part, I can be a bit of a twat at times.
I see a lot of "Oh if i was the parents i'd kick their teeth in and their parents asses", i hear this a lot on forums and in real-life, the sad thing is i find people like this are often all words and no action, and even if they were, what good is a caring lovely parent like urself going to do against an aggressive skinhead father who hates black people, homosexuals and beats his kids?
You honestly think your going to "kick his ass"? I honestly don't think so.
You don't know Triggar do you? :p
2004-09-15, 10:12 AM
Nope, whos triggar?
6ft5, pumps iron like van-damme and studies in 3 different martial arts? :P
2004-09-15, 10:28 AM
no, but im sure she knows how to use a Tazer and a bat, and i know she knows how to use a gun.
2004-09-15, 10:33 AM
no, but im sure she knows how to use a Tazer and a bat, and i know she knows how to use a gun.
Yes, that will help your child!
Break the law AND use lethal weaponry!
Im sure the people at the child care agency will take better care of them anyway as you spend the best years of their life in jail.
2004-09-15, 10:37 AM
Nope, whos triggar?
6ft5, pumps iron like van-damme and studies in 3 different martial arts? :P
That's Triggar
2004-09-15, 11:54 AM
Hardly the towering athletic god i imagined.
...nice tho!
2004-09-15, 12:09 PM
Hardly the towering athletic god i imagined.
...nice tho!
2004-09-15, 12:11 PM
Hardly the towering athletic god i imagined.
...nice tho!
you do know her boyfriend hangs around here too?
2004-09-15, 12:17 PM
you do know her boyfriend hangs around here too?
He's a towering hunk of hotness. :brow:
2004-09-15, 12:19 PM
When has that ever stopped me?
Remember Wyx and her bloke? :D What was his name? i can't remember, anyway, if your worried about your girl getting chatted up by guys on the net then you have more important issues than just that! :scared:
Anyways, i just said she's nice lol.
Didn't say anything crude or sexually orientated! As we all know im at the height of gentleman-ness. A pinnacle of class and decency. :rolleyes:
2004-09-15, 12:56 PM
its funny how you cant tell how short Trig is in pictures. :p :love:
2004-09-15, 02:05 PM
Shut up :)
2004-09-15, 02:15 PM
Shut up :)
My dad saw that picture and said that you looked tall... then he said "Why the fuck does she have that gun?"
2004-09-15, 02:16 PM
It's the perfect accessory.
2004-09-15, 02:17 PM
triggar, is that gun air powered? just curious because the butt of the rifle looks funny.
2004-09-15, 02:17 PM
That particular gun that I'm holding in that picture is an airgun, that's correct.
2004-09-15, 02:19 PM
Pfffft women arent short!
There "vertically challanged" ;)
2004-09-15, 02:20 PM
Nope, I'm short :)
I need rudder pedal extensions to fly an airplane!
2004-09-15, 02:22 PM
That particular gun that I'm holding in that picture is an airgun, that's correct.
Figured as much... he still says its massive... and looks bigger then you...
2004-09-15, 02:24 PM
If you stand it on end, it comes up to the bottom of my bra area.
I am that short.
2004-09-15, 02:31 PM
Yeah but look at the rifle in PS
Thats like 6ft long :P
Triggar would need her 12" platforms to holster it :P
2004-09-16, 06:17 PM
i finally read this article...
all i can say is this: i was constantly fucked with because of how short i was until my sophomore year in high school.. sure, i was still short, but i was built like a muhfucka. then, all of a sudden, no one fucked with me anymore and i actually found myself keeping MY friends from getting fucked with.
it's bizarre. i used to be the one everyone fucked with, now, i'm the one they call when they're being fucked with. *sigh*.. i'm probably too forgiving and too nice to people, but, now i've got some really close friends and they all know one thing about me: I'll throw down and lay a fucker out for them if they only ask. I'm not a violent person, but nobody fucks with the people i love. friends and all. that's just where that is. the assholes that used to make fun of me have found that i'm one of the most valuable friends they've ever had.
it all comes down to this, bullying is the result of people not being willing to look read beyond the cover of the book... it makes me sad when i hear about some kid getting pushed around because he's different or can't take care of himself and has no one else there for him.
being ganged up on is the most horrible thing to happen to someone. to know that no matter how hard you fight that you're going to finally be crushed under both their weight and your own... it's awful. i hate hearing stories like that... cuz i know what it's like. bullies and assholes always work in groups, because individually they're very weak and sad people. they prey on the ones who are strong enough inside to stand on their own. but then, those ones can't stand up to it forever... remember columbine? after a while it becomes too much. sometimes people just aren't strong enough.. bullying is fucked up and there's no way to stop it except to fucking destroy the ones who do it.
i wish i could be given a little card that makes me exempt from legal prosecution for fixing a bullying problem at any given school.. i tell you what, the grade and high school world would be a happier place. fuckers would learn quick.
Are capital letters the devil to you?
2004-09-16, 06:53 PM
she says a kid that hates her sits in front of her.
Simply bring the knife to school take it out and freaking jam it into their spine, and take out all the other people too.
2004-09-16, 06:55 PM
Are capital letters the devil to you?
i'm fucking your father in the ass.
2004-09-16, 07:26 PM
This is the first time I have read this thread.
Its time to do two things:
1. File a shit load of lawsuits
2. Buy a goddamned shotgun
i'm fucking your father in the ass. ::curtsies::
The English language's sentence... death by bloodlet.
2004-09-16, 08:37 PM
she says a kid that hates her sits in front of her.
Simply bring the knife to school take it out and freaking jam it into their spine, and take out all the other people too.
Its time to do two things:
1. File a shit load of lawsuits
2. Buy a goddamned shotgun
Nice to see some well thought out and interesting posts.
2004-09-16, 08:44 PM
You know it G.
I would at *LEAST* invest in an airsoft gun. Those retards are throwing shit at the house!
2004-09-17, 12:05 PM
Let's be smart here. What else could she do, apart from moving school?
You can't use violence. Using a gun will prolly get you shot in england. Same with a knife if you carry on brandishing it.
You can't talk to the little shit's parents. Chance are they're scumbags too, and don't give a flying fudge.
She can't ignore it.
What could she do?
2004-09-17, 12:46 PM
You'd be suprised how well talking to people can solve things like this.
Ok if the parents are both rejects and don't care then hopefully the other parents arent.
If you can sway the majority things will calm down.
The best bet would be to move her to a different school.
Thinking about it the parents of the girl who was bullied probably didnt know the severity of her bullying, if they had im sure they would of acted in a more reasonable fashion.
2004-09-17, 12:49 PM
Remember Wyx and her bloke?
Fellblade is his name :p
I used to be in OV. They rocked rather hard.
2004-09-18, 06:03 AM
Me and fellblade never really did see eye to eye :P
2004-09-18, 07:48 AM
Me and fellblade never really did see eye to eye :P
:lol: :lol: :rofl:
Someone mistook Fellblade for me, once.
2004-09-18, 09:26 AM
How awful that must of been for you ;)
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