View Full Version : Petition: Force Rockstar to put GTA:VC on X-Box
2004-10-07, 07:56 PM
Sign the petition, get Rockstar to hook up their potential customers with a product they want. I have a PS2, but why waste my money on GTA:SA on an inferior system?
Sign up and be heard
2004-10-07, 08:00 PM
2004-10-07, 08:05 PM
Because consoles suck period. How about we petition you to take your head out of your ass.
Wait for it to come out on the PC, we all know it's way better.
2004-10-07, 08:07 PM
Because consoles suck period. How about we petition you to take your head out of your ass.
Wait for it to come out on the PC, we all know it's way better.
i must disagree. Being that my video card sucks ass, and cant play even VC i would like to see SA ported to the xbox as well.
2004-10-07, 08:07 PM
Yeah yeah consoles suck. Just horrid, the millions of Consoles sold over the past 4 years in the USA prove jsut how aweful they are.
Ho0w about you accept that PC's rock for some things, Consoles for others.
I prefer my GTA type games, sports games and racing games on Console.
Pretty Much Everything else is PC.
2004-10-07, 08:09 PM
I dunno, I liked shooting in GTA3 and VC on PC more than on the PS2.
2004-10-07, 08:10 PM
Nother petition.
I just dislike 3rd person shooters on PC but thats just me.
2004-10-07, 08:11 PM
I hate GTA games on consoles, you can't fucking aim.
2004-10-07, 08:13 PM
I had no problem, probably something to do with the skill level of the player not the console the game is played on...
2004-10-07, 08:14 PM
And PC can be modded. I've downloaded several changes to both games, including
The Vice City News Cotper changed to Thunderbird 2
The Voodoo change to a Ranchero
Uber-powerful taxi that plows through almost anything (Too scared to try it on a tank)
Duessenburg (Think: Cruella DeVille's car)
VC police into VC police Voodoo (no hydaulics)
2004-10-07, 08:17 PM
Force RockStar to put it on the XBox?
For one thing, they probably will if San Andreas is a success. You have to realize that porting isn't just a simple process, you don't just change a single line of code to port a game. They need to put effort into porting a game, and it seems RockStar is making the best choice for now, put it on the systems that they know GTA has been the most successful on, and if it is a success, port it over to the XBox. It's the decision that makes the most sense.
Of course, Grand Theft Auto is such a popular series that RockStar could put out absolute horse shit and it would still sell (another huge advantage of console gaming, it makes it much harder to pirate a game. I believe the Console pirated game ratio is like 5% and PC games it's like 70%)
2004-10-07, 08:22 PM
GTA:VC is on Xbox get the GTA Double pack.
if youre talking about San Andreas, eh whatever. GRand theft auto games are obselete
2004-10-07, 08:22 PM
YEs porting is a pain, yes it requires work from the Devs, Yes PS2 has a large install base.
Fine dandy, X-Box is not chump change in terms of install base, they need to cater to us, the X-Box gamer not willing to settle for second best in terms of system choices.
2004-10-07, 08:24 PM
Another thing you have to realize, XBox sales are the worst of the consoles, not in terms of games, but in terms of systems sold. PS2 is leading, followed by GameCube, and then XBox, so RockStar probably wants to release the game to the console with the highest fanbase.
2004-10-07, 08:24 PM
I had no problem, probably something to do with the skill level of the player not the console the game is played on...
2004-10-07, 08:29 PM
Another thing you have to realize, XBox sales are the worst of the consoles, not in terms of games, but in terms of systems sold. PS2 is leading, followed by GameCube, and then XBox, so RockStar probably wants to release the game to the console with the highest fanbase.
Monthly though, Xbox is above GCN.
2004-10-07, 08:32 PM
LOL @ console gamers.
2004-10-07, 08:33 PM
LOL @ console gamers.
Are you of the superior preference?
2004-10-07, 08:34 PM
Monthly though, Xbox is above GCN.
Are you including Japan? Whether or not, GCN is still doing better than XBox is...
Oh, and by the way, DaShiznit, I'm not really a console gamer... I picked up a GCN for a couple of games, and a PS2 for one or two games... but other than that, I'm a PC Gamer... I can't stand Console shooters...
2004-10-07, 08:43 PM
I can't stand Console shooters...
Amen to that.
2004-10-07, 08:47 PM
FPS on Consoles is torture, I refuse to play any FPS no matter how "sweet" on a console. But racing, GTA Style games and the like, gimmie my X-Box version baby, cause PS2 is teh Suck.
2004-10-07, 08:49 PM
Last console I owned was a PS1. And unless my laptop will count as one I won't be owning another again in the foreseeable future.
2004-10-07, 08:49 PM
There are some games for console which would be rediculous to play on PC, such as SSBM.
2004-10-07, 09:13 PM
YEs porting is a pain, yes it requires work from the Devs, Yes PS2 has a large install base.
Fine dandy, X-Box is not chump change in terms of install base, they need to cater to us, the X-Box gamer not willing to settle for second best in terms of system choices.
Fine. but I want you to force BUNGIE to put Halo 2 on PS2.
then well talk.
2004-10-07, 09:23 PM
You do realize that Rockstar has contracts with Sony to put the games on PS2 and not on the others until a certain time period has passed. That's sort of the whole reason why games don't get ported or get ported a while into the game's release. And as for Halo and Halo 2, Bungie is Microsoft's bitch.
2004-10-07, 09:32 PM
There are some games for console which would be rediculous to play on PC, such as SSBM.
You can buy gamepads for PC
That being said
PCs > Consoles in all situations
2004-10-07, 09:38 PM
I'd rather see Rockstar release the PC versions sometime near the release of the console versions, while not making the port sucky.
2004-10-07, 09:40 PM
There is only one game I will ever say was could not have been better on a PC. That game is starfox.
2004-10-07, 09:45 PM
64 or the original? both were bad ass but you know. OMG starfox 64, that game owns so much, i need to go find it.
as for 3rd person shooters on PCs, i found them easyer to do than on consoles, especialy max payne, the story was great, i cant wait till part three, but it was a bitch on the consoles, so i played it on the PC. i generaly dont like FPS on consoles, but that rule goes out to all games but Halo.
2004-10-07, 09:47 PM
SA is coing to PC and xbox like May 19 I belive....
2004-10-07, 10:04 PM
The GTA III and VC versions on the Xbox were far superior to the PS2 versions. Period.
2004-10-07, 10:09 PM
obviously the updated textures, and shit they had time to upgrade, but give me reasons the gameplay was better.
in bullet form please.
2004-10-07, 10:11 PM
The PC Version is coming out in May, the question is why play it on an Inferior Console?
2004-10-07, 10:15 PM
I wish it came out earlier, but im willing to wait.
2004-10-07, 10:49 PM
The PC Version is coming out in May, the question is why play it on an Inferior Console?
Because for some people the XBox is a better computer than theirs.
2004-10-07, 10:56 PM
Because for 87% of the earth's population the XBox is a better computer than theirs.
Fixed. :doh:
2004-10-07, 11:05 PM
Both My PC's are better then an X-Box. My monitor is 23" My TV is 35"
I can bring My X-Box places, kinda hard to lug my PC anywhere
X-Box over PS2 GTAIII/VC
1. Better Graphics
2. Better Controler
3. Lower load times
4. No stinking memory card
5. Its X-Box, X-Box powns PS2 in all departments on a pure technical basis alone.
2004-10-07, 11:37 PM
What's a pown?
That being said
PCs > Consoles in all situations
Name 1 good fighting game on the PC.
2004-10-07, 11:53 PM
What's a pown?
Name 1 good fighting game on the PC.
Cant. there are none.
.... fighting games that is.
2004-10-08, 12:02 AM
Most sports games are better on Console IMHO, mostly because they can concentrate on getting the game polished for X console vice trying to cover the compatability for every PC combo out there.
Same with racing games.
And traditional RPGS
2004-10-08, 12:23 AM
Tradional RPGs better on consoles? I think not.
Unless, by traditional you mean those trendy final fantasy games.
Traditional RPG should be defined by a D&D RPG, since D&D was the original RPG.
2004-10-08, 02:27 AM
I am talking about FF, Dragon Warrior and the like.
D & D is BORING on the computer. Not since the original Pool of Radiance... lol and the cheesy decoder wheel to prevent copyright infringement, have I bothered with such on my computer. I save that for MMO level RPGs.
BTW Consoel MMO... SUCK
2004-10-08, 02:57 AM
You do realize that Rockstar has contracts with Sony to put the games on PS2 and not on the others until a certain time period has passed. That's sort of the whole reason why games don't get ported or get ported a while into the game's release. And as for Halo and Halo 2, Bungie is Microsoft's bitch.
Why are people actually ignoring this point (the most important point in the thread)? Sony locked up Rockstar early on, a risky move that paid off in ******. This is the last GTA game that falls under the Sony exclusivity contract, but it still falls under it. They'll release it to other formats when their contract allows them to, and not before. Unfortunately, a petition is just pissing in the wind in the meantime.
2004-10-08, 05:00 AM
MadCow, Rockstar is locked up?
After reviewing all the online crap I could, I found no evidence of this, the exclusive contract is over I.E. thats why you had the double pack for GTAIII/VC
And the petition is NOT pissing in the wind, what it does is tell Rockstar not to let SOE or anyone else "lock them up" again in the future because they are pissing on potential customers. Thats never a good thing.
2004-10-08, 09:13 AM
Honestly, I couldn't give a rats ass about which console I played GTA on. I've played both of them on PS2, and they were both very enjoyable. I seriously don't care if the graphics are slightly better or the controls tighter on the xbox. I don't see why anyone would wait 6 months just so they can have slightly better graphics. But w/e.
As for PC games: I only started playing them 2.5 years ago with age of empires II. I have a sega genesis, n64, ps2 and gamecube. I rarely play consoles anymore except for those rare games that are too good to not play (IE san andreas will be one, GT4, etc). I also use em for party games. But mostly I play on the PC. Heck I only have 7 games for my PC (6 if you don't count United Offensive), of which I only actively play 3. But yeah I'll agree, FPS's, MMO's, RTS, and some others are better on PC, while racing, 3rd person, and party games are better on console. PC and consoles are way different, and each have their own strengths.
2004-10-08, 10:22 AM
in short:
2004-10-08, 11:50 AM
I am talking about FF, Dragon Warrior and the like.
D & D is BORING on the computer. Not since the original Pool of Radiance... lol and the cheesy decoder wheel to prevent copyright infringement, have I bothered with such on my computer. I save that for MMO level RPGs.
BTW Consoel MMO... SUCK
D&D was pretty fun on IRC, awhile back.
Also - Baldurs Gate I & II? Neverwinter Nights? Tell me those sucked, please.
2004-10-08, 12:17 PM
RISC is why consoles roxorz. And I believe that once Liniux becomes more and more mainstream and game makers begin taking advantage of the hybrid system, RISC/CISC, on it game grafics will surpass console.
Whoever said that PC's own consoles in all situations is just wrong. Halo on a 62 inch Plasma screen TV with god knows what kind of surround sound. OMG that was beutiful.
2004-10-08, 03:09 PM
There are so many better FPS's than Halo on the PC. Halo was really nothing new... anything "new" in Halo was already done in PC's.
PC FPS's are just so much better than Console FPS's...
2004-10-08, 03:17 PM
There are so many better FPS's than Halo on the PC. Halo was really nothing new... anything "new" in Halo was already done in PC's.
PC FPS's are just so much better than Console FPS's...
I can't speak for halo, since I haven't played it (yeah I know), but CoD UO was perhaps the best single player game (certainly the best fps) I have played. The missions were pretty diverse for an FPS (some railgunning, some traditional run and shoots, large battles, one part where you're in a plane and you have to run all over it to different tail gunner position, etc) Some really good gaming there. But I have heard from friends that it isn't anything revolutionary.
2004-10-08, 03:30 PM
If I had a mouse and keyboard to play my FPS on, with fully configuarable controls (I use the number pad TYVFM) I might not feel the same about them.
2004-10-08, 03:44 PM
I can't speak for halo, since I haven't played it (yeah I know), but CoD UO was perhaps the best single player game (certainly the best fps) I have played. The missions were pretty diverse for an FPS (some railgunning, some traditional run and shoots, large battles, one part where you're in a plane and you have to run all over it to different tail gunner position, etc) Some really good gaming there. But I have heard from friends that it isn't anything revolutionary.
Call of Duty wasn't a truly revolutionary game either, but what it did do was put together a LOT of good ideas together that other games had used previously, but badly, and made it a great game.
2004-10-08, 05:30 PM
2. Better Controler
Are you insane?
2004-10-08, 05:44 PM
I have a PS2 and an XBox, the XBox being my newest system. Yes, i do like the XBox, But i prefer the PS2. And if some on said ill give you 4 games, but you have to give me one of your consoles, i would get rid of the XBox, i dont know why, i just prefer the PS2
2004-10-08, 05:52 PM
Double post, sorry
Both My PC's are better then an X-Box. My monitor is 23" My TV is 35"
I can bring My X-Box places, kinda hard to lug my PC anywhere
X-Box over PS2 GTAIII/VC
1. Better Graphics
2. Better Controler
3. Lower load times
4. No stinking memory card
5. Its X-Box, X-Box powns PS2 in all departments on a pure technical basis alone.
1. Not true, PS2 is easily capable of reaching life-like graphics, why dont companys make life like games on the PS2? they are too fucking lazy, PS2 and XBox are capable of the same thing
2. I disagree, the PS2 controller feels much more comfortable
3. This one is True
4. Good point, but lets say you wanted to show of your car collection in Burnout 3, you can do that with the PS2's memory card, and lets say, for some reason you have 2 XBox's because you like to link, and your main console (with all of your saved games) breaks? or lets say your HD breaks? then what are you gonna do? atleast with the PS2, you can transfer one set of data to an other console...
5. Yea it does, but that doesnt mean its better, like i said befor, developers are too fucking lazy to optimize code and all that crap.
PS2 wins :)
2004-10-08, 05:56 PM
Mag, it's a fact, XBox does have overall better hardware specifications, and if both systems were pushed to their limits, the XBox would reign supreme.
The reason I don't want an XBox is because it does not have NEARLY enough good, exclusive games out for it. Since graphics mean jack crap to me, just because a game has better have better graphics on a different system doesn't make it better for me...
2004-10-08, 06:49 PM
Halo on PC blows. I think it's so much shittier compared to the Xbox version. Halo on Xbox is my favorite game and it is just awesome. Halo 2 is going to pwnshit, and I've been waiting for this game for a long time.
PC is better than consoles for certain things, Consoles better than PC for certain things. And it's all a matter of preference, so any argument is kind of moot.
2004-10-08, 07:07 PM
Sorry but the X beats PS2 hands down when it comes to graphics.
Try running SSX Tricky SIDE BY SIDE on the X and the PS2 same TV's you'll see what I mean. The PS2 has pop outs, eddier graphics, and slows down at points... IN THE SAME DEMO REEL played on the X which looks smoother. Thats one RL example I have done.
2004-10-08, 08:44 PM
Well, that tells you EA really doesnt put a lot of effort into optimization, ie. Burnout 3 (i know its from EA) but every one says that B3 on the PS2 looks a lot better than the on on the XB
2004-10-09, 02:35 AM
MadCow, Rockstar is locked up?
After reviewing all the online crap I could, I found no evidence of this, the exclusive contract is over I.E. thats why you had the double pack for GTAIII/VC
And the petition is NOT pissing in the wind, what it does is tell Rockstar not to let SOE or anyone else "lock them up" again in the future because they are pissing on potential customers. Thats never a good thing.
Sony locked up Rockstar on the GTA series before GTA3 came out. It was actually a fairly risky move that just paid off tons for them. This is the last game that falls under the Sony exclusivity agreement. The GTA3/VC double pack didn't violate the exclusivity agreement because the agreement only protects for a finite period of time (ie, the game is released for 1 year on PS2 and can then be ported to any other console). If I remember correctly, the Sony/Rockstar contract actually expires at the end of this year so I'm curious to see if the X-Box will have to wait a full year for San Andreas or if Rockstar is allowed to start selling it January 1.
The petition is still pissing in the wind, though. Rockstar signed the agreement with Sony because at the time Rockstar was NOBODY in the gaming world. They needed the extra cash. They'd never make the same kind of move again, they don't have to any more. In the long run you'd have to say that the exclusivity deal worked out for both Rockstar and Sony though, they certainly never hurt themselves by signing it.
The only link I could find with a quick search was an older one from when the twin packs were just about to come out (which apparently happened because of a renegotiation of terms with Sony, not the window expiring after a finite amount of time as I though). It does mention the exclusivity deal lasting through the end of 2004 though.
2004-10-09, 11:15 AM
Double post, sorry
1. Not true, PS2 is easily capable of reaching life-like graphics, why dont companys make life like games on the PS2? they are too fucking lazy, PS2 and XBox are capable of the same thing
2. I disagree, the PS2 controller feels much more comfortable
3. This one is True
4. Good point, but lets say you wanted to show of your car collection in Burnout 3, you can do that with the PS2's memory card, and lets say, for some reason you have 2 XBox's because you like to link, and your main console (with all of your saved games) breaks? or lets say your HD breaks? then what are you gonna do? atleast with the PS2, you can transfer one set of data to an other console...
5. Yea it does, but that doesnt mean its better, like i said befor, developers are too fucking lazy to optimize code and all that crap.
PS2 wins :)
1. No. No it's not. PS2 cannot reach the graphical power of the Xbox.
2. That's a matter of opinion, personally, my hands are big, and the PS2 controller feels way too small, and square, and after playing for about 30 minutes, my hands begin to ache.
3. True.
4. They have memory cards - You just don't NEED them to save things.
5. Yes it DOES mean it's better. Compare any PS2 exclusive game to any Xbox exclusive game.
2004-10-09, 11:30 AM
my hands are big
2004-10-09, 11:33 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2004-10-09, 11:47 AM
Just buy it on PC
2004-10-09, 11:48 AM
1. No. No it's not. PS2 cannot reach the graphical power of the Xbox.
And I'm sure you are some kind of respected Software/Hardware engineer.
You don't have any idea what you are talking about.
2004-10-09, 12:08 PM
And I'm sure you are some kind of respected Software/Hardware engineer.
You don't have any idea what you are talking about.
You don't need to be, just look at the specs, HERE (
2004-10-09, 12:23 PM
Owned :lol: :lol:
2004-10-09, 12:31 PM
Double post, sorry
1. Not true, PS2 is easily capable of reaching life-like graphics, why dont companys make life like games on the PS2? they are too fucking lazy, PS2 and XBox are capable of the same thing
2. I disagree, the PS2 controller feels much more comfortable
3. This one is True
4. Good point, but lets say you wanted to show of your car collection in Burnout 3, you can do that with the PS2's memory card, and lets say, for some reason you have 2 XBox's because you like to link, and your main console (with all of your saved games) breaks? or lets say your HD breaks? then what are you gonna do? atleast with the PS2, you can transfer one set of data to an other console...
5. Yea it does, but that doesnt mean its better, like i said befor, developers are too fucking lazy to optimize code and all that crap.
PS2 wins :)
1. In graphical capability the XBox > PS2... just look at the specs...
2. Mad Catz makes a playstation sized controller... or you can buy the 10 dollar or whatever controller switcher that lets you use your PS2 controller on the Xbox.
3. Lower Load Times
4. You can buy a memory card that happen to be like twice the size of a PS2 memory card I think it is, never needed one personally... I still have 100,000+ blocks left.
5. No Comment... I own both...
2004-10-09, 05:00 PM
The specs of my PalmPilot pwn both of them so stfu.
2004-10-09, 05:08 PM
computers > consoles.
The hardware abilities of he Consoles go Xbox>GameCube>PS2
2004-10-09, 06:43 PM
I have a GBA GCN(jens but its at my house) PS2 X-Box 2 PC's P4 1.8gighertz + with 2 gigs of ram each.
I think I am covered.
2004-10-09, 11:12 PM
There are some games for console which would be rediculous to play on PC, such as SSBM.
This is what I need consoles for. Because Super Smash Brothers Melee is the best fighting game. EVER.
2004-10-10, 03:43 AM
Sports, platform, etc, and Halo=consols.
FPS's are easier on computer main because the mouse and a wider area to use buttons. Sports and other games are better on consols, as in a racing game. Do you want to constantly hit the turn button just to make a minor turn (assuming you dont have a joystick) or do you just wanna pull alittle on the analoge?
xbox>ps2, only thing ps2 has is like grand turismo and metal gear solid which is now everywhere. so ha.
the memory card does kind of beat xbox though, i mean if you xbox does happen to break.
2004-10-10, 08:02 AM
Burnout 3 was optimized for the PS2, so Burnout 3 is a much different story, since when it was ported to XBox, there were absolutely no graphical enhancements.
I've never truly seen what's so great about good graphics. Great... a game looks good. How does this effect gameplay? Not at all. When I'm purchasing a game, graphics is just about the last thing I look at... which is why XBox isn't appealing to me at all.
2004-10-10, 12:33 PM
Burnout 3 was optimized for the PS2, so Burnout 3 is a much different story, since when it was ported to XBox, there were absolutely no graphical enhancements.
I've never truly seen what's so great about good graphics. Great... a game looks good. How does this effect gameplay? Not at all. When I'm purchasing a game, graphics is just about the last thing I look at... which is why XBox isn't appealing to me at all.
Not true. Graphics help tell a story. Alot of games wouldn't work with crappy graphics, as some rely on it for parts of their gameplay (Thief 3, Doom 3, Splinter Cell)
2004-10-10, 12:41 PM
If MGS2's graphics were amazing for their time(They're still l33t) it would've been a horrible game with the dumbest story ever. Instead, it's a decent game, with good gameplay, great graphics and the dumbest story ever
2004-10-10, 12:51 PM
Not true. Graphics help tell a story. Alot of games wouldn't work with crappy graphics, as some rely on it for parts of their gameplay (Thief 3, Doom 3, Splinter Cell)
I didn't mean graphics don't mean anything. Obviously, some games do require a certain extent of graphics.
What I don't need are "flashy" graphics. For example, in some games, a lot of time and effort is put into making the water look pretty. Good job, how does this help the gameplay? None at all.
Some graphical effects are important, like footsteps in the snox, et cetera, but certain graphical improvements don't change the gameplay at all.
2004-10-10, 12:57 PM
They help the setting. Imagine if games like Half Life 2 had only MIDI tracks for its music, or no music at all. Sure, music doesn't change the gameplay at all, but it DOES help the game.
2004-10-10, 01:05 PM
Alright, I think maybe you misinterperted my post. I was overexaggerating when I said graphics mean absolutely nothing, but what I mean is that if a game has great gameplay but terrible graphics (RollerCoaster Tycoon 2), and another game had great graphics but terrible gameplay (DoA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball), I would MUCH rather choose the gameplay game.
2004-10-10, 01:09 PM
and another game had great graphics but terrible graphics (DoA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball).
2004-10-10, 01:10 PM
he meant terrible gameplay, methinks.
2004-10-10, 01:10 PM
Yes, I did... damn typo's and diverted attention...
2004-10-10, 01:10 PM
Yes but we are talking about the same game, in this case the GTA Series III, VC and SA.
GTA III and VC PS2 Vs X-Box... X-Box was the better system
SA is comming out PS2 only, which SUCKS ASS, and we might see at least a PC version in the middle of 2005.
Thanks Rockstar, you asshats, for ignoring us
2004-10-10, 01:12 PM
MrVicchio, don't be an idiot. They have a contract, barring them from releasing it on the Xbox at the same time, because that's one of the PS2's flagship games, and they don't want to lose it, because it will obviously play better on the Xbox.
2004-10-10, 04:13 PM
Yes but we are talking about the same game, in this case the GTA Series III, VC and SA.
GTA III and VC PS2 Vs X-Box... X-Box was the better system
SA is comming out PS2 only, which SUCKS ASS, and we might see at least a PC version in the middle of 2005.
Thanks Rockstar, you asshats, for ignoring us
Rockstar arent asshats. Sony is just really yanking their arm because the GTA series is the last great thing coming for the PS2.
There's a difference between moronic behavior and desperate marketing.
2004-10-10, 06:38 PM
One day someone will figure out that a PC in a little black box is infinitely better than a traditional console.
2004-10-11, 01:13 PM
Yes but we are talking about the same game, in this case the GTA Series III, VC and SA.
GTA III and VC PS2 Vs X-Box... X-Box was the better system
SA is comming out PS2 only, which SUCKS ASS, and we might see at least a PC version in the middle of 2005.
Thanks Rockstar, you asshats, for ignoring us
Thanks Rockstar, you asshats, for honoring your contracts and continuing to put out some of the best games we could hope for.
The contract ends after this year, going off over and over about something they have no control over does nothing. Now if they sign a new contract with Sony, feel free to get pissed and knock yourself out with internet petitions. Sony would have to put together one sweet contract to pull that off this time, they won't get off as cheap as the first time.
2004-10-11, 03:08 PM
Sony would probably have to pay RockStar assloads of money, and it would probably be worth it.
2004-10-11, 03:36 PM
You guys don't get it.
That Rockstar has an exclusive deal with Sony isn't the issue to me. I KNOW that even if I got 10 million gamers to sign a petition, the contract would stand. Thats that.
What I am trying to do, is in my own small way, perhaps add to the clamour of like minded gamers, that Rockstar is big enough now to forego such contracts in the future.
Yes, would I love to see an X-Box or PC version of SA come out this year... dude, don't get me started on the ways I wish that would happen. But I know it won't, period. But perhaps when GTA:VI releases, maybe they will realize the greater potential of releasing the game across multiplatforms instead of just a single one.
2004-10-11, 04:15 PM
It all depends on whether or not RockStar decides to extend the contract.
At the end of the day, it makes very little difference to RockStar whether or not the contract is signed. At the end of the day, when a GTA game is out on both PS2 and XBox, no matter when they come out, and which one comes out first, RockStar will sell the same amount of consoles.
The deciding factor is how much money Sony is willing to pay RockStar, and honestly, Sony could pay a lot of money, assuming they find it profitable. And the fact of the matter is, it probably will be profitable, as a game coming out for the PS2 only for awhile, especially if it's as popular as GTA, will sell consoles.
2004-10-11, 04:24 PM
nah, hey, if they want to port it, more power to them: it's an industry and the way to make money is to sell your product to as many people as possible. If I were you guys I'd be petitioning for GTA:SA though, not VC. SA is gonna be SICK. :nod: /me hugs my PS2
2004-10-11, 04:31 PM
I typoed that and am dying from embarrressment, trust me.
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