View Full Version : Sign if you agree

2004-10-03, 01:29 AM
I REALLY think there should be some type of opponents in the Virtual Reality Vehicle Area. I know some ppl think VR is for Nubs but it does help increse your skills. I just want something i can shoot to practice my reaver aim or see how much damage a weapon does. This update would be truly appreciated.

2004-10-03, 01:35 AM
This might be asking for too much, but a generated situation would be very cool. For instance, one decides to be placed in a generated situation. (You pick settings for weapons, terrain, enemies, weather, time limit... when I say settings for weapons I mean you get to choose what things you want to use/fight against)

One would transport to the generated situation and fight from there on. The situation would be over once all enemies were eliminated or the time limit was reached.

What do you guys think?

2004-10-03, 01:36 AM
That would be awsome, but it also sounds like lots of work =/

2004-10-03, 02:02 AM
Question, what do you loose by going on the battlefield?

2004-10-03, 02:32 AM
Nothing... point is the battlefield isnt always test friendly. Being able to narrow down exactly why you suck using an MCG sometimes helps.

2004-10-03, 04:36 AM
Yeah, it'd be nice to see how well the vehicals hit without worrying about exploding. Plus it wouldn't be too bad to see a few things out there to hit.

Plus that idea would be pretty cool to see, but that's almost making a single-player version on its own, heh heh

2004-10-03, 05:14 AM
They should add something like this to the training mode on PS, with a room/field with both troop and vehicle targets that display dmg to armour+health or armour based on what they are in a chat window, and hit locations as a bullet hole/permanent burn mark on the target.

2004-10-03, 09:01 AM
Sounds good, just some tanks and aircraft flying around surten areas.


In the shooting VT, there needs to be moving targets, no fun practising on targets that just stand there, also, its not training as in real life, your enermy just doesn't stand there.

2004-10-03, 10:05 AM
An actual shooting range has been an idea since the game came out. Moving targets, for for vehicles and ground troops.

2004-10-03, 10:06 AM
The flip side of that though is if youg et good ont eh battle field you dont need to worry about how test friendly it is.

2004-10-03, 11:03 AM
This might be asking for too much, but a generated situation would be very cool. For instance, one decides to be placed in a generated situation. (You pick settings for weapons, terrain, enemies, weather, time limit... when I say settings for weapons I mean you get to choose what things you want to use/fight against)

One would transport to the generated situation and fight from there on. The situation would be over once all enemies were eliminated or the time limit was reached.

What do you guys think?
wow sounds like a game within a game :doh:

2004-10-03, 11:48 AM
Yay for mini-games (You know you want ammoxbox gems!). Seriously though, an area in VR where enemy vehicles can spawn would be nice practice :)

2004-10-03, 11:56 AM
/sign I guess

I could use some lifeless dummies in the vehicle area.

2004-10-03, 12:07 PM
I REALLY think there should be some type of opponents in the Virtual Reality Vehicle Area. I know some ppl think VR is for Nubs but it does help increse your skills. I just want something i can shoot to practice my reaver aim or see how much damage a weapon does. This update would be truly appreciated.

Dunno if someone said this yet but I've always wanted stationary infantry and vehicles (much like in the shooting range) scattered around the vehicle VR. That way you could see how much damage the vehicles do. And -maybe- moving targets would be cool, but there are better things SOE could be doing for the game than that.

So, I kinda sign it.

2004-10-03, 12:15 PM
/sign I guess

I could use some lifeless dummies in the vehicle area.


2004-10-03, 12:35 PM
Instead of this I would rather see a VR Inter Outfit Areana. Would work like this

You run into VR, now there's an "Areana" option.

You choose one of three teams "Aplha, Delta, Bravo." Each team has one bunker on a Vehicle VR styled map, in each of these bunkers you can pick up any weapon, any vehicle and head out into a massive waste land of weapons killing and random shooting.

Would also help outfits train without having to use the Test Server or TK each other.

2004-10-03, 01:18 PM
personally i think it would just be distracting the Devs from doing things that are important. LIKE GETTING MY BFRS IN THE GAME

2004-10-03, 02:48 PM


2004-10-03, 05:14 PM
there is only 1 thing i know will happen to BFRs people yelling NERF

but i like this idea its kinda like mine that i posted i whiel back on the planetside idealab forum.