View Full Version : Name the kitty!
2004-09-19, 01:27 PM
Well it's been a day or so... right now he's sleeping behind the computer and I have yet to catch a pic of the quick little bastard. (Then I have to develop the pic)
So he needs a name.... he's gray/brown with black lines going down his back etc. with green and blue eyes.
If I don't another good suggestion he's gonna be named Crazy Ivan.
2004-09-19, 01:28 PM
2004-09-19, 01:31 PM
Li'l Bastard
2004-09-19, 01:38 PM
Marples Van Slooscent
Clarence Thomas
Kareen Abdul Jabar
Mr. Leetsworth
37 Cent
Cindy Lou Tippton
Reginald Denny
Vacuum Cleaner Food
Raging Wolf the Bear Clawed Manta Ray Rider
Amanda Porterfeld
Mary Lou Retton
Dutch Apple Pie
Question Mark
The Lone Proprietor
Syruppy Sausage
Red 40 Lake
Carnauba Wax
Lost Pajamma Bottoms
Windsor Knot
Arcturusk Mengsk
Shameless Commercialization
Loose Garter Belt
Prime Number
Gregory Peck
Sumford Sattermire
Impractical Magician
Old Bus Ticket
Cranial Appendage
Agrarian Pontification
pick one :D
2004-09-19, 01:44 PM
I think 'Wafty' is a good one, oddfish.
2004-09-19, 01:45 PM
personally i like "Old Bus Ticket"
2004-09-19, 02:10 PM
Name it Zaphod
2004-09-19, 03:58 PM
Glorak, Eater Of Worlds
2004-09-19, 04:07 PM
Bionic Commando, since martyr and Triggar are too pansy to step up to the plate. The BIONIC plate.
2004-09-19, 04:49 PM
Glorak, Eater Of Worlds
2004-09-19, 04:54 PM
i'm tellin' ya.. OLD BUS TICKET..
nobody's cat is named that.. and it's great.
2004-09-19, 05:08 PM
How about "I pretend to have a kitten because people seem to care when Triggar says she's getting one, but little do i know, people dont care about me so when i say i have a kitten people dont really give two shits and my attention whoring methods have failed me once again"
I think it's cute, has a nice ring to it :)
2004-09-19, 05:31 PM
How about "I pretend to have a kitten because people seem to care when Triggar says she's getting one, but little do i know, people dont care about me so when i say i have a kitten people dont really give two shits and my attention whoring methods have failed me once again"
I think it's cute, has a nice ring to it :)
NO I pretend to have a kitten because people seem to care when Triggar says she's getting one, but little do i know, people dont care about me so when i say i have a kitten people dont really give two shits and my attention whoring methods have failed me once again! BAD! We do that in our KITTY LITTER!
name him/her Seven.
2004-09-19, 06:59 PM
Hmmmm fuck off Squeeky.
Jet Seven sounds kinda cool but I'm wondering if I shouldnt just call it Commando at the least to make obfrog shut up about it already. :p
Oh by the way squeeky... I just went to my neigbhour who has a black room. I'm getting free film developement and by monday night or tuesday morning I should have perfectly good pictures to shut you the fuck up. It would be about damn time too...
2004-09-19, 07:15 PM
Oh by the way squeeky... I just went to my neigbhour who has a black room. I'm getting free film developement and by monday night or tuesday morning I should have perfectly good pictures to shut you the fuck up. It would be about damn time too...
If you get me pics of a cat, like the one you described above, with a sign saying "Spiders kittah" and another pic of his adoption papers, with PSU written clearly on a sticky note attached to the adoption papers, i will post pictures of myself with "I'm Spiders Bitch" written on my forehead.
2004-09-19, 07:24 PM
Deal, after wich you fucking leave me alone.
There will be no adoption papers (since I bought at a pet store for 30$ inculding litter and food) but there will be a receipt with the psu note as well as a pic of my girlfriend holding the damn thing in place with the sign Spider's kittah and girlfriend in a day or two (for her day off to bring the digi camera or else the quality is gonna be shitty).
Done and done!
2004-09-19, 07:29 PM
:rofl: DEAL!
2004-09-19, 07:56 PM
you don't get a cat without adoption papers, including medical records, even from a pet store
2004-09-19, 08:18 PM
We got Nepthys from a trailer disguised as an "animal shelter", we still have documentation of her first shots.
2004-09-19, 08:27 PM
Canada here... Dunno if it's different... all I got were his kitty litter, him and food.
2004-09-19, 08:32 PM
Canada here... Dunno if it's different... all I got were his kitty litter, him and food.
Uh-huh... blame Canada.
2004-09-19, 08:35 PM
I smell shenanigans.
If you really did get a cat, there's a few things your receipt WON'T show:
-feline leukemia
2004-09-19, 08:42 PM
I smell shenanigans.
If you really did get a cat, there's a few things your receipt WON'T show:
-feline leukemia
Ick... better get him to a vet and soon... :ugh: scannin the receipt wich I have WRITTEN ON the following: PSU (bow to me squeeky)
Warning: I do not write well and the receipt is in french, standby with a translator!
2004-09-19, 08:44 PM
Hurry the fuck up shitbrick
2004-09-19, 08:54 PM
Hurry the fuck up shitbrick
Scanned... now I need hosting :ugh:
2004-09-19, 08:55 PM
Scanned... now I need hosting :ugh:
2004-09-19, 08:57 PM
2004-09-19, 09:13 PM
Dude, i dont speak french. All i see is "SURRENDER SURRENDER"
Someone translate that he bought a cat.
2004-09-19, 09:16 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
France jokes *never* get old.
2004-09-19, 09:16 PM
It's name is officially *shrugs* thanks to dharkbayne! Bionic Commando... :doh:
2004-09-19, 09:19 PM
whoa almost 10$ tax on a 65$ purchase. You guys get shafted.
Anyway, GG Spider, you told the truth and shut some moufs for once.
2004-09-19, 09:22 PM
for once.
Bite me bi-polar boy!
2004-09-19, 09:22 PM
Spider wins, but seven is a good name
bionic commando is a long name, and will cause some heads to roll when its trying to get into a good colledge.
2004-09-19, 09:23 PM
Bionic Commando is the best name ever.
2004-09-19, 09:25 PM
I actuallly got "seven" from an episode of seinfeld. :D
2004-09-19, 09:26 PM
if it's a girl name it Trilian
if it's a boy bame it Bob
2004-09-19, 09:27 PM
I actuallly got "seven" from an episode of seinfeld. :D
:rofl: Well... my girlfriend wants me to call it that... (I told her of it on the phone) and I wanna call it Crazy Ivan... then Dharky came in and made me call him Bionic Commando.
2004-09-19, 09:51 PM
Name him "A Bus! E"
2004-09-19, 10:00 PM
Bite me bi-polar boy!
Shut up, you couldn't even kill yourself right
2004-09-19, 10:01 PM
Shut up, you couldn't even kill yourself right
:rofl: :rofl:
2004-09-19, 10:05 PM
Shut up, you couldn't even kill yourself rightbitchowned. :rofl:
2004-09-19, 10:59 PM
GG Spider loses.
Sputty wins.
2004-09-19, 11:01 PM
bitchowned. :rofl:
2004-09-19, 11:01 PM
:lol: :lol:
2004-09-19, 11:41 PM
Well it's been a day or so... right now he's sleeping behind the computer and I have yet to catch a pic of the quick little bastard. (Then I have to develop the pic)
Since you can suddenly develop pictures and magically host them I want pics of -
~The thirty five scars you should have from all the times you tried to kill yourself (Seriously, you've got to be a special kind of retarded to fuck that up)
~Your barcode tatto
~Your Rammstein tatto
~Your Humvee
~Your phat guns you used at your l33t security job
~One of your paychecks from the security job (should be about 4,000 a week right?)
~A picture of your mafiaso uncle
~A picture of your girlfriend (Because I've seen your picture and you're gangly as fuck so she's got to be one ugly she-beast)
~A chunk of your girlfriend's mystery cancer of doom that no one could diagnose that she magically cured herself of (Perhaps some of your pussitus rubbed off?)
Provide that shit and I'll sign over the bohica boards to you tonight.
2004-09-19, 11:43 PM
Old Bus Ticket...
much better name.
Anyways, i still don't think Spider got a cat. I think he bought a turtle named Sanford and he crammed it up his ass through a piece of PVC pipe.
P.S. squeeky, get your hand out of my pants.
2004-09-20, 12:12 AM
Since you can suddenly develop pictures and magically host them I want pics of -
~The thirty five scars you should have from all the times you tried to kill yourself (Seriously, you've got to be a special kind of retarded to fuck that up)
~Your barcode tatto
~Your Rammstein tatto
~Your Humvee
~Your phat guns you used at your l33t security job
~One of your paychecks from the security job (should be about 4,000 a week right?)
~A picture of your mafiaso uncle
~A picture of your girlfriend (Because I've seen your picture and you're gangly as fuck so she's got to be one ugly she-beast)
~A chunk of your girlfriend's mystery cancer of doom that no one could diagnose that she magically cured herself of (Perhaps some of your pussitus rubbed off?)
Provide that shit and I'll sign over the bohica boards to you tonight.:rofl: :lol: :rofl: I have nothing to say. :rofl: :lol: :rofl:
2004-09-20, 12:14 AM
2004-09-20, 03:26 AM
2004-09-20, 03:35 AM
Since you can suddenly develop pictures and magically host them I want pics of -
~The thirty five scars you should have from all the times you tried to kill yourself (Seriously, you've got to be a special kind of retarded to fuck that up)
~Your barcode tatto
~Your Rammstein tatto
~Your Humvee
~Your phat guns you used at your l33t security job
~One of your paychecks from the security job (should be about 4,000 a week right?)
~A picture of your mafiaso uncle
~A picture of your girlfriend (Because I've seen your picture and you're gangly as fuck so she's got to be one ugly she-beast)
~A chunk of your girlfriend's mystery cancer of doom that no one could diagnose that she magically cured herself of (Perhaps some of your pussitus rubbed off?)
Provide that shit and I'll sign over the bohica boards to you tonight.
Would i be ok if i bear your children?
2004-09-20, 06:40 AM
Bionic Commando is the best name ever.
I know, I'm proud that I came up with it.
And once again, I rule.
2004-09-20, 08:45 AM
Nav > all
2004-09-20, 09:53 AM
Since you can suddenly develop pictures and magically host them I want pics of -
~The thirty five scars you should have from all the times you tried to kill yourself (Seriously, you've got to be a special kind of retarded to fuck that up)
~Your barcode tatto
~Your Rammstein tatto
~Your Humvee
~Your phat guns you used at your l33t security job
~One of your paychecks from the security job (should be about 4,000 a week right?)
~A picture of your mafiaso uncle
~A picture of your girlfriend (Because I've seen your picture and you're gangly as fuck so she's got to be one ugly she-beast)
~A chunk of your girlfriend's mystery cancer of doom that no one could diagnose that she magically cured herself of (Perhaps some of your pussitus rubbed off?)
Provide that shit and I'll sign over the bohica boards to you tonight.
1. Thirthy five hm? You stupid git. Never was thirty five I only have 2 scars.
2. Never got it I was wondering if I should did I? Nay
3. Fine with me
4. Uncle sold it and got a corvette instead, I was being an ass to him so he sold it (he has ownership) and later I apologized and I get to drive HIS corvette.
5. Never seen a 9mm?
6. Cause you keep checks from OVER A YEAR AGO! I sure fucking don't. By the way you do realise I would of been working some odd 70 hours a week, no break, no dinner time, no vacation with high risk, so-so benefits and it's a private storing company that housed computer parts and it's treasury was annexed to it. (OMG privates companies have safes for lump amounts of cash)
7. Who said he was in the mafia? I said he had pharmacies, was rich and italian... now where did you deduce OMG OMG OMG he says his uncle is a mafia boy lolzers.
8. Last time I showed picture to squeeky he thought she was cute so it can't be that bad (will host some later).
9. a. It wasnt cancer you stupid git, it's a chronic stomach disease. We thought it was Chron's but it just isnt, it's not allergies either (well kinda) and if she eats some things or another she gets sick for a week or two.
b. I asked my best out but who said she was my girlfriend?
10. I'd get them for you, your just not worth the effort, at all. Even if I'd justify myself you would still flames and harrass me, so why should I hm? I have no reason really.
2004-09-20, 10:28 AM
10. I'd get them for you, your just not worth the effort, at all. Even if I'd justify myself you would still flames and harrass me, so why should I hm? I have no reason really.
Or because after all the times it's been proven complete bullshit, you still can't be man enough to admit you just made it all up because you're an attention whore *THAT'S* why you're always going to catch shit. You're still spewing the same bullshit from last year because you're such an insecure person that you have to compensate for your akward personality and less than mediocre life by making shit up that no one believes or cares about, all to keep up the facade you created (on the fucking internet of all places) to try and make your life seem better than it is. I'd kill myself too, but I'd at least be able to get it done right.
2004-09-20, 10:38 AM
6. Cause you keep checks from OVER A YEAR AGO! I sure fucking don't. By the way you do realise I would of been working some odd 70 hours a week, no break, no dinner time, no vacation with high risk, so-so benefits and it's a private storing company that housed computer parts and it's treasury was annexed to it. (OMG privates companies have safes for lump amounts of cash)
Banks keep a photocopy of all checks that you cash there, iirc.
2004-09-20, 10:41 AM
Thanks you just proved my theory, I could get them all... but getting treated like that (even if I do prove it) doesnt appeal to me... so why waste time to end-up with shit like: "It's not even yours" or "Prove it" everytime I say something. This only comes from an handfull of persons wich to be quite honest I don't care nor want to care about.
2004-09-20, 11:25 AM
Lies or not the thread is only staying on page 1 because you guys keep callin bullshit and he keeps defending himself by saying he doesnt have to defend himself.
Sipder wins after all.
why waste time to end-up with shit like: "It's not even yours" or "Prove it" everytime I say something.
that is EXACTLY what we wonder. it is your own unbacked comments that put you in these positions, and your continued unwillingness not to back shit up that keeps you there.
damnit, you tricked me into posting here again.
2004-09-20, 12:19 PM
that is EXACTLY what we wonder. it is your own unbacked comments that put you in these positions, and your continued unwillingness not to back shit up that keeps you there.
damnit, you tricked me into posting here again.
Alright then prove me otherwise... that I won't be treated like shit some more..? Sure if I'm giving the pics to squeeky he'll shut the hell up, that doesnt mean he's not gonna start all over again in a month or two. I'm not gonna take a single step towards satisfying (sp?) your hunger until I get at the very least a tad of respect, I can understand the need to doubt me since my life is odd. But there's no need to attack my person, we are civilized after all, no?
2004-09-20, 01:26 PM
Lies or not the thread is only staying on page 1 because you guys keep callin bullshit and he keeps defending himself by saying he doesnt have to defend himself.
Sipder wins after all.
Come off it. The whole baiting with "OMG My uncle has a Humvee!" then countered with "No he sold it for a 'vette" when called on it... that's just someone being a porch pussy after being dimed out. And the fact that he replied to each number in that list *IS* defending himself - saying "I don't have to defend myself" is a pathetic psychological safety blanket. That's like smokers who claim they can quit whenever they want, as they light up their third pack of the day.
Remember the fat ugly nerd in eighth grade who wanted to be cool and claimed he had this hot girlfriend? He'd even bring in pictures that he swiped somewhere... then claim they were his. When questioned why no one ever saw her, he'd say dumb shit like "Uh she lives in Canada! She came down to visit last week (odd, during the school year?) but she only goes out at night - cuz we were having sex all day!"
Same principle.
6. Cause you keep checks from OVER A YEAR AGO! I sure fucking don't. By the way you do realise I would of been working some odd 70 hours a week, no break, no dinner time, no vacation with high risk, so-so benefits and it's a private storing company that housed computer parts and it's treasury was annexed to it. (OMG privates companies have safes for lump amounts of cash
I have every Leave/Earnings Statement (LES) that I got from the Army, even my midmonth statements (worthless, no info). For every paycheck. For ten years of service. Then again, I'm American and we have this thing called IRS.
70 hours a week amounts to about fourteen hours a day for five days a week, or ten hours a day for seven days, whichever. With no breaks? BULLSHIT. Not even in China do they do that shit. And you're in Canada, they don't believe in hard work. You're so full of shit. An armed guard with no breaks? On a 14-hour shift? BULLSHIT. That sort of job leads to fatigue, which is highly hazardous to people carrying weapons (they get loopy). No company in their right mind would EVER field a hazardous job with no downtime or vacation time and only so-so benefits.
Explain to me the shift breakdown. I assume the guard duty is 24-7 since there's mad cash in your so-called treasury (which I also call bullshit on, companies make money by taking it to the bank for deposits, they don't have risk factors like huge safes sitting around where some rent-a-cop can get jumped and taken out). So if we have a 24-hour duty day, and your fat ass just took up 14 hours on a shift, since I refuse to believe you work the ten-hour/seven-day-a-week with no breaks, no dinner, no vacation, and so-so benefits.. that leaves ten more hours in a duty cycle. That doesn't balance out, not even when you factor in the dogged-watch (having one shift slightly longer so you don't work the same hours and create a noticeable pattern).
FURTHERMORE, a company that doesn't give meal breaks... simply doesn't exist, except maybe in Uzbekijikiflannistan or some shitty country. Even then, I highly doubt it. There are labor laws, even in clean-air Canada, that say you can't work beyond a certain amount of time without taking a break. This includes having meals.
And since you also type like you're a dumbass 13 year old internet geek, I refuse to believe you're old enough to get a job bagging groceries at the grocery store, let alone carrying a weapon - which in Canada, damn sure isn't allowed for toddlers under the age of 18.
2004-09-20, 01:50 PM
You call sitting on your ass most of the time watching screens tiring? The shifts were 7 days a week 10 hours a day, SITTING IN FRONT OF 50 fucking screens! (Oh yes the eventual 30 minutes patrol :rolleyes: ) At 5 a.m the second guard would come in for the last few hours left and his morning shift.
I don't have lunch breaks or anything simply for the fact that you can sit around and eat during your oh so fun sitting.
I'm going in my twenties this year the 9th of december. (Look at my profile)
We don't work hard in Canada you say? What are you? The result of in-breeding you fucking hillbillie? Still think up here in Canada we live in Igloo's.
You want pics of me and my girl? I'll send them to you, hell on top of that I'll be with her.
My writting isnt that god for one god damn reason wich has been adressed oh so many times before: I'M FRENCH CANADIAN YOU FUCKING REDNECK!
Edit: Your so called "mad cash" consists of about 20 grand. It comes in and out each day at noon if I remember correctly, but there is always cash present in the safe. I suppose it's for cash on hand purposes, you'd have to ask the owners.
2004-09-20, 01:59 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
1) No fucking computer storage warehouse has 50 monitors. Chicago O'hare airport doesn't have 50 fucking monitors.
2) Blackwater security personell in Iraq make less than you do guarding computers in Canada.
3) No warehouse needs $20 grand to come in and out everyday, most banks deposit less than that. Fuck, Walmart's don't bring in that much cash everyday.
4) I'd like to ask the owners as a matter of fact. Why don't you post the name of the company? I'm sure there's police documents from when you killed those guys breaking in that we can find very easily.
5) Labor laws are labor laws, you can't not give someone a break just because they don't do anything all day.
2004-09-20, 02:03 PM
*sigh* Fuck it, even by providing all you want you'd still act like a bunch of asshats. Ivan you can lock and delete the damned thread.
2004-09-20, 02:04 PM
:rofl: oh man nav.
I :love: you
2004-09-20, 02:15 PM
*sigh* Fuck it, even by providing all you want you'd still act like a bunch of asshats. Ivan you can lock and delete the damned thread.
Spider, there is an easy way out of this mess.
Just admit that you made some stuff up. It is that simple. Then you can begin your existance here, where everyone doesn't think you are full of shit.
Until you admit that you made up some stories, people here will not take you seriously.
You made a mistake. We all make mistakes.
Be a man and own up to your lies. If you do, everyone will give more respect than they do now.
2004-09-20, 02:17 PM
Spider, there is an easy way out of this mess.
Just admit that you made some stuff up. It is that simple. Then you can begin your existance here, where everyone doesn't think you are full of shit.
Until you admit that you made up some stories, people here will not take you seriously.
You made a mistake. We all make mistakes.
Be a man and own up to your lies. If you do, everyone will give more respect than they do now.
The most rational thing I've seen on here. Ever.
2004-09-20, 02:22 PM
Lex is a rational person, excluding politics of course.
2004-09-20, 02:25 PM
Spider, there is an easy way out of this mess.
Just admit that you made some stuff up. It is that simple. Then you can begin your existance here, where everyone doesn't think you are full of shit.
Until you admit that you made up some stories, people here will not take you seriously.
You made a mistake. We all make mistakes.
Be a man and own up to your lies. If you do, everyone will give more respect than they do now.
Yep, 100% true. That's what I was saying earlier. I don't think you're a dumb cunt because you made shit up, I think you're a dumb cunt because you got called on the carpet for a year and you still won't just man up and say you fucked up. It's like they say, "When you're in a hole, quit digging."
2004-09-20, 02:28 PM
Lex is a rational person, excluding politics of course.
Lex is rational in politics too if you know what he actually believes. He's still wrong alot, but rational. :lol:
2004-09-20, 02:28 PM
point taken.
2004-09-20, 02:30 PM
You call sitting on your ass most of the time watching screens tiring? The shifts were 7 days a week 10 hours a day, SITTING IN FRONT OF 50 fucking screens! (Oh yes the eventual 30 minutes patrol :rolleyes: ) At 5 a.m the second guard would come in for the last few hours left and his morning shift.
Fifty monitors my fucking ass. Our security section at the National Security Agency doesn't have as many monitors, and I am quite sure that the NSA trumps your piece of shit warehouse with a safe.
Ten hours a day for seven days a week - with zero breaks or benefits. BULLSHIT. There isn't a company in the world that does that sort of slave labor. I worked on the Operations watch floor at the NSA doing six on, two off - required to man a desk, but I still got breaks. That was in military uniform, in service of my country which is the lowest, most underpaid and undervalued and most benefits-deprived job on earth, and only in COMBAT would we ever see shit like what you describe.
So enlighten me, oh wise Mall Security Guard. One shift of ten hours, plus another how many shifts? Ten doesn't go into 24 evenly, and we all know how you French-Canadians feel about equality and fair labor practices (hence your BS about no breaks and boohoo no vacation and so-so benefits, eh chum?)
I don't have lunch breaks or anything simply for the fact that you can sit around and eat during your oh so fun sitting.
Once again - BULLSHIT. Meal times are REQUIRED by labor laws. I rode a desk for six months, an 8.5 hour a day shift and I got a lunch break. Pretty sure I can list about fifty thousand other jobs that give their employees a meal break. If I played well with others, I even got a vacation.
I'm going in my twenties this year the 9th of december. (Look at my profile)
Zippity fucking doo. I can put "Age: 4" on my profile. What's your point?
We don't work hard in Canada you say? What are you? The result of in-breeding you fucking hillbillie? Still think up here in Canada we live in Igloo's.
Igloos are for Indians, retard. (joke)
You want pics of me and my girl? I'll send them to you, hell on top of that I'll be with her.
Like I said before - any braindead toddler with a working knowledge of the internet can find reasonably-justifiable pictures of hot chicks, or even reasonably-attainable attractive women. Furthermore, you can toddle on down the hall to mommy and daddy's room and find pictures of them when they were younger and claim they're you - has anyone here actually seen you? What's to stop you from pulling a Firefly and running up to hot chicks on the beach with a friend, putting your arm around them, snapping pictures and running away?
Oh wait did I say that out loud?
My writting isnt that god for one god damn reason wich has been adressed oh so many times before: I'M FRENCH CANADIAN YOU FUCKING REDNECK!
I am neither fucking, nor am I a redneck. Your excuse for utter shit for linguistic capabilities holds no weight with me. Look under my balls and you'll see the world's smallest violin playing for you. I know illiterate Iraqi children with a better excuse.
Edit: Your so called "mad cash" consists of about 20 grand. It comes in and out each day at noon if I remember correctly, but there is always cash present in the safe. I suppose it's for cash on hand purposes, you'd have to ask the owners.
20 grand is a financial liability. I suppose your owners or whatever are insured by the FDIC, since no other company on the earth is going to say, "Sure we'll slap a policy on 20g sitting in a safe with some fat rentacop armed with a can of mace to watch it." What does a storage company need with 20,000 for cash on hand?
I suggest you stop watching Dragnet and Hawaii Five-Oh, and come back to the real world.
2004-09-20, 02:36 PM
i gotta try that, run up to a hot chick on a beach, wrap my arm around her and have a buddy take a picture, thatd be reet.
2004-09-20, 02:37 PM
Until she grabbed your arm and put you in the sand, with your buddy snapping reet-pix.
... eh, not that that's ever happened to ME, I mean. Hypothetically, you know, just a what-if.
2004-09-20, 02:43 PM
You know, everything would have been A-ok if you wouldn't have picked on Zodiac. See what happens when you throw rocks at a hornet's nest?
2004-09-20, 03:18 PM
Spider, you thought the Canadian economy was a socialism. Don't attack other people's ignorance on Canadian affairs(especially Firefly, who knows quite a bit) when you don't even know the basic principle of the economy
2004-09-20, 04:01 PM
Actually Canadia is Socialist. I think it's a capitalist economy under a Socialist government. I forget, that was my impression anyway. Don't quote me on that.
2004-09-20, 04:06 PM
And now, the first post ever in the Lounge as far as I could find:
Who do you think I really am?
I know most of the people that have been posting here from other games/forums. Anyone want to guess who the lazy man that wouldn't register is?
(Sato/Hamma, and anyone else that knows who I am can't play)
2004-09-20, 04:14 PM
Actually Canadia is Socialist. I think it's a capitalist economy under a Socialist government. I forget, that was my impression anyway. Don't quote me on that.
The canadian government is a constitutional monarchy, meaning that the queen and attorney general technically have power, but it's just a figurehead. We elect the prime minister based on who gets the most seats in the federal house of commons. Our economy is a mixed free trade market, meaning that we regulate, more than the US does and we have a larger "social safety net" meaning more social assistance, universal health care and other programs
2004-09-20, 04:18 PM
Canada has a QUEEN????
2004-09-20, 04:22 PM
Ok, this needs a fucking pic
2004-09-20, 04:30 PM
Canada has a QUEEN????
Canada, while its own country, is considered a Commonwealth of the United Kingdom (aka England for you geographically-stupid).
Why do you think they call it "Royal Canadian Mounted Police" and have references to royalty and all that jazz? To sound cool?
Thats the official title.
2004-09-20, 04:31 PM
UK != England :P~
2004-09-20, 04:32 PM
Wow i didn't know that :doh:
2004-09-20, 04:32 PM
You know, everything would have been A-ok if you wouldn't have picked on Zodiac. See what happens when you throw rocks at a hornet's nest? :love: You guys are some scary ass hornets, i'm glad im part of the "hive".
Just give it up Spider. Notice that no one is coming to your defense? Notice the thread isn't locked? It's because you are the biggest joke on this side of the internet. No one can tell if you are telling the truth or not, but fact is, no one gives a shit.
So either fess up and admit that you made all that shit up, and hope someone gives you a little respect for that, or log off life. Because the way you are right now, you're just a waste of space.
2004-09-20, 04:32 PM
Thank you SDM, you are correct, as is Firefly, but SDM is correct on my level of me being a queen
2004-09-20, 05:00 PM
sputty, you arnt the queen? :(
What the hell as Fabel done to me? I play Fable and the forums burst into flames!
* Ivan shakes fist at XBox!
I think everyone has gotten their word in and there is nothing else to say.
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