View Full Version : Emerald TR losing streak?
2004-09-28, 12:43 PM
I and other have noticed despite decent poulation, that the TR are not controlling many if any cont dom'd Continents. Any ideas why?? im sure ill hear crappy weapons and to many nerf's, but i was curious if there was some reason we and the VS are able to waltz over there home cont with no resistance. We had like a 72 Nc and the rest TR split pop. Any ideas why?
Whoops just saw that someone else had this exact thread arlier, My B.
2004-09-28, 12:58 PM
2004-09-28, 12:59 PM
Hey im NC, im not bitchin, im just curious why it is this way lately.
2004-09-28, 02:14 PM
They suck. Thats why. TR Markov fares a helluva lot better than them.
2004-09-28, 04:35 PM
I doubt it's our weapons. Our weapons seem just fine to me. I'd think it's the result of a higher level of VS/NC organization in terms of both CR5 coordination and grunt-level organization. More VS/NC outfits which are organized and have good strategies is probably part of it as well. There are, from what I've seen/heard, not many TR/Emerald outfits which are very organized. Most seem to be a loose collective just a step above the zerg. It's really pretty incredible how stupid a lot of the TR are during combat.
2004-09-28, 05:21 PM
Emerald TR CR5's (majority at least) are idiots who didn't even pass LD 2nd grade
2004-09-28, 06:17 PM
Warborn said it. It all boils down to no CR5 and outfit coordination. People are sheep and are going to graze where they will untill someone comes in and herds them. The problem is with so many defectors and spies, you cant use global to do anything. We really need some CR5 and outfit alliance comms to take off. ULTRA is an example. I hope it works out
2004-09-28, 08:33 PM
What's weird is I don't think there's too many brain surgeons at the NC CR5 level. Most are just in it for laughs, and of those that actually try it seems the most vocal are complete morons (Endoftheline). I've noticed more than a few times lately that as the NC and VS are fighting it out on a continent, and taking way too much time doing it, that the TR will end up trying to back hack on the same continent rather than pushing an 'easier' continent. It seems like they are craving a good fight rather than the best strategic move which is commendable until it's at the expense of real estate.
2004-09-28, 08:36 PM
What I mean is TR don't use them enough
I Hate Pants
2004-09-29, 12:21 AM
Few things I notice with TR emerald
Retarded CR5's
Lack of coordination
Not enough armour and vehicles on the ground. Everybody wants thier reaver spammers.
I honestly wish I'd see more prowlers and marauders on the field.
2004-09-29, 05:25 AM
Problem is, to have a real discussion on this issue, we would have to talk balance, which is not a discussion that can occur rationally (just too much emotion).
So, let's just say it's the n00bs, yeah, that's the ticket, n00bs. Obviously, only TR-E is inflicted with n00bs and bad CR-5s, yeah, that works.
2004-09-29, 07:06 AM
sounds good to me KIA
2004-09-29, 07:06 AM
Nicely put...N00bs
And lack of armor...
2004-09-29, 07:07 AM
I think it's our empire specific Vehicles that kill us, it takes more people then the other two empires to make a tank or buggy fully operatinal, which means on average most people aren't up for it. Also it kinda sucks that a TR squad can fully operate 3 tanks when the NC can operate 5. If they faught it out, the NC would win because they have the harding hitting weaponry + numbers.
2004-09-29, 08:04 AM
They suck. Thats why. TR Markov fares a helluva lot better than them.
Thanks :D
Red October
2004-09-29, 11:34 AM
I think it's our empire specific Vehicles that kill us, it takes more people then the other two empires to make a tank or buggy fully operatinal, which means on average most people aren't up for it. Also it kinda sucks that a TR squad can fully operate 3 tanks when the NC can operate 5. If they faught it out, the NC would win because they have the harding hitting weaponry + numbers.
Thats the Achillies Heel, TR Equipment requires teamwork.
The raider is devestating when its fully manned with a good squad or group that works together.
The Prowler, Tank vs. Tank it owns. Tank vs two tanks, well you need some good gunners and a good driver. Otherwise your just slowing them down. But once again, teamwork is needed. But I have seen and been part of teams of Prowlers with devestating results.
Outfits need to be more that just a bunch of guys looking for a squad. When a member of our Outfit pulls out a flail, I'm grabing my Inf suit and lazer to pick out targerts (FYI, the fact your enemy can see the lazer as your aquiring a target is just 100% bullshit). People in outfits need to sacrifice for others. I didn't get any kills, but the outfit mate in the Flail was racking plenty (plus my deaths were up quite a bit). However, other days he's driving a prowler and I'm on the main gun racking up the kills. Its a trade off.
Also, just because an outfit is disorganized doesn't mean you should abandon it in search of a new may be part of the problem. At least try to help organize, you may be surprised. Our example, we were once a well oiled killing and land grabbing machine. As people started to hit BR20, they started to leave (for other games or other empires) and thier positions weren't replaced. The outfit almost collapsed. So spam invites occured and most of our squads were rather unorganized. Now that we got a good player base going (those that stayed and wanted to really get things going), organization is starting to take shape. Still a lot of work ahead, but were miles from the low we were at. Hopefully soon, we will re-earn our reputation.
My point is, dont hop from one outfit to the next looking for organization, your not going to find it and chances are if they are organized, they don't recruit often (its a pain). Get into an active group and start building. Its not easy and its not painless, but it will pay off.
2004-09-29, 02:12 PM
The DragonWolves pride themselves on our ability to roll Prowlers and coordinated Galaxy Drops. I doubt that there is another TR outfit that is as effective Tank v Tank.
2004-09-29, 02:36 PM
Nice!! Its sad to see that we almost ever encounter you guys. We used to see alot of Enclave, but even now org'd outfits are hard to find.
2004-09-29, 04:21 PM
Actually, I don't think the problems are CR 5's or n00bs. The problem is everyone : nobody listens to CR 5's instructions and so finally TR-E find themselves fighting on 3 or sometimes 5 different planets...
My main character is on Werner and there, we always try to pop lock a planet. People do what the CR 5's say and so it works out alright. Usually, there's one main and one secondary target so we can gather people to have some real good fights.
Red October
2004-09-29, 05:35 PM
My main character is on Werner and there, we always try to pop lock a planet. People do what the CR 5's say and so it works out alright. Usually, there's one main and one secondary target so we can gather people to have some real good fights.
Thats what usually happens on Markov. CR5's state a primary and a secondary. Primary usually gets pop locked fast. Secondary...somewhat gets populated, depending on the population. Some squads will go on thier own and just wreak havoc for the enemy in general...and sometimes set up the next invasion.
Edit: Once again, its a teamwork issue.
2004-09-29, 10:17 PM
What he said.
2004-09-29, 10:59 PM
yeah markov relay doesn't seem to have the horribly unballenced problems anymore. Though after BWG's came out, it was funy to see all red one day all blue the next and all purple the day after that. but it evened out eventualy. Normaly continents go tic for tac
2004-09-29, 11:40 PM
Our CR5s fuck up invasions almost as often then they help them, a few days ago a CR5 managed to stall out an offensive on Esamir when we had almost 70% of the pop. A totally uncoordinated zerg could have done better.
2004-09-30, 12:13 AM
The problem is everyone : nobody listens to CR 5's instructions
They way this game is, CR 5 is not a rank at all, it's a privallege to talk to everybody because you play the game alot. Just because you are CR5 doesn't give you the right to force everybody to listen to you.
2004-09-30, 04:48 AM
Heh, for an outfit like the one I'm in
Auroras, while not good against air, do make for a potent Purple Jackhammer spamcannon of AV Doom.
We'd never ever stop driving Raiders if we had access to em.
While a worse tank, it's a far superior troop transport.
But yeah that gets down to it.
TR equipment is NOT weak. It simply requires a higher level of teamwork.
In the absence of Teamwork, your screwed.
2004-09-30, 08:13 AM
tr markov the other night:
2004-09-30, 11:05 AM
Actually, I don't think the problems are CR 5's or n00bs. The problem is everyone : nobody listens to CR 5's instructions and so finally TR-E find themselves fighting on 3 or sometimes 5 different planets...
Yesterday, we were fighting on Ishundar. One CR5 said target is Ish, secondary is Hossin, everyone fill up Ishundar. Five minutes later, another CR5 comes and says the primary isn't Ishundar, it's Hossin, everyone fill up Hossin. This happens a fair amount of times as well. The zerg not listening may be a consequence of the CR5's typically not having the head and their ass wired together.
2004-10-01, 05:09 PM
The problem with the TR:
Chaingun stinks compared to other weapons. I wont mention the lasher..the pulsar puts the chaingun to shame. I recall a long time ago the chaingun had amazing range and was very strong, it was nerfed.
As for organization, I have to say I havent been overly impressed with the TR organization. Vanu dont need much with their weapon superiority. The NC has some solid organizations. I used to be in Liberty, which was always very strong.
TR needs an organization with some CR5s what work in concert. How many times do you have to yell 'Move the AMS!' cause the enemy knows where it is, but its never moved. Where we have a fight where we have no armor or no air support...why bother fighting if we are going to lose? We need to pick our fights better.
2004-10-03, 05:32 PM
TR has fewer good tactical outfits than the VS or NC have.
Where NC and VS have about 5-6 active tactical and spec ops outfits each, the TR only have 2 or 3.
While the tactical elements of the TR's army do a fine job, there just aren't enough of them to go around for the whole campaign.
2004-10-04, 04:23 PM
TR has fewer good tactical outfits than the VS or NC have.
Where NC and VS have about 5-6 active tactical and spec ops outfits each, the TR only have 2 or 3.
While the tactical elements of the TR's army do a fine job, there just aren't enough of them to go around for the whole campaign.
The TR have plenty of active tactical outfits, but most of them are fairly small.
The weapons of the TR aren't the problem, actully i think that the MCG is the best HA, and the striker is the best AV. The jackhammer is balanced, i dont care whatever you say. It is only affective at very close range, and a long range they suck. Where as the gauss rife is good long range, and generally sucks close range. As for the VS, the pulsar is overpowered for just basic weaponry. And i had used the lasher many times, and i dont find it very affective.
2004-10-04, 04:31 PM
I actually prefer the MCG over all other HA. While the Jack is a better killer, its more limited in versatility
2004-10-04, 04:52 PM
lasher is best by far.
2004-10-04, 04:58 PM
Okay here is your answer. Hum Emerald TR where do I start um okay here we go. Emerald TR don't like to play together. Most of them like to do their own thing. They have a great zerg off the bat as far as rolling armor and such but once they lose that one vehicle they dont go get another one they become a grunt which isnt efective at all. It is not the weapons or vehicle because in some way or another all empires equal out in weapons or vehicles because the game is designed this way. We make a push then we get pushed back, because unlike the NC and VS we are not presistant. As good as are weapons are we can't stand up against Vanguard after Vanguard or Magrider after Magrider with out having our own armor to hit back with. Then there are the Cr5s most of the old good ones gave up when all the noob Cr5s start showing up and being morons. then you got the ones that abuse command chat and tells. then you got the serious ones that can't agree one target and end up wasting time deciding that the other troops just switch empires or log off. Also we rarely use Spec Ops to take out key points that may sway the battle for a period of time. This is why the TR lose all the time, if we could pull our heads out of our as**s for alittle why we might actually do something for a change, but I doubt that will ever happen. Now all you emerald guys can call me a hater and if that was the case then I wouldn't be loyal to Emerald TR by it being the only empire and server since beta that I have played on and will play for the duration of PS for that matter. Plus everything I have said in this post is true and if you think real hard you will notice that and might even change but yet Iagain I doubt that. So I will keep fighting along your side and keep losing along your side till the end. Raven out!
Disciples of the Apocalypse
Emerald / TR
Cr 5 / Br 20
2004-10-04, 06:44 PM
lasher is best by far.
because you dont have to aim right?
ya well the MCG is a skill weapon unlike others
2004-10-04, 06:57 PM
The weapon is more powerful, does more damage quicker. I dont want to hear about skill cause Im the one getting shot by some skill-less wonder with a Lasher. I pick up a lasher when I can, I kill a whole lot more with it.
I Hate Pants
2004-10-04, 07:05 PM
Alot of you guys still miss the point. The problem with the TR in general is not being able for us to utilize our prowlers and marauders effectively.
Not many people want to man the 12mm gun on the marauder or the 15mm gun on the prowler (even though it's fuckn' amazing). If you can get someone to man the 15mm gun on the prowler along with the cannons. The prowler dishes out serious pain to vanguards and magriders. The 15mm guns are amazing and it boggles my mind as to why more people aren't willing to man them.
The marauder I like to think of is good at taking out infantry. The grenade launcher and 12mm combined can take out large amounts of infantry. And now that the marauder is faster you can pull off some really good hit and runs on ground troops with the marauder.
Lastly. PEOPLE NEED TO BE WILLING TO SACRIFICE KILLING INORDER TO BE A DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would it honestly kill some of you TR to help your empire and be willing to drive tanks and buggies? Ya'h know. Something other than Lightenings and reavers.
2004-10-04, 08:11 PM
hey im a big fan of the tr they remind me of the brotherhood
2004-10-04, 10:02 PM
How fast is the Marauder now?
I Hate Pants
2004-10-04, 10:18 PM
70-73 mph I think
2004-10-05, 01:52 PM
Here is a good OF thread about the Emerald TR.
2004-10-05, 05:32 PM
70-73 mph I think
HFS, that's like what 110 kph?
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