View Full Version : Which HA weapon do you hate the worst?
Red October
2004-09-17, 06:37 PM
This isn't a question of balance, but just which one you hate to use or hate to be on the recieving end?
For me, its the Lasher - recieving end. Can't stand it when I run around a corner after lobing a few grenades and think I escaped when ....zzsssasdsassadd....aaarrrgghhh...spawn timer.
2004-09-17, 06:42 PM
i think the lasher suxx0rs. It is cheap you cant hide from it the projectiles are to fast. All the characterstics of a cheap weapon. and the worst part is EVERYONE HAS IT. I am sick of it so much. Come on PS devs give it a nerf please.
2004-09-17, 06:54 PM
No maelstrom? :spam:
Anyways.... lasher spam.
edit: to clarify: While skilled lasher users who rely on the orb dmg are fine, the retards who will spam an entire clip to kill me and relying on the lash dmg = :mad:.
Also, they don't call it the "lagsher" for nothing ;).
2004-09-17, 07:14 PM
fricken hate the lasher
:shakes fist:
2004-09-17, 07:41 PM
Maelstrom = cheapest weapon ever.
'Nuff said.
2004-09-17, 07:43 PM
Each one has its annoying bits. The Lasher is hell on cloakers and super spammy. The Jackhammer can kill multiple people at once (for example 3 dudes filing through a doorway). The MCG is lethal far beyond other HA range
2004-09-17, 07:48 PM
Whichever killed me last :D
2004-09-17, 07:49 PM
I hate the thumper more then anything. I still use it though, because it annoys my enemy as much as it annoys me. :D
2004-09-17, 08:03 PM
what's with teh lasher hate? Lasher is TEH SUKz0RZ i should know i've played vs for almost a year now. It isn't ANYWHERE near as good as say, the MCG or N00BHAMMER. (thats teh reason i switched to tr, mcg owns, lasher sucks)
2004-09-17, 08:04 PM
Jet: Thumper = SA
Most annoying HA? Ummm.. well, I dislike using the Lasher, but I hate being instagibbed by the JH. I wub the MCG.
2004-09-17, 08:21 PM
All but the MCG. I don't like any weapon, other than stuff like the thumper, which don't require you to compensate for COF expansion and so on. The run-and-gun stuff is for the birds.
2004-09-17, 08:26 PM
Jet: Thumper = SA
Most annoying HA? Ummm.. well, I dislike using the Lasher, but I hate being instagibbed by the JH. I wub the MCG.
yea I know, but it annoys me more then any other weapon.
I guess I hate the lasher the most, maybe the MCG, whichever one Im fighting against.
I Hate Pants
2004-09-18, 01:00 AM
I hate all HA weapons.
Come on people! Start using MA weapons!
Cauldron Borne
2004-09-18, 01:19 AM
I don't care. Lasher isn't that great when gunning it. JH is only useful indoors, though the 3-shot can get annoying at times. I like the MCG cuz you can clear a tower w/o reloading...but it's a bitch trying to make sure you have enough ammo for it, and the ttk isn't wonderful...
Like Ihatepants said: MA rocks. I was playing VS earlier on werner and I came across a guy who used sweeper like a demon. My main doesn't even HAVE HA. Cycler and sweeper are my main agile-armor totin' kills. (i play cloaker so i get most of my kills through that).
Nothin like dropin on a tower and clearing out a max and three infantry w/ a cycler, getting the hack and killing the lasher-toting rexo-tank trying to sneak up behind you.
HA = Glorified MA for the skill-less. try using MA for a while. If you have skill you will notice your kill count increase (hey, you got 4 more certs to spend on neat stuff). Of course...if you suck you will notice your kill count drop dramatically (can you say "omg wtf i forgot i have to aim w/ a pulsar!" ?)
2004-09-18, 03:43 AM
Jackhammer because it is a spary and pray wepon.
2004-09-18, 03:27 PM
MA for teh win.
This goes out to all the noobs in cyberspace...get used to MA and learn how to shoot before you use the big guns...they arent supposed to be for noobs...they are for people who specialize
2004-09-18, 03:27 PM
I think HA is stupidly implemented.
2004-09-18, 04:46 PM
Once upon a time all the HA weapons sucked. MA was the workhorse of the infantryman's arsenal. Those were good days.
2004-09-18, 06:35 PM
Jackhammer because it is a spary and pray wepon.
Even as a TR who hates the jackhammer I have to say you are oh so very wrong but hey whatever.
2004-09-19, 01:40 PM
HA = Glorified MA for the skill-less. try using MA for a while. If you have skill you will notice your kill count increase (hey, you got 4 more certs to spend on neat stuff). Of course...if you suck you will notice your kill count drop dramatically (can you say "omg wtf i forgot i have to aim w/ a pulsar!" ?)Yes, try MA for a while every1. With that one patch they've gotten better, you can actually beat stuff with them.
2004-09-19, 09:48 PM
I h8 the jackhammer just cause whenever I face it, it's either in the hands of a rexo tank or an agile 3rd person player behind a pillar.
2004-09-19, 10:09 PM
I h8 the jackhammer just cause whenever I face it, it's either in the hands of a rexo tank or an agile 3rd person player behind a pillar.
well, Ive never seen a cloaker use it...and not that many people run around in standard armor... :rolleyes:
2004-09-19, 10:56 PM
HA is the sole thing i hate about this game, if MA was back to like it was in beta day's super hard to use but utterly powerfull if you can use it, kind like a spinfusor from tribes.
If we all used MA the game would be far better(though a heavy weapons is needed it should be something thats is seen with reasonable rarity, like a rocklet)
its not the fact that Im skilless, its the fact that I cant see WTF is going on half the time due to lag, and if I hold down the trigger of an MCG, I have a higher chance of killing him than I do with a Cycler.
Yay, eMachine
2004-09-19, 11:20 PM
its not the fact that Im skilless, its the fact that I cant see WTF is going on half the time due to lag, and if I hold down the trigger of an MCG, I have a higher chance of killing him than I do with a Cycler.
Yay, eMachine
:lol: :thumbsup:
2004-09-20, 08:58 AM
Lasher - The ultimate Packet loss inductor..
If the packet loss wasnt soo bad, I would say all three are balanced in each of thier areas... CQB
I like them all to use and I think that they are also all balanced.
2004-09-20, 10:51 AM
HA is as balanced as it will ever be. But i hate the lasher the most because of its 'blinding' effect as it fills your screen with orbs of death. With the JH and MCG at least you can see your opponent before being sent packing to the respawn screen =/
2004-09-20, 11:58 AM
I think they are as ballanced as they can get but the Lasher presents a supreme disadvantage to the Cloaker as opposed to any other HA
Red October
2004-09-20, 01:07 PM
I think they are as ballanced as they can get but the Lasher presents a supreme disadvantage to the Cloaker as opposed to any other HA
2004-09-20, 01:08 PM
i think the lasher suxx0rs. It is cheap you cant hide from it the projectiles are to fast.
So in other words, you have some sort of speed hack that allows you to run and hide from Jackhammer, MCG, and Maelstrom rounds?
Me personally, I am a pistol-user. I have used all the HA weapons and I don't find it thrilling or deadly at all. I know people who can use a Gauss rifle with the same ease and achieve better results.
2004-09-20, 02:33 PM
MA just sucks at close range though. Give me HA anyday. Hitting someone with your weapon at close range really doesnt take all that much skill to begin with so you might as well be using the one that does the most damage. I see people rusing into towers with Gauss's and Pulsars and it just makes me laugh. If that is all they have to use fine, but taking a knife to a gunfight, so to speak, is not the way to go. If you want those 4 points for something else, great, but you cant bag on others having a huge advantage at close range combat when they spent that many points to do just that
2004-09-20, 02:36 PM
I don't use my MA for close range. I use it to keep CQB dead outside of HA-range.
2004-09-20, 04:07 PM
That wasnt directed at anyone in particular. I just see a lot of general complaints about HA in relation to MA
2004-09-20, 04:16 PM
MA just sucks at close range though. Give me HA anyday. Hitting someone with your weapon at close range really doesnt take all that much skill to begin with so you might as well be using the one that does the most damage. I see people rusing into towers with Gauss's and Pulsars and it just makes me laugh. If that is all they have to use fine, but taking a knife to a gunfight, so to speak, is not the way to go. If you want those 4 points for something else, great, but you cant bag on others having a huge advantage at close range combat when they spent that many points to do just that
i use the Guass almost soley, it's has quite a good damage, up close, and i've worked up the the point i can take MCGer's one on one thanks to p-shield
2004-09-20, 04:40 PM
i use the Guass almost soley, it's has quite a good damage, up close, and i've worked up the the point i can take MCGer's one on one thanks to p-shield
That's not saying much. I've been using HA lately and I've been finding the MCG to be at a definite disadvantage unless you're point blank due to its cone of fire bloom from moving, shooting, and being shot. I definitely prefer a cycler to a MCG at all but the closest ranges. But, then, I also prefer the gauss to the cycler due to its very nice kick.
2004-09-20, 04:59 PM
That's not saying much. I've been using HA lately and I've been finding the MCG to be at a definite disadvantage unless you're point blank due to its cone of fire bloom from moving, shooting, and being shot. I definitely prefer a cycler to a MCG at all but the closest ranges. But, then, I also prefer the gauss to the cycler due to its very nice kick.Once again, Warborn wins.
2004-09-20, 05:05 PM
Once again, Warborn wins.
This is at point blank it should be a given that a Guass is going to win at longer ranges
2004-09-20, 05:12 PM
This is at point blank it should be a given that a Guass is going to win at longer ranges
I'm saying beyond three feet the MCG is pretty awful and I'll take a MA weapon over it any day of the week.
2004-09-20, 07:18 PM
Well the reason the MCG > any MA within 15m is because you just dont have to let off the trigger. I have killed 6 people in one continuous fire before. Beyond 15m your going to have to crouch and pulse to hit well and are much better served using MA, but that is the dandy thing about Rexo. Just use MA untill you get close enough to use HA. People that dont want to purchase HA, stay at range picking ppl off, but if you do want to get close, master the Sweeper or expect to get owned repeatedly
2004-09-20, 07:56 PM
yep MA weaps can own if ur good
2004-09-21, 12:14 AM
If its not me thats using it, i hate the jackhammer.
nerf them, not me.
2004-09-21, 01:24 AM
I would rather have a heavy machine gun than a trumped up shotgun. HA should be the actual heavy weaponry that that you cant hit anything with unless you crouch.
MA should be what most people use. Running and gunning should be left to pistols.
Cauldron Borne
2004-09-21, 01:38 AM
Me + Sweeper - PSheild > Rexo-Tank + JH
Yes, MA owns.
2004-09-21, 02:54 AM
HA weapons all suck. Nub weapons IMO. Learn to beat your enemies with a weapon that doesnt have triple the damage rate of any other infantry weapon in the game.
2004-09-21, 03:29 AM
oooooh, bad dreams about the lasher, but i do enjoy watching agile`s getting a triple shot of the hammer
Sweeper and Guass for the teh win!
2004-09-21, 09:44 AM
HA weapons all suck. Nub weapons IMO. Learn to beat your enemies with a weapon that doesnt have triple the damage rate of any other infantry weapon in the game
See, I just dont get this argument. HA weapons have a niche role and arent meant to be used at long range or be universal. They are meant to dispense ownage up close which is what they do well. Thing is, you just cant complain about not being able to hang toe to toe unless you are going to invest in these weapons. If you are good enough to make do with the sweeper, great, but if you dont like getting owned by "n00bs" then stay at range and get the most out of MA. I dont see how an MA user has so much hate for HA when it doesnt affect the intended use of MA, especially when HA does exactly what it is designed to do. Devastate up close
2004-09-21, 10:36 AM
See, I just dont get this argument. HA weapons have a niche role and arent meant to be used at long range or be universal. They are meant to dispense ownage up close which is what they do well. Thing is, you just cant complain about not being able to hang toe to toe unless you are going to invest in these weapons. If you are good enough to make do with the sweeper, great, but if you dont like getting owned by "n00bs" then stay at range and get the most out of MA. I dont see how an MA user has so much hate for HA when it doesnt affect the intended use of MA, especially when HA does exactly what it is designed to do. Devastate up close
All the important stuff happens indoors. Nobody likes being killed by weapons which require very little skill to use and give you little chance to survive against regardless of your own skills. It's just like reavers, really. Fights with HA generally involve two guys right next to each other holding down the fire button, pointing in the general direction of the enemy which is two feet away, and strafing back and forth until they die or the enemy dies. Wow, exciting. In contrast, because MA doesn't have the power of HA at close range, it matters a lot more how well you can aim and avoid fire, because unlike HA weapons, your clip doesn't have enough ammo to kill a half-dozen people. And, of course, MA also makes for exciting outdoor fights too, fights which bar none are my favorite part of Planetside, and I'm sure I'm not alone there.
2004-09-21, 11:55 AM
No, I think it is just 2 different skill sets. There are some people with HA that time and again kill multiple people at once and survive. This isnt luck or an accident. You know who they are and you recognize them in the kill spam. They work the tight spaces like a master, knowing when and how to use which implants. They know when to run for cover, when to heal up, and can pop medkits while out-circlestrafing someone. They always have the right weapon for the job and can switch inventory like a Magician. If it is a MAX, they have a Deci waiting, and they know when to charge around a corner and when not to. Lack of skill? Quite the contrary. It is just a very different skill set than you use for sniping, MA or even things like cloaking. MA requires more patience, it requires good technique on bursting, properly using cover to your maximum advantage. You have to know when to retreat and always be aware of possible cloakers. You have to be good at using zoom and good with aiming at long distances.
It is a different skill set. some people suck at dogfighting, some people suck at cloaking, and some people suck at going toe to toe.
2004-09-21, 01:18 PM
No, I think it is just 2 different skill sets.
I see you use HA yourself, just like Air Cavalry, so I was expecting to see you defend HA just as you defended reaver spamming. I know what a futile argument is after the reaver thread, and it's not something I'm going to get into again with you. I've been using HA for a while, I've been using MA for well over a year now to one degree or another, and I know from my own experience that HA takes very, very, very little skill specific to HA weapons to use. The vast majority of what you do using a HA weapon is the same as using a MA weapon at close range, only without the need for fire control, or caution regarding ammo consumption. It's MA for idiots, and requires no more skill than spamming infantry with reaver rockets does. I know you're going dispute this, and that's fine, but I really don't care and am not going to drag this out like I did with reavers. As far as I'm concerned, we can agree to disagree, but I have a feeling you won't be up to that quite yet.
2004-09-21, 01:51 PM
Nope, disagreement on the topic is just fine :)
2004-09-21, 02:46 PM
I wouldn't say all HA was skillless, but I don't think it matters whether it's a newb weapon or not. HA is designed to dominate indoors, especially the Jackhammer and people use up 4 certs to get it. Indoors their only counter is HA, SA or MAX units. Personally I just accept that they had a better tool for the job.
2004-09-21, 03:08 PM
I wouldn't say all HA was skillless, but I don't think it matters whether it's a newb weapon or not. HA is designed to dominate indoors, especially the Jackhammer and people use up 4 certs to get it. Indoors their only counter is HA, SA or MAX units. Personally I just accept that they had a better tool for the job.
I wouldn't mind if there were more of a reason to fight outdoors, so fighting wouldn't be close range so often. Decent outdoor fights that let me flex my MA don't happen nearly as often as fights within bases, or very close to bases. It's the latter two situations where HA dominates, and it's the fact that those situations happen so frequently that makes me resent HA, as it's overly useful due to its role being perfectly suited for the most common and important types of battles in the game. We're never going to get really good infantry combat that let's people shine with their skill, simply because PS can't afford to offer that level of learning curve, but it'd be nice if the weapons which dominated outdoors got the use that HA indoors does. They didn't really do a good job of it with the LLU's, but hopefully they'll find some good ways to make people fight outdoors more yet.
Red October
2004-09-21, 03:15 PM
HA does dominate indoors and in close combat situations. As a cloaker, I've never been killed by HA from long distance...
...only when the bastard bumps into me or flickers is DL on :fu:
2004-09-21, 04:36 PM
But i do hate the random lasher spam to assure that there are no cloakers. God i hate hiding still, someone opens a door and just spams in hopes of getting someone who isnt nesc there.
2004-09-22, 02:50 AM
i vote for the lasher because i can't use it. i hate the thing - so inaccurate.
pulsar any day, and i'll take on jackhammers and mcgs alike.
2004-09-22, 03:19 PM
I personally love all of them. So yea, don't have any probs w/ 'em
2004-09-22, 08:09 PM
i'm an MA fiend ever since i started hoarding other empire MA weapons. I've got a locker full of Pulsars and Cyclers.. And damn it i love the Gauss to death. so accurate and so powerful.
of course, my primary weapon is always the Phoenix because i love hunting MAXes and vehicles. but pairing it with an MA is the only way i'd go. The only reason i'd ever cert in HA is so that i could feel bad ass zerging a TR base and picking up an MCG from a fallen TR and hoseing the entire hallway until i get raped by a guy with a thumper. :D.. anyways, MA for teh win. HA is necessary, but if you want to dress to impress, go into battle with a Pulsar/Cycler/Gauss/Sweeper on your back. Nothing excites me more than an MA fight in CQB. fun shit.
2004-09-22, 08:22 PM
My favorite AI weapon is the Cycler. So me and a Gauss are often seen together.
My loadout in January before I stopped playing was a Gauss, Phoenix, BANK, REK, two boxes of Phoenix ammo, 3 boxes of bullets, CUD, and 5 medkits. Sometimes I would go with only one Phoenix box and stick in two more medkits.
And I would drive an Enforcer. I didn't use the Jack much, mainly because Rexo back then wasn't the best way to use HA.
When I couldn't find a decent gunner, I flew a Reaver. Say what you want about missile spam, it works better than the guns for against anything else cept nonmoving targets.
2004-09-23, 01:12 AM
I hate the Lasher, on both ends.
Firing it: the damned orbs are so slow. I use a Thumper for hallways.
Receiving it: I hate the damn fool lash effect (around corners? isn't that SA?) and the lag/stutter it causes me.
2005-06-23, 01:35 AM
teh lasher
2005-06-23, 02:10 AM
Holy O-to the-F-to the-N- batman
2005-06-23, 07:44 AM
can we say dead thread anyone?
2005-06-24, 05:17 PM
I play primarily tr and on that character I wont cert HA. the mcg is nowhere worth 4 certs. I'll use 2 of those spare certs and buy adv. medic to revive an mcg user after he gets pwnt by a jackhammer though. My weapon of choice is plasma-thumper/ rocklette rifle. I really dont like going agaist lashers the most though. That whole way it kills me while im cloaked cause they were shooting at some guy 5 foot away and the lash eats me alive is annoying. I can accept the spam part of it though because i use spam to counter them with my thumper.
P.S. Is it hypocritical for someone that uses a lasher to send a hate tell to a thumper user and call them a noob for using a spam weapon? I laugh at that everytime i get one.
2005-06-25, 02:48 AM
i never use HA anymore, it's all about MA. i just hate the lasher cuz all of teh sp4m which equals lag
2005-06-25, 04:36 PM
Yes, try MA for a while every1. With that one patch they've gotten better, you can actually beat stuff with them.
I've been hiding in the shadows of everquestII for a month or so, did I miss this patch? can someone fill my noob ass in =(
2005-06-27, 09:53 AM
MA are good, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
2005-06-29, 09:08 AM
The lasher bcuz I cant use it and vanu dont even have to aim with it. They just shoot it and kill people.
2005-06-30, 09:33 AM
The lasher bcuz I cant use it and vanu dont even have to aim with it. They just shoot it and kill people.
Thats actually the best analogy I've heard re: lasher :groovy:
2005-07-01, 10:28 PM
Your tr can you use it well?
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