View Full Version : [Life] Got myself in some deep shit
2004-09-20, 10:06 PM
Ok guys, heres another problem I have.
My best friend spencer has been talking to this girl he met in michigan at a conference all summer, they are supah close, and at one point she was on the verge of telling him she loves him... A few weeks into this I got myself involved, by talking the her (Kelsey) alot. We also became very close and now talk all the time like we've known eachother forever.
Spencer and Kelsey were almost meant to be. They're just perfect for eachother. The problem is they live so far apart, that they can hardly see eachother. The soonest he *might* be able to see her is like Thanksgiving.
Now the real problem. About a week ago Spencer said he had to tell me something thats uber secret, and if I told anyone he'd never talk to me again (well, probably not, but it made it more puzzling). I knew it had to be something big. I said "alright alright what is it??" He said he met some girl from Cranston at a dance. Named Megan. he got her number and now theyre going out. He said he would kill me if I told Kelsey about it because he doesnt want to hurt her.
Its been really, really hard because Ive had to cover for Spencer twice now. Kelsey would IM me saying "Do you know what Spencer is doing? Hes not picking up his phone." And Id have to say "Uhhh...I dunno" when in reality he's over Megans house going up her shirt.
Spencer told me she is supah dupah hot, but I didnt really believe it, because sometimes he has wierd tastes in girls. She was coming over the same day I was over his house, so he arranged to have her come over while I was leaving, so I could meet her. He was getting out of the shower while she came over. He said to go downstairs and meet her. I walked down the steps and I was completely speechless. She was the hottest girl Ive seen in months. I couldnt even keep a straight face she was so hot. So finally after introducing myself Spencer comes down, I just tap him on the shoulder and say "dude..." on my way out I turn around and give him the thumbs up sign, the international symbol for approval of friend's girlfriends.
I just feel really guilty now because whenever I talk to Kelsey I know that she's gonna have to have her heart broken eventually, which is really upsetting.
Thoughts, suggestions, comments, flames?
2004-09-20, 10:09 PM
Kick them all in the nuts.
Problem Solved!
2004-09-20, 10:10 PM
Down the road not across the street. jk but dont tell the other girl. Your friendship will end and you'll have a enemy for life now. Just avoid the subject with the other girl and when she asks questions just say your not sure you havent seen him recently due to work or school or something.
I Hate Pants
2004-09-20, 10:10 PM
Be honest. So she'll hate him. Then you get the bitch. :p
2004-09-20, 10:11 PM
Tell him its time to make a choice. When that thanksgiving time comes and Kelsey finds out about megan, whoever came to see who just wasted a crapload of money.
Theres only one ring to rule them all, not two.
2004-09-20, 10:13 PM
Kick them all in the nuts.
Problem Solved!
Dude, then Jet got 2 fucked up friends. O.o
2004-09-20, 10:17 PM
Infernus, Electrofreak, and numerous CDLers will attest that I've had my share of girl problems for my teenage years.
My advice: stay neutral. If you don't, you will not end up happy, I gaurentee you. It's not yours to deal with. If you get involved, you will not leave happy, I assure you.
2004-09-20, 10:22 PM
Infernus, Electrofreak, and numerous CDLers will attest that I've had my share of girl problems for my teenage years.
My advice: stay neutral. If you don't, you will not end up happy, I gaurentee you. It's not yours to deal with. If you get involved, you will not leave happy, I assure you.
yea, Im just kinda keepin everyone happy and balanced. :)
2004-09-20, 10:23 PM
Kill 'em all, DHITB, then commit suicide.
2004-09-20, 10:27 PM
Become emo like me. You would be suprised how much being nonconfrontational and sofuckingdeep will help you in the long run.
2004-09-20, 10:30 PM
okay, jet, do what early said, and ask spencer, (bad 1024!) what his plans are or if he plans to walk around with his brain three feet below his head.
2004-09-20, 10:43 PM
Stab them all.
2004-09-20, 10:43 PM
yea, Im just kinda keepin everyone happy and balanced. :)
Best you can do... loyalty to your friends does come first though In my honest opinion...
2004-09-20, 10:45 PM
bros before hoes.
2004-09-20, 10:45 PM
Best you can do... loyalty to your friends does come first though In my honest opinion...
Loyalty to friends is a concept that works usually, however sometimes there are situations where it is best to tell someone to fuck off.
Oh wait, I don't have any friends anyway.
What city is this girl from.
If its the Kelsey I know (never heard anyone else with that name....) I will SHIT myself.
2004-09-20, 10:49 PM
What city is this girl from.
If its the Kelsey I know (never heard anyone else with that name....) I will SHIT myself.
Detriot. shes a sophomore in high school
2004-09-20, 11:07 PM
Detriot. shes a sophomore in high school
yea? how old? 15? pix? :p (serious)
(no im not)
2004-09-20, 11:19 PM
Everay said it best, bros before hoes man. Exceptions are rare, and this doesn't count. It's tough.
(pics please :D)
2004-09-20, 11:27 PM
I think I can get pics of Kels pretty easily, meg will probably alot harder.
2004-09-20, 11:31 PM
2004-09-20, 11:33 PM
Detriot. shes a sophomore in high school
Detroit? She'd better wear kevlar.
Anyway, I think that some people just need to learn that just because Girl 1 is far away you can't elope with Girl 2. He'd better learn it now so that he doesn't make the same mistake in the future.
But for, you are in deep shit.
I suppose the correct thing to do is to somehow try to convince your friend to end it now, to just tell her that it's over, or to get rid of the new girl. That failing (which it probably will), you shouldn't be involved in the cover-ups of his location, because when the shit hits the fan, you'll be screwed if she found out you lied.
The evil thing to do is to watch the situation disassemble, then go for either of the girls when it happens.
2004-09-20, 11:39 PM
yeah, best advice you've been given so far is to stay as far out of this little situation as possible. girls are very emotional and estrogen alters any semblence of logic they have to begin with. if you get caught up in the middle of this you're gonna end up with two girls pissed at you and a guy who gets off almost scott free. sure, one or the other girl will be a might bit mad at your friend, but mostly the anger will be focused onto you. get out of the middle. ooooooooooooo.. get ouuuuuuuuuuut of the middle
2004-09-20, 11:39 PM
Detroit? She'd better wear kevlar.
Anyway, I think that some people just need to learn that just because Girl 1 is far away you can't elope with Girl 2. He'd better learn it now so that he doesn't make the same mistake in the future.
But for, you are in deep shit.
I suppose the correct thing to do is to somehow try to convince your friend to end it now, to just tell her that it's over, or to get rid of the new girl. That failing (which it probably will), you shouldn't be involved in the cover-ups of his location, because when the shit hits the fan, you'll be screwed if she found out you lied.
The evil thing to do is to watch the situation disassemble, then go for either of the girls when it happens.
yea but aztec, one of my greatest skills is comforting women. :cool: if the shit ever does hit the fan, Ill be ready to take on whatever comes my way. on a related note Im gonna let spencer know what hes getting himself into.
2004-09-20, 11:44 PM
yea but aztec, one of my greatest skills is comforting women.
And one of mine is charming snakes.
2004-09-20, 11:45 PM
And one of mine is charming snakes.
ha. mines better. I win. :p
2004-09-20, 11:45 PM
yea but aztec, one of my greatest skills is comforting women. :cool: if the shit ever does hit the fan, Ill be ready to take on whatever comes my way. on a related note Im gonna let spencer know what hes getting himself into.
Jet, i'll say this much: whatever happens, remember, if you eat a whole bag of Doritos in one sitting, you'll shit confetti.
2004-09-20, 11:46 PM
Jet, i'll say this much: whatever happens, remember, if you eat a whole bag of Doritos in one sitting, you'll shit confetti.
:rofl: thanks buddy.
2004-09-20, 11:47 PM
:rofl: thanks buddy.
it's advice you can take to the grave ;)
Shit. If it was the Kelsey I know, I'dve said you shoulda told her.
Its really odd when a bipolar person likes you. Theyre the nicest people on the planet for a day, then they flip out and never want to see you again. Gads.
2004-09-21, 01:11 AM
You need to fuck Spencer's new girlfriend. And stop saying "supah". Problem solved.
2004-09-21, 01:14 AM
Shit. If it was the Kelsey I know, I'dve said you shoulda told her.
Its really odd when a bipolar person likes you. Theyre the nicest people on the planet for a day, then they flip out and never want to see you again. Gads.
Yep, I know a person like that.
2004-09-21, 01:49 AM
I had something similar to this ended...decent for me, bad for the friend. I got both girls.
2004-09-21, 05:15 AM
Be honest. So she'll hate him. Then you get the bitch. :p
2004-09-21, 06:45 AM
Jet, i'll say this much: whatever happens, remember, if you eat a whole bag of Doritos in one sitting, you'll shit confetti.
Makes sense
2004-09-21, 08:32 AM
Shit. If it was the Kelsey I know, I'dve said you shoulda told her.
Its really odd when a bipolar person likes you. Theyre the nicest people on the planet for a day, then they flip out and never want to see you again. Gads.Yep, I know a person like that.Dude .. you knew my wife?! (not kidding) :doh:
/on subject
Jet, listen to these guys about staying neutral, only gets you in deeper shit with MORE people when you get involved. It's something Spencer needs to deal with, not you.
Best of luck with this one .. :thumbsup:
2004-09-21, 11:52 AM
girls are very emotional and estrogen alters any semblence of logic they have to begin with.
That's not TRUUUUUEEE!!!!!1111oneone
:mad: :furious: :flamemad: :fu: :tear:
Just kidding, girls are stupid. I will be the first to admit it. Except Jen, she's Canadian :love:
My STRONG advice to you is tell your friend to get his head out of his ass, grow a pair of balls and tell Kelsey that "he needs space" or some shit. He's being a massive wimp right now by stringing her along. Let him do this hot chick, who cares, it isn't like you guys are 30. However I must also stress the importance of never letting Kelsey know that you knew about the hot chick. Never breathe a word if you ever hope to talk to her again.
Also, never mention to Kelsey how hot the other girl is. We don't like to hear things like that.
And if all else fails, give the girls chocolate, then do them up the butt.
2004-09-21, 12:02 PM
My STRONG advice to you is tell your friend to get his head out of his ass, grow a pair of balls and tell Kelsey that "he needs space" or some shit. He's being a massive wimp right now by stringing her along. Let him do this hot chick, who cares, it isn't like you guys are 30. However I must also stress the importance of never letting Kelsey know that you knew about the hot chick. Never breathe a word if you ever hope to talk to her again.
Also, never mention to Kelsey how hot the other girl is. We don't like to hear things like that.
And if all else fails, give the girls chocolate, then do them up the butt.
trig's advice, as always, is both appropriate and factual. /signed
2004-09-21, 12:02 PM
What can I say, I speak fluent female :)
2004-09-21, 12:09 PM
What can I say, I speak fluent female :)
wurt kin eh saaaaaay!? ah speeeeek froobent wee tawd. durbbllbllblblbllll... :doh:
Red October
2004-09-21, 12:51 PM
My STRONG advice to you is tell your friend to get his head out of his ass, grow a pair of balls and tell Kelsey that "he needs space" or some shit. He's being a massive wimp right now by stringing her along. Let him do this hot chick, who cares, it isn't like you guys are 30. However I must also stress the importance of never letting Kelsey know that you knew about the hot chick. Never breathe a word if you ever hope to talk to her again.
Also, never mention to Kelsey how hot the other girl is. We don't like to hear things like that.
And if all else fails, give the girls chocolate, then do them up the butt.
Good advice. Granted I'm married and have been way out of the dating scene for a long time, but drawing from my life experiances..
1) Get the fuck away from all of them.....tell them you joined the peace core and are heading to Bangladesh. Then grab an inconspicuos seat, pop corn and soda and watch the fireworks.
2) What Trigger said. But you'll have to translate it to guy talk. "dude, do something with her man, I'm getting sick of this shit of covering up for you. Every once in a while is cool, but this is just too much. Either you get shit done, or I'll get shit and either tell her or bang her". That should get things going.
trig's advice, as always, is both appropriate and factual. /signed
Yar, Trig, the advice you give actually makes sense, 15 points for being better'n my parents. Woo for the PSU mom.
2004-09-21, 03:53 PM
Loyalty to friends is a concept that works usually, however sometimes there are situations where it is best to tell someone to fuck off.
Oh wait, I don't have any friends anyway.
I'm your friend!1!!!!1!!1123214231412412ieeonbe
2004-09-21, 04:09 PM
haha, i thought jet got arrested or something. i'm a little dissapointed at the lack of gravity of this situation
Well, he left out the part about the Russian missiles pointed at his house, and the subsequent FBI investigation. He had to escape in his flying aquarium...
2004-09-21, 05:43 PM
Well, he left out the part about the Russian missiles pointed at his house, and the subsequent FBI investigation. He had to escape in his flying aquarium...
wait, i thought he sold the flying aquarium.. i'm so confused. :confused:
No, that was after he stole BoBo the Circus Bear.
2004-09-21, 06:00 PM
No, that was after he stole BoBo the Circus Bear.
okay, just making sure.
2004-09-21, 06:22 PM
Is this episode of Dawson's Creek over yet?
2004-09-21, 06:29 PM
Is this episode of Dawson's Creek over yet?
what episode of dawson's creek has a flying aquarium? :confused:
2004-09-21, 06:36 PM
Is this episode of Dawson's Creek over yet?See, this is the attitude that pisses me off. no offense. People feel *compelled* to post on topics that annoy them, flame the threads, and the vast majority veto a forum for personal issues like this.
If. You. Don't. Like. It. Don't. Read. :doh:
2004-09-21, 06:43 PM
haha, i thought jet got arrested or something. i'm a little dissapointed at the lack of gravity of this situation
:lol: ha, Im sure a thread like that isnt that far in the future. :(
anyway guys, Im gonna tell spencer to get his head out of his ass and that he'll have to come clean eventually. Im sick of distracting kelsey while he goes over Megan's house. :rolleyes:
2004-09-21, 06:44 PM
Pfft. Just screw Kelsey, problem solved.
2004-09-21, 06:44 PM
See, this is the attitude that pisses me off. no offense. People feel *compelled* to post on topics that annoy them, flame the threads, and the vast majority veto a forum for personal issues like this.
If. You. Don't. Like. It. Don't. Read. :doh:
I'll reword it for the more volatile readers then:
Jet, you got this figgered yet?
2004-09-21, 06:46 PM
i still want to know which episode of dawson's creek had a flying aquarium in it...
2004-09-21, 06:47 PM
I'll reword it for the more volatile readers then:
Jet, you got this figgered yet?
Im assuming you mean "figured" and yea I got at least a temporary solution at the time being. Dont have anything (Yet) that would leave less then 2 people upset :doh:
2004-09-21, 06:55 PM
No, I meant figgered. Open a winda boy.
Anywho, basically what you have here is a failure to communicate. Slap homeboy around if you need to, sometimes friends have to play devil's advocate.
2004-09-21, 06:56 PM
no one's answered my question yet. :mad:
2004-09-21, 06:57 PM
no one's answered my question yet. :mad:
what? about the flying aquarium?
uh, no. :doh:
2004-09-21, 06:59 PM
no one's answered my question yet. :mad:
I spose someone could go watch em all...
2004-09-22, 06:33 AM
no one's answered my question yet. :mad:sorry odd .. I missed that episode too I guess. :p
2004-09-22, 08:59 AM
Ah young love this is always hard but your friend should be the one to come clean with her. I'v been thought hard times it's not easy but she is young she will move on and find someone better ... Maybe even you :brow: :love:
2004-09-22, 10:25 AM
:lol: heh, yea, but I already got someone :love: . Ill make a wub thread on that as soon as I get a pic :)
2004-09-29, 08:40 PM
UPDATE: Kelsey is coming to visit for Thanksgiving, and she called to let Spencer know earlier tonight.
The conversation went something like this:
Kels: "I gotta tell you something, but youre gonna have to wait until tonight...."
Spencer: "DOes it involve you coming here?!?!?!"
Oh man, he is SO fucked. I better call him and let him know.
2004-09-29, 08:47 PM
2004-09-29, 08:53 PM
I'm not gonna read all of this, but my first impression is that YOU should tag Kasey or Kelsey or whatever her name was.
2004-09-29, 09:12 PM
haha, just got off the phone with him...
he thinks he can go see Kelso while keeping it a secret to Meg...Oh man, this whole thing is gonna explode in his face
And like sand in an hour-glass the days of lives slip by.
2004-09-29, 11:00 PM
haha, just got off the phone with him...
he thinks he can go see Kelso while keeping it a secret to Meg...Oh man, this whole thing is gonna explode in his face
he gon get femalOWNED
2004-09-29, 11:01 PM
I feel bad for the girls.
Your friend is a jerk wimp.
2004-09-29, 11:20 PM
I feel bad for the girls.
Your friend is a jerk wimp.
:rolleyes: yea, I definately do NOT wanna be there when Kelsey finds out about everything. I talked to him on the phone earlier tonight:
Me: "Dude, you gotta pull your head out of your ass; youre not gonna get away with this."
Spencer: "Heh, yea I'll figure something out."
Me: "..."
I better make sure Im out of town thanksgiving weekend.
2004-09-29, 11:25 PM
How about Triggar figure something out for him.
He sticks his hands down his pants and comes to the shocking realization that there is a pair of balls there.
He then pick up the phone, call Kelsey, and read these words:
"Hi Kelsey, listen I am so incredibly sorry that I haven't talked to you about this earlier - Thanksgiving isn't going to work out for me. I'm really sorry, I am in no position to lead you on."
Apologise profusely.
Hang up, and fondle the balls again for good measure.
2004-09-29, 11:43 PM
haha, just got off the phone with him...
he thinks he can go see Kelso while keeping it a secret to Meg...Oh man, this whole thing is gonna explode in his face
Yeah, that what happens whenever I see inf
2004-09-29, 11:51 PM
How about Triggar figure something out for him.
He sticks his hands down his pants and comes to the shocking realization that there is a pair of balls there.
He then pick up the phone, call Kelsey, and read these words:
"Hi Kelsey, listen I am so incredibly sorry that I haven't talked to you about this earlier - Thanksgiving isn't going to work out for me. I'm really sorry, I am in no position to lead you on."
Apologise profusely.
Hang up, and fondle the balls again for good measure.
heh, that would be incredibly hard to do, since theyve been dying to see eachother again all summer (tried to get something set up, never worked out).
oh well, Ill just have to give spencer a swift slap in the face.
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