View Full Version : What good military-shooter games are there right now?
2004-09-26, 06:27 PM
Soldner is pretty, but apparently it sucks, Joint ops, and another game whose demo I've tried, UT2004, either load too slow or the connection sucks so I can't play worth crap. Any good ones out there? I'm looking beyond Thief III, which I will be able to play as soon as windows XP arrives.
2004-09-26, 06:30 PM
Full Spectrum Warrior
2004-09-26, 06:32 PM
Full Spectrum Warrior
joint ops is also good.
if you want older games, get the platinum pack of Ghost Recon, only about 10 bucks nowadays, and its an awesome game.
2004-09-26, 06:37 PM
i absolutly hated the joint ops demo it was so buggy.
The soldner demo was awsome, but apperantly the full release was craptastic.
I say Enemy TErritory, or America's Army. both free and both fun.
2004-09-26, 06:50 PM
Call of Duty Expansion, UT2004 also has a free expansion pack now (your problem with loading is most likely the preload player skins, turn that off in the options menu). As for Joint ops, Joint Ops has been greatly improved none of the demos do it justice.
2004-09-26, 06:51 PM
Okay, for one thing my Comp sucked ass when I played JO and UT2004. I had my piece of crap processor and less memory than I have now. Now I got an Athlon XP processor, and 256 megs of memory. Not bad for a 14-year old who can't get a job.
2004-09-26, 06:55 PM
ghost recon, in that case.
2004-09-26, 07:00 PM
Actually my next upgrade will be memory. Between that, my decently good processor, and Windows XP I should be fine. I shouldn't have to play games that look like they were made for the N64.
2004-09-26, 07:10 PM
system shock one is pretty good so is cnc renegade
Ahh, Renegade.
Truly an excellent, and underrated, Command & Conquer first-person-shooter.
2004-09-26, 07:17 PM
renegade is great for lan but you should also try zero tolerance for the sega genesis
2004-09-26, 07:17 PM
I dunno, for some reason my comp can't play Thief II or System Shock II. It can play Thief I but it crashes really quickly.
2004-09-26, 07:22 PM
Barring any computer requirements:
If you want the most realistic FPS you can get:
- Operation: Flashpoint
An old game, but probably the most realistic FPS out on the market right now.
- Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon
Self explanatory.
If you want a fast paced FPS:
- Unreal Tournmanet 2004
What kind of FPS are you looking for. When you said "Military-shooter" I assumed you meant realistic, but you were trying games like UT2K4, so I don't know.
2004-09-26, 07:27 PM
mybe you should try planetside??
zero tolerance - a great realistic game a must have
quake 3 urban terror
2004-09-26, 08:10 PM
mybe you should try planetside??
zero tolerance - a great realistic game a must have
quake 3 urban terror
mybe you should try shutting the hell up.
2004-09-26, 08:10 PM
Come on, be nice. He made no mention of macs, and for that we should be glad.
2004-09-26, 08:49 PM
system shock one is pretty good so is cnc renegade:nod:
System Shock 2, too.
2004-09-26, 08:53 PM
I didn't like CNC Ren's Multiplayer, they made everything harder to kill so being a spray and pray was all you could hope for.
2004-09-26, 08:53 PM
Triggar, shh! If we talk about it, he might do it again!
What about ol' Battlefield 1942 or Vietnam? Or do they have to be modern military shooters?
2004-09-27, 12:11 AM
Close Combat: first to fight comes out later this or next month, Marine Corps game, get it, looks like itll own.
2004-09-27, 12:25 AM
No one's mentioned Battlefield or BF:Vietnam yet.
No one's mentioned Battlefield or BF:Vietnam yet.::looks at Loaf's post::
2004-09-27, 01:00 AM
:forehead smack:
2004-09-27, 01:12 AM
i absolutly hated the joint ops demo it was so buggy.
The soldner demo was awsome, but apperantly the full release was craptastic.
Not like the soldner demo was buggy :rolleyes:
Anyway, the later demo of joint ops was excellent, they ironed out all the bugs.
If you want the most realistic FPS you can get:
- Operation: Flashpoint
An old game, but probably the most realistic FPS out on the market right now.
Tons of mods available too, best picks are -
FDF (Finnish Defence Forces)
OFP2K (Operation Flashpoint 2000)
Theres also a cool ww2 mod that I forgot the name of :(
If you want a Military Sim, go pick this game up, its probably in the bargain bin or budget section of your game store by now, but dont let that stop you. (Also pick up the resistance expansion, most mods need that because of its extra features)
Half-Life 2, Team Fortress Classic, Call Of Duty: United Offensive.
2004-09-27, 11:46 AM
Come on, be nice. He made no mention of macs, and for that we should be glad.
But it reminded me of macs, and how he's obviously using a PC but sullying it's good name
2004-09-27, 11:53 AM
I agree with JetRaiden concerning Full Spectram Warrior, it's a simulator but still good fun :)
2004-09-27, 12:21 PM
Close Combat: first to fight comes out later this or next month, Marine Corps game, get it, looks like itll own.
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