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2004-09-30, 05:27 PM
I just bumped my standard aquamark3 score to 56997!

With everything Maxed out, its a smidge over 31K.

Ill add in the others later.

2004-09-30, 05:46 PM
cool man, i was jsut tampering with my OC runnin it 361 1.1ghz now, got a 4610 on '05

2004-09-30, 10:06 PM
cool man, i was jsut tampering with my OC runnin it 361 1.1ghz now, got a 4610 on '05

Thats pretty sweet, I gotta download that tonight.

2004-10-02, 06:05 PM
I got like 1310 in '05. How could a 2800+, 1 Gig 2700, Radeon 9800pro and I get 1310?

2004-10-02, 07:47 PM
I got like 1310 in '05. How could a 2800+, 1 Gig 2700, Radeon 9800pro and I get 1310?

Theres something not right there, Your RAM may be a bit limiting, but Its mostly a video card test, it seems 9800pros score in the 2100-2350 range at stock.

You may have a driver issue, or something running in the background, things like stylexp and windowblinds are killers there.

First things that come to mind anyway.

My first run was a 4720 @ 563/578, but its not entirely stable, after playing games for a few hours things start going haywire. Seems ok at stock XT PE speeds so far.

EDIT: Seems my scores a bit low compared to other with similar systems, maybe the hotfix will cure that.

2004-10-02, 09:26 PM
I got like 1310 in '05. How could a 2800+, 1 Gig 2700, Radeon 9800pro and I get 1310?

Becuase it's not powerful anymore. :(

I have the same sans the 9800 (9600xt instead), a year ago I could fly through games at high settings, but it just doesn't cut it any more in modern games.

3dmark '05 is a benchmark of future games, bear that in mind, your system isn't going to run future games well :(

2004-10-02, 10:14 PM
hehe 5777 just now :p

2004-10-03, 02:10 AM
With my specs in sig, I got a 2407 in 3dMark05. Seems this test is VERY GPU-dependent, which really sucks. My system owns except for its relatively weak vid card, I was dissapointed when the score didn't reflect that.

2004-10-03, 02:17 AM
...343 in 3DMark05
I've got 1 Gig DDR, a 256MB NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600, and a 2.4 GB P4. What the hell would cause that score?

2004-10-03, 02:27 AM
The 2.4 Ghz P4. And maybe generic RAM + stuff running in the background.

2004-10-03, 02:52 AM
no it's the 5600, not such a hot card, if stuck it back in i would get a similar score.

The 3dmark stuff is basicaly all GPU dependant unless you have a realy week CPU or RAM(except for of course the CPU test, but those ar not factored into the 3dmark score)

2004-10-03, 10:28 AM
Stfu Rbstr! :(

My G4 Ti 4800 is still good!! :(

2004-10-04, 09:16 PM
you wana buy mt old 5600 w/ 1337 heatsink for $75 plus shipping?

2004-10-04, 09:24 PM
If I don't get a 6800 on my birthday (Nov 23) then I'll buy it for 50 plus shipping.

2004-10-04, 09:39 PM
meh i need like 70 to get a new harddrive my 40 = filled

2004-10-10, 07:24 AM
Just ran and got 3841.

2004-10-11, 04:25 AM
So Eine, are you sure it wasn't 1348? You mentioned you have the exact same system as me and I can't imagine a Radeon 9200 getting that kind of score.

2004-10-11, 10:24 AM
He has a A64 3200+
X800 XT

2004-10-11, 11:01 AM
I'm finally upgrading my Ti4600 to a 6800 GT. I'll have to get my benchmark before and after and see the difference.

2004-10-11, 05:16 PM
He has a A64 3200+
X800 XT

Might be his other PC. Check his first post in this thread. Linkage (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26198)

2004-10-11, 07:52 PM
Might be his other PC. Check his first post in this thread. Linkage (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26198)
He was replying to me, we have the same comp except video cards and case.

2004-10-12, 04:59 AM